Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 988 Long-distance raid

Daveus listened to these words, but he did not take it for granted. During his time with Ladom and Midolades, according to his observation: Midolades was indeed not an extrovert, but he was also A strong man, the reason why he has never made any harsh requirements to the military department before, unlike Sekerian often asked the military department to increase warships, increase staffing, improve port facilities, etc., because he may I don’t think I have a good record yet, so I’m not qualified to open this mouth, but his performance in this war can be said to be quite amazing, even better than the Sicilian fleet led by Seckrian. In such a situation His mentality will naturally be different from the past, and the mentality of the crew of the Third Fleet will also rise, so it may not be easy for them to stay low and become small.

At this time, Prentals said: "Your Majesty, although the Third Fleet has only 150 warships, they can defeat many of them and defeat the new team of Carthage who once guarded Sardinia. I think they can also Independently deal with the current Carthage Fleet. And from the performance of the Third Fleet some time ago, they are very good at raiding the enemies on the shore. In this case, we can completely allow the Sicilian Fleet and the Third Fleet to be separate from each other. At the same time, they were given the task of blocking the western waters of Sicily, attacking Carthage and allied territories, and destroying the Carthage fleet..."

"Hmm..." Daphus's eyes lit up, and he subconsciously tapped the back of the chair with his fingers.

"Your Majesty, how can this be done, so that it can be messed up! Let’s not say that Seckrian will be dissatisfied, the two fleets are not affiliated, there is no coordination, and then they will be messed up, for example, to block Sicily Western waters, such as going to the same place at the same time..."

"It's really a problem, but Sectrian and Midolades are very smart people, they will consciously coordinate each other's actions." Daveus said disapprovingly, and then he increased the volume: "Let the Sicilian Fleet and the Third Fleet act independently to accomplish the same task and allow them to compete with each other. I think this is a good idea because the competition will force the two fleets to realize their potential and give them more Motivation makes them more active, and that will be a disaster for the Carthaginians!"

"...I see." Thormed glanced at Prentals and asked, "Your Majesty, do you want to tell Seckrian about this?"

Daveus shook his head and said: "Before the Sicilian Fleet was humiliated, Seckrian was motivated to decide to carry out this raid mission. He now needs more patient and meticulous preparation. At this time, tell him that I am afraid of him He will lose his mindset and tell him when he returns successfully."


Davies readily agreed that the two fleets competed against each other, and there was another important reason why they were not publicized: in the army, no senior general can lead the way, Alexis and Prosius have a slightly stronger record, Amin Tas, Hilos, and Capps are not bad. The most important thing is that no one can shake his position in the army.But for the navy, Seckrian’s prestige was too high, and Daveus could not personally command the navy. Therefore, in the past, Sikelian said nothing in the navy, although Daveus took some measures, such as "building four fleets, no navy. Commander..." But during the war, he still had to rely on Seclion, and now he finally came out with a Midolades with outstanding capabilities. Of course he must give support, which is conducive to the decentralization of the navy.

So he continued: "Although the Ninth Legion cannot come to Sicily, Plesovus has already captured the main city of Syracuse, and the Seventh Legion and the Eighth Legion have no missions for the time being, allowing them to follow the First The three legions are operating on the north coast, and the Carthage people must not have known this news. The Phoenician city-state on the north coast should have a relatively empty defense. It is just a chance to take this opportunity to give the Carthage army a sudden blow. As for the specific attack target , Let Prosius and Midolades discuss the decision."

Tolmed and Prentals nodded and said yes.

"How are the forces now?" Daves asked again.

"Because there are many recruits in various legions, and there are also Roman soldiers who joined the legion, they are training these days and let these recruits be integrated into the legion as soon as possible..." said Tolmed.

"Let them work harder, maybe not long, they will be on the battlefield."


At dusk, Seckrian received an order from Davis to agree to his raid. He quickly issued an order to let all the crew rest in bed as early as possible to ensure sufficient physical strength for the second day of the adventure.

However, he negotiated with several old Sailinus sailors to determine the route of the voyage, and with the three squadron commanders and the Sicilian Fleet Infantry Commander, according to the Phoenician prisoners from the Eastern Mediterranean, Discuss how to assault the city of Hadrumentum and stay busy until late at night.

On the second day, before dawn, the port of Serinus became lively.

The crew got up early, washed, dressed, and ate breakfast. Then, under the leadership of the sailor, they came to the warship dock they belonged to. Everyone worked together to drag the warship off the water, and then boarded the ship.It was followed by a group of 40 fleet infantry that had already been assembled, and quickly climbed to the crow deck.

When all of these were ready, the sea level had just revealed a glimmer of sky.

Seckrian stepped up to the flagship, and the captain greeted him with joy: "Master, Poseidon blesses, there is a slight north wind now!"

"Okay, this is auspicious!" Seckrian also smiled, took the big wooden cup from the captain, walked to the side of the ship, prayed and thanked Poseidon, and solemnly took the wine in the wooden cup Dumped in the sea.

"Let's go," he said.

The flagship raised the green flag, but did not sound the bugle because of the fear that it alarmed the Carthage army outside the city of Serinus and aroused them to alert them to notify the fleet of the basic city of Carthage.

But the captain of each warship was watching the flagship closely, and as soon as he saw the flag, he was ready to go.

The first to leave the port was the squadron led by Stefakas. When he was last raided by the Carthage fleet, Stefakas calmed down, and finally successfully saved more than half of the warships, so Seclian was still relieved He was given the responsibility of being a pioneer because of his stability.

Stefakas’s ship was sailing at the head of the team, and there were two old Sailinus sailors on the deck. In this era of no compass, it was difficult to distinguish the direction on the vast sea, especially in At night, experienced veteran sailors are good at observing the stars in the night sky to distinguish the direction. Now that the sky is bright, there are still stars visible in the dark sky, and at the same time there is the sun on the horizon as a logo, it is easier to grasp the course.

All warships of the Sicilian Fleet had their sails hoisted and headed south through the north wind.

After more than two hours, Stefakas shouted from the watchman on the ship's main mast: "There is an island in front!"

Stefakas immediately lay prone on the bow of the bow and stared forward, and at the same time asked, "Is it Kosula?"

The two old sailors looked forward with their eyes wide open, but they were too far apart to see clearly.

After a while, until they saw the outline of the island, the two nodded and said, "Yes, that's it!"

"Raise three green flags! Order the sailors to advance at a sprint speed!" Stefakas gave the order decisively. His greatest concern was that the people on the island found their fleet and fled ahead in advance.

But he was obviously worried.

At this time, the sun had just jumped out of the horizon, and many Kosulas had not yet gotten up, and no one had gone out to fish at this early time.

As a result, the squadron ship led by Stefakas quickly arrived and blocked the only south port of Kosula.

The 1500 Fleet Infantry had already taken off their armor, only attached a leather shield to their chests (because of their buoyancy), tied their short swords on their backs, and all jumped into the sea, swimming over the simple barge chain and water gate, swimming in Left the port, and quickly boarded the pier.

By the time Sicily's fleet had gathered in front of the port of Cosula, the entire island had been captured by fleet infantry.

The first step was successful, and did not let Seclion relax, he issued an order: leave half of the Clippers, centered on Cosula, mainly to investigate the situation in the southwestern sea area. The coast of Hadrummentum informed the entire fleet.All the warships did not stop here, continued to drive south, and rushed to the city of Hadrummentum.


Pselika, the commander of the Phoenician Joint Fleet of the Eastern Mediterranean, as a large noble of Tyre, he was actually very reluctant to lead his troops to the Western Mediterranean, but Tyre and other Phoenician city states were extremely dependent on The precious metal provided by Taiji to protect the position of the Phoenician region in the Persian Empire. Therefore, it must help Carthage to win the war at sea and ensure the smooth passage of the route. As a naval general who served for Persia, Tyr was responsible for it. Candidates for the joint fleet.

The Thai people, especially the nobles, had mixed feelings about Carthage.From the chaos in the Thai royal family hundreds of years ago, a group of rebels were expelled from Thail and eventually fell to the Western Mediterranean to establish Carthage.At that time, officials dispatched to the Western Mediterranean for the extraction and transportation of precious metals did not even bother to stay in the city-state established by the rebels.

Who would have known that the Phoenician region was first conquered by Assyria, and later became a territory of Persia. The control and influence of the Phoenician colony in the Western Mediterranean was greatly weakened, and Carthage It gradually rose, and gradually took over the power and wealth of the Eastern Mediterranean Phoenician cities such as Tyr and Sidon to stay in the Western Mediterranean, and eventually became the most powerful Phoenician colonial city in the Western Mediterranean.