Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

1002 Taking the lighthouse

If you enter Carthage’s port watergate, there are many commercial docks on the coast for commercial ships to dock (of course, the innermost round military port is protected by city wall barriers, and ordinary ships cannot enter), but Lili Pian was first established as a military fortress, so a 5-meter-high city wall and spaced towers were also built on the coast. Only in the innermost part of this rectangular harbour are there more than 10 docks, and from Watergate to the docks. At a distance of about one mile, once an enemy ship really breaks into the port, the guards on both sides of the city walls and towers will launch rockets to make the enemy ship unavoidable.

At this time, the cruise ship was leading the way, and the cargo ship was running in at the rear, searching closely next to each other, forming a long line and slowly sailing towards the pier.

When approaching the pier, the captain of the patrol ship suddenly heard the bell sounding "clang! clang! clang!......" in the rear, he was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that this was the alarm sounded from the lighthouse: an enemy invaded?!

He immediately turned his head to look back, but saw that the originally lined up fleet had become scattered, and some cargo ships expanded, rushing towards the dock quickly.

be cheated!This fleet is disguised by the enemy!...The captain of the patrol ship was so enlightened that he panicked.

In fact, the lighthouse tower guard who has been paying attention to the fleet entering the port found that the strangeness of this fleet is not because these cargo ships are not in order and speeding up towards the dock, but before that, he found that many cargo ships suddenly stopped. Moving forward, it stopped by the embankment of the natural breakwater, and then the linen in the center of the ship was automatically opened, and many people were drilled into it.

The delivered materials became humans!......Of course the tower guard understands that he has been taken in. He sounds a little curious after ringing the alarm: Why do these cunning enemies dock the cargo ship there?

Although the narrowest width of this natural breakwater is also 40 meters, after the city wall was built on the outer ground, the city wall was not built on the inside, but the embankment was rebuilt with special stone bricks, soil, and sand. Make it strong, straight, steep, and 7 meters high. It is almost impossible to climb from a boat to a natural breakwater.Moreover, in addition to the city walls, towers, and lighthouses, a small military barracks was built on the breakwater, and 100 light infantry were regularly stationed to deal with any emergency in time.Although the light infantry in the barracks were already asleep at night, the alarm bell sounded. I believe they would soon be dressed and rushed out of the barracks to rescue them.

But the tower guards obviously forgot that there is a building on the natural breakwater besides the military camp-a small temple, which not only provides a sacred place for the soldiers stationed on the "breakwater" to pray to God, but also opens every morning. At the time of the port, the pagoda guards must go to the temple to perform sacred prayers and bless peace. This has become a necessary sacred ritual in Lilifeng Port.

Although this temple is small, it combines the characteristics of Carthage and Greek temples. It is a typical temple colonnade, and it is very close to the inner embankment.

All the cargo ships of this fleet are indeed from Carthage-the rescue fleet that was captured in Palermo Port last night, but its crew is mainly from Alenia, they used the same not long ago The way to lead the fleet into the port of St. Iberia and Salos is also a lot of experience accumulated, so we can deceive the vigilant captain of the patrol ship.The first seven cargo ships are indeed loaded with material, while the linens in the rear cargo ships are all soldiers of the Mountain Reconnaissance Brigade.

At this moment, Terentus took his men and stood on a cargo ship turbulent up and down with the sea, swinging the rope hook in his hand, and by the crew igniting the torch light, he looked up at the outline of the temple on the embankment, struggling Tossing upwards, each rope hook draws an arc in the air and flies towards the temple, and a part of it is successfully wrapped around the pillar.Terentus immediately grabbed the rope hooks, and then quickly climbed the embankment...

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen enemies climbed the embankment, but none of the soldiers in the barracks had yet come out... The tower guard who was watching from the top of the tower was dumbfounded, and immediately shouted to the personnel at the bottom of the tower: " Hurry and close the door, hurry! The enemy is up!"

Seeing them running down the tower in a panic, the tower guards began to bang the hanging bronze bell again.

Terentus, who was standing under the shrine, looked up at the beacon with bells not far away, and then pointed at the men who climbed up with his fingers, shouting: "You 10 follow me to take the lighthouse! Fokini Kas, you lead the others, kill me the enemies in that barracks, and then meet at the lighthouse!"

"Observe, Captain!" Fokinikas responded loudly.

"Come with me!" Terentus waved and took the lead toward the lighthouse, followed by 10 soldiers.

When he reached the lighthouse, the thick tower door was closed.

Terentus was not in a panic. He reached out his hand: "Rope hook."

A soldier was busy handing the prepared rope hook to his hand. He grabbed the rope hook and aimed at the stone window with the light above. With a little force, he threw the rope hook in and pulled it back. Let the rope hook catch the window edge and start climbing upwards.

Other soldiers also began to throw rope hooks at other windows on the lighthouse.

Terentus was climbing up quickly, hearing the soldiers below shouting angrily: "Captain be careful!"

I saw a figure in the upper window. He instinctively pressed his body against the stone wall. He heard a whine of wind, and then his back hurt fiercely. The javelin thrown by the enemy fell on his back, and the sharp tip of the gun Slashed his clothes.

The situation is very critical. The second javelin will soon strike again. Terentus in mid-air will be unavoidable. The desire to survive has made him burst out with strong power at this time. His feet are fierce. Pushing the stone wall, his hands alternated quickly, pulling on the rope, he climbed up several times faster than before. When he approached the window, the enemy had already pulled out his second javelin and wanted to throw at him.

He quickly drew his dagger and hurried forward.

The enemy couldn't dodge, was scratched on the cheek, and screamed and took a few steps back.

Terentus seized the gap, grabbed the window edge with his left hand, and squeezed his whole body into the tower. On the ground, he turned over, and the short sword in his right hand stabbed out again, just stabbing the enemy. Chest.

In a blink of an eye, the rabbit rose and fell, and the two sides decided the victory.

The enemy fell down in amazement, and seemed unwilling to believe this fact.

In such a dangerous situation, Terentus was able to escape his life and quickly defeated to victory. It can be said that he has exerted his skills of hard training for more than 10 years to the extreme.

He was out of danger at this time, and his hands felt soft and numb, recalling that he had almost gone to hell just now, and his body couldn't help but burst into cold sweat.

But he didn't take a break from time to time to relieve his emotions, but rushed to other enemies with a short sword.

Usually in the middle of the night, there is only one tower guard in the lighthouse of Lilibe Port. During this time, several more people were added to open the water gate and let the Carthage fleet transport food.There are no soldiers in the tower itself, but for the purpose of defense, the designers of the city did not build stone ladders on the natural breakwater on the upper and lower walls, but merged the end of the wall and the lighthouse together, so that the breakwater barracks The soldiers must pass the lighthouse to climb the city wall, and the sentries patrolling the wall at night can also directly enter the lighthouse.

Fortunately, there were five Lilifan soldiers in total, how could they be the opponents of the fierce mountain scouts? They were quickly killed by the mountain scouts, and the others were captured, but one of the 10 raids was also marked In the gunshot, dying.

The Terentus belt and the soldiers, with the captives, rushed to a huge disc-like device under the lighthouse, pushed it together, and the lowered water gate slowly rose again.

Then, another team member rushed to the top of the tower, took out the prepared torch and lit it, then raised it high.

In this way, there were two burning flames on the lighthouse. The fire broke through the dark sky and spread to the far sea. More than one hundred ships of the Dionysian Sicily Fleet were moored directly to the west. There are still a few warships chasing the fleeing Carthage cargo ship.

"Adult, our signal from the Lilipyong Lighthouse!" the captain, who had been waiting anxiously on the flagship deck, shouted excitedly.

"So what are you waiting for, speed me up immediately and aim for Lili Ping!" Seckrian couldn't hide his excitement.

The soldiers of the Second Legion, who were fully loaded on the deck, knew at this moment that they had successfully attacked the port of Lili Pian, and they were all excited and excited, but due to the military order, no one shouted.

In the north, more than 100 warships of the Third Fleet were also loaded with soldiers and hurried away towards the port of Lilibe.


Since I had been thinking about "delivering reinforcements to Palermoes last night", today, in the evening, Imiseray sent servants to the port several times, asking: Did the Lilly and Pearl cargo ship go to Palermoes? Did not return?

The answers were: "No."

He confessed to him: "The cargo ship that rescued Palermos must not only avoid the cruise of the Dionysian fleet on the south coast, but also not be discovered by the Dionysian fleet on the north coast closer to it. Long back..."

It was reasonable to think about it, and he did not send people to pay attention to the port again. Later, when he was exhausted, he fell into sleep. Until he was awakened by the slave, he asked confusedly: "The cargo ship is back?" "

"Master, there is a bell ringing over the port!"

"Bells?!" Imiseray was startled in his heart, and his drowsiness was awakened: "An enemy has invaded the port?!"

He jumped out of bed violently, while grabbing his clothes, he shouted to the slave: "Go and prepare the horse! Go!"