Miracle Physical Therapist

Where I belong (1)

The special treatment room was a success measure. Members continued to increase to see if good rumors had spread, and the healing tables of miracles, as well as strong numbers, randomness, and Yoon Se-jin, were also packed.

To date, refinements and blindness have only occupied half of the treatment tables, but they have also been busy taking care of patients using instruments and performing their duties.

The treatment room full of patients was lively. The voices of the therapists resonate, and the patients struggle to match them.

“One more time! Again! Again! Again!"

“One! Two! Three, four! Five! Right. Again!"

“Hot two! Hot two!”

It was when everyone was busy. As the door opened, a woman who looked like she was in her early 40s entered the special treatment room.

Since he was a novice who looked around with a cautious face, an impeccable crystal approached him.

“What brings you here? ”

Then the woman stopped searching and replied.

“I thought my mother was going to be admitted to this hospital. I came to see how the infirmary was doing. ”

Crystals were kind to me.

“This is the special treatment room. If you don't want it, you'll probably be treated in the rehab room. The common treatment room needs to go around the corner to the other side. ”

“Ah! I've seen the rehab room. I'm comparing the special treatment room to the rehab room. ”

The crystal's eyes sparkled.

“If you have Sylvie's insurance, consider getting it treated on our end. My dean, too, and they're all very good therapists. ”

“We've actually heard about the dean. ”

“Really? Umm... You'll be done with your illness in 30 minutes." I'd like you to meet him for a moment. ”

“May I? ”

“Of course. Sit over here for a moment. I'll tell you.”

The crystal, handing over the chair, told you to wait a moment, approaches the miracle and waits for the treatment to end. And as soon as the treatment was over, he explained to the miracle.

“The one sitting there in the chair. She's a caregiver who's about to be admitted, and she's wondering where she's going to be admitted to rehab or our special care unit. He's here because he heard about you. ”

“Oh, really? I'll go. ”

That miracle faced a polite woman.

“Hello? I'm the selfish director. You're looking around? ”

“Yes, my mother has undergone knee surgery…… I was wondering where to get treatment. ”

“Oh, I see. He's good at rehabilitation, our special treatment room, or treatment. Take a good look around, consult with your doctor, and decide. If you come this way, I'll treat you really, really hard. ”

The miracle did not encourage him to come to the special treatment room. However, such attitudes were more likely to elicit the belief of the guardian. How much time has passed since the guardian died? A message appeared before the eyes of the healing miracle.

Quest [Where I belong!].

Goal: Recover at least 120 degrees from joints in your knees.

Reward: Surprising offers.

A new quest appeared. Miracles were able to infer that the protagonist of the quest was the mother of the guardian who had just stopped by the treatment room. It was thanks to the guardian who told me that my mother had undergone knee surgery.

‘Cause none of my patients have had knee surgery yet. 120 degrees, by the way... It won't be easy. ’

The maximum operational range of a knee joint for a normal person to actively move is 135 degrees.

However, when you perform surgery, this range is significantly reduced. Depending on your age, gender and condition, your prognosis will vary, but you see up to 90% as a maximum recovery, which means you see a limit of 135 degrees, 90% …… so you see 122.5 degrees.

However, the system was setting the target to 120 degrees. Taking into account the age of patients who were only slightly below 122.5 degrees, they set a goal that was almost impossible.

Do they prove that this is a difficult goal? The reward for this quest was unusual.

‘A surprising proposition...... What could it be? ’

The miracle occurred to the bear, but he couldn't find the answer.

The miracle of morning's treatment was to check the patient charts using a computer. Not different? A new patient was added.

She was a 78-year-old woman named Acknowledgment, who had undergone surgery due to knee cartilage damage caused by degenerative arthritis.

"Oh, this is a man of compassion. You've only just had surgery... ’

The miracle of looking at the chart and going down, I thought to myself,

‘But what happens if I hand him over to another doctor? I think you should let Dr. Yoon Se-jin handle the knee surgery. ’

But his thoughts disappeared shortly after. It was because of his brilliant message at the end of the chart.

* Don't forget to treat it! I want to be accepted by a selfish dean!

‘Ah... You were a singer. By the way, don't forget to treat me! Wh... ’

Suddenly, I felt a sharp anger in the message, and for a moment, the miracle began to come to my senses and read the patient's chart.

The patient's date of onset, occupation, and current condition were included in the collection of information in order to plan treatment.

Some things were hard to understand.

‘The degenerative arthritis caused the cartilage to wear out to the point of bone contact…… and caused artificial joint surgery……. How long can the cartilage wear out and the bones touch each other? And why haven't you done anything until then? ’

The miracle is a little angry. Even if I took action a little earlier, I could have prevented the situation from escalating to this extent, because I thought why did I bring the situation to this state without taking action.

It was when he coughed. Suddenly, the phone on the desk started ringing. You hear a familiar voice as soon as you answer the phone.

This is the Ledger's Office.

The miracle is correct and answered.

“Yes, it's me. Go ahead, Prelate. ”

You haven't eaten yet, right?

“Yes? Yes. I was just on my way to eat. ”

Really? If you don't want to eat, come eat with me. I've been thinking about ordering Chinese food for a long time... I have something to tell you.

“Is that right? I'll be right up. ”

It was a miracle I said that when I tried to hang up the phone. You hear the voice of the urgent Myeongjin.

Wait a minute. I have to set a menu... Would you like a squeeze? Would you like some champagne?

“Ah……. ”

I only opened my mouth after considering the miracle for a long time.

“I... am... squeezed. ”

If I squeeze in, I get it. I'll see you in a bit.

“Yes, I'll be right up. ”

The miracle of putting the phone down explains to the team members and leaves the treatment room as it is.

The face of the miracle, out of the infirmary, was somewhat serious. It seemed like something was troubling me to keep stopping.

Is it a question of what the name of the person is going to say? The answer was revealed in a miraculous monologue. After returning from the corner, he snaps at you with a small voice.

Why didn't you do it with a muzzle? ’

Knock, knock.

When I knocked, I went inside, and Myeong-jin Kim Chul-yong, Human Resources Finance, and Nurse Heo Seon-gyeong, the nurse, were sitting around the table talking.

“Prelate, I'm here. ”

When I greeted him, he greeted the guest with a distinctive gentle smile.

“Welcome, I was still talking about the dean. ”

I sat on an empty couch and asked the miracle.

“My story? What were you talking about? They were laughing when I came in. Have you seen my boobs? ”

The answer was starving.

“Yes, I saw Kim here. Everything's so good, it's weird. I mean, isn't there some serious flaw that I can't talk about? ”

“Yes? No…. ”

The miracle seemed ridiculous, and Kim Chul-yong was furious and shook his hand.

“No, that's not it. I'm just kidding. Just kidding, we're closing our July earnings this time. Special treatment rooms earn 55% of their rehabilitation centers. I'm just kidding because you're so good at it. ”


The miracle didn't know what it meant, but I only tilted my head. It was the name of the person who solved the question.

“In a word, we made a tremendous amount of money, with six people making over half as much as 40. I thought it was a great success at 30 percent this year, but I was really surprised to hear from Kim, who exceeded 50 percent in a month. ”

That was the name of the person who said that.

“That's why I called the dean. I just wanted to say thank you for your efforts. ”

“Ah……. ”

The nodding face of the miracle appears to have been mentioned above. He seemed to feel rewarded and proud that his department had achieved tremendous results.

“I'm really glad to hear that. ”

“It's all because of you. Let's see... this... ”

Myeong-jin, who got up from his seat, opens his desk drawer and finds something. Then I took out two envelopes and sat back down. He hands the envelope out one by one to the miracle.

“What is this? ”

“This is a medical checkup. You can have a medical checkup, or you can give it to your parents. We mean well done, so I hope you'll find it useful. ”

The miracle looked around awkwardly and asked.

“Can I take this.... ”

It seemed like he was the only one receiving gifts.

I laughed.

“Well done, I'll give it to you. You've both received so many gifts from me. Don't you two remember? ”

In saying that, Kim Cheolyong and Heo Sung-kyung smiled calmly.

“No way. The Prelate's gift is still well spent. ”

“Me, too. I'm always thankful for your care. ”

His name smiled.

“Yes, you can have it. ”

“Then... I thank you." ”

The miracle with your head down was when you received the envelope. I heard a system message.

I was given an opportunity to be a saint in return.

Looks like this quest was rewarded for passing the healthcare check.

A miracle was asked to the inner system.

‘But the system. What happens if I use this right to health care? Ah... It's good to be healthy, right? ’

As long as you grow up to be healthy, that's good. The miracle reminded me of what Gojir said, and I asked again.

‘But…… what if I give this right to someone else? That's not a chance to be a saint, is it? ’

Then the system responded.

Someone else is somebody's parent and child.

‘Ah... I see... You didn't tell me they were my parents...' ’

It was time for the miracle to nod. Myeongjin said, checking the time.

“But the delivery food isn't coming as I expected. I think it's time... ”

Myeong-jin picked up his smartphone and checked the time he called home in China.

It was at that moment that a message appeared on the smartphone. The person checking the message once again smiled calmly.

“He's my son's girlfriend... He's really creepy. I was texting to see if you had lunch... Haha. ”

When I said that with Myeong-jin's smartphone, Heo Jung smiled and accepted it.

“The woman you met on your last date? ”

“Huh? You remember? That's right. We met on a blind date. ”

When Myeong-jin first said that, he thought it was a miracle.

assuming that Sukhan, who was difficult to identify, had lied about meeting through a date.

But it didn't take me long to realize that it wasn't.