"This question will be implemented on your own after discussing with Georgris." Daveus tapped the table with his finger and solemnly said: "Yasi, you mentioned the river port, now a merchant ship from Great Greece to Rome. With Keslera and Antium as transshipment ports, it is quite troublesome to go to Rome by land or water, so in order to better develop Rome in the future, Ostia must be rebuilt as soon as possible.

As for the population issue, it is precisely that we want to return Antium, Villetre and Satnikum to Walsey, then all the population of these three cities will be relocated to Ostia (actually, only Counting the population of the two cities, the people of Satnikum have been left with few people because of the plague...."

Asistes was embarrassed, he said: "Your Majesty, your proposal is very good! But whether it is to rebuild Ostia or to relocate the population of the three towns, this has exceeded my responsibilities as the Chief Executive of Rome. ."

Dave Si smiled slightly: "Probably the new appointment letter of the Tian Yuan Yuan will arrive tomorrow, and you will be appointed as the wartime governor of the Latium area."

Daveus’s words were beyond the expectation of Yasistes, making him a little unbelievable. After all, the Governor in the Kingdom of Dionysia is recognized as the most powerful senior official, and many veterans are rushing towards this, but so far Only Sedorum, Cypros, and Antonios have served. These three people have outstanding abilities, and each represents a large force. Now he has also squeezed into the top ranks of the kingdom’s political arena. His mood Excited and nervous, the voice trembling: "Your Majesty...you mean let me... be governor of the Latium region?!"

"Why? Are you reluctant?" Daveus looked at him with a smile.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your trust in me, I will do my utmost to perform the duties of the Governor!" Yasistes immediately expressed his gratitude to Davis, he was very clear: If there is no recommendation of Davis As he is under 50 years old, it may be difficult to sit in this position.

"Promoted to Governor, the power is greater, but the responsibility is greater!" Daveus said with a solemn deep voice: "The Latium area is the center of gravity of the kingdom's northward expansion strategy. There are many races and complex relations here. In areas where wars are frequent, as outsiders, the people under our jurisdiction are mainly indigenous people-Latins, how to ensure the safety of our territory here? How to ensure the stability of the entire region? How can we let the people here support the kingdom? … These are the issues that you need to focus on and need to be solved next. I hope you can work together with the Chief Executives such as Antrapolis, Nico Marcus, and Thelis to strengthen the relationship between the towns here. Contact and exchange, make our territory here a piece of iron, and lay the foundation for the next step to continue to advance north!"

Yasistus nodded vigorously, his expression dignified, he did not speak, obviously feeling the pressure.

Daveus patted his shoulder and said with relief: "I believe that with your ability, you can manage this new position! If you encounter any difficult problems, you can write to me directly!"

Yasister's eyes lit up: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Daveus turned his head to look at the commander of the Fifth Army: "An additional letter of appointment issued by the Ministry of Military Affairs will follow the appointment letter of Yasistus, you will be appointed to the Latium region commander!"

"Me?!" Georgris was extremely surprised, with his mouth half open and food still stuffed in his mouth. He looked a little funny, and he hurriedly shook his head: "I can't do it! I can't do it! This post should be given by Amintas... Matonis...Lizaru...even Olivers...one of them served because they all made quite a lot of achievements!"

"Who has a lot of fighting skills and seniority is not the primary factor to become a commander in the Latium region." Daveus took a sip of wine and said seriously: "It depends on who is best for me first! When I am in the camp When announcing which legion is willing to stay in Latium, only you actively ask to stay, and you have decided the ownership of this commander's position! It is now in the war, and Latium is the area we have just conquered. The kingdom needs a commander. The official sits here, but does not require him to actively expand, but requires him to strictly restrain the army, and patiently train the soldiers, pay close attention to the situation in this area, and prevent any possible accidents.

And when the enemy really appears, he not only wants to command his army, but also command the reserve forces of the towns, as well as coordinate and command the Confederate army of the entire Latium region, and you happen to be the most suitable candidate!"

"Giogris, congratulations! I also think you are the most suitable candidate for the commander of the Latinum region. I hope we can cooperate happily and jointly maintain the stability of the political situation in this region!" Yasistes also sincerely addressed to Gio Gris congratulates.

Gioglis no longer postponed, he expressed his gratitude to Daveus, and said: he will perform his duties as a commander and protect the Latium region!


Daveus sent away the two men who would soon be the most prominent in the Kingdom of Latium.

After the slave removed the banquet in the living room and cleaned it up, only Daphus and Crotocatax were left in the living room.

"What do you think of their appointment?" Davers suddenly asked his son.

"Admiral Yasistus has outstanding abilities and is governor of Latium. It is convincing! But Lord Georgris..." Although Crotocatax had not finished speaking, he had already revealed his ideas.

Daveus looked at him and asked seriously: "Before I came to the city of Rome, a military meeting was held at the Saturnikum Barracks. You were also present at the time. When I proposed,'Before leaving Sicily, you need to be in Latium When staying with a legion', in addition to Giorgis's willingness to express his willingness, can any other legionnaire also express this willingness?"

Crotocatax simply replied: "No! Lord Amintas even thinks,'Latinum has been completely conquered, there is no need to stay in the legion.'"

Davies sneered: "So is it worth advocating that this kind of practice of only pursuing your own honor and wanting to gain more warfare, rather than looking at the overall situation and sacrificing your own interests?"

Kroto Katax thought deeply: "... so your father's appointment of Geogris as commander of the Latium is a reward for him and a silent criticism of the other legions?"

Daphes gently jawed his head and said: "In addition, the man Georgris usually seems a bit clumsy, unlike Amingtas and Matonis, they are courageous and active in doing things, but every time he is assigned to him Can be completed, and so far, his army is the least casualty."

Crotocatax thought about it carefully: indeed the 5th Army is the most complete army.

"So based on these two points, Giogris is undoubtedly the most suitable person to serve as the commander of the Latium among these army commanders." Daveus warned softly: "Clotto, as a superior, don't take personal The likes and dislikes of your influenced your judgment of subordinates. Only according to his performance in actual affairs and his behavior at key moments can he be accurately evaluated, and he can be assigned suitable positions so that he can maximize his ability. ..."

Kloto Kataks finished listening and nodded seriously, showing that he understood.

Daveus coughed slightly and asked again: "Do you have any other ideas for Yasisters as Governor of Latium?"

Crotocatax was surprised and asked, "Father, is there anything wrong with this appointment?"

Daveus stared at him brightly and said with a deep voice: "Asistes himself has no problem. He is indeed the most suitable candidate for the Governor of Latium! However, you should not neglect his background. His uncle Antonios is now the governor of the Dawney region. His father-in-law, Vespa, is now one of the rotating chairmen of the Senate. His eldest son, Bagul, has been the chief executive of the important towns of the kingdom. The prestige is high, and there is no small prestige in the senate.

This time, the Apulia region was attacked by the remnants of the previous flight, and the Puceti region became the focus of the attack. Some people in the senate proposed to make Silvim Chief Executive Bakul as Puceti's wartime. Governor... If I approve this proposal, then three governors plus a rotating chairperson of the senate, Yasisters as the core person in this network of power relations, he must become the kingdom of Dionysia, except me , The most powerful person, what do you think of this?"

Crotocatax did not think of this layer before. He was surprised first, then fell into thought, but in the end he couldn't help but persuade: "Father, I heard that Master Yasisters was in Persia. Following you all the time is one of your most trusted men, and you should not be suspicious of him."

Dave's expression became serious: "Boy, I certainly know that Yasisters is loyal to me, and I even know that he rejected Antonios' co-opting more than 10 years ago and did not choose Antonios in the Senate. The candidate of the Chief Executive of Naxos provides support. However, always being vigilant in power is a basic ability that a king must possess! Power is prone to corruption, and highly concentrated power makes it easier for people to become ambitious and use power for personal gain. , Money and power transactions, and even rebellion and wars... I believe you should have learned a lot when you followed Ansitanos in the academy to learn the past history of the Mediterranean countries.