At dusk, the Dionysian Allied Forces dug trenches, cleared the weeds and trees in the camp area, and initially built earth barriers... The entire Allied Forces Camp showed an arc-shaped ellipse with Potentia at both ends The army and Abenirum army camps are further north, and the Dionysian army camps are southwest, because the east side of the hill is not completely continuous. It has some low hills. Alexis considers In order to support the weaker Abenerum people, the camp will be extended to the break of the hill on the east side (located behind the Abenerum camp) to avoid the partition of the hill due to the hill. The connection between the Benilum camp and the main force makes it likely to be the focus of enemy assault.

At this time, the main force of the Samonei coalition was only able to reach Kautim due to the bloated team (carrying a lot of slaves and belongings), and the harassment of the Campania army.

At night, Lesguk carefully planned the night attack on the Dionysian coalition camp, the main target was the Potentians.

Although the cautious Alexis reminded Pollet in advance, the Beneventum night raid caused some confusion to the inexperienced Potentia warriors.

Subsequently, Alexis, who received the news, immediately dispatched reinforcements.

Leskok was unable to further expand some of the advantages he gained because of his lack of military strength. Before the enemy's reinforcements arrived, he let the soldiers burn down some tents and then quickly retreated.


Also on this day, Zantiparis led half of the reserve army, departed from the port of Enona, took a fleet, bypassed the Sorrento peninsula, landed on the coast near Pompeii without any obstruction, and then successfully recovered Pompeii has been looted.

Then, he sent troops to easily recover Oplontis, not far from Pompeii, who was also empty.

After eating lunch, Zantiparis left 200 soldiers in each of the two cities, and then led 3,600 soldiers, marching eastward into the territory of Nakonia, some of the residents and priests of the small town of Paparia (This town was burned down by Segowani, and its residents have been in close contact with the Naconians for many years, and many people can speak Samonei) began to shout "for Quinduk" in Samonei The slogans of revenge, drove the Kautim people out, and my free Nakonia..." resonated with the original tribe of the Nakonian tribe.Especially when they saw the Hades priests and Baparia residents they knew in the team, they immediately had a good impression on the team. Therefore, the army of Zantiparis was supported and welcomed by many Nakonian people. Some people keep joining the team on the road.

After Seguwani lured Quinnduk and occupied the territory of Naconia, he was busy cooperating with other tribes and attacking the Campania League. He just slaughtered some Naconian people who fanatically believed in Hades. , Forcing all the tribes to succumb, allowing them to send almost all the young and middle-aged people, and making them attack the Campania League, while leaving 500 soldiers from Kautim stationed in the city of Naconia.

As for the subsequent forcible relocation of several large tribes of Naconia to other areas, and then relocation of several tribes from Kautim to Naconia, occupying the vacant land... and many others completely control Naconi The measures in this region of Asia have to be implemented in the future due to the short time, but the tribes of Nakonia have already felt the crisis of survival, especially the brutal behavior of the Kautim warriors in the city. The anger in the people of Konya.

When Kautim warriors stood at the head of the city and were shocked by the large ranks of enemies under the city (half of them were the people of all the tribes of Nakonia, Zantiparis ranked them behind the queue, so the city The soldiers of the city cannot see clearly), the people in the city were delighted by the arrival of reinforcements, and began to take action.While they were all defending the city, the Kautim fighters burned the temporary camp of the Kautim fighters in the city.

Seeing the blaze in the camp, the Cavutim warriors were even more alarmed. How could they not know that the city of Nakonia became as dangerous as the outside of the city, and their homeland was in Cavutim, and they had no determination I have to swear to guard this town that has nothing to do with them, so when I see the situation is bad, I immediately go to the city, trying to escape from the east gate without the enemy.Unexpectedly, javelins were shot from time to time on the houses on both sides of the street, killing the fleeing soldiers, and on the streets in front, the people in the city blocked the road with wood, mud bricks, stones... This caused confusion to the escaping troops.

After the Cavutim soldiers left the city, the people in the city quickly opened the unguarded Simon, and Zantiparis led the soldiers to rush in. Under the guidance of the people in the city, they pursued the enemy. .

The Kautim fighters collapsed. Except for a few who fled the city, most fighters were either killed or captured.

Since the leaders of all the tribes of Naconia are under the control of Segowani, the people of Naconia who had got rid of the control of Segowani quickly elected several highly respected tribal elders to join the Dionysian army Negotiate.

And Zantiparis took the initiative to evacuate the army from the city of Naconia to show sincerity.

Soon, the two sides reached a simple agreement: The Dionysian army will do its utmost to guarantee the security of the Naconian territory, but it is not allowed to send troops to the city of Naconia; the Naconian tribes allow Dionysian transportation The heavy team passed through the territory to Abenerum and tried their best to help; Dionia will send Hades priests to Naconia as soon as possible to preside over the sacred affairs and repair the Temple of Hades as soon as possible; Dai Onia will do his utmost to help the Naconian fighters coerced by Segowani return home, and Naconia will also send people to follow the Dionysian army to persuade the Naconian fighters to flee...

When the agreement was reached, Zantiparis breathed out, because two of the agreements are very important for the Dionysian coalition fighting at the moment: one is the issue of food transportation, because if the food is transported by sea It was time-consuming and costly to transport Sedonia, then transport it to Copsa on a rugged mountain road, then to Abenirum through the mountain road, and finally to the Dionysian army camp now in Beneventum. Force; and if you reach Pompeii by sea, then pass through the territory of Naconia, and reach Abenirum through the mountain road (between Naconia and Abenerum there are thousands of kilometers of mountains and two places There are only a few narrow mountain roads connected, but the distance is not too far, which also eliminates the possibility of the Samonei coalition crossing the mountains and intercepting the food road), so that the entire road is almost reduced by more than half, so when Kopsa broke up , Alexis and Zantiparis have already discussed the plan, and regaining Naconia is the top priority.

The other is to enter into a friendly agreement with the Naconians. With their help, it is natural to force the Naconian fighters in the Samonei army to flee their forces and weaken their strength.

But what Zanteiparis did not expect was that the Nakonians would proactively propose-to welcome the Hades priests, perhaps because Segovani persecuted Hades believers in the Naconian territory, but instead Inspired the rebellious psychology of the people of Naconia, and in this chaotic time, the arrival of Hades priests can help the people of Naconia in difficulties in many aspects such as healing, relief, comfort... This cannot be done by local god priests such as Savoni.


That night, the soldiers fled back to Kautim, and Segowani was taken aback by the news.The retreat of the army and Naconia are likely to provoke an enemy attack, which is what he expected.But the southernmost land of the Kautini tribe was lost so quickly. The role and hostility of the Naconians in him shocked him.

On the one hand, he blocked the news to avoid letting the Naconian fighters know; on the other hand, he sent 500 more fighters (including those who collapsed) to Lola and Cesara in the west respectively. The city can become a barrier south of Kautim.

To be honest, he is not worried about the Campania army, but it is a bit dazed to the Dionysians, although their number of soldiers may not be large.


The next day, the Dionysian coalition continued to build the camp.With the lessons of last night, the coalition soldiers worked harder, cutting down trees, building wooden fences, building outposts, and decorating Luzhai...

While Lesguk gradually adapted to the enemy’s bombardment and ballistic artillery bombardment, many soldiers were sent out of the city to attack and disturb, and the Dionysian coalition, which also gradually experienced the same, took corresponding defense measures and paid a few casualties After that, push it back.

In the afternoon, more than 10,000 Samonian coalition soldiers finally entered Beneventum.

On this same day, Zantiparis led 3,600 soldiers to leave the Naconian territory and marched north. After a two-hour march, they approached Lola.Here, they converged with 8,000 Campania Allied soldiers from the west, with a total strength of 11,600.

In Lola, there were only 1,500 Cavutini fighters. Of course they were very nervous, so the four doors were closed and the whole city was mobilized. All the fighters went to the head of the city and prepared for defense.

The feng shui took turns. Two days ago, the Samone tribal coalition swept the Campania League territory. There was only one city of Naples on the Campania plain surrounded by the Samonaite. The cry of the Samonei soldiers could make countless The fleeing people shivered in the city of Naples.Now the situation is reversed. The Campania army united with the Dionysians and surrounded the famous town of Lola, Cautini. The soldiers were both excited and nervous.