Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 709: Sicily's Strategic Deployment (2)

There was a rage in the hearts of everyone.

"Syracuse is indeed worthy of our attention!" Ciplos said solemnly, and the others also changed their faces: Carthage was enough for them to eat, plus a weak Syracuse... …The original agreement with Sparta and Carthage enabled Syracuse to be more completely preserved from the defeat of the Southern Italian War, but now it has become a fishbone stuck in the throat of the Sicilian territory of the Kingdom of Dionia .

"As long as Syracuse dares to declare war on us, then wipe it out!" Kreru said with hate.

"It must also wait until the army of Carthage is defeated." Leotizides said in a deep voice: "With our existing Sicilian forces, we cannot fight two enemies at once!"

Milon stared at the map, thinking and asking, "General Prossius... It seems that you have regarded Syracuse as an enemy. In case you will face the joint forces of Carthage and Syracuse in the future, you What are your plans?"

Carthage and Syracuse are feuds, is it possible for them to form an alliance?!Some people were surprised.

Leotizides did not pay attention to the appearance of everyone, but looked at the map with equal concentration, and then said his own thoughts: "My plan is to concentrate most of the soldiers on Lake Palermo (in the column Camping near the north of Ortini, the southern edge of the Catania Plain), and will Paraguaia—"

The wooden sticks of Leotizides pointed to a small village on the southwestern edge of the Catania Plain and continued: "The southward area of ​​the Catania Plain is mostly rolling hills with an altitude of four to five hundred meters and rich trees. It is not easy for large forces to pass through, only traveling from Paragonia to Jera diagonally south, this journey is easier to go.

I decided to transform Paragonia into a solid defensive camp and station enough soldiers to prevent Carthage’s army from intruding into the Catania plains from here."

"General Prosius." Tonias, the chief general of Tonis, interjected with concern: "If Syracuse and Carthage form an alliance, Carthage's army will most likely pass through Syracuse City, from the coast to Taunis, thus attacking Katane!"

"It's very possible." Leotizides nodded and said: "So I set up the camp to the north of Leotini, neither within 40 miles from Taunis or Paragoria, Once the enemy situation is discovered, our reinforcements can arrive within a few hours. At the same time, the Carthaginians want to cross the mountains and sneak attack on Leotini, and I can also reinforcements nearby."

Leotizides' words made the generals of Leotini and Taunis feel relieved.

But Miron was not satisfied, he reminded loudly: "It is impossible to repel the Carthage army by defense alone, and eventually there will be big problems!" During the Rotone War, he wanted to use Crimea to block Dionia’s army, but he did not expect to be bypassed by Crimes led by Davers, captured Asprostum, and attacked Under Crotone.

"Master Miron, don't forget the Sikel people." Leotizides drew a circle in the center of the map of Sicily with a wooden stick, and said unhurriedly: "Sikel people live here In the mountainous area, he is good at harassment and sneak attacks. When Dionysius led his army to attack the northern coast of Sicily more than ten years ago, the Sikels were responsible for harassing the rear of the Carthaginians, creating a lot for the Carthaginians. Big trouble. Now that the Sikel people are under our control, we can organize thousands or even tens of thousands of Sikel warriors, divided into several teams, lurking in the mountains not far from the coastline. The basics attacked, and they could also attack their logistics supplies.

And the more the Carthaginians attacked the east, the longer their front line would be, and the entire rear was under the attack of the Sikels. As long as we can hold the Paragoria and the column longer, Ortini, Tonis, and the Carthaginians will be able to fight for a long time, and the rear will continue to be attacked.By then, it is the best time for my troops to attack!"

The confidence in Leotizides' face diluted the concerns of the chief executives.

However, Milon still asked perseveringly: "What if the Carthaginians took the sea instead of land and landed directly in the big port of Syracuse?"

Obviously, in this regard, Leotizides also considered in advance, he said meaningfully: "This question should be answered by the Navy."

At the meeting, the Fleet Commander of the Dionysian Third Fleet immediately stated: "Masters, please rest assured that as long as the Carthaginians dare to land in the large port of Syracuse or other coasts in eastern Sicily, our fleet All of their soldiers will be sent to the sea to feed the fish! In addition, according to His Majesty’s order, while the First Army is heading to Walsey, the First Fleet led by Lord Sekerian will be ready to go south and Our third fleet will converge, and within a few days, they will come to Katana. By then, we will have more than 500 warships, large and small, and even force the Carthage fleet to dare not be on the south coast of Sicily. Cruising!"

"Since our navy is so powerful, why not stop the Carthage army from landing in Sicily directly?" Siculi Chief Executive Apirosia asked with expectation.

Apirosia used to be the head of a large clan in the city of Udière in the Mesapi region. When the Mep’s Allied forces were defeated and the Dionyan army was about to attack Udière, he was the first to surrender, so he got Davos's attention, and finally entered the Senate.Since Udie is not a seaside city, he is not very familiar with naval warfare.

"First of all, we have no way of knowing when and when the army of Carthage will land in Sicily. It will take at least six or seven hours to sail from Katana to the western end of Sicily. When our fleet arrives, maybe Carthage The landing of the people is over,” Flarios explained patiently: “In addition, Carthage’s navy is also very strong. They have at least 400 three-tier paddle warships, and it is rumored that they have also made The five-story paddle warship... Also, hurriedly went to the west end of Sicily to prevent the Carthage from landing, and it was too close to the city of Carthage, and the warships in its port could rush to the reinforcements in time, and our fleet will fall into Encircle..."

Flarios' words made Apirosia touch his mouth a little embarrassedly, and also made several other Chief Executives with the same thoughts out of their minds.

At this time, Cipros interjected: "I think... For these friendly city-states on the South Coast, let us not make the relationship so rigid. When they come to ask for help, we sincerely tell them the difficulties we are facing and ask them Express my sincere apologies and allow them to retreat the people into our territory when the Carthaginian army is under pressure. When their towns are surrounded and unstoppable by the Carthaginians, we can also send a fleet The people there rescued..."

Felixius's eyes lit up: "It's a good idea to do this! With the back road back, I believe that these Greek city-states will not easily surrender to the Carthaginians, and have won more time for us!"

Leotizides did not speak, apparently defaulting.

Amiclis protested loudly: "Your eyes are only on the south coast, and the Carthaginians are also likely to attack from the north coast. Don't forget the lesson of the destruction of the old city of Messina! Now the city of Messina There are few villains, but they can’t stop the attack of the Carthaginians!"

"Of course I will not forget the North Coast." Leotizides glanced at him proudly, pointing the stick at the map: "I still remember Lijim helping the exiles of Katana and Naxos in Mi Is the small town built by the Syracuse destroyed by the Ley Peninsula? I have decided to use the abandoned stones and wood to rebuild a small fortress and station thousands of soldiers. Once the Carthaginians send troops Attacking the north coast, this fortress will use the narrow terrain to stop the Carthage army for at least six or seven days, and then the reinforcements can arrive."

Speaking of this, he looked at Felixius: "If Sicily's strength is tight, I also hope that the Ministry of Military Affairs can send the Seventh Army to Messina as soon as possible (the seventh army is stationed near Lockley)."

"I think there is no problem at all." Felixius immediately promised: "Your Majesty has already discussed with the Ministry of Military Affairs. As long as the war situation requires, not only the Seventh Army, but also the Sixth Army and the Fifth Army may be affected. Urgently sent to Sicily."

"The unified command of these legions?" Leotizides then asked again.

"The army has arrived in Sicily, of course, under your unified command." Felix replied without hesitation, apparently having obtained Davis's prior consent.

Leotizides was satisfied, and he looked at Flarios again: "I think the Navy will not allow Carthage's fleet to bypass the Mile Peninsula and land near Messina. "

"Of course! Sicily's south and north coasts near the east will be under the protection of our warships! They are absolutely safe!" Franos said firmly.

"I'm relieved!" Amiclis was relieved. He is a person who likes stability, so he always led the Castron people to follow the strong Dionia, and wait until Dionysia He defeated Syracuse in one fell swoop and occupied most of the land in Southern Italy. The event that Laos and Trina took the initiative to merge into the Kingdom of Dionia also touched him. He soon convinced the members of the council to hold citizens At the General Assembly, the referendum requested to join the Kingdom of Dionysia.He was able to stay in the privileged position of the Chief Executive of Messina for four years. This is the rebate of Davos and the Senate to his past contributions.

Calm was restored in the venue.