In the course of this takeover, Carthage and Thiel were not without conflicts, but in the end, the handover was relatively smoothly completed, and no major war broke out. It was really that the political situation in the east was bad at the time, and Tyel could not guarantee it. There is also the ability to start a war with Carthage. The two sides finally reached a centuries-old agreement, not because they are of the same race, but because Carthage needs to provide more Colonial population and trade markets, while Tell needs precious metals from the Western Mediterranean, which is a win-win situation.

In the past 100 years, Carthage and Tyre have been in close contact and cooperated happily, but this is all in trade. Politically, high-level visits between city-states have never happened, and this is also the first time for military cooperation.

Pucerica led the fleet to the Western Mediterranean, why not directly enter the port of Carthage?In order to avoid being discovered early by the Dionysian Navy, there is also a reason that Carthage is now powerful and rich in the Western Mediterranean, and now Tyre under the fence is far from comparable, so it is in the self-esteem of the Noble of the Tyre He would rather choose to stop at the colony once established by the Thales, now called the town of Hadrummentum, rather than go to the prosperous Carthage to avoid losing his heart.

At the same time, Psulika also wanted to use a victory to show the Carthage people that Tyre and the Phoenician region in the east are still the most powerful support for Carthage.Who knows that the first raid that he orchestrated meticulously was reversed by the Dionysians with a clear advantage, and he was captured by many crew members.

Puselika led the remnant warship into an awkward escape to Hadrummentum, and immediately sent someone to tell the Carthage senate, hoping that they would be able to redeem the captive Phoenician crew.

However, a few days later, the Senate responded: Dionia agreed to exchange the captives, but only agreed to exchange one to one. As the number of captives of the East Phoenician crew was greater, I am afraid that a small number could not be exchanged.

Although Psulika was angry, there was no way. Dionia was tough, always insisted, and did not accept the ransom. Eventually, some East Phoenician captives failed to save, which made Psulika dare not lead the remnants. Returned to the Eastern Mediterranean, fearing being questioned by the people.

At the same time, the strength of the Dionysian Navy made him feel afraid. He refused to go to sea for Carthage on the grounds that the fleet was seriously damaged and needed a long period of rest. After a few months of staying, he was looking forward to the final decision of Carthage and Dionia to reach a truce, so that he could redeem his compatriots so that he could return to his country and make a difference.

However, according to the information learned during this period, Psulika felt that although Carthage was at a disadvantage, it was impossible to stop the war in a short period of time. However, the crew stayed idly in the city of Hadrumentum, It is inevitable that I will miss my hometown for a long time. I have repeatedly asked him to return to the Eastern Mediterranean, and every time I persuaded them to let him exhaust his tongue, even now he has shaken himself: either return to the Eastern Mediterranean first, wait for the war to end, let Carthage helped him redeem his compatriots?

In the past few days, he has been entangled with this problem, unable to eat or sleep well. He fell asleep late last night, and was still asleep this morning, but was suddenly awakened by someone: "General, Dionia People are coming into town!"

"Just kidding, this is Africa, not Sicily!" Psulica rebuked his men loudly, but then he heard a deafening scream and cry from outside, his face suddenly changed, and he said anxiously: " Hurry! Hurry to the port! Drive our warship away from here!"


Where did Psulika know one of the main purposes of the Sicilian fleet attacking the city of Hadrumentum-is to destroy the East Phoenician United Fleet, because it is far from Carthage, the port of Hadrumentum Defensive ability is not strong, very easy to succeed.

The Sicilian Fleet docked directly at the beach south of Hadrumentum, and 7,000 infantry of the Fleet quickly jumped off the crow warship, carrying the prepared ladder, and headed straight to Hadrummentum not far away.

At this time, it was almost approaching noon. The cozy Hadrummentum talent had just finished breakfast. Some people were walking out of the city, preparing to go to the farms outside the city, supervising the preparation of the Numbian slaves for winter sowing, and they met head-on. With the Diolian soldiers rushing like a wolf, the peaceful and long-lived Hadrumentum were suddenly frightened and ran to the city in panic.

For the first time in his life, few sentries on the city faced this kind of crisis. After a period of confusion, they thought of closing the city gate, but the city gate could not be closed at this time, because the people who had fled back had blocked the whole city gate.

The infantry of the Dionysian Fleet didn't even use the ladder, so they easily entered the city. While they were creating chaos in the city, their main force went straight to the port.

Pucerica arrived at the port, and as soon as he boarded the warship, the infantry of the Dionysian Fleet arrived and hungry and killed many East Phoenician crew members who had not yet boarded the warship.

The bare-handed East Phoenicians were brutally killed.

Seeing this miserable situation, Psulica hurriedly drove the ship away from the port. How did you know that the Dionyan fleet warship was staying outside the port, and was just sunk as soon as it left the port, and other warships and merchant ships hurriedly returned to their heads, As a result, they collided with each other and became a mess.


On this day, the carthage veterans were in a heated discussion about the "Dionysian occupation of St. Iberian port and Salos". Everyone discussed for a long time and did not come up with any effective suggestions. It is because Carthage Ki has now concentrated almost all the army and navy in the direction of Sicily, and has no extra military power to support Sardinia.

It was not until this time that they realized that Carthage and Dionysia were not much stronger than the original strength, and now that the battle has been, Carthage has been at a clear disadvantage.

Pretacuba suggested: "Another war mobilization against Carthage and the Phoenician confederacy will call for an army of 20,000 or 30,000 people, and Lord Morbar will lead the fleet to send them to Kalaris in Sardinia. Waiting for the opportunity to recapture Saros and St. Iberia occupied by the Dionysians and restore the normal order of Sardinia..."

Okreton sniffed at this, and he taunted: "Call for another 20,000 or 30,000 people?! Does Preta Kuba think that our Carthage is Persia, can there be an endless source of troops?! I tell you this Since the beginning of the war, Carthage has been recruited by nearly 50,000 soldiers (including naval personnel, and it is the majority). Up to now, nearly 20,000 people have been killed and injured. Do you think Carthage has more Are there more soldiers? If the people are sent to fight, who will grow the land and provide food for the army? Who will do business and provide gold and silver for the treasury?..."

Pretacouba was temporarily speechless.

"Only a small number of citizens can be recruited as team officers in the city of Carthage. Most of the soldiers are provided by the Allies." A veteran of the Margonides quickly added.

"The situation in the Allies is not much better than ours!" Okritton sneered: "They were also recruited twice, how could there be an extra source of troops!"

"You can recruit as many Numbians as before." Another Margonide veteran made another suggestion.

"East and West Numbia were recruited before and after 70,000 people, and the casualties they paid were the biggest. Those Numbian tribes would not be stupid enough to agree to our recruitment requirements, and our blind requests only threaten To the survival of the Numibian tribe, be careful to arouse their resistance!" Hannuo warned.

Hanno’s words moved the elders: Yes, the Carthaginians were accustomed to the obedience of the Numisbians, but this kind of obedience was caused by the Carthaginians through decades of political and military conquest, but in fact The entire population of Numbia can be several times larger than that of Carthage. Now that Carthage is fully committed to the war in Sicily, the domestic military is empty, and it is indeed necessary to ensure stability and avoid turmoil.

Tepanrako stood up again and said aloud: "In fact, the problem about Sardinia is very easy to solve, as long as Lord Marco led the army in Sicily to defeat the main force of Dionysia against it and regain it in Sicily. Taking advantage of the island, some troops can be drawn to solve the problem of Sardinia.

But now, Master Marco, who is regarded as a hero by the people of Carthage, has mastered the 100,000 troops we have recruited so hard, but it seems that he suddenly lost his courage. So far, there has been no incident with the main army of Dionysian. Fighting, is it really because King Dionia scared him?"

The veterans of the Margonides were very angry when they heard this and wanted to stand up and refute it.

At this time, the door of the venue was suddenly pushed open: "Masters, no good! Hadrummentum is being attacked by the Dionysians!"

The elders were taken aback, and many people immediately expressed suspicion, because within the scope of the influence of Carthage in Africa, it has been peaceful for a century, and no aggression has ever happened.

However, when the city guards who broke into the meeting place brought several Hadrumentum messengers (in fact, the first people from Hadrumentum who fled to Carthage on horseback) to come to the meeting, they wept bitterly. A runny story about the rough passage of the disaster that happened in the city of Hadrumentum, the meeting hall suddenly became silent, and a terrible thought came to everyone's heart: the war actually spread To the land where they live!!!

A moment later, Pretacouba resolutely suggested: "We should immediately send the Carthage troops stationed in Numibia to Hadrummentum to wipe out these damn Dionysian robbers! We should also Send the Clipper immediately to notify Morbar, let him lead the fleet to the waters near Hadrummentum, and send the ships of Dionynia to the sea to feed the fish!..."