Plesinas put the first board on the table, and Henipolis immediately admired: "Good Hades god!"

I saw Hades with black hair and long beards drawn on the board. He stood upright and stood upright. He held a sharp three-pronged fork in his right hand. He held a balance of good and evil in his left hand. Majestic, really majestic!

Since this is not a painting after all, but a statue to be cast, Hades has a thick base under his feet so that he can stand firmly on the top of the mountain, and the data is marked on the upper left corner of the board: The idol together with the base is 14 meters high and 2.5 meters wide. It is expected that the required bronze # tons (the idol placed outside the temple can no longer be made of wood. After all, it is easy to damage after years of wind and rain. Made of certain soft bronze)...

"It is indeed a very good design!" Davers heartily applauded.

"This is the design of Miliktos." Plesinas added.

Daveus nodded. He knew that Miliktos was a famous master of carving in the kingdom, and now he is responsible for casting the statues in the main temple.

Then Daveus looked at several wooden boards, which were all very good works, but they were similar in design.

Davers rubbed his eyes and felt a little tired of vision.At this time, he heard Plaisance said: "Your Majesty, there is still a board design here, our priests unanimously object to let it pass, but I think this work is very special, so I would like to invite you to look at it again."

"Oh? What kind of design will make you disagree?!" Daveus was curious.

When Plycines placed the board on the table, everyone's eyes were actually attracted to it: Hades on the board saw a double-stranded fork in his right hand and a soul that was about to be punished in his left hand. , He was kowtowing and begging for mercy; Hades left foot behind, right foot in front, the whole body was slightly rickety, and he looked down slightly, looking at the soul in the left hand, with a pity expression on his face; prostrate under his left foot The three-headed dog Gerberus, but the image is not grim, but instead stretched his head like a domestic dog, licking Hades' left hand...

It is no wonder that the priests did not like this design because the designer made Hades look more like a kind old man, thus lacking the dignity of dignity.

Including Henripolis and Aristilas were also surprised by the designer’s boldness.

Plesinas carefully looked at Davis's look. After all, King Davers was a descendant of Hades. He worried that such a bold design would anger the king and even anger him.

The atmosphere in the office is quiet and weird...

At this moment, Davies asked quietly and quietly: "Plesinus, why do you insist on leaving this design despite the objections of other priests?"

"Your Majesty...because seeing this work makes me feel kind, I think if it is erected on the top of the mountain, the believers will surely feel kind when he sees him... Plesinus listened to Daveus , With a bottom in my heart, so truthfully said: "I remember when you asked me to be a priest of Hades, he said,'Hades is by no means indifferent and shrewd, it is because he cares about human beings. Choose to stay in the underworld...'; you have also warned us,'As a priest of Hades, we must care for the believers enthusiastically, and not be high, and actively help them solve difficulties...'I think this design is exactly Meet your majesty your requirements!"

"Good speaking!" Davos praised loudly: "You are well deserved of Hades' scepter prince!"

"Your Majesty's compliment!" Plycines responded calmly.When he was young, he had a radical personality and did not do anything to achieve his goals. When he first served as a priest of Hades, he was not willing to do so. Easy going, compassionate.

"If such a statue of Hades stands on the top of the mountain, everyone who sees his kingdom will deeply feel that having such a benevolent god blessing the kingdom will make them feel warm and relieved. At the same time he is also reminding us to be concerned about our people at all times!" Davers said solemnly, pressing the board.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Plycines and the two priests, Hernipolis, and Aristilas all looked awesome, and now they can all be sure that Daveus has selected this board design.

"Why, there is no base in the design of this idol?" Henripolis suddenly discovered a problem: "This should be ignored by the creator. According to the data marked above, it is also 14 meters, and the body is If you lean forward, you can easily collapse without a base."

"I specifically asked the creator about this matter, and he told me that this statue can stand very stable without a base." Plesinus pointed at the board and explained carefully: "He called this three points. Support, you see, the double-stranded fork and Hades’ forward right foot serve as a fulcrum, and the left foot behind is another fulcrum—"

"Where is there another fulcrum?" Henripolis looked at the picture on the board, puzzled.

"It should be a three-headed dog. He raised his head and licked Hades's left arm. In fact, he was connected to the idol as another fulcrum on the left, and this idol was in a stooped posture, lowering the center of gravity. In the case of stable support, the idol is more stable, and the designer's idea is very clever!" Davers praised.

"Your Majesty saw the key to the problem at first glance, but I didn't understand too much at that time. Fortunately, he prepared a small wooden sculpture exactly like the idol and showed it to me. It is indeed very stable. And Your Majesty, look at this! "Plesinas pointed to the lower right corner of the board.

"This is the bearing... what does this number refer to?" Daveus looked at it, a little puzzled.

"Your Majesty, this is the latest writing method of azimuth and angle of the Pythagoras School of Tarantum. According to the designer, the statue should be erected on the cliff edge southwest of the main temple, 68 meters away from the temple Meters, the front of the idol is 30 degrees from the central axis of the main temple, so that when the idol is completed, he will overlook most of the city and can reflect the sun to the maximum during the day, so that boats entering and leaving the mouth of the Krati River can Seeing the flashes of the idols!" Talking about the last sentence, Plycinus was a little excited.

"It seems that this designer is really very hard-working, taking all aspects into consideration!" Daveus moved and asked: "Listening to what you said just now, is he a Tarantum? Tarantum?" Disciple of the Mbidagolas School? What's the name?"

"Your Majesty, the designer is Alixon, a tribe of the former Tarantum Archer Archita, a student of Pythagorean school leader Lucis, only 21 years old..." Plesinas details Doing an introduction.

A mathematician actually designed such an excellent statue!This didn't surprise everyone in the room, because many scholars in this era had multiple subjects. Although mathematics and art seem to have no connection, the Pythagoras School discovered the sculpture and mathematics very early. The golden section of the painting, thus creating their unique aesthetics, is a well-known thing.

Alixon...Achita...Daveus heard this long-lost name and suddenly lost his mind, and then he remembered the rude young man whose daughter was chatting at home, and his face was forbearing. A smile appeared constantly: "Although he is young, he can design such an excellent idol, which shows that he is very talented, and he can be responsible for casting the idol. You are responsible for supervising and assisting him to complete."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Plycines finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Turri’s inspectors’ arrest of Servius, Frus, Oulus, and others quickly began. Because the public’s attention was focused on the “legion is going to the border to defend”, so No waves were caused.

At the same time, officials from the Slave Administration came to the Turrii slave camp to reward Masimus, the meritorious person of the incident.

After knowing it, the head of the camp, Ecarus, asked: "Can you wait until the task of providing the main temple with stone is over before you announce this, because Massims is an excellent captain of slaves, and he brought The group is very efficient in quarrying."

The official only said one sentence: "This is an order issued by His Majesty personally, demanding immediate execution!"

Ecarus dared not talk more.

This morning, after the slaves had breakfast, they all gathered in the square, and the officials of the slave management office announced the order in public: to give Brutus Massims freedom.

Countless slaves cast their envious glances at Massimus, and Massimus was hit by this sudden happiness, a moment of a trance, and a voice in his mind repeatedly thought: Free!I am finally free!...

Until someone's eyes pierced him like a sword, causing him a sudden pain.

Gaius, a fellow man who was very close to him, now looks at him like an enemy, because the order announced by the official made it very clear: "...In view of the courageous exposure of Massims to the Roman attempts to destroy the kingdom The conspiracy of order has maintained the stability of the kingdom... I hope everyone will learn from Maximus, as long as you really maintain the kingdom, the kingdom will not ignore your contribution!..."

"Maxims, you traitor!" Gaius shouted and rushed up, beating Massimus hard.

Massimus did not refute, nor did he resist, and let Gaius catch him, but Gaius's fist did not fall, because the surrounding slaves embraced him.