Originally, Okritton was ready to be teased, but he didn't expect Haka to give an explanation, which gave him a little confidence in today's talks, so he smiled and said: "Even the Carthaginians And almost admit that Dionysia’s medical skills are the highest in the entire Western Mediterranean, so their advice to you is of course correct, and you look healthy now!"

"Dionia is much better than Carthage, but it is not only medical." Haka's tone is still plain: "But for you, it is best to expect me to live a few more years, because this is for Carthage. Good."

Haka’s words lifted Okritton’s spirit, and he seemed to feel that Haka was expressing goodwill to Carthage.

"Please sit down, Master Okritton." Haka pointed to the warm water pool and said, "I have another reason for you to meet in the bathroom. The Turiris think it is best to talk when taking a bath, because both parties There is nothing to hide from meeting frankly."

Okreton nodded, and without hesitation, stepped directly into the pool and sat on the stone bench in the pool.

"A glass of wine? This is the best wine produced by the Turriolifis family. Its output is not much. It is usually not available on the market. My several cans were sent by your majesty, saying that I was taking a bath Drinking a little when it is good for your health..."

Okreton wanted to refuse, but he changed his mind after hearing the words: "Then have a drink."

The servant standing by the pool served a glass of wine.

After Okreton took it, he took a sip and felt so sweet and delicious that he couldn't help but sigh: "It's so pleasant to be able to soak in comfortable water every day and drink such good wine! Ha Master Card, I really envy you!"

Haka said calmly: "This kind of life can be fully enjoyed by the Carthaginians, but you are still attached to the past and cannot accept reality."

Haka’s words were a bit vague, and Okreton was unable to grasp its meaning for a while, so he asked tentatively: "You mean..."

Haka did not respond directly, and instead asked: "I know that the aristocrats of Carthage have also developed the habit of bathing for more than 10 years, but what do you think is the difference between Dionysia and Carthage in bathing?"

Although I don’t know why Haka asked this, Okritton thought about it seriously and then replied: "We Carthage took a bath and removed the previous cumbersome links, just soaking in the hot pool, and then Massage, shave..."

"Actually, the links that were removed by the Carthage are precisely the purpose of the Dionysian invention of bathing. They think that bathing is a beneficial exercise for exercising, and the Carthages just see it as a kind of Enjoy." Haka didn't wait for Okriton to respond, and he picked up a handful of water with his hand and asked, "Do you know how this water came from?"

"Of course it was the water that the slaves fetched." If in Carthage, Okreton would definitely say that, but here he felt that it was not that simple, so he simply answered: "I don't understand."

"It came to the house by itself."

Haka’s answer surprised Ocreton slightly: "Turiyi City Hall built a pool in your house?!"

According to what Ocreton learned, the Dionysians built the elevated water bridge, introduced the water from the river into the city, built the pool in the important area of ​​the urban area, and then built the closed water channel. , Supplying people all over the city rely on these pools and water.

"Not the pool, but the Dionysia Construction Department combined with the iron merchants to use copper as the main raw material to create a hollow pipe as thick as a spear barrel, connect it directly to the water tower, and then bury it under the ground until it reaches My kitchen... His Majesty Daveus named it a water pipe. The slaves didn’t need to go to the nearby pool to get water. They just had to turn on the water pipe to let the water flow out naturally..." Haka introduced quite complacently.

Okreton showed an amazed look, but he also realized: "This kind of water pipeline uses copper as the main raw material, shouldn't the cost of copper and the cost be a small amount?"

"It is indeed not a small cost, but the fees are paid by the households who apply for the installation of water pipes, and the cost of water is also paid on a monthly basis (water in public pools is free), because the waterway management office has also designed a way to calculate household water consumption. A lot of equipment... Even if the cost is not low, there are still a lot of citizens who have heard the news and asked to apply for the installation of water pipes. However, they have just started operation and the consumption of copper is too large.

Someone once suggested,'Use cheaper, more abundant lead to make water pipes.'You also know that there are many lead mines in Corsica and southern Iberia that Dionia just acquired, but His Majesty severely criticized this proposal, saying:'After lead is dissolved in water, it will The body is very harmful.'Now the iron merchants are paying close attention to cheaper and more durable materials for manufacturing water pipes, such as using tin as the main raw material... because once the development is successful, it can only make a lot of profits by relying on the fees obtained by patents. You can see the water pipes in the homes of wealthy citizens in other towns in the Kingdom of Dionysia in the same year..."

After Haka finished speaking, seeing Ocreton listening intently, his expression gradually became more serious, and Shen Sheng said: "Because of the glory of Carthage in the Western Mediterranean in the past, the Carthage people have always proudly believed that their motherland is The best country in the Western Mediterranean has the best culture in the Western Mediterranean, and even other races are Barbarians in the eyes of the Carthaginians.

I had this kind of pride when I was in Iberia, but I came to Turri and stayed here for more than a year. The pride in my heart has disappeared. Although Dionia is an emerging kingdom, it is better than Carthage is so good!

Believe that when you enter the mouth of the Krati River, everything you see in your eyes will also make you think that just a city of Turui is already much stronger than Carthage, not to mention the Kingdom of Dionysia. There are Crotone, Katane, Rome, Syracuse... These are also not inferior to the great cities of Carthage, they are not Utica.

Although Utica is an important ally of Carthage, it may not follow the orders of Carthage’s elders at its critical moment, but all the towns in the Kingdom of Dionysia are subject to Direct jurisdiction, when the war occurs, can concentrate all human and financial resources, and make every effort to fight the enemy, which is the main reason that Dionia can defeat Carthage in the Western Mediterranean War.

And after the defeat of that war, Dionysia’s national strength has been increasing day by day, but Carthage has weakened to the extent that Katana may not be as good. In such an extremely disparate situation, you are still stubborn—"

"We have no intention of confronting Dionysia at all!" Okritton shocked and quickly defended: "We only want to live our own lives! But now those humble East Numbia People are frequently harassing our territory. If it were not for the peace agreement signed between Carthage and Dionia, the East Numbians were allies of Dionysia. We have assembled a large army to attack these hateful Of the Numibian tribe!"

Haka sneered: "Did you not fight back? No, you have already fought against the Numisbians, but you have suffered defeat."

"It was just... a small battle. We wanted to teach the Numisbians a lesson and let them retreat. They didn't expect that they would send so many soldiers..." Road.

"Since this is the case..." Haka opened his arms, stopped Chi Yan, and said without hesitation: "I can suggest to your majesty that you choose to ignore when you attack the Numisbians."

Okritton didn't expect Haka to answer this, and he was at a loss for a while.

Hakkar said unashamedly: "Look, I just said that today's Carthage people do not want to accept reality. You are an obvious example! With Carthage's current strength, it can defeat East Numbia. You know? Now that the Numisbians have rid themselves of the fear of the Carthaginians, although they are still independent, they can still agree on the issue of "against the Carthaginians", plus Now they can get better armor and armor from Dionysia...Carthage gathers the power of the Phoenician allies and fights with all their strength. It may be able to win, but I believe that the casualties must be not small. The key issue is that Carthage still Can the Phoenician city-state on the continent of Africa be ordered as before?"

Okreton wanted to say "Yes!", but when he saw Haka's smiling face, he swallowed it back again, and his face was slightly embarrassed: "Yes... those Phoenician alliances are no longer like Before the war, they were so closely united around Carthage. Over time, people with clear eyes saw it... We Carthage is weakening day by day, and the Kingdom of Dionysia, with its vast territory and huge population, has become Any race and city-state that survives in the Western Mediterranean can't get around a strong existence.

Especially in the Phoenician city state east of the Robben Peninsula, they have seldom obeyed the orders of Carthage, and instead frequently sent envoys to Hadrummentum, which is said to allow their merchants to enter Dior more easily The vast market of the Kingdom of Niah.Hartrummentum is like a poison needle that has been stuck on the body of the Carthage League and has begun to exert its destructive power..."

"Tell you the truth." Haka splashed the pool water on his chest, rubbed it gently, and then slowly immersed his body in the pool water: "It is my suggestion to His Majesty Daveus that'drive East Numbians To attack your little land left inland...'"