Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 435 Crotone's Choice

Dionysius not only released them, but also gave them some gifts.

These Bruty and Lucanian fighters originally thought that the captured prisoners would be miserable. They did not expect to be treated like this, and thanked the gods for their blessings.

With gratitude to Dionysius, most of the soldiers embarked on the road back to Asprostoum. Only a few people hesitated for a long time and decided to go west instead of passing Krapetia. Cross the mountain path between the Ophemia Plain and the Bruti Mountains and return to your hometown...


On this day, the 4th and 5th Legion of Dionynia, who had returned to Asprostum, had a total of more than 4,000 casualties, and most of them suffered losses during the retreat.

In particular, the first army of the Fifth Army was completely annihilated, and there was no news including the leader of the Fifth Army, Drax. A huge blow.

After all, the self-reproaching Felix was a veteran who was used to life and death and victory and defeat in the Persian battle. After the defeat of the General Assembly battle, he immediately realized that the situation was extremely detrimental to Dionia. He must cheer up and try again soon Build effective defenses to stop the Syracuse army from invading Dionysian territory and earn time for Davos to lead the main force back.Therefore, in the city of Asprostoum, he retrained the Fourth and Fifth Legions after the defeat and personally served as the Chief of the Fifth Legion.

Epidnis also let go of his pride at this moment, actively cooperated with Felix to train soldiers, and discussed with the Chief Executive Agassia how to strengthen the city's defenses.

At the same time, Philius also sent a ballista unit and engineering battalion to Crotone to enhance the Crotone's defense, because the Syracuse people had Nu guns. If Crotone had not, they would Increase the difficulty of defending the city.According to the new chapter of the "Dionysian Military Law", the principle of "to use ballistas to counter ballistas" was specifically mentioned in the chapter of defending cities.Crotone, as an important ally on the southern border of Dionia, cannot be occupied, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable, so Felix no longer cares about the request of the Ministry of Military Affairs that the ballista cannot leak.

In addition, Philius also sent Kuai Ma to recover the team that escorted more than 500 Lockley captives to Turi, and he hoped that these captives could be exchanged for Dionysia captured in the Siracusa army. soldier.

The failure of this battle also made him more cautious, and he also sent someone to send an urgent letter to the Turiyi Senate.Because he was worried that the Syracuse would bypass Crotone and take the Crimea with few villains and relatively weak defenses, hoping that the Senate would send a new army to Crimea.In this way, the three cities of Asprostum, Crimea, and Crotone are mutually horns and can support each other. Their defenses are thicker, more level, and safer.

The defeat of Trina led by Cipros did not follow the Dionysians into Asprostum, but entered the city of Crotone.Because Asprostum is small, it cannot accommodate so many people for a long time.And the addition of the Trina soldiers will also enhance Crotone's defense. Crotone is happy to be too late, and does not care about the rations consumed by the Trina.

It is important to know that Crotone and Triella’s troops belonged to brothers and brothers in this battle. They just separated the two wings of the coalition forces and were the direct targets of the other party’s reinforcement and attack.The Trina were chased by the Campania mercenaries and the Syracuse sailors, and finally less than 4,000 people escaped.The Crotonenes were attacked by the long support of Syracuse and the continued pursuit of the hired cavalry. (Numibia and Celtic cavalry were punished by the first brigade of the Fifth Corps in order to vent their anger and redeem their merits. , Part of the cavalry dragged the Dionysians and waited for the infantry to come to encircle, and the other part turned to the northeast to pursue the Siriting and Crotone defeat), and finally reached more than 8,000 people in the city.

Both sides lost nearly half of their citizens.

Apart from his grief, Cipros was secretly glad that he had made the correct decision in advance, so that the people of Trina had evacuated to the Bruty area of ​​Dionysia. He did not need to worry about their safety.

And the people of Crotone who experienced a fiasco a few years ago were once again in great sorrow, and in addition to the grief, they were more worried about stepping on the land of Crotone for the Siracusa army, Croto Can Nei resist the attack of this huge army.

The Crotone army plus Trina’s defeated soldiers, there are less than 2,000 Siritings, a total of about 14,000 people, plus the Council’s emergency mobilization of free people to participate in the war, it is estimated that there can be 20,000 defenders City, so the generals of Crotone have some confidence.

At the urgent and expanded Thousand Peoples Meeting, when someone mentioned: Crotone is now suffering heavy losses, should he consider a truce with the Syracuses, just like the previous truce with Dionysia in order to recover strength.

This proposal was opposed by most people, and even Lucias, who had always been accustomed to the situation and compromised, also refuted strictly. He said aloud: "You, Syracuse are different from Dionia, arrogant Dionysius will never sign a relatively equal armistice agreement with us when he occupies such a big advantage. He will definitely want our great Crotone to be his servant and let us pay a high amount of money. Gongjin, let our citizens shed blood for his battles everywhere, and even changed our democracy to the same dictatorship as Syracuse, just as he did in other Greek city-states in Sicily!...

And after Crotone became the so-called ally city-state of Syracuse, we have to face the bullying of our mortal enemy, Rocky, because Lord Dionysius married the sister of Rocky's chief general Demodokas. In the eyes of Dionysius, Locri was an accomplice of Syracuse’s invasion of Great Greece, and naturally had a higher position than Crotone.In this way, Lockley can use the power of Dionysius to humiliate us and even take advantage of Crotone's interests!Citizens, facing such a very likely future, are you willing to submit to Syracuse?!"

"Fight against Siracusa! Crotone will not become a slave to Dionysius even if he dies!" The citizens cried out in anger, and finally reached agreement on the issue of war and peace.

It was at this time that the emissaries sent by Felix came to Crotone City, and he brought not only the ballista troops, but also the promise made by Felius on behalf of the Senate of Dionysia: Dionia will fight alongside Crotone and fight against the Syracuse!Any difficulties in Crotone can be raised to Dionia, Dionysia will do his best to help solve!"

Dionyssia’s commitment and its actual actions (bringing the Nuo Artillery) moved the Crotonian citizens, greatly eliminating the Crotonian’s constant vigilance against Dionia.For the first time, the people of Crotone felt an unprecedented sense of security backed by a strong ally.


Felix's messenger ran on the avenue all the way, and changed horses three times through the roadside station. It took only half a day to bring the important battle report of "the defeat of the coalition battle" to the Turiyi Senate. It soon spread throughout the city.

Although the Turiri people are not as tragic as the people of Dionysia in Asprostum and Crimea, after all, the soldiers of the 4th and 5th Legion who participated in the war are mostly from the Bruti region, Aspestu. Mu, Crimea, but their shock is far better than these three areas.Since the establishment of the new city of Turiyi, they have received news of victory in every war. They are used to victory. For the first time, they have heard of defeat and panic has spread among the people...

On that day, many people went to the Temple of Hades to pray, hoping that Pluto would protect the Union from safety.In the afternoon, even the people of Amendolara and Bisinia came to the temple...


While the Senate was convening an emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures, in the Davos mansion, Christosia was discussing with several of his commerce executives the possible impact of the failure of the coalition battle on the property it owned.

"Madam, Syracuse should soon march to Crotone, and Asprostum will also be the battlefield, to ensure the safety of the bank. Should we... should be kept in Asp Where is the gold and silver in Rustum Bank temporarily evacuated from?" the bank supervisor carefully advised.

"The bank of Asprostum must not be evacuated!" Christosia said firmly: "You must understand that in the eyes of the public, Christosia Bank is not my personal industry, it is more Representing my husband, Archon Daveus! In this critical situation, even the Archon’s estate will be evacuated, so are the citizens in Asprostum still holding on to their faith! Um! there Not only can't you withdraw your bank, but you must open it on time every day!

In addition, you must also ask the bank employees in that city to face each guest with a more confident smile. If the Asprostum City Hall is financially tight and needs money, even if there is no interest, Must lend them!"

The bank supervisor was shocked at the last sentence and said helplessly, "Ma'am, I understand."

"How is the restaurant?" Christoia turned to another supervisor.

"Because of this war, there are now more guests in various restaurants than before, especially restaurants in the port of Turiri. After the maritime trade route was cut off by the Siracusa fleet, the favorite places for idle sailors and laborers Except that the arena is a restaurant, so the restaurants there are full every day, and the seats are not enough. As a result, some small conflicts often occur. I have discussed with the captain of the port patrol. He will send more people to strengthen the patrol in that area. .