Crotocatax was not surprised. During this time, he followed Dafus. He would ask him from time to time when he was in government affairs. He was used to it, and forced him to always respond to the reports and Information.

At this point, he walked over to the table, staring at the maps of Samone and Campania, and fell into contemplation.

By this time, everyone else in the tent remained quiet.

Tolmed looked at Klotokatax, who was thinking at the table, and couldn't help feeling.

During this period of time in Latham, because he often had to help Davos with military affairs, he spent most of his time with Davos and had long contact with Croto Kataks. He witnessed this Daeo The prince of Niah gradually became stable and thoughtful from the initial blood and tenderness, and the initial officials, generals and soldiers looked at him with suspicion, and gradually recognized him, thanks to the teaching of Davers Fang is also inseparable from his own talents and efforts.

Judging from all the signs, it is not surprising that Crotocatax is likely to be the next King of Dionysia!Tolmed was thinking in his mind: In the future, we should try our best to create conditions to allow our children to contact Crotocataxo!At the beginning, he lacked the courage, did not follow Davis from the beginning to Great Greece, plus his limited ability, so he has today's status, it is almost the end, but the next generation...

At the time of Tolmed’s imagination, Crotocatax had sorted out his thoughts and said to Davers: "Father, if we have completely defeated the Samonei Tribal Alliance, my opinion is... …These towns of Cautini in the eastern plains of Campania, except for Naconia, should be merged into Dionia, as this expands our territory and protects our alliance ( Refers to the Campania League), and can also deter the race in the mountains nearby.

But for these towns of Samone in the mountains, it is better to let them manage by the Samone.On the one hand, the Samonais are unruly, and the tribes there rarely have contact with our Dionysians. The cultural customs are completely different. It is very difficult to send officials to govern. It is also very difficult to cause conflicts. It is also a waste of the Kingdom’s energy and energy. Financial resources; on the other hand, the mountainous land is barren, the environment is harsh, and the products are not abundant. I am afraid that not many Dionysian citizens are willing to move to the mountain area of ​​Samone, so it is difficult for us to assimilate the race of Samone in the mountain in a short time. .

Also... The two Samone races of Pentney and Karacheni are adjacent to other races in the northern mountains. If we forcibly merge the land of these two tribes, I am afraid that they will cause vigilance and hatred of other races and cause unpredictability. s consequence.

So I think... You can dissolve the Samonei tribal alliance and make the four major tribes of Samonay a subsidiary ally of the kingdom, but you still need to retain the positions of chiefs of the major tribes, so as to avoid their weakening. It can also resist their former enemies to the north, and reduce our trouble..."

Kloto Kataks talked eloquently, and Davis had not yet responded. Tolmed praised: "Your Majesty, Prince Kloto is very thoughtful and I think his suggestions are very reasonable!"

Henripolis looked at Tolmed and blinked without speaking.

Daphes smiled comfortably and said affirmatively: "Kloto, your proposal is very inspiring to me. The Samone Tribal Alliance should indeed be disbanded. For the complete merger of the Samone Mountains, it seems from now on It’s not the right time, so it’s necessary to keep the original political structure of several tribes and allow the existence of big chiefs to facilitate the kingdom’s control of it.

Davos' approval of his suggestion excites Kloto Kataks.

"But—" Davers turned his head, looked at him, and said seriously: "You are not meticulous enough when you think about the problem, and the treatment of the Samonais is still rough. The conditions of these four tribes are different. Their disposal should also be different.

Hilpini, as the largest tribe of Samonei, is also the tribe with the most borders with the kingdom. Although its territory is in the mountains, we cannot be too indulgent.Beneventum must be merged into the kingdom. This is a rare fertile lowland in the mountains of Samone, and the area is not small. I think the reserve citizens and free people of the kingdom are willing to settle there.And its location is also very important, just right in the center of the territory of Hilpini and Cavutini, next to Abenerum and Cavutim, we have it, and we have stabilized the mountains of Samone The cornerstone of the south.

In addition, Abenerum has always been friendly to the kingdom, and has contributed a lot in this war, and has become a free city in the kingdom. We should be rewarded for it, allowing Gellny to be the chief of Hillpini. The leader, who governs the other Hippini tribes and territories except Bereventum, makes it the second Potentia of the kingdom, giving it the strength to contend against Pentene and Karacheni in the north of the mountains To ensure the safety of the northern part of the kingdom.

Kautini, this tribe is special. Its territory is either the eastern plains of Campania or the lowlands in the valley. In fact, it is very suitable for the people of the kingdom to settle.You said it right, the towns of Cautini on the eastern plains of Campania should be merged into Dionia, but this appetite is not big enough, and since we are ready to bring Beneventum into the territory of the kingdom, Then, in Kautim to the west of it, as well as the surrounding small towns in its surroundings, we should also be in our merger plan, because in this way we can guarantee the link between Beneventum and the eastern plains of Campania, So that it will not be alone outside the kingdom.

Don’t forget that Nakonia, the people of this territory have been in contact with the kingdom for more than ten years, and they finally joined our side. It is reasonable that we should guarantee their territory.However, the position of Nakonia is more important. Before the Samone attacked the Campania League, they captured Pompei, Herculaneum and other city-states. Now Zantiparis has recovered Pompeii and Herculane. Nim, up to now, the Campania League has not offered us to return these two small cities. It is said that the Campania League suffered heavy casualties in this war and there are not enough people to cultivate these lands, my opinion It was the messengers who negotiated with the Campania League to merge the two small cities into Dionysia—"

Hernipolis's eyes lit up and interjected: "As a result, the former towns of Cavutini in Bereventum, Cavutim, Campania's eastern plains, as well as Pompeii and Herculane Nim can be connected with the kingdom of Enona, but...Nakonia has become an obstacle..."

Davers said confidently: "We can discuss with the Naconians and let them move to a place north of Capua, where there is the Voltuno River, the land is more fertile, we can allow them to have more Naconia’s more territories, and at the same time allow them to elect the chiefs of Kautini, governing the northernmost part of the former Kautini territory that is adjacent to Sidisini, Oronchi, and Pentini The Kautini tribe, I believe they will be willing, so that we can completely occupy the central and southern lands of Kaoutini, and be connected with Enona to completely guarantee the safety of our newly occupied land.

For the two tribes of Pentene and Karacheni, their tribal settlements and towns are in the mountains north of Samona, where the mountains are higher and the road is more difficult to walk.Especially the Karacheni tribe, it is said that their settlements are all in the mountains thousands of meters high, so their land is more barren and the population is not large.We really do not need to occupy their land, but they must submit to the kingdom, and the leaders of their tribes must surrender their children and be sent to Turui as hostages. The elected chiefs must be confirmed by the kingdom before they can serve. ..."

After listening to Davos's disposal plan for the Samone Tribe Alliance, Kloto Kataks said convincingly: "Father, your plan is much stronger than mine! It is indeed better than I think about it carefully..."

"That's because you are too kind to the Samone tribe. When you think about the problem, you haven't completely considered the problem from the standpoint of obtaining greater benefits for the kingdom, weakening our enemies to the greatest extent, and making them unable to rebel. "Daveus pointed it out sharply.

"Father, but—" Crotocatax asked: "Hilpiny and Cavutini can accept your plan, and Pentney and Karacheni may not necessarily accept it."

"Then continue to fight until they accept it. It is enough for Alexis and Zantiparis to do it. Since the war has been waged against the Samonais, then through this war, even if it pays more, It is necessary to completely solve the problems of the Samones and avoid them from rebelling in the future!" Daveus warned him with a serious heart.

Kloto Kataks nodded thoughtfully.

Daveus turned back and said, "Herni, what I said just now, have you heard the plans for the four major tribes of Samone, right?"

"Listen clearly, Your Majesty."

"Then write a letter to the Senate, as I have just said, and let them pre-arrange Samone's affairs on this basis. Then write to Alexis and Zantiparis each with the same meaning A letter to give them a sense of knowing how to adjust their strategy next."

"Understood, Your Majesty, I will write this." Henipolis said, taking out the papyrus.

The thoughts of Croto Catax and Tolmed are still immersed in this series of plans for the disposal of the Samone by Davos, thinking about the impact it will have on the Samone, big account The inside became quiet, so he could hear the sound of "Shusha" writing.