Mo Lin (Evil come)

Chapter 102 Tiger Tiger

"Reassuring in the main point, only the front is blocking, we can be from the side ........."

The beam is not finished, there are also cavalry rushed out in the direction of the two sides.

".........." Zheng Fan.

"............" Liang Cheng.

Liang Cheng raised a long knife, no way, at this time, you can only choose hard spells, cavalry, only in the proactive process to release itself.

Just, I am still difficult to say this, can I rush to the other side, I really don't say it, even if I rushed over, the speed is inevitably blocked. Thousands of Dry Army cavalry that will be chased behind will definitely pack. At that time, these three There are several hundred people who can live out, but it is really difficult to say.

However, at this time, the cavalry that blocked the front suddenly slowed down the horse.

Liang Cheng slowly put down the knife in his hand, did not order accelerated charges, he certainly clear what the other party is, it is ...

Seeing Yan Guo cavalry began to slow down, the surrounded cavalry began to surrounded by the cavalry, and the distance was a bit far, not covered in the coverage of the arrow, but it has already broken this Yan Guo cavalry team to any direction. It may be blocked.

"Is this to persuade?" Zheng Fan opened.

"It should be." Liang Cheng replied.

"This era, there is no" Geneva Convention "."

"There is a" Geneva Convention "and no, there is no difference."

The barbarian cavalry we were all gathered in the absence of the barbarian cavalry, and these barbarian cavalry had spontaneously surrounded a circle, and Zheng Fan and Liang Cheng were maintained inside.

"Hey, you talk about it, is I used to be too thin?"

This will, Zheng Fan really has a kind of person who will feel good.

"On the main point, when I took the soldiers, the hand was not only the people of different tribes, and even the existence of many different ethnicities."

Zheng Fan did not know the author of "Liang Cheng". At the beginning, it was a single painting or "theatrical version", but did not take it out.

Because "Liang Cheng" I was dying, I was very sudden;

Therefore, there is still a part of the "zombie beaming", and Zheng Fan is not clear, and the girlfriend of the girlfriend has not mentioned this.

In the original comics, the role of Beamuo, in fact, based on the urban modern background, the past, only ambiguous, and many comic readers have guess this, and even the ancient four zombies All moved out one place to go up, but the original author "Liang Cheng" has never given an exact statement.

As for the true origin of Mule, Zheng Fan this "written" person is not clear. He is only responsible for continuing the plot of this comics, and he has never been subversion of the theme of comics.

As the "Red Man Dream" just continued the story of the Red House in accordance with the previous story atmosphere, gave an echo, did not write Jia Baoyu joined the righteous army to win the throne.

"So?" Zheng Fan asked.

"On the main, the real king, there is a heart that accommodates everything, anything, as long as the film is worshiping under your banner, it is your subject.

Just like .......... "

"Who is it?"

"Yellow Emperor."

".........." Zheng Fan.

Zheng Fan really wants to ask, this is your self-replenishment, or "Liang Cheng" really left a large number of passers-up, even the Yellow Emperor involved, what is your past?

However, when you think about these, you will go to fantasy, but you will make yourself feel that you are a two fool.

People have surrounded you, this is closed in the tiger in the cage, still counting a king of the beast of the ball?

"Let's cut all the heads of the officials of the country of the country, even if they will give us anything now, and they are all fake.

They now put a living booth, just in order to set out the intelligence about Yan Guo from us, they think that our actions are emptied by the peak.

After the intelligence is squeezed, our head is definitely not guaranteed. You look, the opposite will send people to talk about the conditions to show us ... "

Zheng Fan's voice just fell, and the man in the opposite cavalry was a man dressed in the officials of the official and robe, and the trail came to this.

"Unfortunately, it is fake, Alone, I really don't want to be a loyal minister for Yan Guo, but it is nothing to do in a way."

Zheng Fan's reason why he dares to discuss the attitude of the country, because he clear the waste wood of the army of the country, so the unclear may be active and then doing anything, if it is the two countries, you are surrendered, even if you don't get reuse But it will also give you a good arrangement, it is "Qianjin City Horse Bone", but there is no need at this point here.

"On the main, we can still have another time."

"Can you rush out? I can't do it now, my body is soft, it is estimated that the sequelae of the magic pill, you can go out, you will go out, and you will make a chance, and then help me with avenge. .

It doesn't have to be reported too embarrassed, and the country is destroyed. "

"............" Liang Cheng.

Liang Cheng really wants to say, if you die, not only yourself, may include the blinds in the Cuiusurg, they have to collect violence.

I don't want to give you a burial, I have to force you.

and so,

There is no possibility of leaving you myself at all.

"On the main, I won't drop you."

"I am going, this time, don't play lyrics? If the four maida is here and I sang a fancy, I am, I can feel very feeling, you ..."

"The people of the Dafu Town Supervisor Sima Zheng Hongze, Feng Dai Dai Three Town Advocated the Order, there is something to say to your leaders!"

Zheng Fan has a mouth, laughing:

"Get, still a home."

"How come back?" Musheng asked.

"Talk, talk to them, you go to talk to them, from salary to pension insurance five insurance, one gold reserve, and slowly pulling him."

"Is delayed time?" Liang Cheng understood.

"Let's talk about it, miracles, it is struggling."

Liang Cheng left Zheng Fan in the horseback, he turned over the horse, and took a horse from the side of a barbarted soldier, slowly strategy.

Zheng Fan squatted on horseback, reached out and touched his back,


Really hurt.


"Taiwan, why not order rushing!"

A middle-aged man who is wearing a long sword is asked directly from the trolley.

Trolley, is an open form of carriage, a top cover, no side, need to be pulled by people or Malay.

When you go to Beijing, you will have a lot of drama, and there will be a playing team or the Huade Kui station on the trolley on the car.

In the military, it became the commander of the commander.

At this time, there were thousands of sergeant guards around the trolley, and only three people were standing.

One person is headed,

Two people lived.

The first person, the year is about 50, the long must be floating, the face is net, the lip red is white, the lips is white, and the robe is in a charm. It has a lot of a person who has a good venture!

After his body, two men wearing purple officials were all middle age.

And the following questioner, although wearing a bun, holding a sword in his hand, but when you look at the style, whether it is the armor or the Poly Sword, how do you think it is not coordinated?

"Let's go, Wu's Day, you dare to talk to too much!"

A middle-aged man standing behind Yang Taizhong, Wu Xian, Wu Xion, screamed.


Wu Chaoxity made the horse, but one, almost fell from it, this is an accident, making its momentum is not from one.

After the trolley from the step, Wu Chau made a ceremony against Yang:

"Chen Zhen Festival made Wu Yinger, see Yang Taizhen."

Yang Taizhong turned away, and the smile came over, and the hands of Wu Yinger's ceremony were held, and the shot was taken.

"Wu Chau Taishan's things, this man is known, Wu Xion, please ask for mourning."

Mianzhou City knows that the entertainment is the thin and old man who cuts his head under the hand to death. It is Wu Ying's man.

Wu Yinger is not a grassroots, and it is also a book of Xiangmen, but his family is in the middle of the road, it is to be rewarded by the enforcement of the Human Human.

It can be said that there is no appreciation and portaging of the old knowledge, there is no Wu Yingwa's today.

Of course, Dafan North Sanshi: Chen, Liang, Wei, Ying Ying Town, Chen Tao, Liang Town, Wei Tzhen, each town is mastered by one, the festival of the country, is equivalent to the north The commander of the military area of ​​the military area is a civil servant.

Wu Yinger can do Wei Tzhen's festival, which also shows that the old knowledge is not only a five stone, which is really first-class, he can always occupy this business and transfer of Mianzhou City. Flatages, also relying on Wu Yingli's relationship.

"Taiwan, this is a poor and vicious, ten evils, and the officer, please, the official speed, the soldiers will be annihilated, and the official will take their level to surpass the death of the death of the people." "

"Urgent, people have been surrounded, can you still don't go to the sky?" The middle-aged man who was previously blamed by Wu Yinger once again sounded.

Wu Yingwu immediately snorted and relieved:

"I heard that someone's wife and girls can also fall in the hands of the group of Yan Dogs. Someone must be willing to start with this group of Yan Dogs because of private waste."

Liang Town Festival made Meng Changqi, immediately angry, just wants to open the counterattack, but he was opened by Yang Taizhen around:

"Okay, ok, as the festival of the court to guard, but what is the difference between this instrument, and the difference between the city's small people?"

Seeing Yang Taizhong is angry, the two festivals have stopped this, and they did not dare to make a speech.

It is to know that this is the head of the three consecutive sorts of the Trinity, which is the three hops of the Trinity.

At the same time, the three Yang's post-hordic, can all come from his Yang family, although it is not his biological female, but it is also a family close to the elders.

According to reason, Dalian scholars and officials gratify the world, and suppressing the martial arts is the instinct of the scholar, at the same time, the extension is the situation that the staff is not allowed.

But this Yang Hao is a special case because he is an eunuch.

In the early years, when the emperor of this generation is still a prince, he is the accompanying East Palace. Later, the prince succeeded, he referred home to Hangzhou Yang's three sisters to enter the palace, the three sisters have been hard, he has also been reused again, Even the eunuch, the pivot court, and at the same time, we will put the northern Xinjiang three towns.

The most amazing thing is that he is a eunuch, nor is it because he did not cut clean, actually growing a beautiful must have envied many literati.

Yang Taizhen turned, face front, said:

"Killing them is easy, they have been surrounded by my big army group, and these three hundred people can fly around the sky?"

What is this Covernor know that they are all of them, what is the fortune? "

Said, Yang Taizhong also looked at Wu Yinger who stood behind him and said:

"This gang, you can't die, it is committed to the sin, the death is difficult to redeemer! But the bird's thief has too many things in the country. It is said that Yanhuang has tear his face and even the two sides even. Chen Bing confronted.

This swallow, a cavalry suddenly tattered into my big dry, it is difficult to protect the other mind, if it is unable to identify, how do you tell the official to the official?

What's more, according to the previous report, this group of Yan people cavers, there is a barbarian! This is the mystery, I will wait for it?

As a big son, you can have the power of the people in the power of one town. "

Wu Yinger and Meng Changqi paired the eye, coupled with the third party of Chen Zhen, made the money, and rose to Yang Taizhong:

"Thank you, the teachings, I am awkward."

Yang Taizhong saw it, very satisfied with the beauty of his own.

At this moment, a civil servant in an official service came, and the front-end Tajie immediately spread it.

The person is just Zheng Hongze, just finished with Liang Cheng.

Zheng Hongze did not go to the horse, and the horse is in front of the truck, and the hand holds the boxing:

"Different things, the officials are not allowed."

Yang Taizhong took the head: "Nothing, Zheng Shima is hard."

Zheng Hongze Xinyi, in fact, the difference between the difference is that the whole courtesy is the virtual, and the things are still Yang Taizhong, Yang Taizhong asked about, who can fight against the group of swallows, left and right Silent, I'm asked to ask for ahead.

Zheng Hongze wants now, is to deepen his impression in Yang's heart, the middle and lower officials want to climb up, really have to rely on the appreciation.

"After returning to the Taiwan, the arms willing to fall, just have a lot of conditions, to accommodate the official one ............"

Yang Taizhong huhed,


"Don't report it, I promise him."


"Promise them."

Anyway, these commitments will not be honored in the future, he wants, just attempt!

"The official understands, yes, the bird's thief said that the Millennium of Meng Piga is still in their hands."

Meng Changqi heard the words, when it is facing, busy and asked:

"What about the wife?"

"The arms said that the wife of Meng Pao did not dismass died in the severe intensity yesterday."

".........." Meng Changqi.

"Belong thief, the official and the marty, etc."!! "

Meng Changqi sent a roar,

But in your heart, you will have a good breath, there is a feeling of unloading the burden.

That woman finally died very reasonably, it is too easy.

"Meng's nature, please ask for mourning." Yang Taizhong comforted.

"The official knows that Taiwanese, does not have to delay the country, the state is heavy."

"Meng's nature is high, Zheng Shima, go back."

"Lower officer follows!"

Zheng Hongze once again arched, and then transferred the horse head, once again came to the front army from the back army, and then walked through the former, came to the Yan Jun's cavalry array.

At this time, Chen Zhen Festival after Yang Taizhong, made money vanity:

"Taiyi Yingming, Yan Ban does not know the number of gifts, no teaching, such as the people, what is the Zhongyi?

These special thieves should be naturally fell naturally if they hear Taishou. "

Yang Taizhong smiled,


"The day of the bird's thief, can be a few days, wait, don't take long, their own home will be played."


Zheng Fan stretched his finger and referred to Zheng Saxi, who was re-reached, and the beams around him:

"The dog's thief is unwilling to play a full set, definitely it is the back of the leader to tell him, and we have promised us."

At this time, the Zheng Hongze opened the front of the front:

"Taihu has made the conditions, the conditions, etc. can be promised, Wangl is waiting to drop down the millennium, my big man is the state of the etiquette, and it is certainly re-enactment!"


Zheng Fan has a smile.

at this time,

Zheng Fan suddenly saw in the sky in the north, there were two carveds that were circulating.

Zheng Fan's mouth immediately reveals a smile,

Use the bar:

"Shoot him to Laozi, he also with Zheng Zheng!"

All the barbalisms immediately called the bow, aimed at Zheng Hongze.

It is still a successful completion of this, and Zheng Hongze, who is going to enter the Taiwanese bag, and the heart is coming, after seeing this scene, the heart "",

I shouted in the mean:

"Don't .........."

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Answer him, it is hundreds of arrows.

Zheng Si Miarian took the horse by a hedgehog, and it was dead.

He moved here, and immediately attracted a nearby trustworthy. The cavalry team has caused a bumper, which previously thought that the military array of uncombevened arms ranked again.


"How did he dare, how he dares !!!"

Yang Taizhong standing on the trolley is somewhat not to confuse.

The three festivals behind him have made a face, this group of bird thieves, don't you live?

Especially the previous opening said that Swantn's money books without loyalty, the face is more ugly.


"No matter what you hear, you don't understand, shouting with Laozi, shouting out your strength!" (Barbalism)

The surrounding soldiers are sitting straight to their body on horseback.

Zheng Fan shouted:

"My Dawan ........."

"My Dawan ........."

"Oath can't fall!"

"Oath can't fall!"

"Da Yan Emperor is long!"

"Da Yan Emperor is long!"

"Jingnan Hou Millennium!"

"Jingnan Hou Millennium!"

A sound slogan, was smashed by hundreds of people who were not so standard, and the tragic momentum swept!

This scene,

Let Yang Taizhong on the truck will not help but have some motivation.

At the same time, my heart is very surprised.

This swallow, it is actually tough, Ning Dynasty does not fall?

At the same time, he couldn't help but be a bit fortunate, so he would have a chaos in his own home, otherwise ...

"Taiwan, the bird's thief is not spiritual, ordered!" Wu Yinger opened his mouth.

Meng Changqi squatted, his daughter is still in the hands of the swallow.

Yang Taizu nodded,

For the flag soldiers in front:


The flag soldier is immediately ordered.

next moment,

The craftsmanship surrounded by Zheng Fan and others began to move, the queue reached, it was charged.

Zheng Fan is not afraid,

Instead, with the help of the beam, the long knife in his hand, the barbarricers also raised the horse knife together and prepared to die.




at this time,

The sight of the northern sight can be confident,

Suddenly there was a black shadow,


There is also a tone of trembling in the earth.

The tricks that are preparing the charge have saved the reins. Some of them look at the north, Yang Taizhong, who stands on the trolley, and the three festivals behind him make a shocking together to the north.

A black cavalry team began to appear, their military capacity, their queues neatly, a rod "Yan" flag and "South" flag flutter in the military array.

A pound of murder, as they appear, began to compromise the swept, like a real war beast, will open their eyes!


A desolate military number sounded,

All Yanjun Knights raised the soldiers in your hands.






The new book is put on the frame, and the monthly ticket is, parents.