Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 1183 The Prince's Decision

At the same time, the old voice and smile of Adoris continue to appear in Croto Catacs’ mind: "Clotto, I didn’t expect my father to send you to Peloponnese. Don’t worry, brother, I’ll do my best to protect you. your!……

Oh, yes, this is your first time commanding an army, don’t worry, I will fully support you...

Croto, I am here as a soldier representing the whole team and want to ask if there is any special plan for us to build camps instead of fighting...

Croto, you finally ordered us to fight, and I will fight with all my strength and bring you the first victory..."

"Big brother!!..." Croto Kataks cried out in pain, tears streaming uncontrollably.

It took a long time before he had to stop crying because he was about to start cremating the remains of the soldiers who died.

Cloto Kataks looked stupidly at Adoris's body slowly coking in the burning fire...

At this time, Cettisus had the opportunity to tell him painfully: "His Royal Highness, according to a seriously wounded soldier of the Third Battalion, recalled that after the phalanx of Adoris Battalion was breached by the Spartans, he In order to save the soldier under his assistant, he was stabbed with spears in many places on the front of his thigh and his chest was soaked in blood. He was completely unable to stand... But even when lying on the ground, he still wielded his short sword and continued to slash the enemy, finally the angry Spartan Pierced with a spear..."

"The Spartans who deserved to be slashed by thousands of swords!!" Croto Kataks gnashed his teeth and cursed, his fists clenched, his nails pierced his skin, and blood was bleeding.

"His Royal Highness, the heroic performance of Captain Adoris did not humiliate the glory of the First Legion, let alone his glory as the prince of Dionia! He is a hero of the kingdom, and his soul will be influenced by Hades. Take care, go to Elysee Paradise!" Plintors comforted softly from the side.

Cloto Kataks silently stroked the helmet of Adoris as a relic, and said in a mournful tone: "...How can I go back to face my parents, my sister-in-law and nephew!"

Priintoles and Kettesus were shocked. They looked at each other and thought of a question at the same time: What would happen if King Davos learned of the death of Adoris?!

After the war, when he learned that the First Army had suffered heavy casualties, Ketisus had been blaming himself. At this moment, he resolutely said in a deep voice: "His Royal Highness, the First Army has suffered heavy casualties and Captain Adoris died in the battle... This is all mine. Responsibility! If it were not for my commanding mistakes, too hesitating to give orders and failing to let the soldiers prepare in time, it would be impossible—"

Although Klotokatax was grieved and still very clear-headed, he waved his hand and interrupted him: "Captain Ktisus, this is not your responsibility. Blame the enemy for being too treacherous and shameless! Purin Lord Thors, we must not let the Spartans flee into the mountains!"

Klotokatax’s words were full of hatred, a posture of swearing to give up without annihilating the enemy, contrary to the gentle attitude shown before, Plintorus understood that this was the tragedy of Adoris. The death of the young prince gave the young prince a great excitement. He did not give any reminder, but said: "Your Highness can rest assured that we have captured the camp of the Spartan army in the Hercules Sanctuary and captured a large number of With heavy baggage, Spartan troops fled into the mountains without food to eat, and the situation will only get worse. Tomorrow we will send troops to the south and block the border of Sparta, and they will be easily captured."

"The plan to attack the Spartan territory can't be delayed for too long!" Cloto Kataks said in a bitter voice: "When will the army complete its rest and reorganization?"

"His Royal Highness, it doesn't take too long. The day after tomorrow we can send some troops into the Spartan territory." Plintors said affirmatively.

"Part of the army? If you want to conquer Sparta, will they not have enough troops?"

"The Spartans who are under-strength now, not to mention we still have the infantry of the First Fleet in the south to cooperate."

"Okay, then follow your suggestion." Collins Catacs nodded, was about to say something, but saw Mukru hurriedly approaching: "Commander, Taigeya sent an envoy, Ask to see you."

"Tegya!" Klotokatax's face sank immediately, and the young face became a bit distorted with resentment: "These shameless traitors still have the face to meet me! We are here to save them. After coming, they not only betrayed, but also used our trust to launch a sneak attack on our army! The Taigeya were the chief culprits who caused heavy casualties in the First Legion and the death of my elder brother! I will never spare them!"

Cetisus felt the same for the young commander’s anger. If there was no sneak attack by the Taga army from the rear, it would only be a tactic of defeat by the Spartan army. He believed that with the combat power of the First Army, the formation would be disorganized. Under the circumstances, he would not suffer too much. It was precisely because of the front and back flanking that he had to turn the soldiers of the First Legion into defense in situ, thus being completely passively beaten.

Therefore, he also said angrily: "Commander, after the defeat of the Spartan coalition forces, the Taigeya army was completely surrounded by us. Few soldiers escaped. The number of captured soldiers alone was nearly 2500. All these captives were executed to sacrifice the souls of the soldiers who died in battle, or they were all turned into slaves for sale.

I asked several prisoners of Taigeya. The Council of Taigeya sent all the citizens who can fight in their city, obviously with a vicious mind, wanting to completely destroy our army through this battle!But for Hades's blessing, Taigeya lost all its vitality, and we can easily take this city.

Commander, our Dionian tradition has always been to treat our friends sincerely, and never be merciful to betrayal!We can completely destroy this city, thus frightening the whole of Greece, and let those city-states who want to be our enemies consider the consequences!"

Ketisus's words were murderous. After Croto Kataks heard this, he was still in grief and resentment, and he hesitated a little, and subconsciously looked at Plintors next to him.

Printors did not directly give his suggestion, but did not hurriedly talked about a past event: "I remember that in the Western Mediterranean War, your Majesty led a large army to attack Rome. After taking the city of Rome, The Latin Allies that turned to attack Rome encountered stubborn resistance when attacking the city of Gaby. Not only did it kill many soldiers, but Gaby also united with the Roman coalition forces to implement an anti-siege to our siege troops.

In the end, His Majesty defeated them and captured the city of Gaby, and then ordered all Gaby people to be demoted to slaves. Since then, the Latinos have felt fear, and they opened doors wherever our army went. surrender.When the commander of the Taigetinus Army led the Ninth Army to capture Sarros, because of the large casualties, the same method was adopted. After that, the conquest of the entire Sardinia was much smoother...

Although the kingdom is strong, it has little influence on the Greek mainland.On the contrary, many Greek city-states treat us like barbarians, so Taga’s blatant betrayal, Alice’s initial goodwill turned hostile... While we express our goodwill to the Greek city-states, we also need to show them. Appropriately show our powerful strength, it will be more helpful for the kingdom to take root in the Greek mainland in the future, so destroying the city of Taga-I think it is a good choice!"

At this time, Cloto Kataks suddenly remembered that the commander who captured the city of Gaby and carried out this cruel approach was Plintors, and of course he would not object to Cettisus's proposal.

Katisus Kataks frowned and fell into contemplation. After a while, he murmured: "If the Tigers are cleared, will we occupy this territory by ourselves? If that happens, it will seriously affect us. The relationship with the Arcadia Alliance!..."

Plintors blinked and did not speak. He had not thought about this issue, because he felt that this should be a political and diplomatic matter, not a category that military staff officers should consider.

Fortunately, Cloto Catacs didn't ask any more, but continued to frown and think. After a while, he said: "Go and call the guide of Mandynia, Callisenos."

Callisenos came to this young commander, feeling very nervous. As a bystander, he witnessed the whole process of the battle. Not only did he see the corpses of countless Spartan soldiers lying down in the field, but also Hundreds of prisoners were escorted by Dionian soldiers and passed by. Among them were some Spartan warriors with long braids... which shocked him greatly.

At the battle of Leuktra, he was not on the scene and did not know what was going on.But this time the Spartans have an army of nearly 30,000, with the full help of the Taigeians. It can be said that it is the most powerful force that Spartans have in the past few decades, but it is still by the Dionian army. Without the help of the Arcadian army, Independence defeated it from the front.

After this battle, there is no doubt that Dionia will conquer Sparta, and the betrayal of the Taigeians put the Arcadians as allies into an embarrassing and dangerous situation.

Sure enough, when Croto Kataks spoke, he was shocked: "Dionia fulfilled the covenant and came to rescue Taigeya with great pains, but suffered their betrayal, which caused us to die and wound many soldiers... Geya must pay for this! We have decided to attack Tygeya City immediately. After the city is captured, all members of the Council will be touched, and all the people in the city will be turned into slaves. There are no Taigeya!"