The elders felt nervous, especially the Margonid elders shivered.

"Let's go back to the venue first, and quickly send someone to notify General Summers, let him bring the army to disperse the crowd." At this time, Hanno can still keep calm, and whispered to the vacant veterans for a while. Your own suggestion.

The veterans returned to the meeting place, and while waiting for the arrival of the army, they also reassuredly restarted the meeting. This time the resistance was much smaller, and they passed the "based on most of Dionysia’s negotiation conditions and resumed the peace talks as soon as possible." The resolution sent a messenger to reach a truce agreement with Dionia as soon as possible.

Under the protection of the troops coming, Hanno walked out of the venue of the Senate and announced the new resolution of the Senate to the people who were still gathered outside the door and still refused to leave. This caused the cheers of the people.

But Hanno also reminded them that even if the peace talks were resumed, they could not relax their vigilance. If the Dionysian army that invaded Africa could not be repelled, then the possibility of success in the peace talks would be very small, and Carthage would lose more interest.

Therefore, he encouraged the people present to actively prepare for the battle and defend Carthage.

The people responded enthusiastically.

But things did not end so smoothly.On this night, several elders from the Margonides were beaten by the public on their way home, and even one was unconscious.

While the people in the city were preparing for war urgently, although the Senate had condemned this violent act and sent someone to investigate, it had never yielded results.

At the same time, some veterans of the Margonides felt dangerous and began to flee Carthage quietly.

When the messengers of Carthage saw Alexis, the Dionysian army had begun to siege Ruspina.

After learning the intention of the Carthage messenger, Alexis made it clear that the order given to him by His Majesty King Dapheus was to attack Carthage.He will not stop the offense until he has received an order from His Majesty requesting a truce.

When the frustrated Carthage messenger left Ruspina, he was surprised to find that many Numisbians also appeared here and were in harmony with the Dionysian soldiers.

The original troop-supplied ships have returned to Hadrumentum one after another. Alexis allowed the East Numisbians to return to their hometowns and gather with their families before regrouping to assist Dionia The army attacked Carthage together.

The reason why Alexis did not allow these East Numbians to immediately participate in the war is because the East Numbians are basically infantry, and their combat effectiveness is not strong, and they are all like arrows. They are worried that they will join the army. It will consume a large amount of military supplies and will drag down the legion during the battle.However, he tried his best to retain the West Numbian Cavalry, except for those drowned in the sea and determined to leave, about 2,000 Numbian Cavalry left to fight.

After the Carthage messenger left, Alexis began to order the army to launch a strong attack on Ruspina.The engineering battalions of several legions have stepped up to produce some siege equipment, and Alexis has basically understood the situation of the entire city.

In this area, Ruspina, like Hadrumentum, is one of the few larger Phoenician city-states, but it is still a small city in the eyes of Alexis, and it has not been carefully constructed. Defense facilities.He carefully adjusted the siege deployment according to the observations. He firmly believed that the city-state could be captured within a few days.

There are several reasons why Alexis attacked Ruspina so anxiously: First, although he had ordered the soldiers to step up repairs to the port of Hadrummentum, there was a lack of sufficient labor and construction. With materials, and being in an unfamiliar environment, facing the enemy, the port cannot be built in a short time.The encounter with the second fleet made him aware that in the late winter season, this sea area is windy. He needs to provide a safe harbor for the fleet that continuously delivers materials to him as soon as possible, which can also greatly improve The efficiency of unloading, so it is the best choice to capture a seaside city-state as soon as possible.

Secondly, the Dionysian army has just arrived, and if they want to gain a foothold, they must build a solid rear, so that they can confidently attack Carthage.Therefore, a city-state like Ruspina close to Hadrummentum must be conquered first.

In addition, Alexis had another thought in his mind.Early on the second day after the army landed, he received the return of the reconnaissance ride: there were heavy soldiers stationed in the city of Addis in the Phoenician city to the west (the road from Hadrummentum to Carthage on the land is indeed flat, but This road is specific. A series of mountains traverses between Carthage and Hadrummentum and extends east to form the Kapun Peninsula. Although the flat valley floor in the middle is not narrow, Addis is located To the west of it, Carthage immediately dispatched reinforcements to Addis after learning that the Dionyan army had landed in Hadrumentum, and Alexis hoped that by attacking Hadrummen The Phoenician city-state near Thum was able to attract Carthage's army to rescue them, thereby destroying Carthage's living forces through field operations.


At the time when the Carthage messenger Okriton drove to Sicily again and re-negotiated with Geniporis, several Margonid veterans had fled to sexi in southern Iberia, Out of anger and fear, the hype about what happened in Carthage was greatly shocked when members of the Magonid family and local officials who were stationed in the city were informed.

In the governor’s mansion, Dido called Haka urgently and asked him anxiously when he met: "I heard that our army in Sicily was either destroyed or captured, and now my father and brother are alive and dead, so many The tribes don’t know what the situation is! But at this time, the Hano that should be cursed has killed us under the influence of Carthage, sent someone to assassinate Uncle Pretakuba, and drove others out. Carthage... what shall we do now?"

While Dido was talking, Haka was already supported by the servants and lay down on the wooden chair.Since Marco led the army to Sicily, all the affairs of Iberia were mainly in charge of Haka, plus he was also responsible for the logistics and transportation of the Iberian army, always paying attention to the dynamics of the indigenous people inside and outside the territory. Working hard day and night made his physical condition worse, his body was abruptly thin, and even walking was difficult.

"It's not just what you said, I got a message..." Haka touched his forehead softly and said softly: "The important leader of the Hanno school, Tepanraco, has proposed to the Senate that he should treat his uncle and my brother. The trial in absentia was said to be severe punishment, because they caused such a major failure, put Carthage in danger, and at the same time used to appease the people of Carthage—"

"Appease the people of Carthage?! Who will appease us?! For Carthage, most of the adult men of the Margonide family traveled to Sicily, and there is no news so far!" Dido's eyes were in tears. But anger distorted her beautiful face, and she looked a little grim: "Also, we have spent so many years in this backward and savage, dangerous place everywhere, how much effort we have spent, how many family members have died, only to get these Isn’t the land also for the benefit of Carthage?! Otherwise, after Carthage and Dionysia declared war, Iberia could send so many soldiers! But the Carthage senate ignored our attack and did not pass us Agreed, but to hand over the hard-earned land to the Dionysians! Father and brother fought for Carthage, and now life and death are unknown, not only does not receive Carthage’s respect and sympathy, but also Being judged to humiliate their honor, this is the Carthage senate to push our Margonide family to death!"

Dido gritted his teeth and said sharply: "Haka, since the Carthage senate is going to ruthlessly kill us, why do we have to be fooled by them? We simply leave Carthage and no longer listen to Carthage senate The command!"

Haka listened quietly, and was not surprised by what Dido said. In fact, she had vented similar anger to him many times in the past two days, but this time it was so decisive because she heard Cartha The senate of the senate to impose a severe trial on Marco and Hasdruba. According to the military tradition of Carthage in the past, the generals who had suffered major wars suffered severe punishment from the senate, which was basically crucified. At the cross, the only one who escaped punishment was Marco’s elder brother Shimilko. Although he committed suicide in the end, the citizens at that time still complained to the Senate and were too indulgent.Today, Marco’s military defeat is even greater than that of Shimirco. In addition, the Margonide family’s power in the senate has little left, and Hano and other people have been territories from it. Marco and Hasdrew I'm afraid that Pakistan is really in danger of being executed. No wonder Dido will run away emotionally.

"Aren't you serious?" Haka asked softly.

"Of course I'm serious!" Dido walked over, looking down at Haka, with a determined look: "Carthage regards us as enemies, then we are no longer Carthage! Haka, you general." The officials in the area called up and announced to them that the Iberian colony was independent and had nothing to do with Carthage!"

Haka rubbed his forehead and sighed: "The main officials in the territory are now our Margonides. They declared independence. They may not have much dissent, but it will inevitably not cause the territory. The panic of the people of Carthage and Phoenicia.

And you should know that the biggest danger we are facing directly is the Iberian natives inside and outside the territory. Because we blocked the news of the defeat, they are still quieter for a while, but after a long time, they will always know that by then they will definitely Attacked our territory on the grounds of'claiming compensation', and there are not enough troops in our territory. Once we leave Carthage, we will not get reinforcements, and we will not be able to resist these fierce indigenous people. Offensive, the land will be occupied by them, the people will be killed by them!

More importantly, we declared our independence. Carthage may temporarily be unable to take us, but Dionysia has regarded our territory as a thing in the bag, but the result has been defeated. Will they be angry?Will it kill my uncle and my brother?Then send troops to seize this land?...Have you ever thought about this?"