After repeated unsuccessful demands, the Laos took off their masks in disguise and launched an attack on the Lahe Fortress.

The Fortress of Naina is located in the narrow part of the river bank and the mountains, and Laos cannot exert the advantage of more troops.And Taglu led more than 200 soldiers with tenacious defenses with small but strong fortresses.

Until the afternoon of the bloody battle, the Laos army was still unable to penetrate the fortress.After receiving the request for assistance from the Lahe Fortress, the nearly 2,000 civic soldier reinforcements urgently called by the head of the Niutum chief Hermon arrived in time.

When the Laos saw the other party's power, they slowly retreated...


At this time, the flames of fire were everywhere in Dionysia, and the dark clouds of war gathered, and the people of Turiyi really felt fear. They often gathered in two places: one is the Temple of Hades, hoping to get this The powerful Pluto protects the uneasy mood; the other is the square in front of the Senate.

The people once again appealed to the Senate: Let the governor Daphes become king, because only in this way can Dionysia overcome this difficulty, Hades has foreseen all this!

This time, the noise of the people is obviously much louder than the previous two days. The elders in the elders' hospital were panicked because of the bad conditions that have been passed on. The protests of the people made them wonder how to do it.

"Plesinas, see what you have done! Hurry up to stop your tricks, let the people of Turiri return to peace, and let Dionynia return to order, otherwise the Senate will not function properly, everything will be messed up. Now!" Kunogolata finally couldn't help but get angry at Plesinas.

"Master Kunogolata, please be careful. This is the oracle of the goddess Hades. It is the spontaneous appeal of the people. It has nothing to do with me! Instead of quarreling with me here, you might as well think about it. Satisfy the needs of the people and calm down their anger!" Plessinas, the priest in charge of the Temple of Hades, resolutely retorted.

"Masters, it is not a big deal to have Lord Davos as king. Isn't the position and role played by Davos in the past few years not playing the power of a king! Is it just a lack of a name? That’s it. Don’t you now look forward to Master Davis coming back early to help us defeat the strong enemy and save the alliance? In fact, since the establishment of the alliance, Master Davers has been our biggest dependant and the people outside. Now the brutal Syracuse is approaching us, to make the Alliance the second Siritan, and let us suffer like the Siritan people. Lord Davers, who has Hades’ protection, is our only rely, What are you still hesitating about?" Mariji's tempting words shocked everyone.

Just when some elders thought about it and others wanted to refute it, the gate of the venue was pushed open, and the captain ran in, with incredible excitement on his face: "Masters, Turi...Turi is alive !Turi is alive!"

"What are you talking about...Turii is alive? Make it clear!" Scombrus shouted dissatisfiedly.

Kunogolata took a few steps forward, and asked in disbelief: "You mean that the Turi fountain started to come out again?!"

"Yes, lord! Just when the people shouted,'Lord Master Davers,' the Turi fountain was resurrected, and now the spring water has flowed to the square!" The excited guard captain did not forget to add A sentence: "Masters, this is a sign!"

The elders looked at each other and were shocked, including Mariji, Plesinas and Kunogolata.It is important to know that in this age of god-respect, the Greeks most valued the signs of the gods.When praying to God, worshipping, coughing, windy, raining, thundering, etc., sudden anomalies will be regarded as deity manifestations.The well-known Turi fountain became a waste spring after the old Turiyi city was burned by the Crotones. It has dried up for many years, but this time it has started to recover the water again. What a sign!Although most Greeks believe that the spring water is under the jurisdiction of the sea god Poseidon, some people think that the above-ground fountain should be controlled by Hades because it comes from the ground.

"Let's go and see!" Kunogolata couldn't hide the consternation and curiosity in his heart. He walked out of the senate without hesitation, and the other veterans followed.

The people who had gathered in front of the old courtyard all ran to the outer edge of the square on the left side of the old courtyard. This is the old site of the Turi fountain.

The Turui people once attached great importance to the Wangquan water, which borrowed its name as the city name, and built a large pool for it. There are several wonderful statues of the goddess of the spring and the fairy Ningfu, clothes**, splashing water This is a lively place for children to play in the water, old people to rest and relax, men to talk about politics, and women slaves to draw water.However, a large fire not only destroyed the pool statues, but also the Turi Springs were not gushing. There were rumors of free people: this is the punishment of the gods for betraying the Turi people.

As a nostalgia for the past when rebuilding the city of Turiri, Heraclied let the craftsmen build a circle of stone walls to enclose the spring mouth and look like a well.In the past few years, it has become the most obscure presence near the Victory Square.

Now, hundreds and thousands of people have been surrounded by water, but the people who were worried about the security of the alliance are now dancing with joy.Seeing Kunogolata waiting for a veteran to arrive, they immediately shouted: "Come and see, respected adults! The great Hades heard our cry and he responded!"

"Even Hades agreed, and let his descendants, our Daves, become kings, what are you waiting for!"

"Let Lord Daphes become king, then we can be blessed by Hades, drive the enemy out of his homeland, and restore peace to Dionys!"


"Let's be quiet for a moment, let's take a look at it first!" Kunogolata said loudly patiently.

The people quickly gave way.

Kunogolata stepped on the water and walked in. They saw that the half-meter-high "stone well" was already filled with water, and the water continued to flow out of the well and flowed to Victory Square, forming a long waterway.

Kunogolata reached in, the water was clear and biting, and a strong upward force at the mouth of the fountain held his palm.

That's right, the Turi fountain is alive, this can't be fake!Kunogolata withdrew his hand and wiped the clothes.

"This spring is really sweet!" Mariji took a sip of water and praised it aloud, attracting other veterans to follow suit.

Kunogolata looked at this clear and clear spring water, which could almost clear his appearance, and he was really lost in confusion: Is this really the expectation of the gods?!

But the people will not give the veterans too much time to think, looking at the eagerly looking eyes, the veterans know that they must give them a clear answer today.

After a brief and intense discussion, Kunogolata announced to the people on behalf of the elders: "People of Dionysia, the elders' court, after consultation, accepts your request and elects Archon Daveus as... ...For the king of the Dionysian Union, of course, this requires the permission of Davis himself!..."

The Kunogolata hasn't finished speaking yet, and the people have cheered: "King Davers wins!!!!"

Back at the elders' home, most of the elders were somewhat confused.Although Daveus was a lifelong governor of Dionysia before, he was also a veteran of the veteran's courtyard, and his status was similar. Now he suddenly becomes a king, and his status is much higher than that of these veterans. This drop makes them have a strong sense of loss.

Kunogolata coughed a few times and wanted to warn everyone to get up and carry out serious discussions on the major issue of "Daveus as King" and how to reasonably limit his power.But he hadn't spoken yet, and the captain of the guard hurried in again.

Kunogolata's heart suddenly "giggled", and he really heard him anxiously shouting: "My lords, some ships of Syracuse's fleet are docked on the coast north of Castellon. It is said that there are Hundreds of people landed in preparation for a sneak attack on our coastal villages!"

Everyone was shocked that the Crotonian fleet's looting of the village of Dionia was going to be staged again.

Fortunately, before this war, Davers had considered the absolute superiority of the Syracuse fleet and had thought that this might happen. Before he left, he ordered the military department to make some deployments based on previous experience. .For example, a coastal observation post is set up on the east coast of Dionia, each coastal village has a simple defensive facility, and a small company camp is set up between several villages...

Without waiting for Kunogolata to make a decision, Capps stood up and said decisively: "I demand that the troops be immediately led to stop these Syracuses who go ashore to avoid greater losses to our people. !"

The veterans had no objections to Capps’ battle. In fact, at the moment, only he was familiar with Dionysia’s unique army tactics and was able to lead the war.At this point in the war, there were only a few dozen senators in the senate hospital.

"It seems that we need to recruit freemen again." Kunogolata's expression was heavy. At this moment, the source of the Turiri citizen soldiers was nearly exhausted. Only the freemen were recruited in the port area, and the number of freemen there was in large numbers. Apart from the sailors of the Dionysian Fleet and the logistical transport of labor from the army, there is not much left.

"We can also ask Castron for assistance." Cornelius's reminder made Kunogolata's eyes bright: yes, Castellon still has troops!