Miracle Pill Maker Bullies the Boss

Chapter 1537 Retribution is quite fast

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Huo Hao did not speak again, choose An An quiet sitting there to read.

She is afraid that I have to dig a big pit one.

Nothing, the gods will come back, and Huo Hao will talk to him to his office.

"Rong ... Teacher, do you call me?"

Huo Hao looked at each other, and the opponent's little eye god directly made her 'teacher' two words into 'teacher'. After they changed their name, the face was revealed in an instant look.

Huo Hao: "."

Suspected Professor, Professor, and the serious indifference heard from others is not the same.

Rong averaged clearly, directly enter the theme: "I have a variable conversion method has not been considered accurate, I don't know which link has problems. Your mathematical operation is strong, and sometimes analyzes the teacher."

Huo Yu saw that there was a glimpse on his face, and he took a cloud, slightly two seconds, this only went back: "Analysis is no problem, but my ability is limited, maybe I can't help."

Rong gave this, I picked the eyebrows. "Wu Yue said that you will not feel deep about this physical title last year. The teacher should not be a problem."

Huo Yu lips angle: "..."

I can't really blow the cattle in the future.

Retribution is quite fast.

Rong gave a little unwilling to wait, and looked at the hand and looked at the time.

Hawko saw Professor Professor, sighs in his heart. Anyway, there is no lesson today, nod should take it down.

After a while, Rong was brought by Huo Yu to the experimental building.

There are other students in the road. When I saw the Hawk on the side of the Professor, most people were curious about who she was.

At the fourth floor, Rong Ji briefly introduced the laboratory situation below to Huo, when speaking, there is still a little bit, if you start, you will catch this little girl.

When two people go to the laboratory, there are still two people.

One of them is Li Chenhui, and another long phase is very stunned, typical nerd model.

Li Chenhui saw the teacher came in, and she was busy from the front of the computer. "Teacher, you are here ... , the little teacher, you will come over."

He saw Huoxi who followed in the rid.

Huo Yu is nodd from Li Chenhui, "Director". "

Li Chen laughed, and then referred to the true boys standing on the side, introduced: "This is war."

Three students from Professor Professor, Li Chenhui, Wen Ping, and there is a homaki.

Huo Wei listened to Wen Ping, and the courtesy of him, the face is well-behaved: "Wen Ping's brother."

Wen Ping is the first time I saw Huo, I was a bit slightly. I didn't seem to think that the teacher's new master's girl's value would be so high. He went back to God, he was busy nice.

I don't know what to say, some restraints stand there.

"You have a relatively bad personality, and there are few words, you will know if you are in the same way." The rid of the side is deliberately explained.

Wen, cough, cough, not too embarrassed.

Huo Wei is a little bit, "I know."

Rong Hui put his hand, let Li Chenhui and Wen Ping continue to do their own, turn to a computer desk that is not far away.

Open the computer, he opens the algorithm simulator, "You come to see."

Huo Hao, I walked to the computer.