Mo Lin (Evil come)

Chapter 37 set in the middle set

The sky is very long. It is almost a north of the north of Jinguo. At the same time, it is also very large, laminated, there is no feeling of steep stack, it is showing a similar to the East China Sea. vast.

One day, the army took a position under the command of Xinshu, and took a camp in a mountains.

Three this trip to come to the gathering, the nearest, the distance is 20 Lishan Road, that is a cottage, there are thousands of people, the Battle of the Battle is estimated to have nearly two thousand.

Among the military accounts, Zheng Fan looked with a roasting maj leg.

The army entered the mountain, and the person who had the ability will be hunt on it, even if the military food is full, it is also good.

Whether it is a barbarian troier or the military soldier is very good at hunting, it is sprinkled out after taking the battalion, but I don't know how many prey is going to be bad, and I will fight for it to Zheng Fan after it is.

The blind man is sitting opposite Zheng Fan, holding a chicken wings, while the road:

"On the main, in fact, this wild man is divided into a wilderness and wilderness."

"Is it the meaning of opening and unopened?" Zheng Fan asked.

"The Lord is impatched, this means, all have accepted the impact of Jinandan civilization, and with the promotion of trade, there are some people who will speak Xia Yan, which is called a cub.

These three gatherings hooked before, that is, the three gatherings we have to come, belong to the wilderness.

They are basically located in the outer circumference of the sky, relying on the land of Sanjin, because they understand the rules, so whether the Herian is still open, the Jin Guardian military will also put it. After they, I will treat them as they have gathered.

These cookers are gathering, and they are more than a few in the mountains, such as the relationship between trade, food and iron, etc. Annee arrested the sildan.

Part of it is to supplement your own population, and will also carry out the population to the outside. Sanjin has always been a savage slave trafficking. This contribution to the wilderness is better than the contribution. "

"Really luxury, but also selling people." Zheng Fan smiled and picked up the handkerchief.

"It's because of the side of the sky and the side of the mountain, because of the climate reasons, it is not suitable for agricultural development, so there are too many serfs."

"Well, we still have to accept it, just those workshops need people."

The blind is nodded, "It is also the same, many times, this kind of money will be used, but there will be no use."

At this time, a guard outside the door reported:

"Adult, the Bald is looking for it."

"Let him come in."

Soon, Bald was inherited into the tent, kneeling directly:

"Bald is committed to giving adults to Mr. North."

"Get up, the bald family is long, have you eaten?"

"I have used food, adults."

"So, have something?"

"Adult, I saw that the General Liang took more than 3,000 soldiers."

"Well?" Zheng Fan was suspected.

Bald is under low, sincere:

"Please ask the people for forgive sin, the little person is not intended to see the troops, but ........."

"This is a good fortune, you are the school of our army. You have to be in the army, and this is a sin.

Besides, three thousand people are in vast, and people in the stockings are difficult to notice. "

"Yes, adults, small people fight to ask, what is the man of Liang, who is going?"

"This is not very convenient to tell you." Zheng Fan said.

Bald is inheriting, biting his teeth, said:

"Adult, Xiong Ji also disappeared, is Xinsheng, saying that he knew a small road, can sneaked back to the wild zone on the mountain?"

"Hey, you know very much, guess?"

"If you return to the big people, it is not guess, but Xiong Lie has hints to the villain last night."

"Hiny, implied?"

"He said that Swantn is much better than the imagination, and after the insumeal altogether, what do you mean?"

"He said it is right."

"............" Bald.

Yan Guo is now in carrying out a large-scale introspection, the country, 50% of the 50%, is "not existed".

The population is hidden by the local university. This also leads to something that the local official wants to do, what is the labor service, and you have to sit down and the local door valve.

And this policy that thoroughly clears the land and the population of the population can be said to be a hunt for the migrant.

"Bald is successful."

"Small people are."

"Don't claim to be a small person, call the end."

"Yes, the end will be."

"You are a smart person, the smart sense of smart people is in that he knows what is sesame what is watermelon, you can take the initiative to report this, I am very pleased."

"Bald is committed to the death and death, the loyalty," "


"But adults, Xinsie this person has a problem. He is never willing to be willing, and even he is gapped back by the wilder, it will look at the end, and he is in charge.

Therefore, the end will ask the adults to give the generals to shout back, otherwise, the people who may be in the wilderness, and Xiong Jie should picked up with the wild string. "

Zheng Fan shook his head and said:

"That's too late."


Bald is not to know what to say, he originally thought that his own speech will be paid to the award, but the attitude of this mortar and the military in front of him is extremely embarrassing, as if it is inappropriate. general.

It's hard, they really thought that Yan Jun is a battle that is invincible?

Just then, the outside suddenly came to a slap, like the cry of the beast.

Zheng Fan and the blind man laughed together, laughing together, got up and got out of the military account, bald hair was followed.

The military village is set in the mountains, standing here, can see the flames of the flakes on the hillside, and then with this shout, I know how many wild people in the past four weeks.

The savage is to take advantage of Yan Jun, when the military village is empty, it will directly attack the village.

At this time, there is only a thousand people in the village and some of the tribal soldiers and some of them.

Bald was bullied by the sizzling, and he did not expect that the wild is actually directly attacking the army!

"Adult, see this, at least three gathering adults are coming, the number, there may be no five thousand!"

This is still conservative, the wild is fierce, although the combat power and the fighting lotus have not compared, but general natural conditions and conditions of living conditions, often the woman is really a half, the teenagers and women in the family, can also take If you get a knife, you can't knead. If you really launch your home, you can't fight.

Zheng Fan is very calm, waving his hand, and the left and Ding Qi, who shares the armor.

"See the adult!"

"See the owner!"

"Bald is long, you will be paid to them, and this stock is set to build, and it will not come in."

"Yes, the end will be observed!"

Bald was hesitated, or the bite should be under, followed by left and Dinghao to rectify the soldiers, although he still still in a slight fog, but he clearly, since it is easy to get on a ship. Then the truth of the sea.

Zheng Fan is looking to the blind man, said:

"You said, I should not move the chair to lying."

The blind is added: "I also need a goose fan."

"Well, I have to have a pot of delicious tea, you are squatting, I'm going to be inquiry."

"After the end, I have to add a sentence: the child is broken."

Zheng Fan is bright, and he said: "Pay attention."

"However, on the main, the arrow is not long."

"Hey, you are right."

"The Lord is impatched."

The black light is buried, and it is in front of the front line, not for loading.

"Hey !!!!!!!!"

A long-awaited sound,

Then, the echo sound is passed on both sides of the hillside.

This should be a military order, then, the fire on the hillside begins to move down quickly.

"It is also interesting, the wild people have a lot, this extreme environment, it seems to have a slam, how have you been being brushed by the Jin State soldiers in this century?"

The blind man heard the words, smiled and explained:

"The main, the earliest start, the wild is actually the owner of the land of Sanjin, the life of the Summer Summer is the three Jin Jin, and it is forced to drive the wild, and only go to the sky. China and the snowsee of the north side of the sky.

Although they are now a wild, but earlier, in fact, they have also created civilization, but they have been forced by the Jin people.

It may be in the eyes of ordinary people. After the success of people fall, Dongshan will rise again, it seems to be more likely, but it is often not such a thing, but it is more difficult.

Because your mentality is wrong, it is no longer possible to do it. When you are in the foot, the wild is almost this situation, one gets down, one person, who who comes to the top, which is not inherited, do not It has been a plate of sand.

Although they were collectively referred to as wild people, they were actually divided into dozens of specific 'national', and Jindish wanted to pack them. It is really simple. "

"It turned out that there were these roads, I thought it was just because of the lack of ghost equipment."

"They are still good, equipped with the army, but there are some, after all, is a cooked field, and it is impossible to be a daily drinking.

However, the situation is in the eyes, and the three gathering yourself, you can make this big fight, have been unable, these three cooked fields have gradually faded the original tribe, which has gradually faded with the development of trade. In fact, it is more like three city owners, and I have already understood the help. "

"This, the lobbying of Xiong is, should it also occupy a lot of factors?"

"That is nature, this bear is also a person, and there are some brains.

However, on the main point of view, the wild people don't dare to kill the swords, they know that the swallows are not so messy, but the three requirements of the Lord have proposed them, the bald hair will be accepted, because bald It is not returning, but the leaders of the wild are not wanting to be.

They probably want to hurt once to take us once, even if the Lord is captured, they will be able to have additional gifts, and then send some gifts, repair relationships, and continue to do business. "

"You will be too reasonable, I still prefer my feelings."

"The Lord is said, the side of the couch is sleeping with others, the big completion and Da Yan are so sleepy, it does not move, but the field here, don't think about sleeping."

The most important thing is that the best way to accumulate is not burying the field, but plunder, you have to have a object you can do.

The wild people have rushed down, gathered from the four-sided eight-way village, got a good habit of Zheng Fan, this habit is from the unconfident of his own military command.

He doesn't know what heavenly manifesto, but at least knows that it is always a good reason.

This piece of Yingzhai, he has an experience. After all, this work is not difficult, what is needed, just "pay attention" two words.

The sea fence is deep, how many bars are digging in the front of the village, dig a few, the polar bamboo slices in the pit, the distance from the tutes of the Taozhai doors and the deer obstacles in the latter, as long as the Lord pays attention, it is patrol, the soldiers are not Lazy, always can lay proper.

At the moment, the peripheral defense of this army will make this group of people ambitious suffering, screaming, and the defenders in the army are archery and obstructive, which greatly hinders the trend of the wild.

And the fields do not organize the one, often has formed a breakthrough, but other directions have not received the message to bring together, but continue to lick the hard bone.

The team that broke through did not want to go to the friend army, but it was a brain to take it in the inside, and it quickly turned back.

This makes the effect of the military division more than expected, delay enough time.



After waiting until the wild man starts clearing the peripheral obstacles and fence, left Jiqian and Dinghao have given the soldiers around them, and directly give up the peripherals, and turn to the core area of ​​Zheng Fan military account for the center of the truly blocking.

In addition to the bow, heavy armor is in the outside, the bald hair is in person. When a small soldier listened from the command, the dozens of wild people who have just rushed to a direction, and they directly gave the wild. Return, then return it immediately.

"This baldness is in successful." Zheng Fan commented on.

"There is a capital of Xiongxiong, since ancient times, the grass is deeply hidden, but it is only to see if there is any Dongfeng to help him take it." The blind man said.

Zheng Fan nodded, the long knife took a few times in his hand, the eyes were around, and the wild people who were rushing in the direction were repeated. Finally, they finally slowed the god, stopped the blood on the blood, and began to carry out the first Then be siege in all directions.

The bodies on these fields are very weird, some of them wear and the Jin people have no difference, some, but only wear the beast, there is a sense of civilization and brutal mix.

Under the night, he can hear a lot of shouts and constrain your own hand.

Telling true, this is the army, it is like a group of people who manage a mess and worse.

In this moment, Zheng Fan finally understood why Jindi could form an overwhelming advantage. The two sides were almost a time in the military level and idea.

"The Lord is can't help it?" Asked the blind man.

"It is just promoted, I want to try into color."

Just like I have just got a new toy, I can't help but want to show off my friends.

"On the main, it is not a big mouth, now, it will not be on the Lord, wait."

"Let's wait, turn it into a wind, always grab the head, take a long time, I feel not much means."

"On the main, there is inner taste."

Zheng Fan smiled, collapsed,

"Is it?"


"Three masters, why do you stop so long?" Xiong is somewhat curiously looking back, finding only Xue San after him, and the rest is not behind.

The front is a canyon. It can go up to the wilderness of the wild, and you can go back from behind.

"Isn't it necessary to open it?" Xue San responded, "the soldiers rushed a day, followed by drilling for such a long time, always changed the fire, there was strength to fight."

Xiong is nodded and said: "It is this."

Then, Xiong sat on the ground and started chewing dry food.

Xue San is also, sitting on the ground and drinking.

After about half an hour, Xiong Looked at the little short Xue San, laughed:

"I know your business."

"Hey, don't shout three grandmen?"

"I still shout, I know you, good at tracking."

Xue three nodded and said:

"I know you know that I am good at tracking."

Xiong said and continued:

"I know that you follow me to the mountain before."

Xue San nodded again, said:

"I know you know that I have followed you before."

"I deliberately let you follow!"

"I also deliberately let you know that I deliberately follow you."

Xiong Shou's brain is a little dizzy.

But still on the road:

"I know you don't trust me!"

"We let you know you know that we don't trust you."

"Cough ........."

Xiong had coughs two times, and he fierce two water and smiled.

"Don't think that I don't know where you have come up with these thousand soldiers and horses, it is batch to touch the two sides of the canyon to go to the opposite roller, is it?"

Xue San looked at Xumi,

Shook your head,


"We know that high slopes on both sides of the canyon don't have ambush."

"That ... then you?"

"Oh, they, I have returned, I came out at night, I will return to camp early, I should go to the army village, here is left here, there are two people."

"............" Xiong is.

This is a set of medium sets.

Xue San made a break,


"Kid, play the heart, you are looking for a wrong person."

Why did the devil be kneaded?

Because they are too weak, they are weak, and personal strength is not enough. At the same time, the opponent's hierarchy is too high, and after this strength is in the advantage, the mind is planning this, naturally it is.

Suddenly, Xiong suddenly lifted his left arm, and a dark appearance showed.


It's coming to it later,

When Xue Sanzi fell, the whole person lie on the ground, before his legs.

Xiong pulled out his own knife is preparing to take Xue San, but the body is suddenly treated, in its abdominal position, Her hely, two short arrows.

Xue San raises his legs,

It is very arrogant to bear the gorgeous players,


"Play the hidden, you are also looking for a wrong person."


On the valley,

Looking at the sparkling camp below the fire, listening to the continuous killing of the ear, the Liang Cheng stretched his hand with his own chin.

At it, standing with Xu Zheng Cheng.

Xu Caosary. "

"The end will be." Xu has to give the Liang Cheng.

"I heard that you have been a good hand for a hundred years of sorrow, this general has not seen it, I don't know if it is true."

"General, Swantn, we don't play, but the wild people are not here!"

Liang Cheng heard, laughed,

I know how much humiliation, I have to suffer in my heart.


Take the shoulder of Xu Yongcheng,


"In the future, it can also play swallowrs."


Xu Youcheng is still inexplicably, he doesn't know why this swallowe will say this.

"However, now I will ask Xu Conghua to show me, if you have lost this kind of book, you will not think about the brothers of the Yan Jun."

"Please take a good luck."

The Liang Cheng reached out, patted the stomach of Fan Li, because Fan Li has already taken A, all the body is the iron block, and the sound of is issued.


Fan Li, who has already standing, is shouted,

Some look at the surroundings,

After playing,

Pick up your own rhino rook, drums the gang, when you are ready to blow, Liang Cheng adds a sentence:

"Do you dare to blow the peach, you don't want to eat tomorrow."


Fan Li smashed the mouth, facing the rhinoceros:

" !!!!!!!!!"

When the angle sounds,

The Yan army who has already returned to the anti-surrounding surrounding surrounding is no longer hidden.

among them,

Original morale has always been a slightly downtrepening part of the Jindish, showing a unusual brave fear, and all the screams, when there is a group of groups of wolves down.

The soldiers of the original Canliu Fort seems to be more ordered. Everyone has three-five knots to keep the formation of downwards.

A Ming, who has been standing around the beaming, laughing and said:

"This is not a swallow in front of the only inner, and the wild is striking before."

"I have to let them find some confidence and murder, otherwise they have to be a soldier oil. This group is really not big, and a brain is coming, and it is not a part of it."

"Okay, you continue to talk here, I also go on." A Ming said that he was preparing to rush down the mountain with most teams.

"What are you doing?" Musheng asked, "the situation has been fixed."

Aming Yang's airbath in his hands.




Thank you for the shortness of the book, there is no existence, "Magic", 82nd.