Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 776: Siege Arrangement (1)

He looked back at the army commanders who were also observing the Tiber River, and said: "According to rumors, this Tiber river was flooded hundreds of years ago, and the middle and lower reaches of the riverbank were swamps and wetlands everywhere. Especially in this piece, so no race or power is willing to build here, only the Romans who were squeezed out by the Latins chose to settle here, and now they have become the overlord of central Italy..."

"But now that we are here, its overlord should give way!" Amintas said immediately. The victory of yesterday's battle and the congratulations of King Davis and his colleagues just now made him very impressed.

"Yeah, this is our goal, but we need to achieve it through battle." Daveus smiled slightly and looked at the commander of the Third Army: "Lizaru, I sent the messenger to Lavinim last night. Have you read your battle plan?"

Lizzaru immediately replied: "Your Majesty, you let our Third Army cross the Tiber River and build a camp on the north bank of the Tiber River to block the reinforcements from the Etruscan city-state and the Roman colonial city. Attack the Roman city from the north..."

"Yes, this is the task of your third legion." Daveus nodded and pointed his left finger upstream of the river. "There is a vertebral bridge three or four miles away from here. That is Rome and Etru An important land road for communication between the ria area, the Romans will probably not destroy it, you can use this bridge to attack the city of Rome. If the vertebral bridge has been destroyed by the Romans, it does not matter The Third Fleet will use their warships to build a passage for you to attack Rome. You have to block the reinforcements of the Romans and attack the city of Rome. The task is very heavy!"

Having said this, Daphes paused and asked: "I remember the last time you submitted a battle report that a company blocked the attack of more than 5,000 soldiers from Kautini, and finally ensured that they were surrounded and wiped out. , Is the captain of the company that completes this feat called Taglu?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"I hope that your third legion can have more team officers like Taglu, turn your camp into an iron wall, and completely cut off the reinforcements facing the north of the city of Rome! At the same time, the third legion should also be like a profit. The sword, from the north, gave Rome a violent attack, striving to break through the enemy's defense and open a gap for the whole army's siege!" Dave Sr. excitedly said.

Regarding King Davos’s ardent expectations, Lizaru, who was a small generation among the regiment commanders, was both excited and a little nervous: "Your Majesty, the Third Corps will do its utmost to complete the combat mission! But...because you want to fight on both sides ......Slightly insufficient."

Daveus hadn't responded yet, and Amintas said aloud: "Your Majesty, such an important task should be handed over to our First Army! You don't need to send additional troops to the First Army, we can complete the task successfully!"

"This task should be handed over to our Second Legion! The First Legion has repeatedly battled, and the soldiers are already uneven, but our Second Legion soldiers are full!" Matonis then shouted.

Stimulated by the heads of the two legions, Lizzaru immediately said aloud: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that our third legion will certainly be able to complete this task!"

"You both have important missions in the 1st and 2nd legions, you don't have to fight anymore." Daveus waved his hand to stop the quarrel between the two legions of Amintas and Matonis, and then relieved Lizaru: "You Don’t worry, the Third Fleet will work with you. The fleet infantry they belong to is not weak.”

Lizaru was very happy and asked quickly, "Your Majesty, when will the Third Fleet arrive?"

"The Tiber River has twists and turns, and the Third Fleet will need to spend more time to go upstream, but Hades blessed that today is the wind, and the slaves and laborers help pull the fiber. They should arrive soon. You must seize the time, cross the river by boat, and quickly build a camp on the north bank of Shiobashi, and you must also assist the Third Fleet to level the river beach so that they can push the battleship to the river beach. The crew of the third fleet Will be merged with you," Davers reminded patiently.

"I get it, Your Majesty!" Lizzaru suddenly remembered something and asked, "Your Majesty, if after a short while we cross the river by boat, we find that the Romans have no defensive vertebral bridges at all. Can I directly lead troops to kill them? ?"

"If there is such a great opportunity, of course we can't let it go. All our legions will cooperate with you to attack the city immediately, but I think the Romans should not make such a stupid mistake." Davers smiled.

A group of people smiled and came to the granary camp behind the port.

"Your Majesty, there are a total of 90 large barns and ten forage sheds in this campsite. The barns are filled with ground wheat flour, and one barn is about ... 3000 pounds. In addition to the forage and soybeans, the hay shed. We rescued 45 intact barns, four haylofts, and eight burned parts of the barn..."

After listening to Ledes’ introduction, Daphes praised: "It seems that the flour and forage are all ready to be delivered to the Roman army in Helniki. Ledes, Kuchius, your two cavalry regiments Arrived in time to seize this batch of food, which not only attacked the enemy, but also eased our military food supply. This is a great thing!"

Kuchius interjected: "Your Majesty, on the one hand, we are able to succeed because we came too fast, which was beyond the expectations of the Romans and made them unprepared; on the other hand, the Roman barn was too well repaired, very It’s strong, it’s fire and moisture proof, and it takes time to get them to burn. The Romans didn’t fix the walls, they repaired the barn very seriously, but they helped us!”

Everyone laughed again.

Daphes said seriously: "It is precisely because we have made sufficient preparations in advance, and the Romans did not expect that we will suddenly lead the army to attack the city of Rome directly, and there will be many mistakes, but we must be careful. , Don’t give the Romans breathing time."

The heads of the legions all smiled and nodded cautiously.


"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"You lead the Fourth Army to camp here, protect the granaries and the river port, and take charge of tomorrow's attack on Rome's western city wall." Daveus pointed to the towering city wall in front and asked, "Where do you think is the focus of your attack?" "

Oliver pointed to the long, protruding wall on the right side without hesitation. That's where Devers previously said that behind the wall is the largest slum in Rome: "Here! Of course it is here!" It’s too ugly, don’t take it, and destroy it. I won’t get a good night’s sleep."

Oliver's ridiculous words made everyone laugh again.

Daveus nodded and reminded: "According to the plan negotiated last night, Rome's nobles and civilians had a deep contradiction. We must find a way to alienate them and divide them so that they cannot fight together with us."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Olivers answered seriously.

After arranging the matter outside the west wall of Rome, Davis led the regiment heads around the Roman wall and rode eastward. The court guards guarded him, and the cavalry of the first and second cavalry regiments followed closely. Therefore, even though Roman soldiers on each section of the city wall saw a group of high-ranking Dionysian generals in gorgeous armor and headgear helmets appearing a hundred meters below the city, they were looking towards the city wall, and there were more than ten military flags behind them. , Dared not rush out of the city to raid.

A group of people watched while walking, and soon reached the easternmost end of the Roman city wall, and then fold to the northwest along the city wall. At this time, Daphes said: "Amintas, you led the first army to camp here."

"It's finally our First Corps, and I thought your majesty you forgot us." Amintas complained loudly.

"Of course I won't forget." Daveus said solemnly: "The First Army as our most powerful army in Dionysia, the tasks you undertake are naturally the most difficult. From here to the Tiber The city walls are the offensive range of your First Army. You must exert enough offensive pressure on the Romans!"

"Your Majesty, you can rest assured that I will not only let the Romans know the strength of our First Army, but also from here to enter the city of Rome!" Amintas said confidently.

"In addition, the wall section here is very long, but the offensive force is the least in all directions. After the city is broken, the Romans are likely to escape from here. You must ensure that you try to intercept them all!" Davers solemnly Said.

Amintas froze for a moment, then answered: "This... of course there is no problem!"

"Also, you should pay attention to the location of the camp of the First Legion is the furthest away from the main force of other legions. Not far east from here, there are several Roman colonial cities, so the First Legion is likely to become the main focus of Roman reinforcements. Object." Daveus reminded solemnly.

Amintas's expression also became solemn, and he nodded.

"The Mountain Reconnaissance Brigade will camp with the First Army, but they have important tasks to perform and will not attack the city with you."

After listening to Daveus, Amintas looked at Izam, and Izam smiled at him.


"At!" The middle-aged Duques no longer escaped as they were when they were young, he responded respectfully.

"In order to prevent suspicions from being seen by Roman soldiers, you should not go to the Tiber River to survey the terrain during the day. The rainy season in Rome is from December to February, which has long ended, and although Rome did not suffer from drought last year, according to information The number of rains is less than in previous years. As we have seen in the downstream just now, the water flow is gentle and the water level on the shore has dropped, so your chances of success are great."