Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 473 Syracuse's Shock

After everything was arranged, Fasi Pesas was still a little worried: "Adult, if it rains a few days after tomorrow..."

"You can rest assured about this problem. I specifically asked several old fishermen who have lived here for decades. They all agreed that it will be sunny from tomorrow. You see that the rain today will be much smaller!" Dionysius looked around the crowd and inspired: "Everyone, you must seize these two days and build enough siege equipment as soon as possible! Fasi Pesas, your task is a bit heavy, in order to prevent the siege tower from being on the ground Muddy, unable to drive to the north gate of Crotone, you must build at least five strong causeways, can you do it?!"

"General, you have allocated enough manpower for me, this is no problem at all!" Fasi Pesas promised.

"Very good!" Dionysius looked confidently at everyone: "Everyone, two days later, we will attack Crotone again! After this battle, I will be at the Temple of Apollo in Crotone. Celebrate for you inside, don't let me down!"

The generals swear in unison: "Apollo is on, we will definitely break the city of Crotone!"

The atmosphere in the tent was warm, and Dionysius was also affected by it. He smiled and said to Master Phoebe, who had remained silent. "Daveus dare to profess to be king. Is there no punishment for Sparta?"

You must know that before the Hippo War, Sparta once called a "liberator", and they also declared themselves to be liberators, because they overthrew one after another on the islands of Greece and even the islands of the Aegean Sea. Regimes, such as the descendants of Pisistratus, the tyrant of Athens, and the Areuada family of Cesari, etc., so the Greeks once thought that Sparta was extremely hostile to the dictatorship.

Fibidas glanced at Dionysius, sullenly said: You only know that Davis, why not look at yourself first?!

Of course he couldn't answer like this, but responded coldly: "Isn't it enough if there is Syracuse as a punishment?"

Dionysius laughed.

At this moment, the tabernacle opened, and the attendant hurried in, whispering beside Dionysius.

Dionysius's smile immediately froze on his face, and his face immediately became extremely ugly. With a roar of "Ah!", he suddenly kicked the table next to him, and then grabbed the attendant with one hand and screamed: " What about Leptinis! Where is this damn bastard?! Let him roll over to see me!!!"

The attendant was frightened by Dionysius' anger and said with a trembling voice: "Adult... Lord Leptinis... wounded, in his camp... receiving treatment..."

"Let this coward immediately roll over to me! Even if he is dead, he will carry his body over to me!" Dionysius roared with anger and cold voice.

"Yes...Yes..." The servants of the imperial officials ran out of the account.

There was silence in the tent, and only Dionysius' rapid breathing and pacing were heard.

"Is the fleet experiencing setbacks?" Finally someone asked the question everyone wanted to ask.

Dionysius glared and found that the person speaking was Phoebe Das, and only this Spartan dared to speak when Dionysius was furious.

Dionysius looked at him, turned back and sat back on the wooden chair, and exhaled heavily: "It's more than frustration, it's a big defeat!"

A big defeat?!Everyone in the account was surprised.

"Sir, is it that... the Carthaginians are fighting?" Fasi Pesas asked cautiously.

Everyone's heart tightened: With the strength of the Syracuse navy, only the Carthaginians can be called opponents in the Western Mediterranean.If Carthage entered the war, Syracuse in Sicily might be a little dangerous!

Faced with more than ten pairs of slightly panicked eyes, Dionysius felt more suffocated in his chest: "Don't think too much, Carthage did not participate in the war, it was the fleet of Dionysia... alone defeated our navy, let More than 300 of our warships... lost two-thirds of them, and nearly three of the three-tier paddle warships lost..."

what!!!The big tent was like a blast, and everyone could not believe the fact that the Syracuse navy would be defeated so badly in the face of the Dionysian fleet, which is far weaker than it!

It should be known that since the last naval battle was defeated by Carthage, after several years of construction and accumulation, Syracuse finally made it possible for the number of warships to reach 500, including more than 300 three-tier paddle warships.This time he went to Great Greece. In addition to leaving dozens of warships to stay in the port of Syracuse, Leptinies all went with the team, and then sent dozens of warships in Messina to block the profits. Jim, control the strait.The rest of the warships were led by Leptinis personally, and they all participated in this naval battle. The result was actually defeated, and it was lost to a Dionysia who did not have a warship a few years ago!This is simply...

"Don't be noisy!" Dionysius, who was already irritated, was even more upset by the disputes between the generals: "What happened to this naval battle, and I will know it when Leiptinis comes, Keep me quiet now!"

As soon as the voice fell, the silence again resumed in the big account.Only this time, the restless and irritable people became everyone in the tent.

With the order of Dionysius, Leptinis came quickly, and saw him stumble into the big account, thumped and knelt on the ground, trembling and said: "Big...Master, I...I am guilty !"

Dionysius saw that his head and arms were wrapped in linen, and the blood dyed it red, and it looked miserable, and his heart rose a little, and he was immediately overwhelmed with anger: "You came just right, everyone really wants to know How did you kill more than 300 warships!"

There was endless hatred in his whispering voice, and Leptinis couldn't help shivering several times.

Dionysius looked at him like this, he was even more angry, grabbed the iron sheet that had just been picked up by the guard on the table case, and threw it violently, hitting Leptinius' forehead, and the blood bleed immediately. When he came out, he didn't dare to cry.

"Hurry up!" Dionysius yelled at him.

"Yes! Yes!" Leptinis replied in a burst.

The generals who had been angry at him felt at this moment that he was a little pitiful, but Phoebe's expression was comfortable.The Spartans were disobedient to be beaten with sticks by the instructors. When they grow up, they will be beaten if they fail to pass the training assessment, and they will be beaten if they fail to fight... The Spartans are ruthless to their citizens, more to the black soldiers, to the Allied soldiers Ruthlessly, this stick violence often discourages other city-states from approaching Sparta, and Spartan citizens have long been accustomed to this.So Piddas even felt in his heart: The general who caused huge losses to the city-state should be hung up and beaten to death.

Leptinis shuddered and gave a brief account of the entire naval battle.

After listening, Dionysius looked calm and fell into thought: "You mean... The Dionysians installed a wooden bridge on the battleship, which can hook the nearby battleship and then rely on the soldiers to board the battle. And won?"

"Yes... yes. Their wooden bridge is very flexible and can turn in all directions, so that our warship cannot attack around the back." Leptignes quickly defended.

"Now that you know that the collision strategy doesn't work, why don't you retreat in time?" Dionysius scolded.

Leptinis was speechless.

"He wanted to seize the new king of Dionysia and end this war." Fibidas sighed: "So that Davos guessed your idea in advance, so he took his own Be a bait to lure your warships to attack desperately, and thus capture your warships in large numbers, leading to your fiasco... Davis is really an amazing commander!"

Dionysius glared at him, and Piddas didn't care.

Fasipesas found a problem in Leptinis's narrative and asked anxiously: "General Leptinis, listen to you, those warships captured by the Dionysians are nothing too Great damage, can't they use these warships to deal with us soon?"

Everyone's face changed.

"Uh...this..." Leptinis didn't know how to answer.

"Humph! The Dionysians need to have so many sailors to expand their fleet!" Dionysius' words reminded the generals present: Yes, Syracuse was captured by three Hundreds of layered paddle warships require at least 30,000 or 40,000 sailors to restore their combat effectiveness.Judging from the current situation of the Dionysian Union, the young and middle-aged people have been invested in the expanded army and navy to cope with the fighting in many places. They should not be able to provide such a large number of young and middle-aged manpower.And no one can become a qualified sailor immediately, which requires a long time of training.The experienced helmsman is not so easy to get together!

The generals were slightly relieved.

"Leptinis, your failure caused a lot of trouble to our army!" Dionysius asked with a look of indignation, "I will ask you now, if Daioni The Asian Fleet is attacking. Do you have the confidence to lead the remaining warships to defeat?"

The generals immediately turned their attention to Leiptinis again, which made him feel more nervous and scared. He subconsciously touched the bandage wrapped around his head with his wound. , In order to win a trace of sympathy for his brother.

"Speak quickly!" Dionysius screamed, frightening him and said: "If... if the Dionysian fleet can be led to the deep sea, as they slowly work around, I... I have certain Overwhelm them. Their warship erected a wooden bridge so large on the front mast, it is easy to cause the warship to have a heavy head and a light tail, not only...not only the speed and flexibility are poor, but also the wind and waves at sea It’s easier to capsize when it’s big, but... if you’re near—” Leptinis looked up carefully at Dionysius and immediately lowered his head, lowering the volume and saying, “We are afraid that our fleet will resist their attack head-on. …And still fail...” At the end, his voice was completely weak.

Dionysius was not as angry as he was at the moment, and he calmed down to think about it. He had to admit that the novel naval tactics of Dionysia caused a lot of trouble for Syracuse. Anyone who is the commander of this fleet will suffer a big loss without knowing it.