Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 817 Clumsy Assassination

"Sacrifice deity! Which deity?!" The young man asked urgently.

"It's not just civilians..." As soon as the woman's words came out, she realized that her husband was also a civilian, and he calmed down and said: "It's Diana, Vesta, Kelles, Liber, and Le These gods, Bella."

The young man was shocked, lying on the bed without talking, but thinking in his heart.

Konya was born in a noble family in Rome. She had no troubles since she was a child. At the time, her father wanted to marry her to Gaius Lisinus Stolo, even though the young man was already in Rome. Fame, she was a little reluctant, because in this way she could become the first aristocratic woman to marry a civilian, she worried that she would become a joke among the Roman aristocracy.But after getting married, her husband's appearance, talent and understanding, gradually dissatisfied her dissatisfaction, and the marriage life of the two became more and more harmonious.

At this time, she saw her husband's face became a little ugly, and quickly asked: "Storow, what's wrong?"

Stolot said solemnly: "The Dionysians are trying every means to win over the civilians. I am afraid...they will really be deceived by the Dionysians and give up...Rome."

In fact, yesterday, after hearing the contents of King Dionia’s speech from the people who came to him to talk to him, he was amazed: because the promise made by the King Daveus is what the Roman civilians have been tirelessly pursuing. Things, he had already realized the intention of the Dionysians, and now the King of Dionys, regardless of the dignity of his Greeks, went to worship the gods worshipped by the Roman civilians. To the extent, he was really worried that the civilians who had been in conflict with the nobility all fell to Dionysia, thus seriously weakening the Romans’ own power, and it may lead to the defeat of Rome in this war...

Thinking of this, he was very worried. He even had a few more pleasures in his heart and blurted out: "I was thinking that if the elders and nobles on the Capitolin knew what the Dionysians are doing now, they would definitely I regret that I have always been too harsh on civilians..."

Conya looked puzzled and didn't understand what her husband meant. She was inexplicably angry: Stolo was not good at this. Sometimes she spoke too esoteric and made her unable to understand, just like her father Ambustus.

She couldn't help thinking of another thing: I remember once when she went to visit her sister.Her brother-in-law, Servius Sulpicius, was a nobleman and had just served as a military and political officer. When he came back late, he saw that the door of the house was not opened in time. He even let his team members use the legion’s badge to knock the door Have to "bang".She was afraid of seeing this situation, but was ridiculed by her sister, saying that she had never seen the world.

Of course she was very angry, she left her sister’s house angrily, and later told her father about it, Ambustus comforted her and said, “Don’t worry, one day you will be in your own home and surprise your sister. It won't close."

Until now, she didn't want to understand what surprises her sister in her family...

Thinking of this, she began to miss the family of her parents and sister who fled to Mount Capitolin.

At this time, Stolo looked out of the window, and he suddenly thought of a problem: King Dionysia left the fortified square and went to the mixed Aventine Hill. Perhaps it was a good opportunity for those people to catch Is this an opportunity?!

Although the Dionysian ordered the Romans to stay at home as much as possible, anyone who wandered the streets would be subject to strict cross-examination, but Stollow, who had hopes in his heart, decided to send out a slave to investigate the news.

As a result, the slaves were hurried back shortly after going out, because Deaulia's army had imposed martial law on the main street.


However, in the southern part of the Roman city, Davers did not prohibit the Roman people from going out and watching, but just let the soldiers of the Fourth and Fifth Legions build a warning line along the way.

For safety's sake, Daphes also forbids his son Crotokatax to accompany him, leaving him in the senate.

The people of Rome rushed to the side of the road and clearly saw behind the legionnaires that King Dionia, who once wore a magnificent dress on the square, is now dressed in a robe, completely dressed by Roman residents when they went to the temple to pray. There are also ten men in the same costumes (dressed by the court guards of Caldias, Emirius, and Maltius), followed by hundreds of court guards...they are watching the thousands of Roman people Next, climb the Aventine Hill.

The Temple of Diana is the largest temple on Aventine Hill. It was built in the time of King Servius and has a long history and many believers, so Daveus made it the first temple to worship. .

Originally because the Dionysians occupied the city of Rome, the Roman people were forbidden to move around, and this temple was also indifferent.But today Daveus lifted the ban, so many Roman people were put in the courtyard of the temple, but the middle passage was blocked by the soldiers of the legion.

Daveus stepped into the courtyard, which also attracted the attention of the Roman people, while Diana's priests and attendants were already standing at the gate of the temple and waiting respectfully.

After saluting to Daphes, the old priest with white hair, amiable and friendly Diana frowned at the group of entourages behind Davies and said embarrassedly: "According to the oracle, the temple only allows Daphes The king went in to worship alone."

After listening to Amelius's translation, Daphes immediately asked aloud: "Doesn't the temple allow everyone to go in for worship! Today, more than I want to worship the goddess, and they! "

After speaking, Daphes pointed to the people around him, and said a little ridiculously: "When did Diana Temple, which treats everyone equally, began to learn from Greek temples, and it was only open to dignitaries. Alright?!"

Dave's words reached the ears of the Roman people in the courtyard, and there was an uproar.

In most regular Greek temples, the main hall is usually not open to the public, and can only be served by priests. The public can only pray and sacrifice at the sacred altar in the courtyard, or ask the priest at the apse, only in the city-state Only during major celebrations or in distress, can the consul or general enter the main hall and pray for blessings in the face of the god.Roman temples are different from Greek temples. They allow people to enter the main hall to pray to gods, and even the temples on Mount Capitolin, but only a limited number of people. This may be related to the Romans' respect for utility and utility.In this respect, Dionia is somewhat similar to Rome, and also allows believers to enter the hall.

The priest heard Amirius’s loud translation, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes. He had been a priest for so many years and had enjoyed the respect of the Roman people. He was rarely questioned face to face, and he didn’t know how to refute. Shen Sheng said: "This is the oracle of Diana!"

"When did the priest receive the oracle?" Caldias suddenly asked aloud.


"When is this morning?"

"Uh... at breakfast."

"King Daveus decided to come to worship after having breakfast. I'm afraid I'll be too early to have breakfast when I tell you!"

"...Goddess Diana... knows everything..."

"I don't know how you received the oracles by the priest?"

"Livestock... No, bird accounts."

"According to Rome, is it not used to predict good or bad fortune, when can it be used to determine how many people can enter the temple to worship?"

"This... this is the power of our Roman priests, you Greeks don't understand."

"As far as I know, the priests in Rome have never used the method of bird occupation to determine how many people can enter the temple to worship. Do not believe you can ask the people in the courtyard or even ask the people outside."

"What the hell are you?!"

"I am also a clergyman, so I would like to learn from you how to divin with such precision that the goddess Diana only allows one person, not two or three... enter the temple to worship! If I can do it I will surely become the most powerful divination priest in all of Greece! So I think you must be the most powerful priest in the entire Latin region, right?!"

"This this……"

"And... I would like to ask, such an important divination must have assistants and witnesses, who are they? Are they qualified for divination?"


The continuous questioning of the Temple of Caldia made the priest Diana pale, sweat started to spit out, and her speech stuttered until she was speechless at last.

Due to the intentional loud translation by Emirius, the people in the courtyard saw that something was wrong.

"King Dionia, did you come to worship the goddess in good faith?! Would you like to go in?" A servant next to the priest interjected suddenly.

Daveus turned his head and looked straight at him, his eyes gleaming.

The attendant bowed his head in a guilty conscience.

At this time, Maltius, who had been paying close attention to these tense temple attendants, whispered in Amelius' ear.

Amelius immediately glared at them, and suddenly shouted, "Are you carrying a sword?!"

The shout was like a thunder on the ground, and the priests and attendants were terrified, and the people in the courtyard were surprised, because the temple was never allowed to carry weapons, which is disrespect to God, not to mention the closest. God's sacrifices and servants.

The temple attendants thought the conspiracy was revealed, and one of them simply shouted, "Diana oracle, kill the enemies who violated Rome!"

With that said, he drew the dagger hidden under the white robe and rushed towards Davers.

Several other attendants also withdrew their weapons and rushed up.