Davos and Dionysian Seniors had never imagined that Dionysius had played Tarantum’s idea long ago, and the people of Tarantum faced the rise of Dionysian in the past two years. More and more lost, and the rejection of the Dionysians is also getting stronger, so the Diolamiras, a Tarantum citizen who has made a big mistake, can actually be re-elected as the governor. accidental.

After receiving the assurances of Dionysius from the Diocletian and Tarantum senate, on the one hand, they secretly contacted the pro-Tarantum people of the former allies, on the one hand, they watched the battle in Great Greece and displayed a pair Stand on the sidelines.After all, they had seen the strength of the Dionysian army with their own eyes. Without great assurance, they did not dare to take risks.It wasn't until the end of the Xiliting Conference Battle that the news of "Syracuse won a big victory and quickly occupied the towns of Siritin and Trina" reached Tarantum. determination.

The process of capturing Metapuntum is actually very simple: early in the morning, the Tarantum army raided Metapuntum, pro-Tarantum sent the city guard, secretly opened the city gate, and led them to raid The pro-Dionia faction headed by Tu de Pres (since Metapontum joined the unit alliance, with the support of Dionia, it has been Tu de Pres who controlled the right to mobilize the army).

"General, congratulations on winning Metapontoum!" A person from Isalokas came to congratulate Diomeras.

"No, Tarantum did not conquer the city, but the Metapontum people themselves got rid of the control of Dionysia and returned to the embrace of their motherland!" Dai, who had fallen in Tarantum for several years Omiras was obviously calmer than before.

"You are right, General! Metapontum is a sub-state of Tarantum, and Poseidon and Frantus are the common believers, not Hades. They should have united together!" Salokas immediately took the conversation and showed his heart.

"Master Isalokas, Tarantum Senate wants you to be the sole governor of Metapontum, and lead the people and Tarantum together to deal with the current complex situation in Greater Greece!" In fact, Taran Elder Tum has already agreed with Isalokas before, and Diomeras announced in public at this moment to publicly demonstrate his support for Isalokas.

"Thank you for your trust in the Old House of Tarantum and General Diomelas! I will definitely make Metapontum the most trusted ally of Tarantum, and at the same time restore it to peace!" Isa Rocas made a promise with a rising face.

Diomelas nodded and said in an imperative tone: "Please prepare the sacrifice immediately, I will go to the Acropolis to worship Poseidon, thank him for his help and forgive our offense!"

"Do it now." Isalokas said a few words to the person next to him, and the man ran away.

Isalokas turned back and said: "There is one more thing, I hope you get the attention of the general, Tu de Ples did not catch!"

"This traitor ran away?!" Diomelas frowned.

"He is very clever and has been prepared for a long time. When you first entered the city, he immediately led some people to run from the Simon. We have few people, we can't stop them at all, and there are many soldiers killed and injured." Isalo Cass said sadly.

Others also expressed that they had done their best and showed Diomeras the injury.

"Okay!" Diomelas interrupted them loudly, and the chatter of these people would only make him irritable: "Tuduples runs west, he can't run away."

Diomelas sneered, and it was only a trivial matter to catch Tudeples. He was more concerned about the progress of the troops led by Yomakas.

So, he said to Isalokas: "I left a large group of soldiers to help you stabilize the situation in Metapontoum. When I came out of the Acropolis, I will lead the army to Heraklia. Transport the heavy and The task of food is left to you."

"Relax, I will arrange it."


At the same time that Tarantulu attacked Metapontum, he also launched an attack on Heraclea.

Since Heraklia is still separated from Tarantum by Metapattum, so in order to achieve the effect of surprise attack, Tarantum's offensive troops can only come from the sea.When Heraklía’s interior should see Tarantum’s sea fleet landing, it can be prepared, inside and outside to open the city gate for the offensive troops.

However, since Daveus sent a reminder, Heraclea's governor Trifias has always been cautious about the east, and has repeatedly advised the city and port guards to always be vigilant.Therefore, when Tarantum's fleet quietly approached the coast of Heraclea while taking advantage of the early morning mist, the sentry of Herakliya Port Lighthouse spotted them in time.

So the alarm bell of Heraclea City sounded, and the citizens immediately armed and strengthened the defense in the city.

Heraclea is different from Metapuntum. It was built only a few decades ago, and it is far away from Tarantum. The influence of Tarantum is not as deep as Metapuntum.On the contrary, in recent years, it has been in close contact with its neighboring Dionysia, which is increasingly affected by its culture and trade. Instead, more and more citizens prefer to Dionysia.Therefore, Tarantum’s internal number in the city was very small. How could he dare to compete against the civil soldiers? When they saw that the defense was strong in the city, they dared to act arrogantly, and immediately stood down and hid.

Fortunately, the city of Heraclea was built a bit strangely. It was located at the narrowest point between the lower Agrig River and the Basentor River, so the Tarantum army could not land on the river bank near the city, because The narrowness of the territory will cause the landing to slow down, and the troops will not be fully deployed. Once the Heraklians decisively attack, the Tarantum who are still landing will be in big trouble.When landing on the south coast of the Agrig River, it is likely to be hit by Heraklia and Dionynia, so Yumakasi had to choose the landing point on the north coast of the Basto River.

The soldiers of Tarantum began to land quickly...

As the fleet of Tarantum entered the Basto River cruise, the Heraklians did not dare to send troops across the river to attack the enemies that were landing.

Trifias took the initiative and sent someone to burn down the wooden bridge on the Basentor River, not far north of Heraclea City. At the same time, he also sent a messenger to ride to the Turrii to seek help from Dionia.But beyond that, the Heraklians had no choice but to watch Tarantum's forces build up on the coast.

By the time Tarantum's army rushed to the Bassento River, the wooden bridge on the river had burnt coke.

You Macas had to order the troops to cooperate with the fleet to build a pontoon.

During this period, Trifias decisively led his army out of the city, attacked the ship with rockets, and interrupted the bridge-building operation of Tarantum...

Due to the attack by Heraclea, several passenger ships were burned in Tarantum, and Yumakasi had no choice at all. He had to urge Diomeras' troops to come as soon as possible...


During this period an episode occurred.

Tudeples fled west with the remnants of the enemy, and as a result, he saw the Tarantum who were landing.

There were obstacles in the front and chasing soldiers in the rear, and the fellow travellers panicked and asked Tu de Pres: What should I do?

Toddpolis had no time to think about it and said resolutely: "We are running north!"

"There are terrible Galaguos in the north!" someone exclaimed.

"Aren't the Galaguços more terrible than the Tarantum who want our life at this moment! Besides, they are like us, they are the confederacy of Dionysia!" After that, Tudeples took the lead north Running across the mountains.

At this juncture, other people had no other choice but to follow him over the mountains.

They arduously entered the sphere of influence of Galaguço, and were finally surrounded by Lucania.

After Tudeples made the announcement, the Lucanians of Galagoso not only ran away the chasers behind, but also took them to see the chief.

The chief of the Galagueso is different from the chiefs of other Lucanian tribal alliances, not because of the strength of his tribe and his political ability. It is based on the ancient Lucanian tradition through the tribal chief. The contest between them finally won and took this position, so its chieftain Kulom is a young and strong man.

After learning from the mouth of Tu de Ples that he had happened, he and the priest of Galaguço negotiated and decided: to temporarily let the fugitives of Metapuntum settle in the valley, and strictly order the tribes not to harm them .

Before you know, the Galaguço people used to be very hostile to the Metapontoum. In recent years, the relationship between the two sides has gradually eased because of the relationship of Dionia.But this time the reason for such a big change in attitude is not only because Galaguço and Metapontom are allies of Dionia, but more importantly, Galaguço just got it from Potentia News: The Dionysian army, led by the ruling officer Davis, defeated the invading Samone.

For the Greeks, the Samonais were just another barbarous mountain race.But the tribes of Lucania living in Galaguço knew this strong neighbor in the north, because their ancestors lived in the Beneventum area 100 years ago, and it was the Samone who drove them Here.

From generation to generation, the Galaguso people are deeply afraid of the Samone.When it was heard that nearly 50,000 people of the Samonaite invaded Potentia, the first thought of the Galaguos was: We are afraid to migrate again.

Therefore, they always pay attention to the movement of the Samonei. As a result, Davos led the small Dionysian army to completely defeat the Samonei and gave the Galaguos a considerable shock.