Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 749 Trainee Judge Praika

Plaka, who returned to the city from the port court, seemed a bit worried. If he followed his usual habits, he would definitely stop at the port market passing by, because the market at dusk was always filled with a carnival atmosphere, acrobatics, Dances, tricks, funny performances...Various entertainment programs attract tourists to watch, while the small vendors put on a variety of exquisite and small handicrafts, or a variety of fragrant foods, screaming and soliciting customers ...The port market from dusk to evening is the world of street performers and small vendors, and it is also a good place to stroll around after the dinner of Turiyi people.

In the past, Plaka would stop here, listen to the bards, taste the sea fish fried with olives, buy some vanilla porridge with mint or thyme flavor...but today, His footsteps kept coming, and finally he squeezed out of the market.

In front of him is a group of magnificent temples, from the original Temple of Hera, to the Temple of Hercules, the Temple of Apollo, and even the goddess of the snow-capped mountains of Amara, Lukania. Asinu, the patron saint...This area is called "the land of the gods" by the people of Turiri. Even in the daytime, the temple is bright and full of believers (of course it is impossible to compare with the Temple of Hades), At dusk, the believers mostly dispersed, and the majesty and emptyness of the temple reappeared.

The chanting of the priests of the gods in the main hall emerged from the thick stone walls and the towering pillars, lingering around Praka's ears, making his mood a little calmer, but he did not slow down.Only when passing the Temple of Hera, he stopped, because he saw the pure white carriage parked in front of the temple and the heavily armed court guards. He knew that this was Princess Dionysian and God Hera. The temple prince, Agnes, is about to go home.

In order to show respect, he stayed in place, and many people like him watched the beautiful and kind princess smile and waved at them, then boarded the car and left.

Going further north, you enter the outer city of Turri.A foreign businessman who came to Turiyi to do business once said this: "The inner and outer urban areas of Turiyi are like nobles and civilians. One reflects elegance and order, and the other shows liveliness and vitality. The two are so harmonious, there is no conflict and contradiction..."

What the foreign businessman did not understand was that the formation of the inner and outer urban areas of Turij was not caused by the difference in status, but because of the different time when the people of the inner and outer cities joined the kingdom.

The residents of the inner city all joined the Dionysian Union before the establishment of the kingdom. The residents of the outer city mainly joined after the establishment of the kingdom. It is because the residents of the inner city joined in the time of the union’s inception, they have more opportunities to participate in governance Alliances, winning wars, and winning awards, so most of the citizens in the inner city are either veterans, kingdom officials, or army team officers. Of course, they have also made great sacrifices for the survival and development of Dionysia. Citizens in the inner city died of war or were disabled.

There are also many veterans in the outer city, most of them joined after the establishment of the kingdom. They come from southern Greece, eastern Sicily, and Apulia. There are also many people who have become senior officials of the kingdom through their own struggles. Plaka is one of the senior military officer citizens, which makes many citizens who have just settled in the outer city, preparatory citizens and free citizens do not envy those big figures, but hope to become them through their own efforts.

In fact, the outer city is not chaotic. It is bound by the laws of Dionysia and strictly managed by the inspection department. People who want to develop in the kingdom generally do not break the law and create obstacles to their future. Therefore, the outer city The order is also better than many Greek city-states, except that there are too many residents in the outer city, and the members are complex. In addition to kingdom citizens, freemen, Greeks from other city-states, and other races from various places, it is more difficult to manage. It is inevitable that there will be some contradictions and conflicts. This is also a headache for Judge Turriy. The affairs are too complicated and trivial.

If he is usually on the streets of the outer city, he likes to observe the people chatting and chatting on both sides of the road, judging which are Dionysian citizens and which are foreigners, what occupations they come from, where they come from, and personality characteristics How... This may be due to the occupational disease of the judge.

In the long-term observation, he has summed up some experience of knowing people, but when the Dionysian people and the Gentiles are together, they can distinguish at a glance without thinking carefully.

Because the citizens of Dionysia are strong in physique, they walk wildly, and this is because they often eat meat and carry out military training for many years. And they always wear neat clothes when going out, and always wear leather sandals on their feet.On the one hand, they followed the doctor’s advice to prevent unnecessary injuries and colds (many people in the Greek city-states were barefooted); on the other hand, they could wear various medals on Bolton, which caused them to cause An important capital respected and flaunted by others.In addition, they speak loudly, laugh heartily, and are optimistic by nature. There seems to be no difficulty in overcoming them. This may be the demeanor of a citizen of a big country.Of course, the Greek language, which blends multiple ethnic cultures in the country, makes it difficult for tourists from other Greek city-states to understand...

Plaka’s home is next to the Persephone Arena. It’s almost March. Rugby games in the cities of the Kingdom have begun. The festival of fans’ revelry has arrived. However, people living near the arena will inevitably receive noise during the day. The residential area near the arena is not popular, and the price is very low, but for Plaka, who has not been a citizen of Dionysia for a long time, he has no more choices.

When he walked to the neighborhood of the house, he had to stop again and again and salute the neighbors who greeted him actively.It was only at this time that he threw away the troubles in his heart and tasted the respect that his neighbors gave him: yeah, although his background is very low, he was a domestic slave, but through his own efforts, he struggled from the bottom. Become a trainee judge of the kingdom. In the Kingdom of Dionysia ruled by law, the judge is undoubtedly one of the kingdom's public offices respected by ordinary people.

As he passed through the alley, he heard several neighbors who were enrolled in the Legion Reserve talking happily about the "the army is about to attack the Latium in the north", which accelerated the pace of returning home.

"You're back!" The wife greeted him and took the Placard bag.

Plaka "hmm" and walked into the courtyard.

"Master!" One man, one woman and two slaves greeted him respectfully.

Praka nodded solemnly and walked towards the main house.The reason why he lived there was not built into a two-storey building, because he did not have enough money when he got married, and later he saved some money, and was ready to rebuild it, but he met his wife pregnant and had busy affairs. I bought a female slave to take care of it, and then saved money to buy a male slave at the beginning of last year. I was thinking of letting him take care of his own land. I didn't expect the drought to delay for more than half a year, and it almost didn't come in handy.

"What about children?" Praka asked with concern as she walked.

"Emila hugged him out for an afternoon. After she came back, she was sleepy and drank some rice porridge. She is now asleep." The wife said, and asked again: "Oh, the dinner is ready, now Eat while it's hot?"

Plaka nodded.

His wife Kusnia quickly ordered the female slave to bring the dinner to the table.

Plaka looked down, and the dinner was pumpkin, pea, oatmeal, and she boiled a large pot, and her brows were suddenly frowned.It's not that he picks up his mouth, but that this thing has been eating for a month, and it's really a bit boring.

Kusnia was a little dissatisfied when she saw her husband, and said again: "There are some goat milk and cheese at home. Should I go and bring it up?"

Plaka knew that the goat's milk and cheese were reserved for the children, and he waved his hand.

"Will I go back to the market tomorrow and buy some wheat, grind it into flour, and make bread?" Kusnia said again.

"There is going to be war again soon. The wheat price in the market is not cheap. There is no need to spend that money. There are so many beans and pumpkins in the cellar that have not been eaten. If you don't hurry to eat it, it will be damaged." With that, he sighed in his heart: The drought for almost half a year almost consumed his savings. If it were not for the vegetables harvested after replanting his own fields, I am afraid he had to go to the bank to buy food.It’s already pretty good to eat now...

Thinking of this, he scooped a spoonful of sticky porridge into his mouth.

"Tell you the good news, today we have planted all the wheat in the fields!" Kusnia said loudly to make her husband happy.

As a Dionyan citizen, Pleika owns five acres of land. Compared with many old citizens, he has too little land, but it is not an easy task to prepare these acres of land. Obviously the male slave he bought played a great role, which further strengthened the decision in his heart.

"Kusnia, I have something to tell you." Praka looked up at his wife and solemnly said, "I decided to follow the army led by His Majesty to Latham!"

"You are just a reserve soldier, and even the Legion Reserve did not enter. Will they let you go?!" Kusnia thought her husband wanted to go to battle, she was not panicked, but just a little puzzled.

"I'm not going to fight against aliens, but His Majesty called on our casual public officials to voluntarily follow the army to Latham to participate in the governance of the occupied area. I decided to register."