You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Search for Novels (" after being a full-level boss!Entering the elevator, Yi Feiyu swiped his card again and pressed the number key on the third floor. "It's a pity that today is the weekend. If it is Monday, the school girl can still witness the process of the physics experiment."

While speaking, the elevator had arrived.

Yi Feiyu stepped out first and pointed out which area was used for experiments, and which place was not allowed to enter, as if he had already regarded Huo Yao and his cousin as future physics students.

With the two of them, when they walked to the third classroom in the corridor, Yi Feiyu swiped the card at the door again, and the glass door opened automatically.

"This is where we usually have experimental classes." Yi Feiyu just stood at the door and pointed to the instrument, but didn't take the two of them to hang out.

After visiting the experimental area for ten minutes, a few people went downstairs.

As he walked, Yi Feiyu was still lobbying Huo Yao to choose their physics department. When he was halfway through, he saw professors from several departments of Qing University coming here.

Immediately, Yi Feiyu pulled the two aside to stand, and his expression instantly became awed.

"I'm telling you that these few professors who are young big brother-level professors exist, and they walked over for a while, and they all lower their heads and don't talk." Yi Feiyu couldn't help but exhorted, even his voice was a little bit terrifying.

Although the department did not clearly stipulate that students should not be brought in, it is not always good to be seen by professors.

Hearing this, Huo Yao stood quietly behind Yi Feiyu, and at the same time dropped his head.

When several Qing University professors walked over, a very strong breath of deterrence followed. Yi Feiyu squeezed his palms nervously and said tremblingly: "Hello professors!" Niu Niu Chinese website

Walking in the forefront was the professor academician of the Physics Department. He glanced at Yi Feiyu's side lightly.

Because Huo Yao and Yi Lianfan both lowered their heads, they didn't see their faces clearly. They thought they were students in the department. They waved their hands gently at the people, and then went on to the teaching and research building.

When a professor walking behind passed Yi Feiyu, he suddenly stopped.

Yi Feiyu stayed all over, and then raised his head cautiously. Seeing that it was Professor Zhao from the Department of Biology, the other's gaze fell straight on the Huo Xuemei behind him, and he subconsciously wanted to move his steps to block Huo Yao's.

As Professor Zhao paused, the professors in the department in front and the other two professors also paused, turning their heads to look here.

Seeing this, Yi Feiyu suddenly dripped cold sweat from his forehead, where he dared to move.

He stammered: "Zhao, Professor Zhao...This is one of my high school girls and my high school cousin. They are here to participate in the competition. I, I will show them and take a look..."

Yi Feiyu was so nervous that he didn't even know what he said.

Seeing that his cousin was so nervous, Yi Lianfan immediately realized that these professors were unusually identifiable, and suddenly felt a little self-blaming in his heart. He really shouldn't let his cousin bring them here.

In case the cousin was punished for this, he would be guilty.

Compared to Yi Lianfan and Yi Feiyu's nervousness, Huo Yao didn't feel much.

She had been hanging her head all the time, realizing that the gaze of the'Professor Zhao' who Yi Feiyu was calling out was looking over, and she did not look away for a long time. Huo Yao was quite confused. After thinking about it for two seconds, she still raised it slowly. He raised his head and looked at each other.