Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

862 The decision of the Samone Tribal Alliance

"Lesguk, this is what you call the damn trick of enemies! 5000... 5000 heroic Samonei warriors are gone like this! And my best friend Ucibic... Ucibic !......"

Segowani scolded, but his eyes suddenly turned red: Usibic and his age are similar, the two tribal territories are adjacent, playing together since childhood, and establishing a deep friendship, so on Kautini After the death of a great chief, Ucibik gave up his position as a competitive chief and gave his full support to him, he was able to defeat Quinduk and become the new chief of Cautini; and after he was captured, he It was Usibiq who joined other leaders to withstand Quinduk’s pressure to re-elect the chief, actively cooperated with other tribal chiefs, and finally rescued him...

Segovani was anxious and irritable, and his eyes must be reported. It was very difficult to get close to. He had few friends. He only had a deep friendship with Usibic for decades. When he heard the news of his death at the moment, he suddenly lost control of his emotions.

"Lesguk, don't blame Segovani for scolding you. You have been guilty of guilty for more than ten years, and you haven't been vigilant against him, and you haven't found any signs of Abenirum's mutiny in time. For this failure, You really have a lot of responsibilities!" The chief of Pentney Badani also accused him, thinking that he was worried about starting a war with Dionia, but he was persuaded by Lesguk, and the result is that the war is now. The coalition forces lost one after another, and the Pentene people suffered heavy losses. His dissatisfaction with Lesguk was also increasing.

"Okay, since things have happened, what use is it now to blame each other! That damn traitor once sworn solemnly in the face of the high priest, but still betrayed our entire alliance of Samonei, which is still the first in the history of our race Once, who could have thought of it! Although the plan to lure the enemy was proposed by Lesguk, it was decided by our joint negotiation. At that time, no one had issued a warning. Be careful of Abenelum and Potenti Asians, we all neglected..." Karatni Chief Contruc sighed. As the oldest of the four chiefs, although he was hot-tempered, he knew at this moment that he needed more assurance in times of crisis The unity of the entire tribal alliance.

"Now the Dionysian Allied Forces have entered the mountains and are a huge number of troops. Our homeland is under serious threat. Then we must take immediate action to stop the enemy’s further invasion and protect our territory and People!" Contruc reminded extremely solemnly.

"In this way, we must stop the siege of Naples, which is a bit of a pity." Although the chief of Patterney said, but there is no expression of regret on his face, in these days the Samonei Allied forces are ravaged Most of the city-states of the Campalia League, but they have no way to take the city's high wall and Naples. They attacked several times and lost some soldiers, but they did not see any hope of breaking through the wall defense.

The siege capability of the Samonei tribal coalition is lacking. If it was not for the fact that there was an enticement plan to be implemented earlier, the army had already withdrawn from the encirclement. Now the enticement plan has been broken, so the other three have no objections.

"But where are we going to withdraw our troops to meet the enemy? You know that the Dionysians were still near Aquilonia a day ago, and there is no update on them now. This is located away from Aquilonia There are only 200 miles. When we lead the army to Aquilonia, the Dionysians will no longer know where they are going." Badani asked an important question.

"Lesguk, do you have any suggestions?" Contruk asked. After all, the Dionysian forces were operating in the territory of Hilpini, and Lesguk should be more familiar with the situation there.

When he heard the news that "the army stayed in the mountain area was defeated", Lesguk was shocked, then ashamed, and then feared... Therefore, when Segowani and Badani accused him, he still Thinking hard about how to deal with this crisis, although he was a little angry in his heart, he did not show it. As Contruc said, he needed the entire tribal alliance to work together to get rid of Dai Dai, who was raging in the territory of Hilpini. The Onia coalition, he glanced at Segowani, who was still in grief, and he thought to himself: I did not find the abnormality of Abenerum, but you occupied a closer connection with Abenerum Nakonia, who has planted a lot of cronies in his territory, has also not found the movements of Abenirum's army.

Of course, he won't say these words

"We should retreat the army to Beneventum! Not because I am selfish, but because Abenerum, who is very close to Beneventum, has betrayed Samoney. The coalition organized by the Niahs can successfully pass Abenirum and attack Beneventum! Once they occupy Beneventum, then Kautim will also be greatly threatened—"

Speaking of which, Lesguk looked at Segowani, and he firmly believed that even if the great leader of Cautini mourned the death of his beloved friend, he should understand that losing Beneventum would cause Cautim What a threat, after all, the two towns are adjacent to each other, but they are only more than ten miles apart, and Kautini is located on a small plain among the mountains. The terrain is not dangerous, so he believes that Segowani will eventually support himself.

"What if the Dionysians did not attack Benevento, but continued to attack north after conquering Aquilonia?" Badani immediately raised his concerns because he was worried about heavy soldiers The defense of Bereventum led to the emptiness of defense in the east of the mountain. If the Dionysian army went all the way north, it would threaten the territory of Pentene and Karacheni.

Therefore, Contruc also expressed concern.

Leskok shook his head and said: "The Dionysian coalition will not do that, because our army is not only stationed in Beneventum, but can also attack Abenerum, and the occupation of Abenelum not only protects the card The security of Utini’s territory can continue to threaten Potentia through it. I am afraid this is what the Dionysians are worried about."

"Lesguk is right, I agree to withdraw to Beneventum!" Segowani expressed his support aloud, completely without the grief and indignation that had scolded Lesguk before.

The chiefs of the two most powerful tribes in the league reached an agreement. Contruk and Badani actually had no more choices, not to mention that they also thought that Lesguk made sense.

As the four discussed the withdrawal, Badani couldn't help but say: "Actually we...can consider a truce with Dionia..."

The three heard it and they were shocked: Since the war with Dionynia, the Samone Tribal Alliance has suffered successive losses and suffered heavy losses. Many tribal leaders have complained, and even their own confidence in the war has been shaken.

However, Leskouk first spoke out against: "We tore the covenant, declared war on Dionysia, invaded the Dawn area, and looted the Campania League. This is a serious violation of Dionysia. The taboo of man is that the tough King of Dionysia could not have peace talks with us at all. He wished that he could completely eliminate us who kept him in trouble, so we can only continue to fight until there is a turning point."

Lesguk understands that if the Alliance of Samone really surrendered to Dionysia, he would be the first victim, because Gailny, who had already surrendered to Dionysia, would never spare him, so his attitude Very determined.

"Turn around? What turn?" Badani asked slightly gloomy.

"Defeat the Dionysians in the next battle! Or wait for Dionysians to be defeated in other battlefields!" Segowani took the lead, and he was also clear in his heart: If the alliance of Samonais really wants to be with Dior Niah had a truce, he would never have good fruit to eat, because he was the perpetrator of the war, and he also lured Quinduk, who was led by Dionysia, and killed and arrested so much. The Nakonian people who believe in Hades.

But he would not say this, but found a more sufficient reason: "Badani, don’t be stupid! Think about a tarantum that tore the covenant and fight against Dionia! South After the Italian War, they surrendered Dionysia and became the free city. As a result, their territory was greatly divided and they could not have their own army. The citizens of the entire city-state were kept in captivity like cattle and sheep. Don’t you Wish our Samoney alliance become the second Tarantum?! Even if we want to negotiate, we must cause more trouble for Dionia and force him to take the initiative to negotiate, so that we can get more in the negotiation. Equal status, making peace more conducive to us!"

"Peace talk?! Well, we are the descendants of Savoni, and we must not succumb to any forces! As long as the independence of the alliance cannot be guaranteed, we will fight to the end, even if it is dead!" Contruk is the oldest, but the fighting spirit is the most vigorous And also shouted to Badani in the tone of his elders: "Take your courage, the soul of your father wandering in the temple of Savoni is still waiting for you to wash his shame!"

Faced with the strong opposition of the three chiefs, Badani played haha ​​and said: "You are right, the alliance can only fight Dionysia in the end, there will be a way of life..."

Late at night, a messenger from Beneventum rushed to the Camp of Samone, bringing the news that "an army is stationed in the territory of Abenerum", which added four more chiefs to immediately withdraw their troops to Bay Nervum's urgency.


At the same time, a clipper from Enona was draped in the night, guided by the light of the lighthouse, and sailed into the port of Naples.

Soon, the candles in the Naples Council Hall were lit, and the high-level leaders of Naples, the high-ranking Allied leaders, and the generals of the gang of reinforcements came one after another.