Zamoratis was the son of Tecitis, who was originally an old sailor in the port area of ​​Syracuse. He was respected for his skill in sailing and experienced sailing. Several others, with the help of the Syracuses, united the people in the port area and assisted Herolis to overthrow the tyranny of Dionysius. Later, during the first rule of Syracuse, Herolis , He was chosen as the general.

However, Te Agnes and Farekus and others conspired to drive away Herolis, and also canceled some of the policies implemented during the Heloris administration, which involved many interests of the people in the port area. For example, let the people in the port area return the acquired mercenary land...Tecitis was very angry when he heard that he rushed to the council and argued with Ty Agnes, Falaix, etc. She went back indignantly, and when she came home, she fell down and ended up depressed.

At that time, Zamoratis was still young, but he hated people such as Teagens and Falecus, and because Tethys usually talked about the help of the Dionysians at home from time to time, let Za Moratis has always been very fond of Dionysians in his young mind.

Tethys died for the benefit of the people of the port. How could the people of the port forget that when the situation in Syracuse returned to stability, the people in the port area gained some rights, and they chose Tethys's brother Hiktas The general, and Zamoratis, who had grown up, gradually gained popularity in the port area because of Tethys.

At this moment, Zamoratis reminded loudly: "Did you forget how my father died! Did you forget how they dealt with you! Selekaikus, a despicable villain, but because of The support of Ty Agnes was able to enter the council, but by continuously fabricating the facts to defame your reputation and promote himself, and instead became a hero in the hearts of the people who do not know the truth!

Of these senior team officers, which one has not benefited from Farekus, they always opposed your proposal in the council, so your proposal can never be passed at the council, and as a result, the port area People think you are incompetent and can't do anything!

There are the soldiers who are desperate to rush up, why are you so willing to follow Selekaikus, but you can’t command?Because only their fertile land has not been deprived of by the deliberations, Ty Agnes deliberately did so, so that our people in the entire port area would no longer be united, hate each other, fight each other... and so on, my father and uncle your All the hard work will be in vain, and we will lose everything and become the poor people in the port area that had nothing before, completely at the mercy of their inner city!

Uncle, we can’t go on like this. We are fed up with the insidious and hypocritical rule of Syracuse. We want to become Dionysians and live a new and rich life!"

Zamoratis’ words struck Hiktas’s heart. His gaze to his nephew changed from the painful dignity at the beginning to the softness at last, and he said with emotion: "Samolatis, you really are When you grow up, your father will feel very happy!"

After he finished speaking, he strode to the platform, facing the chaotic square, right pointed at the soldiers who were rushing towards the platform, and shouted seriously: "Brothers in the port, I am your commander Hick. Tas! These soldiers are traitors to our porters! Now I order you to take up weapons, attack them, and take them all down!"

Hitax has been a general for several years on behalf of the people in the port area. Although he was suppressed and isolated by the Democrats and Neutrals in the Council, which made some people in the port area dissatisfied and misunderstood, he is still the most prestigious port area. A lot of people still believe in him and follow him.

Not to mention, shouting "Hitax is killing him! He is a traitor! He wants to betray Syracuse!..." Most of these soldiers who wanted to kill the platform and rescue the captive senior team officers were received The deliberate deliberations of the deliberations, life is not bad, the difference in wealth and the difference in the enjoyment of political rights, so that they will naturally have a sense of superiority in the face of their former companions, arrogance and contempt lead to more and more separation deep.

The command of Hitax gave the soldiers of low self-esteem a chance of revenge, and with the help of Artemis’s intention to guide them, more than half of the soldiers waved their spears and daggers and pointed to Hitax. The "enemy" launched an attack.

These soldiers who were anxious to recapture their team officers were basically gathered under the platform. When they heard Hitax's words, some soldiers felt bad and wanted to turn around to escape; some soldiers increased their attacks and wanted to rush up. The platform seized Hitax to solve his own crisis; some soldiers even boldly threw javelins at Hitax.

Because of their position in the center of the front of the square, the other soldiers responded to the call and quickly surrounded them all, attacking them from the four sides, and the soldiers on the platform were condescending to throw javelins at them, lacking the command of senior team officers. It was difficult for them to organize effective defense, and the turbulent offensive around them even made them tremble. The voice of surrender was continually ringing in the encirclement circle, but the killing port soldiers did not stop the attack. They put their weapons in their hands. The screams continued to pierce the companions of the former Yaowuyangwei...

"Uncle!..." Even Zamoratis, who had previously asked to betray Syracuse, felt a little unbearable.

"Since we have decided to surrender to Dionia, we need a group of soldiers who are willing to follow us and are very united, so it is necessary to kill them!" Hiktas was still indecisive and hesitant, but once After making a decision, he seemed to be a different person. After coldly speaking, he silently folded his arms and watched.

Zamoratis listened, thoughtfully.

At this moment, the guards on the side suddenly shouted: "Sir Hiktas, look! The council will send someone!"

Hitax turned his head around and saw that two people wearing white Bolton appeared on the southern edge of the square, followed by a small group of soldiers.

"Zamoratis, take a team of people and grab them all for me!" Hiktas said immediately.

Zamoratis was ordered to leave.

The people sent by the council, although their eyes were blocked by the crowds in front of them, could not see what was happening in the square, but the screams clearly passed into their ears, so they felt bad and did not stay He turned and fled.

Hiktas saw that the arrest failed on the platform, and his face became more gloomy. He turned to the guards and said in a deep voice: "Let the soldiers speed up the attack!"

After more than 10 minutes, the fighting and screaming on the square gradually subsided, and there were corpses lying under the platform, and blood was flowing into the river.

Holding a spear in their hands, the soldiers looked at the bodies of former comrades-in-arms, and the fighting in their eyes gradually turned into a daze.

At this time, Hiktas on the platform said loudly: "Brothers, we have no way out! Follow me, we join the Kingdom of Dionysia! Ten years ago, Tethys and your parents battled Won dignity for us, and today we will also fight to win a whole new future for us!"

As soon as the words fell, someone from the audience responded loudly: "Hiktas, we are willing to follow you and fight those damn city people!"

"Defeat the people in the city and regain everything we lost!"

"Join Dionysia, we want to live like Katana!"


The atmosphere in the square boiled again, and the soldiers' emotions became fanatical again.

Hiktas shouted: "Follow me, let's go back to Dagang first!"

The soldiers responded loudly.

But Zamoratis was a little puzzled: "Back to Dagang? Why not go directly to the city?!"

"You don't understand." Hiktas said righteously: "Although it seems that there is no extra troops in the city, the previous parliament has not recruited citizens over 50 years old, and most of these citizens have participated in the Southern Italian War and the subsequent During several civil strifes, although they are not as good as before, they are experienced and most of them are heavy infantry. The council has discovered the changes here, I am afraid they have begun to recruit these citizens, and in the main city, they can call at least 3000 Many people, and you look at us..."

Zamoratis subconsciously looked at the square. At this time, the square was much more empty than before. The number of soldiers was reduced by nearly half. This included more than 500 soldiers killed, and some did not agree with Hick. Tas, the man who didn't want to betray Syracuse and ran away quietly, and most of the soldiers left were light infantry.

Seeing Zamoratis silently, Hiktas continued: "And when we return to the port, there are many sailors who are willing to follow us, we can use the inner wall to block the attack of the council, we can also pass the ship and the city outside. The Siracusa Army gets in touch-what do you think?"

Hiktas’s last question was not addressed to his nephew, but to Artemis, although he still had a little bit of resentment against this Dionysian to use this method to persecute him, but He now has to show respect to him to improve his previous indecision that may have caused a bad impression of the Dionysians.

The plan has been successful!... Artemis rejoiced in his heart, and his attitude became humble: "Sir Hiktas, you are the commander of this army, and you know the situation in the city best. Everything is up to you. If you need me to go to the city Outside the army, I am willing to execute your orders."

"Okay! Okay!" Hiktas was grateful and shouted to the soldiers around him: "Come with me, let's go to Dagang!"