Miracle Physical Therapist

Concert for Dad (6)

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“Yes, because I'm training physical therapists. But the subject of education was brain damage. I think Jung-deok would like to do it...... What do you two think? ”

The miracle looked at Kim Jung-deok and Kang Mi-suk alternately. Jungdeok Kim and Mi-sook Kang were a little embarrassed.

“I don't know? It's a bit sudden...... What good would that do? ”

“Hmm... You can get treatment on Saturday instead of good." About an hour? ”

“An hour? Then we have to do it. I'll do it. You're in, right? ”

Kang Mi-suk, who was always speaking in a calm tone, suddenly called out in an excited voice. I was in a bad mood for weekend treatment. But I can get an extra hour of treatment... I had no reason to refuse.

“Naah...... Doooo! Zooa! ”

The miracle smiled, and he reminded himself by clapping his hands.

“Now, let's do that…… Shall we start the treatment? I'll get up.”

And so began the treatment. Kim Jong-deok moved to Peter with the help of a miracle, and Kang Mi-suk stepped back and watched the treatment as usual.

How much time has passed?

Jiaying. Jiaying. Jiaying.

At some point, Kang Mi-suk's smartphone vomited. It was a phone call. In principle, telephone calls in the treatment room were prohibited, so Kang Mi-suk got up and left the treatment room.

In the meantime, the treatment continues, and the time has come to end the treatment. The miracle was that Kim Jung-deok was moved to a wheelchair and declared the treatment over.

“That's all for today. By the way, your guardian seems to be on his way to pick up the phone... … I guess he hasn't come yet? ”

I grabbed the wheel handle of the miracle that was circling around for a moment.

“There's no next treatment anyway, so come out with me. He's right in front of us. Or I could walk you to your room. ”

The miracle took her wheelchair out of the infirmary. However, I did not see Kang Mi-suk.

The miracle took me up to the elevator and into the room. Immediately, I saw Kang Mi-suk standing at the corner in front of the room.

“Protect……. ”

I swallowed a horse while trying to summon such a miracle. I noticed later that Kang Mi-sook was talking to a man.

Who is it?

It was when he thought that. The man opens his mouth. Whether he's conscious of his surroundings or not, his voice is not very loud, but it is clearly heard in the ears of the miracle.

“Mom, this isn't right. You should have told me. You should have told me... ”

“It was your father's will to keep it a secret. And who knew this would happen? This is nobody's fault. So don't be so hard on yourself... ”

“But... but this isn't it... How am I supposed to live now... How am I supposed to live with this burden in my heart...? ”

“I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." ”

I rolled my feet in the cave, not like this and not like that. It was uncomfortable to eavesdrop when I stayed like this, and the atmosphere was so severe when I stepped forward.

It was Kim Jung-deok who saved him like that.

“Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. ”

It was Kim Jung-deok's voice. The miracle thanked Joong-deok Kim for finally speaking up. But he didn't know. It's not the end here, it's the beginning now.

Kang Mi-suk who heard his voice, the man, Kim Jong-soo, looked back. The next moment, the miracle was flawed.

Somehow, Kim Jong-soo was crying. At least thirty men shed tears.

What is it?

Even though the existence of the miracle that was standing around would be bothered... Kim Jong-soo took a step toward Kim Jong-deok without hesitating.

Then I sat on my knees before him and held his strangely twisted hand. Kim Jong-soo cried, tearless.

“Dad, why did you do that? If I don't have money, I'll say no... You should have told me... He made me a shameless son. How can I live with the burden on my heart...? How can I live now...? ”

Jungdeok Kim opened his mouth with a sad face.

“Ahh...... I feel sick and tired. Maaan Maaal Saaal is a pig. ”

That word became a beacon. Kim Jong-soo shed tears with his face on his father's lap. He cried and cried as if his tear glands were broken.

“Oh my. I can live well without a house... Oh my. Some people lend their homes like fools... * Sobbing * ”

The miracle was the answer to the question I had at the first meeting, why Kim Jong-deok from the large corporation had to preach the construction.

Kim Jong-soo, who needed a newlywed home before marriage, would have opened his hands to his father. So far, there was no problem. If I had the time, why would it be a problem to give a home to my children?

The problem was that Kim didn't have that kind of money. However, Kim Jong-deok, who wanted to do anything for his child, saved the house after taking the loan and handed over the construction plates to repay the loan.

‘Then the accident would be better...... and my son only found out today...' ’

If Kim Jong-soo hadn't opened his hands... … No, if I had honestly told him that Kim Jong-deok had no money…… that day's misfortune wouldn't have happened…….

But if they were, would they be happy? I don't think my son blames his father. Could the father have been beaten in front of his son? Miracles were not easy to answer. I heard Kim Jung-deok's voice before the sad miracle's ears.

“Daaaa... within me... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ”

What are you so sorry about?

It was Kim Jung-deok who would have walked on his shoulders without rest for decades.

Given its weight, the shoulders of the burden would have been bloody. His chest would have been bruised black.

But even in that situation, he must have smiled in front of his family.... Like the day I gave my son a house after I got the loan.

"Father, are you saying that you are not enough? ’

Ah! The great and unknown heart of my parents...

The miracle simply retreated, repeating it. If I watched more, I left in a hurry because I thought I would shed tears.

A miracle happened as soon as we entered the elevator. The door closed and the outside was completely blocked. But I didn't think the sound of tears coming from outside would stop.

The next day.

Jungdeok and Kang Mi-suk always appear in the treatment room.

“Sir, how are you? I came down from patient Kim Jung-deok. ”

The miracle also welcomed them as if they were ordinary.

“Welcome. I'll start treatment right away. ”

I did it on purpose because I knew I would be embarrassed. However, Kang Mi-sook brought up the story first.

“Sir, I'm really sorry about yesterday. I didn't get here in time and made it a hassle...... and...... I caused a lot of complaints. ”

I think he was talking about what happened in front of the room yesterday. The miracle shakes its head with a slight smile.

“It's not like you do it often. It was the first time yesterday. What do you mean, protest? Absolutely not. You don't have to say that. ”

“I haven't seen you. I'm so ashamed... You heard it all, right? ”

I can't say no. The miracle is a nod.

“What happened right in front of you... I listened to Bourne. I honestly didn't think there was such a story. Joong-deok Kim, you're amazing. I wouldn't have done that. I admire you, Father. ”

I meant it. It was never something anyone could do to get a loan for their son and pass on a trial to repay it.

Did he feel a miracle in his heart? Kim Jong-deok nodded slowly.

“My father-in-law is Aradoo Daaziai Grrruecke Haal Geronida. ”

But is it because we've been together for a long time? The miracle made perfect sense to me. Maybe I understood it with my mind rather than with my understanding, but I understood the miracle.

‘If anyone is listening, they may ask, where is this fool in the world? But that's not true. Joong-deok Kim is no fool. ’

There are so many different people in the world. A tall person, a small person, a fat person, a thin person, a person who values public morality, a person who commits crimes, a person who likes money, a person who is depressed....

Of course, everyone thinks differently and has different values.

Some people are me, some people are children first, some people are money first.

This is a difference in values and is not wrong. Just because you're different doesn't mean you have to treat him like an idiot.

“That's a great will. I don't think rehabilitation is a problem with that kind of will. You can do this for your son, right? ”

Kim Jong-deok nods, and the smiling miracle begins to heal. He opens up the walkers that he's prepared for.

“From now on, I'm going to practice my sit-to-stand. ”

Sit-to-stand is literally a standing motion from a seated position. Meanwhile, since I've been training in Quadri pose and exercising my strength, I thought I'd try a new move as well as a mood shift.

Kim Jung-deok's face felt a little tense because he said he was doing a new movement. It wasn't hard. He's never stood on two feet since the accident. Now I was nervous because I said I would stand on two feet.

The miracle notices that look and asks, placing the walker in front of Kim Jong-deok.

“You're nervous, right?”

Then, Jung-deok Kim nodded without any worries. You nod as if you understand a miracle.

“I've never stood up in a hospital before, have I? ”

The answer came from Kang Mi-suk.

“I've stood on my feet before, but I've never held a walker like this before. But is it possible? I'm just getting used to Quadri now... ”

“I feel like it's still early. But let's stand still. You're scared, but if you can't beat it, you can't do anything about it. I'll be right behind you. So you have nothing to worry about. ”

The miracle that you've told me about is knocking on the walker's handle.

“Here, hold this. ”

“Mmmm... ”

In fact, Kim was under a lot of pressure from the fact that he had never done a movement before.

My chest flutters as if I was about to jump a bungee. The evidence was that thick drops of sweat were pouring down his back.

But he clears his mind and grabs the walker's lever. It's because I thought for a moment that I had more to lose.

‘There's nothing you can do if you're afraid of falling. No, I can do this even if I fall. For me, and for my family. ’

Jungdeok Kim gave strength to the hand that held the handle. And squeeze your legs together! I woke up.