Miracle Physical Therapist

Everyday Dreams for Someone (2)

“Then why all of a sudden? ”

Kangdongho, who just entered the meeting room, continued to suck the yogurt that had been eroded. Then, only the cursed woman walking next to him replied with an awkward smile.

“Maybe there's a message about a field trip? ”

“Is that what this is about? If that's the case, you can do the morning rounds, too, dean. ”

Swinging my hand as if I didn't like it, I sat down in the corner of Kangdongho. Then I found a miracle sitting in my seat and began to argue.

“I heard you were invited to go to the baseball field by Kim Dae-gyu. This guy knows how to play baseball. When we were kids, we'd get presents from you first. Isn't that what you're doing? ”

The miracle was absurd, but I didn't feel it was worth answering, so I just turned my head. Then came the second attack on Kangdong Ho.

“Wow! Now I'm ignoring you. You're doing great. You're doing great! ”

However, the miracle did not look back. Today was the last time Kang Dong-ho could do this.

During the course of neurometastasis, the therapists gathered one by one in the treatment room. And at the scheduled hour, Australia appeared. He always shows up in his diary with the same look on his face.

“Did everyone have a good lunch? ”


Australia, which started with a light greeting, quickly got to the point.

“I know it's frustrating to have people over for lunch, but I think it's better to be late for work. I won't waste too much time, so I'll talk to you. There was a special treatment room scheduled to open two months later at the executive meeting this morning. But in the process, there was an internal promoter. ”

The therapists were puzzled by the word "internal promotion." An internal promotion. Which one of them will go to the special treatment room? Who, in what capacity? All the healers hung their faces up with a quest mark.

It was Kang Dong-ho who represented them. Thirsty people dug wells and couldn't endure the anxiety of raiding them.

“An internal promotion? What internal promotion? ”

Australia answered the question with a clear voice.

“The selfish deputy chief is headed to the opening of a new special treatment room. It's not clear yet, but you will be officially treated as a team leader. I mean, the head of the fourth team should be comfortable. ”

The words made Kang Dong-ho's face soft. I was shocked that my head was temporarily numb.

‘What did I just hear...? So you're saying he's my boss now? ’

I turned my head without knowing it. Head straight for the miracle. The next moment he could see. The sight of a miracle staring at itself with cold eyes. He had this thought that I didn't even know.

‘X is done……. ’

He didn't know his heart, and Aussie was the word.

“A big round of applause for the promoted X.O.! ”

With that, a loud applause erupted. with a message of congratulations.

“Congratulations, Deputy Chief. ”

“Sir, congratulations! ”

“I knew it would work. ”

Of course, there were some who did not like the promotion of miracles, like Kangdong Ho. However, I was not conscious of the surrounding atmosphere.

At the end of the round of applause, Aussie spoke.

“And one more thing. I'm starting a special treatment room soon, and I'm giving my intern teachers a chance. If any of the intern teachers are interested in a special treatment room, give them a hand. If they pass, they will complete the internship process and convert them to full-time employees immediately. ”

Either the opportunity came by chance or the eyes of the lucky interns who were unexpectedly fortunate shined.

Australian was the word.

“Make sure everyone is prepared for good results, and have a good weekend. ”


“That's all I have to say. So everyone can take care of business. ”

He said that and turned around and left the treatment room. Then he rushed towards the miracle as if Jang Ho and Choi Jina were waiting.

“Congratulations, Deputy Chief. What the hell is going on? ”

“I know. Isn't that a really high speed promotion? My stomach hurts a little. ”

I received the miracle with a fabulous expression.

“I was lucky. Thanks to you and Senior Director Choi. ”

“Lucky me. And what have we done? It's all thanks to your good work, Deputy Chief. ”

He said that as he looked behind him.

“Someone's in trouble now. The one who was so eager to eat became the superior. ”

The miracle gaze naturally returned to the ‘who’. Then, whoever received the eyes, Kang Dong-ho, was surprised and avoided his gaze.

The miracle of seeing him was the lawsuit.

“No, I didn't care anyway. ”

The miracle killed Dongho Kang twice, saying he had no damage.

Kang Dong-ho was depressed, but I couldn't blame him. Now he has to see the miracle. He was originally that kind of person.

All power has been reversed.

Another week began. Hospital staff who took sweet breaks during the weekend also came to the hospital for work.

“You're here early, have a good weekend? It's Monday already.”

“Yep. It's Monday already... Monday! This can't be real! ”

It may not be an easy job, but a physical therapist is a very hard job. Working indoors but actually moving around like a laborer, mental stress is also significant because you have to deal with patients. ‘Clinics are a battlefield.' There is a reason why the proverbial proverb is that.

That's why weekends are so important. It recharges through relaxation and gains the power to last another week.

For some reason, the faces of the therapists who exchanged greetings were very bright. Unlike the humble conversation.

The miracle also ended work early, as always. I also had a conversation with Australia, as always.

“Deputy Chief, your coffee looks delicious. ”

“Huh? Chief! Can I get you a drink? ”


The miracle that woke me up was putting 100 won into the vending machine in the break room and downloading a cup of coffee in return. The miracle happened when Kim brought out the coffee that was in ruins.

“What other patients are you having today? ”

“Huh? How did you know? ”

The miracle smiled and said.

“You always show up like this and you give it to me. ”

“Did I do that? ”

He smiled. But I haven't forgotten what to say.

“It's renal, but it's a little difficult this time. ”

You nod as if the miracle had been devastated.

“How hard can a patient be? You can't be more difficult than a meteor shower, right? ”

“In some cases? ”

The miracle's face became serious. Seeing the disgraceful look on his face, I had an ominous feeling.

“What kind of patient are you? ”

“Sifi patient……. ”

The miracle of being a CP patient closed my eyes.

“No, sir, what are you really doing to me? ”

CP is short for cerebral palsy. It was a term for cerebral palsy patients. Cerebral palsy is a disease that causes abnormalities in motor skills or posture due to damage to the immature brain, and was considered to be the most serious disability in children. In other words, the patient to be healed this time was a pediatric patient.

He said that Australia is in trouble.

“Someone I know is in this hospital, and I think he recommended me. The patient's guardian insists on being treated by the deputy chief. I can't help it. ”

“…… but I have very little experience treating pediatric patients? ”

“Almost? So you've done it before? ”

The miracle scraped the back of my head.

“I was in practice for a week and treated for about a week as a substitute for a teacher who went on leave at the first hospital. ”

“Then you're the Deputy Chief's experience. I can't help it. My mom says she won't get treatment unless she's deputy chief. How can she not get treatment? You know how your mother feels. How can I go around this hospital, that hospital.... ”

When I heard the miracle, I thought, it's time.

‘It's time for a quest.... ’

And right after that, a message was heard at a fabulous time.

You will be given a quest.

Requirements for achievement: Improve the patient's condition. (Achievement rate 1/100)

Reward: A string of connections that will help you in the future.

‘But now I'm confused. Whether the person giving the quest is the system or the dean.... ’

Quests have always appeared with the emergence of Australian hospitality.

Whether he knew his mind or not, he had pressed the miracle with his anticipated eyes.

A sighing miracle said.

“What type of polio? What's his age? What's his gender? ”

There are different kinds of polio. Whether there's a problem with the brain, whether there's a problem with the cerebellum, or whether there's a problem with the cerebral cortex, each type of polio is different.

At this point, Australia quickly pushed out the chart.

“Not a difficult patient. He's a very common spastic right hemiplegic. She is six years old and her gender is a girl. He's a typical adult hemiplegic, so the deputy chief should be able to handle it. ”

The miracle slowly examined the chart. For such a miracle, Aussie said.

“This will probably be the last patient I assign to my deputy chief. The special treatment room is only open for two months. I'm sorry I left behind so many difficult patients. But I just need you to know that I'm in a lot of trouble in the middle. ”

The miracle of reading the chart turned my gaze to Australia.

“Why are you acting like you're never going to see me again? I don't have any complaints from the dean. Thank you so much for always being so considerate. When I go to the special treatment room, I'm going to try to be a leader like you. Just like right now, you have to defend yourself. ”

Suddenly, Aussie nods, a heartwarming confession.

“Thank you for saying that. I didn't do anything for you. Still feels good. It's worth the effort. ”

He felt compensated for the last seven years of living fiercely in the words of a genuine miracle.

Sometimes it comes to that, when a big comfort comes from a small word.

A miracle knock on the shoulder leaves the treatment room, lighter than ever.

The miracle of looking at him gladly for a moment turned his head back to the chart.

Successful treatment. You won 10 points as a reward.

I did not hear the above message. However, it was a miracle that another patient was successfully treated. The miracle of a proud smile unfolds the chart. His eyes quickly began to move back and forth on the chart.