Mo Lin (Evil come)

Chapter 54 Transition

In fact, on the way to the palace, the spiritual exploration of the blind man has been driving, although this way is very consumed, but this will be in the capital of the enemy, is it time?

It turns out that it is always true.

When the barefriend's body is visible on both sides, the scorpion will make a response, the speed is fast, and even those assassins.

"Main, go up!"

The scorpion is just falling. Zheng Fan feels that there is a force under the body, and he will immediately feel like it. After leaning up, the hands can grab the upper side of the carriage, and the feet also mentioned.

This action is a bit similar to the later generation of low-end bars.

The blind man also followed himself, with his own thoughts, put himself on the wall of the carriage.

"What about me?" Asked.

"There is no place above, I can't hold three people."

The upper wall of the carriage is so big, and the two men are still there. There is no more space left. The meaning of the blind man is not a jack, and now the two people are both very powerful.

But, tell the truth, squeeze, space, or there; no problem in squeezing, and more than one.


Who told you to shoot?

A Ming "" has a sound, the shape is forward, there is no lower horse, but chooses to stick his body in front of the carriage.

Although the blind man did not say, but the reaction from the scorpion can be guessed that the assassin is what weapons are used, and this will rush out of the carriage and will be treated as a living target.

"! ! !!!!!!"

For a time, the arrow is incorporated, and a round arrow is taken into the carriage. Zheng Fan only feels that there is a lot of arrogance to shuttle in the past.

But because the outside assassin did not expect people in the carriage to react in advance, put themselves on the carriage, so when the people on both sides are under the archery, they are under the high level of consciousness, or think about the past thinking What kind of position will normal when normal people sit on the carriage.

After the intensive arrow, the carriage came to kill, and it was a silver armor and assassin who guarded the carriage and assassin.

However, these assassins have released the light, meaning all the masters of entry, there is a heart-effective and silver armor, and the first round of the arrow is more than half of the death, it is not a wolf. The opponent of the Tiger Assassin.

Zheng Fan and the blind man also came down from the wall of the carriage.

Two people look at A Ming together,

A Ming is already very much, but its left arm position and right leg position, still have two arrows to shoot.

A Ming shook his head and pulled the arrow,

I feel that vampires are really no human rights.

at this time,

A assassin opened the carriage curtain to explore his head. In their cognitive, people in the carriage must die, they can't die, and they are just to confirm, and they have been tight, so there is no smilly. Trial.

The toolman A Ming, who has just pulled the arrow,

Pierce the arrows directly into the eyes of the opponent.


The assassin made a miserable scream, and the instinct will retreat, but he was quickly followed by A Ming, and he grabbed the opponent's shoulder, and pulled it into the carriage. Neck in the neck.

Then, " " "sound, this assassin's body starts so fast like a leakage balloon.

For A Mining, it is the elegant embellishment in life in the past, and it is quick to supplement when fighting.

"Main, use the magic pill!"

The blind man shouted in the black channel.

After the acceived assassin was aware of the abnormality of the carriage, he has once again raised the arrow.

This assassin is clearly trained, even if it is previously rushed, there is also a shooter on both sides.

Zheng Fan did not hesitate, the chances of the moment have tried to have their own life and death, so the fist slammed into the position of his chest magic pill.


Chilly, the chilling chill began to release it from the magic pill, and it is full of Zheng Fan.

The disaster, curse, dream, and various negative properties began to bless.

Zheng Fan's pupil began to be immersed by a layer of blood.


Zheng Fan double, the whole person slammed forward, standing on the two assassins in front of the carriage front, only saw a shadow, and they just prepared to make a knife had not been able to make any reactions.

Zheng Shounan's arms have stretched away. It is like two steel bars directly in the neck position of the two assassins. The potential can take the two assassins to fly out of seven eight meters.

At this time, the tweezers on both sides immediately responded, and the trigger was built against the landed Zhengfan.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The two assassins who were pressed on the ground were raised by Zheng Fan's arms. The arrows on both sides were all shot on these two assassins.

"Call ... this should be the first time in the Lord, the magic pill first shot?" Aming said.

"My son is always different."

Magic Pills, originally a lot of demon, one of the most taboo, in order to say, is also equivalent to a seven devils, the strongest strength.

With this performance, although people are so scattered, they are not surprised.

"Is the left or right?"


A Ming took a carriage first, directly moved to right, and the blind man followed, the two assassins on the right were just turned over.

Two needles have appeared in the palm of the blind, and A M M M M M M is collided with two assassins.



The two assassins respond quickly, and they cut them directly, and the two knives embedded in the body of A Ming, but the hands of A Ming took directly to the knife in her body, so that the other party will not draw.

"Hey! Hey!"

The two silver needles of the blind pierced the two assassins' temples in the next moment, and the two were planted on the ground.


The two arrows came over, and A Ming quickly retired, and the two arrows were shot in front of the blind.

The blind man clenched,

In an instant,

A force directly hit in A Ming, A Ming also a point in the foot, the whole person like a kite is generally "flying" to the opposite wall, which is the top of the two.

At the fall, the AM has the next hand to pull it out of the two knives in their own body, cut down together.

The two scorpions have an incredible shocked by A Ming, and after a convulsion, they will not move.

Aming climbed out of the wall, came to the street, and the position of the five assassins in the side of the carriage, the five assassins have been neatly placed there.

Zheng Fan is in his head and looked at the blind and Abming.

The assassin is already cleaned up. In fact, these assassins have their own skills, but in small-scale encounters, the strength and characteristics of the devils, but can maximize.

When Yuan Zhen Xing, who was shot in the ice river, maybe a single, Yan Jun is his opponent's person, really not much, but under the besieged, he can only die very much.

Good, the number of assassins, not much.

"People killed, hurry back, don't pay too much." The blind man reminded.

Zheng Fan grinned, smiled two, in the eyes, with a blink of a suppression, but in the next moment, his body fell, sitting on the ground.

"Cough and cough .......... Cough and cough ............"

Zheng Fan has begun to cough vigorously. This feeling is like just running a long run in winter, and the lungs have some pain, and the throat is sweet.

"never mind?"

Looking around, look at the bodies of the ground, Zheng Fan asked.

"Nothing, the main." Abming continued to pull the arrow.

At this time, the front side of the street and the end of the street came to the intensive footsteps.

The front team is the first, and it is the brother of the ancestors and the grandmaster.

"What is going on!" Zu Dongmine said.

Zheng Fan barely stood up in the help of the scorpion, looked at the ancestral order in front, shouting:

"This should be letting you ask you to do, what is it! If you want to kill, you can kill directly. Why should I use this way in this way?"

In fact, Zheng Fan is also clear, these assassins are certainly not sent to the country, they have no reason to do this, they are not Li Fusheng, but they have no significance, and they will force the city to count the township of the township to fulfill the promise, began to slaughter tomorrow. Civilians have retalled.

But I understand that I understand that I don't delay the pots.

"Oh, I really want to kill you, do you think you can still speak with this now!" Zu Dong ordli retorted.

Zheng Fan stared at the Zu Dongmine with a gloomy gaze, said:

"Send me waiting for the city!"

"No, things have not investigated clear!"

The anastical draft is what you want to say who knows that you are self-directed, but when you look at this swallowe, you have not asked this problem.

People are not dead, how do you spurt and grow water?

"The sky is bright, before, I don't return to camp, I will die in the general decision of General tomorrow!"

The face of the ancestors, could not be stiff from independently, obviously in resting his anger.

On the land of the country, use the dry country's life to threaten the army of the country, this is really ... shameful humiliation!

"Guarding Yan makes the city!" Zu Dongli issued a command.

Zheng Fan three began to go forward, when he passed by the ancestral electach, the ancestors made a deep voice:

"Yan makes, I am looking forward to the day after the day of the battlefield."

Zheng Fan smiled and said:

"Dobby, after the future, don't change the day, it will be, you will open the city gate now, you will practice the real knife, put it in the back, but you are not a big man. child."

In the anger expression, the Zu Dong has suddenly appeared, and he did not clearly and unknown. He shouted directly:

"You have seen it, and Yan Dog is too big, and I have no breed!

The crowd is listening, and the bird dog will be killed in place! "

".........." Zheng Fan.

Today's state is really bad, I need to adjust it, sitting in front of the computer for a long time, but I can't find the feeling of codeword, very painful.