The Herald did not answer, but emphasized again: This is the order of King Daveus!

Mattoniston said nothing at all, he ordered out loudly: "Tell the captains of the various commanders to lead the brothers to retreat, very slowly and slowly!"

For the experienced heads of the regiment, no more detailed instructions from Daveus are needed, they all know how to deal with the incoming cavalry, and the seventh corps of the regiment is sent to the front of the team.

When the Numbian cavalry and the Celtic cavalry chased the Dionysian cavalry and came to the Dionysian formation, they saw that the long array of infantry was retreating, and the guards behind the heavy infantry were light In the scattered line formed by the infantry, they fired arrows at the enemy cavalry, which made it impossible for the Numibian cavalry to get close to the array and throw javelins.

Although these aliens are fierce, they will not be silly to hit such a large army. They stopped chasing and kept a safe distance from the Dionysian army...


"What are you talking about! The Dionysians are retreating!" Dionysius, who had just crossed the east bank of the Tachinadi River, was more anxious when he heard the report of Axirita, and he was afraid of Dionysian. People found that they quickly retreated and then retreated to the north bank of the Neto River before he led the army there. Then the efforts made in these two days were in vain.

"Order the troops to accelerate, don't let the enemy run away!"


"Wait a minute!" Fibidas shouted suddenly.

Although Dionysius was unhappy that he had interrupted his orders, he also knew that there was no reason why the non-speaking Spartan spoke at this critical moment.

"You just said that Dionysia's "array" is on the back. You used the word "array", why?" Fibidas asked Axirit directly.

Axi Rita hates Fibidas's rude tone, but he knows that Spartans are not easy to be annoyed and said impatiently: "Yes, I am talking about'array', because the Dionysian was originally Lined up in retreat."

Dionysius jumped in his heart when he heard this.

"What kind of array?" Fibidas asked.

After thinking for a while, Axi Rita simply drew a "one horizontal line" on the mud with his toes: "Like this is very long and very long..."

Piddas bent over, looked at the ground, and asked, "Which direction are we in?"

"Here." Axi Rita tapped the "one horizontal" front with her toes.

The speculation in Phoebe’s heart was confirmed. He looked up and looked at Dionysius. Shen Sheng said: "I’m afraid that the new king of Dionysia was already prepared for our plan. He is arranging a Zhang Dawang, wait for us to rush into it in a hurry. By that time your soldiers will be exhausted, there is no complete formation, and they are not opponents of the Dionysians. What awaits you is failure."

Dionysius looked down at the ground that had just been wiped by Axirita's feet and fell into contemplation. Although he did not want to believe that the temptation plan he had implemented with all his heart had been seen by the young man of Dionysia Instead, he was tempted by the other party, but Fibidas’ words were like a slap in the face, making his face hot, but fortunately, this war relationship survived. He didn’t think about it, but just coughed a few times and said : "So what do you think we should do now?"

"Stop the move immediately, arrange the formation, and press it up at normal speed!" Phoebe drew the "one horizontal" in front of the "one horizontal" with his foot.

"If you do this, the time is too long, and the Dionysians are likely to escape." Dionysius said worriedly.

As a bystander, Fibidas can maintain a calm mindset: "Let them escape, better than defeated by them."

After listening to silence, Dionysius was indeed in the middle of his heart.

He turned his head and looked back at the sky full of dust and mist stirred up by a large, rushing march...

Looking closely, the dense soldiers passed quickly in front of his escort. Although the armor and shield spear were only picked on the shoulders, the sweat was already soaked in the lining, and the rapid breathing sounds gathered together, and even some shock...

Looking further ahead, except for the occasional mercenary cavalry galloping on the vast Croton Plains, everything is quiet and abnormal, but the Dionysian army may be waiting for work where he can't see...

Dionysius hesitated for a while, and finally made up his mind: "Fibidas, just do what you said, I decided that you will arrange the formation."

Phibidas did not postpone, his face excited, which was exactly what he wanted.

"Do I need to withdraw all my men?" Axirita asked.

"You and Gaba's cavalry continue to expel the enemy's cavalry, to prevent them from prying into our formation, and at the same time you must pay close attention to the enemy's movements." Fibidas began to order: "And... you come to tell me, The details of the array of Dionysians..."


After noon, and no trace of the Siracusa army, Davers was puzzled.Fortunately, although the Dionysian cavalry was suppressed and the enemy could not be observed, the Dionysian fleet was traversing the sea, and they had detoured to the coast of the southern plains of Croton, because there was no discovery of Syracuse that should be retreating. Zha Dajun, the doubtful Midolades dispatched the Clippers decisively to quietly land on the secluded beach, and sent sailors to the shore to investigate, and soon they discovered the secrets of the Syracuses.

It turned out that the Syracuse was in formation!After receiving the news from the Clippers, Davers's mood was a little complicated, not to be regretted, or expected.

He whispered to himself: "It seems that you Dionysius is still cautious. Since you don't come, then I will let us make a decisive victory!"

"Order, the whole army turned around and marched south!" Daveus gave the order aloud with pride.

"Why did you go south again?" Many soldiers were puzzled and dissatisfied with the order back and forth.

However, the commanders of the legions and senior team officers have foreseen the approach of combat, and militants such as Amintas and Matonis have become excited.

"Your Majesty, the 5,000 reinforcements of Crotone and Trina have arrived!"

Daveus heard the news, and his spirits rose: "Great! Who is the general?"

"Trina is Cipros and Crotone is Milon."

Daveus froze: "Milon? Milon expelled from Crotone?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. I have confirmed that it is him! After this war broke out, he was recalled by Crotone, and after the fall of Crotone, the Acropolis people were urgently elected as generals. "Tolmed knew that Davers would have doubts, so he made an investigation in advance.

These two generals are old acquaintances!After the second Crotone War, Davers knew about Milon's commanding ability.In contact with Cipros, Davies even believes that "He is a political figure with a broad-minded, flexible mind, and the most visible trend in the center of the Southern Italian League city-state."

Both were not weak, and Davos was relieved, and he asked again: "Are the reinforcements they lead are heavy infantry?"

"There are only 300 light infantry, and the rest are heavy infantry." Tolmed replied.

"In this case..." Daveus thought a little, and said: "Let them line up at the left end of the First Army and advance with the army."

"Arrange at the far left?" Thormed, who understood Davers' battle plan, asked with some uneasiness: "Your Majesty, there may be the focus of the enemy's attack. Can they block the enemy's attack?"

"The Syracuse captured their city and slaughtered their loved ones. Their hatred of the Syracuse is far better than ours, and their fighting spirit is stronger than our soldiers! I believe they will never fight even to the last person. Will not flinch!" Daveus said slowly and firmly.

"I get it." Thormed didn't hesitate anymore, turned around and drove to the heralds, and was stopped by Devers: "You tell Milon and Cipros in person, because the military situation is urgent, I can't get there Greet them. The war is coming, I hope they will do their best to prepare and work together to avenge the Syracuse people who have violated our homeland and crucified our people!"

"Yes." Tolmed excitedly performed a military salute.


Crotone and Trina’s troops descended the hill and went to the north gate of the city to exit the city. On the way, they saw all the broken eaves and devastation, which increased the anger in the soldiers. Sipnos finally managed to control the small number of Numbian cavalry who only dispelled rather than chased and harassed, and finally caught up with the Dionysian army marching south, receiving the order from Tolmed, Milon and Cipros were relieved.

Because their troops came from the east, just at the far left of the entire array of Dionysian troops, just expand the team and connect with the Dionysian First Army without spending more energy, You know, the soldiers are panting all the way.

Seeing the spirit of the two commander generals relaxed, Tolmed couldn't help reminding: "Two adults, according to His Majesty's analysis before the war, our left wing will be the focus of the enemy's attack. You must be vigilant!"

"Why?" Milon and Cipros asked in unison.

Before each battle, Davers will explain his combat intentions to the regimental commander and senior team officers in detail to ensure that they can execute smoothly.What's more, the war is about to begin, and Tolmeide has no need to hide. He said righteously: "Because there are more soldiers in Syracuse than us, His Majesty led his army to cross the Neto River and let the Seventh Army Travel along the east bank of the Tachinadi River. In this way, if the Syracuse people want to take advantage of the crowd, it is their best choice to focus on attacking our left wing."