Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 1163 Alliance with Arcadia

Although everyone here does not know much about the difficulties Thebes is facing today, they have never thought of asking Thebes to provide assistance and fight against Sparta, so Ipamirunda’s frank apology made Israel The people headed by Lotokatax were a little surprised and moved.

Cloto Kataks immediately said: "General Ipamirunda, Thebes is now facing difficulties and cannot support us. We can understand these. Therefore, His Majesty sent enough soldiers to Peloponnese. To deal with Sparta, we only rely on the power of Dionia. When Sparta is completely defeated, we will lead our troops northward to help you remove other threats and let Thebes completely restore peace!"

Cloto Kataks did not make a random promise because of temporary excitement. He considered that since the Kingdom of Dionian wants to dominate the situation in Greece, it is likely to conflict with Athens and Thessaly in the future. Using the help of Thebes as an excuse, you can get the gratitude and assistance of Thebes, and you can conceal the true purpose. Why not?

Plintors also took this into consideration, and therefore did not interrupt or cover up when Croto Kataks made a promise.

When Olivers, Tiger Tilos and other army commanders heard about it, they learned that there were other battles to fight in addition to Sparta, and naturally they agreed.

Ipamirunda had a very touched look. He said emotionally: "When I go back, I will tell every Thebes that Dionyia has done everything for Thebes. The Thebes must never forget your kindness! Apollo is on, and I swear in your name that I will do my best to make Thebes the strongest ally of Dionia in Greece!"

When Ipamirunda knelt down on his knees, palms facing the sky, and solemnly swears, Cloto Kataks was a little stunned, he suddenly felt a little ashamed, and quickly stepped forward to support him: "Ipamir General Ronda, are..."

"Compared with the great help you Dionian has to Thebes, there is only this I can do." Ipamironda said sincerely.

Cloto Kataks was a little moved, and didn't know what to say.

Ipamirunda spoke again: "Now you are at war with Sparta. Thebes cannot send troops to the war for the time being, but we persuaded the Arcadians to support you."

"I've heard the previous commander tell me about this." Cloto Kataks frowned, and said in as gentle a tone as possible: "However, I heard that Sparta has sent an envoy to go with Arcadis. The Asians regained their friendship, so the Arcadians have not sent envoys to ask us for help."

Ipamironda smiled and said sternly: "The Arcadian Alliance has just been established. The city-states it belongs to have always been allies of Sparta. In the face of the rare show of favor from the Spartans, it is impossible to hesitate. Avoided. However, the leader of the Arcadian Alliance is Mandinia. The city of Mandinia was destroyed by Sparta. The Mandinians have been displaced for more than ten years. They have a deep relationship with the Spartans. It’s impossible to reconcile with the Spartans.

What's more, the chief general of Mandinia, Lukemedes, is the main figure who contributed to the establishment of the Arcadian Alliance. Not only in Mandinia, but also in the entire Arcadia region has a high reputation. He used to be an envoy. Going to Thebes for help, we were persuaded to ask for Dionia instead.On the way to Messenia, I spent a few days with him. I think he is a very wise and visionary man. He will definitely not allow the Spartans' conspiracy to succeed!"

"Since the general said so, let's wait a little longer." Cloto Kataks approved Ipamirunda's suggestion.

Olivers next to him had some objections to this, and wanted to say his own opinion, but Plintors tried to stop him with his eyes.

His unwilling expression fell into Epamilunda's eyes, and if he hadn't seen him, Epamilunda calmly continued to talk with Cloto Kataks.

The two sides exchanged some views and suggestions on "how to defeat the Spartans", and later even exchanged views on "how soldiers are trained, how the army is organized" and other issues. Even the commanders of Olivers also joined in. The conversation lasted for more than three hours, and until Ipamirunda left, the others were still impressed.

Looking at his leaving back, Cloto Kataks couldn't help sighing: "Ipamilunda is not only very insightful in the military, but also very knowledgeable, but also so humble and easy to learn. A respectable old man!"

"It's a pity," Priintoles said in a deep voice: "We have come to Greece. This will definitely limit Thebes' continued growth. Ipamirunda may not have the opportunity to continue to exert her talents!"

"But at least it prevented more Thebes from dying." Cloto Kataks said softly.

"His Royal Highness." Olivers interjected: "Do we really have to wait for the Arcadians to make a decision before leading the army to attack the Spartans from the north?"

"Uncle Olivers." Although Croto Kataks's tone was gentle, his expression was quite firm: "The situation in the Peloponnese is complicated. We must not worry, otherwise it is very possible to turn what should be friends into enemies."


Facts have proved that Ipamilunda’s judgment is not wrong, and Cloto Catax’s waiting is also correct. On the second day of Ipamilunda’s departure from Messenia, the messenger of Arcadia arrived. It is Lycomides headed by.

Originally, he only came to ask for help, but in Messenia, he saw the powerful Dionian army, and the Dionian army was trying its best to help the Messenians rebuild the new Messenian government and the city of Messenia. .

After thinking about it, Lycomides changed his mind and decided to form an alliance with Dionia.

Croto Catacs met with him as the commander of the Dionian Expeditionary Force and the prince.

After two days of negotiations, the two parties initially drafted a resolution, the main content of which is: Dionia recognizes the Arcadian Alliance and guarantees that its alliance’s interests are not violated;

The Arcadia Alliance also recognizes Messenia and will maintain friendly relations with it;

Dionia will assist the Arcadian Alliance in the construction of Megarobilis as a symbol of friendship between the two sides;

Dionia and Arcadia formed a military alliance. When one side is invaded by a powerful enemy, the other side will provide full assistance.And if you want to attack the enemy together, you only target Sparta...

From the perspective of this alliance treaty, the Dionian side undoubtedly suffered some losses, but Cloto Catacs and Printoles and others have reached an agreement during private discussions: as long as they can get With the support of the people of Arcadia in the center of the Peloponnese (even if only to maintain neutrality), Dionia's attack on Sparta will undoubtedly be much smoother, and it will not hurt to suffer some losses temporarily.

When the agreement was reached, Lu Komedes did not stay longer in Messenia and immediately returned to Arcadia, ready to persuade the Alliance to pass the agreement finally.

Klotokattax also sent a messenger to bring the agreement back to Turrii, and submit it to Daves for review.

Naturally, it took some time to go back and forth. During this period, at the suggestion of Plintors, Cloto Catax suspended the soldiers to continue their construction activities. They were all replaced by the Messenians and began to strengthen the army. He also stayed in the training ground every day, supervising the training of the army, and at the same time let the soldiers get used to his existence.

After the alliance agreement with the Arcadia Alliance was submitted to King Davos, it was quickly approved.However, the Arcadian Alliance has caused a lot of controversy on this matter. In fact, the councillors of the entire alliance were "accepting Spartan's peace? Or asking for help from Dionia?" For small differences, Lu Kemedas also spent a lot of energy before finally getting the alliance to agree to Dionia for help.

It is said that the Spartans are conservative. Compared with the Arcadians, they are even better.This is because Arcadia is located in the center of the Peloponnese Peninsula. It does not rely on the sea, but is mostly mountainous. It is geographically closed. The local people have a strong sense of vigilance against foreign forces.

Among them, the situation of the Mandinians is much better. After all, they have been wandering for more than ten years and have more knowledge.After a hundred years ago, Taigeya and Okomenus were the most resolute opposition.

Tagaia is located in the southeast of the region. Since joining the Peloponnesian Alliance a hundred years ago, Sparta has always used it as a barrier to the north of Laconia. Therefore, it has long used both suppressive and coveted means. As a result, after Tygeya joined the Arcadian Alliance, there are still many pro-Spartan people in the country. Therefore, when Spartan sent envoys to ask for peace in the alliance, it was the most active; and Okomenus Located in the east of Arcadia, adjacent to Pisa, the two have a close relationship. When the Olympia Games were held, Okomenus even shared some benefits, such as allowing Okomenus merchants to visit some good locations in Olympia. Set up a stall to allow the priests of Okomenus to participate in the games... But Pizza is fully supported by Sparta, which makes the Okomenus people’s feelings for Sparta very complicated...

In the eyes of these Arcadian alliance city-states, independence from Sparta’s control is compelling, but it is unacceptable to help an external force to fight Sparta, even if Lycomidas argued, "In order to ensure the safety of the Arcadia Alliance, this is just a stopgap measure." The councillors of these city-states still expressed difficulty accepting it.Therefore, for several days, the councils of the Arcadian Alliance debated on the issue of "alliance with Dionia".