Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 899: Retreat and Attack

Seckrian was taken aback: "Are you going to give up Serinus?!"

"Of course, the city of Serinus can't give up, otherwise Carthage's 100,000 troops can easily pass through here and march east, and you have also lost your naval base that can stand in western Sicily, threatening the western coast of Sicily. It will be greatly reduced," Leotizides explained with rare patience: "However, our main force always stays in the city of Serinus, so that the Carthaginians can confidently attack our defensive emptiness, this No. My plan is to leave thousands of soldiers to defend the city of Serinus. I led more than 10,000 soldiers with the eighth army as the main force, and took a boat to Jera to unite the friendly forces and defeat the attacking Ag. The Carthage army in Regento has wiped out its threats to my Dionysian territory and our friendly city-state."

"With only a few thousand soldiers defending Serinus, will you be able to guard the offensive of Carthage's army?" Seckrian was worried.

"We have been strengthening the city defense during this time, and it should be no problem to keep it for more than a month. At that time, the battle situation may change." Leotizides said calmly.

After listening to Sectrian, he pondered for a while before he made up his mind: "Now that you have decided to implement this plan, as a military force that also defends the security of the Sicilian territory, our Sicilian fleet can assure you two things.

First, our fleet will do its utmost to cooperate with the defenders of Serinus to defend the city, such as intercepting the food carrier of Carthage, sending a fleet of infantry to attack the rear of the Carthage army, even in the most dangerous times. , Send a fleet of infantry to help you defend the city; second, I can guarantee that if Serinus is broken, our navy will do its utmost to allow the remaining defenders to evacuate safely and return to Catania."

Leotizides was a little moved, and even his voice fluctuated: "Thank you very much!"

"Thank me, and quickly defeat the Carthage army who attacked Agrigento." Seckrian replied with a head.

Leaving Seclion, Leotizides stood in the hall door for a while, and Mukru said with a smile: "It is said that Seclian is proud and arrogant, not easy to speak, but it seems that he is actually Understand the truth."

Leotizides did not pick up the words and returned to his seat again, taking a closer look at the map.

Mukruk smirked: Compared with the famous celebrity in the Navy, the commander in front of him is even harder to contact.

Mukru knew that Leotizides would probably look at the map for a long time, so he greeted the servants to bring breakfast to the lobby.

Leotizides soon finished his breakfast, and then asked Mukru to arrange for a reinforcement to Agrigento.

As soon as Mukruk walked out of the hall, he met Seckrian who was walking fast.

"Serculean, you are--"

"Just after receiving the Clippers' feedback, the Carthages have captured Agrigento!" Seckrian said solemnly, and entered the hall.

"Agrigento has fallen?!" Leotizides stood up suddenly.

"The Carthaginians not only captured Agrigento, but also slaughtered the entire city. Only a small number of Agrigento people fled to Ekonom by boat." Seklian said with a heavy voice: "You The plan to transport reinforcements cannot be implemented."

Although the sudden news disturbed Leotizides' plan, he did not panic too much. He pondered a little, and then said: "Please continue to carry out the troop transport plan, but the destination is in Gerah."

After the Carthaginian army occupied Agrigento, the city-state to the east of it was Ekonom, but the small city was completely undefensive, next to it was Gera, and to the west it was Minor Ya, why is it just to reinforce Gera instead of Minoa?Seckrian still understood this, because after the siege of Serinus by the Carthaginian army, Leotizides considered that Minoa was also threatened by the Carthaginians (Selinus and Mi Germe between Noah is just a small town without walls, and there is no army stationed at all), so it did not let it send reinforcements, and now its defense force in the city can support at least a period of time.

Thinking of this, he solemnly asked: "The reinforcements were sent to Jera, are you still going to continue with the next plan?"

Leotizides did not hesitate: "As long as the Carthage forces in Agrigento continue to attack Ekonom or Gerald, we must rush to fight it. This is our only chance!"

Seckrian looked at the expressionless Leotizides. He suddenly admired the person's determination in the face of difficulties, feeling that he was similar to him in some ways. He coughed and stood up, saying : "Well, when you are about to lead the army, please inform the Sicilian Fleet to escort you."

After Sectrian left, Leotizides turned to Mukru and said quietly: "I immediately sent a messenger to Katane and asked Cipros to apply to the Ministry of Military Affairs to transfer the 7th Army to Sicily."

"Ah?" Mukruk was a little surprised. Through this period of contact, he knew that Leotizides was a proud commander. If it was not a critical moment, he would not ask the 7th Army for help, and now Has it reached a critical time?

Leotizides didn’t seem to realize that his words caused waves in the adjutant’s heart, and he still explained blankly: “The Carthage army that occupied Agrigento is not only attacking Ekonom or Mi Noah’s two choices, they can also go directly north again into the mountains, meet the troops there, seize Enna, then go east, break through the defenses of Hena and Herbita, and invade the Catania Plain... "

After being analyzed by Leotizides, Mukru felt nervous. He thought about it and said: "If Carthage's army did not go south, but directly penetrated the central mountains, is this too risky? "

"It's a bit risky, but we also have to take precautions." Leotizides pointed to the map and said: "Now our main force is in Serinus, and there are only a few thousand soldiers in the Catania Plain. They It is also necessary to guard against Syracuse in the south, and there is no spare time to support the Sikels. To be honest, in my mind, the Sikels are far more important than the Greek city-states on the south coast. Once the Carthaginians occupied this piece The region, from Naxos to Leotini, the large area included in this large area will be under the threat of the Carthage army, and we are difficult to prevent their invasion, so in order to ensure the security of the Sicilian territory, guarantee The people can harvest the food smoothly during the autumn harvest, which will allow our 8th Army to fight the Carthage army without hesitation, and only allow the 7th Army to go south and sit on the plains of Catania."

"I see, I will arrange it immediately!" Mukruk replied.


In the large account of the Chinese army at the Carthage camp, after listening to the messengers returning from the city of Serinus, Marco frowned and said, "The crew can exchange, but the soldiers cannot."

""Adult, but the Dionysians captured nearly 10,000 Phoenician sailors, far more than the number of Dionysian sailors we captured, so they demanded that the Greek soldiers we would also capture--"

"Are you my messenger or Dionysian messenger! Put these soldiers back and increase the strength of the Dionysian army, am I a fool! I disagree with this one, you go back and talk to them again. "

When the messenger saw that Marco was angry, he could only say yes.

Watching the messenger's embarrassed withdrawal from the account, Marco sat gasping in his chair and waited for a moment to calm down. He said to the adjutant next to him, "Go tell him, I agreed to this agreement, and immediately arrange for the exchange of prisoners. "

"Sir, did you just say--"

"Go for it, isn't it the 2,000 Greek soldiers, give them! I'm going to see how the Dionysians resist my 100,000 army attack!"

"Master Marco, what makes you so angry?" The tent opened and Pomilka walked in.

"Of course it was the Phoenicians from the motherland!" Marco stared at him sarcastically: "Despite the advantage, he was repulsed by the Dionysian fleet, wasting such a waste Great opportunity, these people are stupid!"

"This naval battle is indeed very regrettable. The motherland's fleet is obviously underestimating the Dionysians, but after this battle, the Dionysian fleet may be temporarily unable to harass the western seas. We Both Carthage and the surrounding allies can breathe a sigh of relief! Based on this, we should also be grateful to our motherland fleet who has come here to help us!" Pomirka reminded him with a smile: "Not to mention our motherland It is not just the fleet that they bring, they also promise to continue to fund us with gold, silver and materials to help us finally defeat the Dionysians!"

Marco snorted. It was precisely because he thought about it that he changed his mind. Otherwise, these people would protest to the Carthage senate every day, which would only affect his prestige.

"You asked me to come, what's the matter?" Pomirka asked again with a smile.

"Oh, that's it." Marco remembered this, motioned to Pormirka to sit down first, and then solemnly said: "Although the Phoenician Fleet was repulsed by the Dionysian Fleet, they successfully stopped Dai. Onia’s plan to reinforce Agrigento in time...Although I haven’t received any news, I believe that Hasdruba led more than 20,000 soldiers and was able to quickly capture the weak Agrig Gento City. Now that the situation is beneficial to us, our large army should not be gathered under the city of Serinus, but should seize this favorable fighter and continue to expand the results, so I hope that you will lead the army Attack Minoa!"