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For the head, although the man is surprised, this task goal is a bit less than, but the other party is only a young woman. In addition to being a little vigilant, he is not worried about caught people.

Therefore, men don't have much nonsense, only: "You are yourself with us, or we do it? We don't know if you do it."

"Who is your employer?" Huo Hei did not carefully asked, and his fingers slowly took the sleeve.

The man looked loudly, "Don't ask the name of the employer."

Huo Yu heard the words, it was unfortunately, "Then you are really unlucky, even the name of the employer doesn't know."

The man frowned and didn't understand what Huo Yu.

However, he has never been able to think about it. Next moment only feels in front of you, the girl who has been separated is a bit distance, but it has been coming to him in front of the strange speed.

A man in the heart, only listening to a light fluttering female voice again in the ear: "I teach you a truth today, I don't know who the employer is, it is about to lose a life."

Huo Yue lips, the silver needle with you did not enter the men's ridge, and finally fell to the ground, he did not respond.

Some of the other few people next to see this, the face has changed, soon, those people directly move toward Huo, and the action is clearly right.

After five minutes, Huo Hao put the sleeve, slightly displays the disappointment of people who have been lying on the ground.

Without any combat power, how do you face this way?

Huo Wei greeted, returned to the car, she took the mobile phone in the car to see time, see there is a missed call.

It was a few minutes ago.

She was surprised, and immediately launched a car engine, while a call dial.

Soon, the phone is connected.

"Three brothers, do you look for me?" Huo Yu asked very well.

Huo Yulin nodded, "Well, the little girl is you in Ye Yu?"

"No, I just had a meal with the broker of the four brothers, is preparing to go back." Huo Yu truthfully said.

Huo Yulin heard the words, it was a bit surprised, "What did the old agendo look for you?"

"The four brothers let him bring some things to me, but it is three brothers. Are you busy? When is going to return to China?"

"I've just got home."

Huo Yulin is sitting on the sofa at this time, one hand is swollen, and there is also a clear tiredness.

Huo Wei listened to this, and he said very quickly and hangs.

Huo Lilin put down the phone, closed his eyes, leaning back, think of what, he opened his eyes, took the file bag next to it, and some somewhat deep.

How can the group in Check the little girl?

Huo Yulin has never been understood, half-ring, he stood up, walked outside the garden, touched the lighter from your pocket, burn the information in the file bag.

Clean the ash, he fell to the living room.

Not much time, Huo Hao returns home.