Mo Lin (Evil come)

Chapter 263

the next day,

The original two people's fugging team became four people.

Jiang Hu is a piece of horses, carrying something, two women are walking together on the side of the pads.

In front of

Jiang Hu offers, Zheng Fan followed his strategy behind it.

This is almost the entire day, etc. At dusk, everyone stopped to prepare for camping.

Princess's adaptability is very strong, it is already able to withstall this load, Gong Sun Ling looks softly weak last night, but it is very tough in the bones, but also biting his teeth.

When the camp, Jiang Hu went to do some traps and whistle to do a warfarter, and Gong Sun Ling was angry.

Zheng Boyi took a smoked meat and went to a stream of stream in front and started cleaning.

The princess came over and started with water in the upstream.

"How, there is Jianghu open the road, is it easy to feel relaxed?"

The princess is a daughter's family, and it is true that it is really smart, but there is still a little as much as you have.

In Zheng Fan, she is actually the same as the main qualifications of the county, and she is still lacking.

The county is young and gentle, and the town of the North Army will stroll to the owner of the people.

The princess has lived in the deep palace.

The former is indeed excellent, but the latter still has a lot of growth space.

"Your youth, it should be famous." Zheng Fan asked while washing the monster.

"Yeah, what happened, I first introduced it to me, but I caught a sensation, even the father of the father praised me."

"So famous, I also handed over to the imperial madamatology. Although Jiang Hu is not surnamed Gongshun, after all, it is an old man, he can not know you, this is normal;

But will you don't know your green? "

The princess eyes blinked two times and said: "What do you mean, he didn't recognize our identity."

"Probably, and, look at what we are in the fugitive, see someone calling, it is directly to give her an arrow.

The rivers and lakes and Gong Sun Ling are also fugitive, so they face people who need to save, and the practice is to bring us back to the night and rest.


Maybe we are too evil? so bad?

And who is a kind person? "

"So, he actually wanted to bargain with us, in order to facilitate this, so don't know if you started?"

"If this is true, then I am relieved."

Bargain, a white face singing red face, this is normal.

Zheng Boye is not afraid that people have the requirements, and they need to take the needs, that is, for the purpose.

"What can they do?"

"They are different from you, your reputation is smell."


"I am, is the ethium of Yan, even if your brother gives me a high official Qi Lu, telling the truth, as a cracked man, the best ending is also as a piece of plaque, far without I am relaxing in Yan Guo Comfortable.

So, I will not be back to you, I can't be willing to stay in Chu State.

But they are different,

Gongsun's help the big emperor to deal with your brother, your brother will suppress them, your brother as a winner, I think he has that high gesture.

If they grasp the two people, then give you brother, your brother will definitely forgive them, the official reputation, nor is it. "

The face of the princess suddenly died, she has just been self-satisfied with her performance last night, but she did not expect this layer.

In fact, I didn't think so deep last night, but when he was sleeping, he went.

At the end, it is still because Zheng Boye is unwilling to believe in others. It is earlier, it is at home, but also has to go to fight for Zhizheng.

"Then are we not very dangerous now?"

Obviously, the princess is the same as Zheng Bo, does not like this life and death.

"There is a way."


time to eat,

It is still a bacon plus noodles.

Gong Sun Ling should not know how to cook, or like to stew.

But now you are escaping, everyone will eat it.

When eating,

Zheng Fan first opens:

"In fact, think about it, if you stay in Chu, it is also very good, and Chu Guoshan is good."

Gong Sun Ling joked:

"If Zheng Boye stayed in Chu, I wanted to come to the regeneration king."

"It should be, but, I don't dare to give me any sense of implementation. It is not, the biggest possibility is to be by the regeneration king, install a card, or talk to the reincarnation of the court, as a closeup."

When I heard this, the face of Jiang Hu was slightly.

The princess will open: "This time I did this, and other men came from the day of the big marriage, and if the emperor grabbed me, I inevitably be like a small room like a child."

Gong Sun Ling said: "After all, the princess is the king of the king, regardless of the princess Hall, what is done, the regent is really angry with the princess."

The princess heard the words, smiled, hug Zheng Fan's shoulder, said:

"Said to say this, but I don't regret it, who told me to see him, just like Tiger Ge Looks like A Ling, this is the same as the eye , I can't see it in the weekdays. Once it's time, it is really not. "

A Ling looked at the Jianghu, and there was a smile on his face.

The people are all meat.

As a lady of Gongsun,

May not be able to look at Jianghu, but now, she is clear, Jiang Hu, is the cost of her life.

Whether in Chu, escape or go to Yan Guo, she has to rely on Jiang Hu.

The dog did this, almost a root dog.

Jiang Hu is laughing and laughing, said: "Bo, under the princess, we must go out of this mountain to return to Yan Guo, because in Yan Guo, Bear can really show talents.

The little person also thought carefully, and the imperial supervision is not re-reset, and the little person does not care. "

I heard it, Gong Sun Ling looked at Jianghu.

"Small people hope that Belt can pay, and then let the little person will follow the Bad, and the Snow Customs will breed the monsters to Bo, and the monster is very much."

What is the words of Zheng Fan, meaning I am, even if it is caught back to Chu Guo, the regent will also push me to front, the regent king will inevitably value me.

The princess contends, she is going up, she is the king of the regent, saying that it is not good to listen, even if she rebells the rebellion, the regent will not kill her, only imprisonment.

We are also caught back to Chu Guo, and we are still people. Your Jiang Hu is still just ordinary courtes, killing you, retalies you, very simple.

Jiang Hu is obviously understanding the warning meaning, but also expressed his loyalty.

The warnings and becomes of the two sides have completed a round of confrontation in and and gas.

In the next ten days, the mountain road is hard, but there is Jianghu open the road, two women are also very vying, so the four people are still very fast, and there is no accident in the way.

Oh, except for the noodle finish.

After the noodles were finished, everyone began to hunt into food. There were many prey to harvest all the way. At the same time, they will come to send some "disabled" from time to time. So, I don't have it.

It is a wild, this thing, I have been eating for many days, and it is really a great burden on the stomach.

On this morning, the original four people were still in front, but Qing suddenly came out and stopped in front of everyone.

In general, you are very young in the day.

Jiang Hu is on the ground, the ear is attached, said:

"The sound of horses, there are a lot of people."

in fact,

Now that the four people have already gone out of the mountains, in front, it is the remainder of the mountains, which is the area that is fast into the two countries.

After the cavalry is coming, Jiang Hu is hidden by the horses, everyone is also hiding.

Soon, a number of people appeared at a Christian cavalry, they didn't do anything, continue to western gallop.

Zheng Boyai immediately gave a good night around him: "This is a pioneer whistle, we must have to move."

Where the army has opened, there must be a pioneer, the Pioneer Jun Mountain will be a water bridge, which is the key to open the battlefield blind area outside the army, and the pioneer whistle is a vanguard, generally the implementation system.

Wait until the army is taking down, it will continue to subdue the whistle to get a more extensive field of vision.

So, under the eyes, there should be a smaller Chu national army that is going to take here.

If you don't hurry to leave here, the four people are likely to be covered by the Chu army that is not small, and it can't run it.

Zheng Boyi immediately took the three people to the south, which is to go back, because the north to go to the west can encounter Chu army, so I would rather be able to guarantee my safety in two days.

However, there is not long after Zheng Boyi and others have just been in the south, and things have changed, or call them.

There is a Chu army cavalry that is galloping from the west, and the previously encountered should be in turn, and after them, Zheng Bo said that the cavalry of the black armor is chasing them.

It's phlegm,

After seeing the familiar Jingnan army knight, Zheng Boye's eyes were actually wet.

This is not installed, but it is escaped in the big marriage, starting from Zhou County, until now, this is in the past a month, from Zheng Boye in addition to the magic pill, no magic is accompanied, it can be real Praise the bile, in the eyes, see the Jingnan army cavalry, really have a kind of wings who have returned to the hometown.

"Not good, Yan Jun!"

Jiang Hu is able to drink low.


Zheng Fan looked at him.

Jiang Hu also looked at Zheng Fan. This middle-aged hunter man, his mouth pulled, and his face was revealed.

This is his habit and instinct, but now, he has already departed from Chu State, but the position is not completely reversed because the inertia has not been completely reversed.

This situation is under the analysis of Zheng Boye, it should be that two groups of the two parties meet in the fast march, that is, the so-called ...

After seeing the front generals of the other party, the first reaction will always send one or two knights to the coach, and then launch the charge directly to the opponent's Pioneer.

Because of the event, it is impossible to give you too much response and layout time, and if even the pioneer is very surprised, the back coach will be very unexpected, a melee, the big probability is going to break, but in the battle At the beginning, I took the other party's pioneer riding, which is equivalent to black and the opponent's horizon, so that your home coach can leave a clear clearing in the mean.

Of course, in addition to the choice of tactical pros and cons, there is a reason, that is, Dashi cavalry has always had a strong confidence of "the first iron ride", especially the Northern Junan Jingnanjun.

Since it is a melee, it will go straight, first hit the other person's whistle, and then hit the opponent's pioneer, then let the enemy's collapse to retreat to the side, form a roll of bead curtains, and the rear soldiers follow a rush The enemy is likely to succumb to such a rare ventrication.

Don't think this is very distant, in fact, two thousand cavers directly defeat tens of thousands of enemiers are not very rare things. In fact, the enemy of those collapses is very inexplicable, because they are clear, their number is the top ten Double, ten hits, then it is definitely able to win, everyone is the top of the two arms is not, but it is often so stunned.

The most classic war case is the 30,000-year-old three thousand signs of the Beibei, which is the third thousand north of the north of the town. It is a military power compared to nearly 20 to one, and the child has just opened the country is the second. The emperor, led the Emperor of the opening ceremony, his brother, who took the world, was so stunned the helmet to abandon the army, and achieve the first prestigious name of the town North Army.

at this time,

Zheng Boyi and others are located on a hillside, and below is a flat canyon, watching a good view.

The princess asked some curiosity:

"Why can't you go to say hello?"

The princess is the fastest movement, saying that the princess hits Xiao Jin Zhiye, but I have never suffered a bitter of the fugitive of this month. Now I have seen Yan Jun, she is the second excitement.

Because she can think that Zheng Fan returned to Yan, I will be sealed by Queen, I can live in the Snow Customs, in accordance with her, accompanying Zheng Fan to look at Zheng Fanby himself. " Princess disease,

She felt that she was in the days of the Earl, may not be so grand, but the living level and quality are certainly not bad.

Zheng Boye shook his head and said:

"Now I will go, for them, the enemy is hard to distinguish, not good."

"Oh, I see."

The princess feels that he has risen knowledge, because she believes that her man take the book of the soldiers, in the military, her man said, must be right.

And the actual situation is that the Battle of the Battle is like Yan Junzhi's arms, but not seeing the victory of this small scale, Zheng Boye felt that he went to say hello, and it was likely to come out.

as expected,

In the rear of this Yan Jun cavalry, suddenly kill a Chu people cavalry in nearly 100 people, and the pursued Chu people in front will also transfer the horse head immediately, and start with the rear to keep the hiking.

Jiang Hu saw the stone in front of it.

In his heart, it is cheering for the victory of the Chu army.

The princess took the lips, she would be excited to see Yan Jun, but the Chu army occupied the advantage, she was sad.

Zheng Boyi also pays attention to the political position of these two "Chu people" around him.

But this is the temperament of people, and Zheng Bo is also understood.

Just, I looked at the excitement of Jiang Hu, Zheng Boyi was only slightly shaking, because he had probably calculated, the front escaped Chu army cavalry is more than two hundred people, more than two hundred people pursued by the Yan Jun, rear The Chu army coming in is also two hundred people.

The number of people is two-one, and the Chu army may be a little higher, but there is absolutely no three to one.

Although the Yan Jun was hit before and after, it was in a strategic disadvantage, but ...

Zheng Boyi silently took out the Chinese brand iron box, took a smoke, this time, he is.

The princess looked at Zheng Fan, and some worried:

"Below, possibly ........."

Zheng Boye spit out a smoking ring, will say: "Oh, this is Jingnanjun."

The following sides of the Yanjun School faced this form, immediately issued the order of the proactive charge, the front row of Yan Jun Knights all supported the horse.

Continue to impact, this is the most wise choice after the defending of the army.

As a result, the front of the Chu army cavalry just turned back, Ma Ligen did not re-filed, he had been chasing this side, just like a rainbow!

Second, the idea of ​​cavalry fighting, this is very fast, the commander of the cavalry is rarely thinking about "the face".


I happened soon.

In an instant,

The knights of the two sides have continued to have a horse, but under the impact, the ability to obvious Yan Jun Knight riding and horse warfare, this Chu army is directly worn, the middle part is defeated, the Chu army on both sides Some confused, and because here is the canyon zone, both sides have limited space, so it also hinders the progress of the Chu army cavalry behind.

Even, many Chu army restored to stop the horse, it is intended to treat his robe, and they are in a hurry to make a knife on the Yan Jun knight who has never died in the collision.

It is equivalent to this Chu army appraisal, and suddenly it is scattered.

The Chu army knight who originally wanted to continue chasing also had to leave the reins;

At this time, he had completed a dressed Yan Jun Knight under the command of the school, the backward team, the front team's horse has been damaged or left, but the back team is just retained, and the horse is re-filed. lance.

In general, the equipment of the Pioneer Army is often the best, a big army, the strongest combat power, is the pioneering part of the Pioneer and the coach personally led.

Yan Jun did not wound the wound, nor did it take a less than one round of casualties, but immediately started to speed up a new round of charge, and when he was charged, it began to integrate the queue, which can shorten the time as much as possible.

The second round of charge and start.

And the Chu army knight has started to fight, some will start to avoid, and some will start waiting for the Shangguan ordered the team, completely detachment.

Next, it is dressed in the second time!

Scream, endless.

The Chu army was defeated, the rest, there was a horse to escape, no horse, waiting for a knife to be taken by the Yanjun Knight.

Jiang Hu bite his teeth, and finally, a sigh was issued.

He had to admit that the power of Yan Jun cavalry.

The princess also bitten his lips, and the guards around Zheng Boye, she was seen, it was very powerful, discipline, but she felt that those people were picked up and followed by Zheng Fan.

But in the eyes, a randomly encountered a battle, the number of people occupying two times, actually was completely defeated, and the median casualties added, but not 100.

That is to say, Yan people use the cost of casualties, and defeat more than 400 Chu army cavalry.

Zheng Boye stretched a lazy waist,

I glanced at the people on my side.


"Da Yan iron ride, wild fight is unparalleled."

how to say,

The following, the Jingnan Military School, you can, give the book long face!

The princess asked immediately:

"Snow Customs cavalry, compared to them ..."

Jiang Hu Wen said, and he also looked at Zheng Fan. It is clear that he also wants to know the answer.

Zheng Boyi laughed,


"Some gaps."

"Oh." The princess nodded.

Jiang Hu also nodded, a little gap, and normal.

"It's not a gap between the soldiers, my snow sea iron riding, in the war and literacy, not better than Jingnan Universal."

The quality of the soldiers is extremely high, plus now in Liang Cheng has two months of training, Zheng Fan feels that the snow sea iron ride is now able to shape it.

This is not from scratch, barbarian cavalry, Sanjin Knight, can be extremely excellent.

"The only gap is the gap between me and Jingnan."

This is not self-editing,

In front of Jingnan,

Zheng Boye is a brother.

Of course,

Zheng Boyi felt that when Jingnan Hou's brother, I didn't think there was any solar, and Old Tima didn't talk about others. I didn't have to say it for myself.


Zheng Boye stood on the hillside and shouted the Yan Jun who just ended the battle was quickly cleaning the battlefield.

Soon, there are several knights to come, and the bow is rolled up, pointed to Zheng Fan and others.

Zheng Fan walked forward,

Looking at them,

It is preparing to report its own identity.

Who thinks that one of the hundred husbands will see Zheng Fan, immediately turned over the horse and squat:

"I have a good time to see Hui Boye, Bo Ye, you are back?"

Obviously, this hundred husband saw Zheng Fan, remember Zheng Fan's appearance, although Zheng Bo didn't remember him.

However, this also saves a series of processes and overconstruction of a large string of identity, suspected, then self-proven, and then doubt, and so on.

Subsequently, the school of Yan Jun cavalry went to Zheng Fan,

Zheng Boyi reached out and took his shoulder,

The opponent is favored,

Zheng Boyi also deliberately asked his name and surname.

On the first day of return, this guy gave him a long face, but also directly provoked it too much trouble, naturally more encouraged, or simply dig to his snow customs.

Next, this cavalry no longer performs a combat mission, but became the escort of Zheng Boyai and others back to Dazhai.

When I was almost dusk, Zheng Boyai was escorted to Dazhai, so that Zheng Fan was very excited, Jingnan Hou is currently in the middle of the army.


After knowing Jingnan Hou is also here,

Zheng Boyi really felt, it is safe!

Jingnan has learned the news in advance, ordered Zheng Fan and others to see the Chinese army.

In fact, if you don't have this order, Zheng Boye wants to go straight into the middle army, even if Jingnan Hou is on the operation of the action, and no one will stop Zheng Boye.

Because everyone is clear, Pingye Bo and Hou Ye's relationship.

Enter handsome accounts,

Jingnan is sitting behind the handsome table,

I haven't seen it for more than two months, and Jingnan has not changed.

"At the end, I will see Jingnan Hou Ye!"

Zheng Fan first ceremony.

"See Jingnan Hou Ye!"

The princess also gave a gift.

The rivers and lakes and Gong Sun Ling are behind.

The princess is still better, and it has seen the emperor of the real world.

Jiang Hu and Gong Sun Ling were completely scared by Jingnan Hou's momentum and the prestige, and the shadow of people's famous trees, in front of Jingnan, can stabilize the heart, this world, there are not a few.

"The last time I received the news is that you plan to rob the kiss when the princess of Chu

This is the news sent by Fan family, but this news is obviously lagging behind.

First, because it is close to Town, Nantuan, it is the battlefield, and the news of the news is inconvenient;

After the second is the kiss, the Chu people have sent a crazy blockade to search Mount Mountain and Qi Mountain, so that Fan family's messenger will not continue to deliver news.

Therefore, Jingnan only knows that Zheng Fan is planning to rob the kiss and rob the public.

Below, it is gone.

Even Jingnan didn't know if this is robbed, and I don't know if this Zheng Fan has died. It is still alive.

He can do it,

Just constantly trying to give the town south to Chu army pressure.

I heard this problem.

Zheng Boyi immediately looked up, with a smile, refers to Xiong Li, who he himself:

"Hou Ye, this is the four princess of Chu, the kings of the Chu Guo Regent."

Zheng Fan said that it must be true, because Zheng Fan is lie to no one, it will not deceive the Nanhou, and Jingnan is very obvious, and it is clear.

Xiong Li is immediately worshiping


"Big Chu Xiong Li, met Jingnan Hou Ye, Jingnan Houfangfang."

Sitting in the field after the handsome table,

Looking at the princess of the squatting below,

Mouth corner,

The slow exposed arc


"No need to call Hou Ye."

Xiong Liqi looked at Jingnan Hou, and he looked at Zheng Fan around him. She didn't know this sentence. What does it mean? It is for yourself, it is dissatisfied, I plan to go to Ma Wei, or or Yes, the princess of the Chu Chu, expressing disdainful?

Field mirror continues:

"Call brother."
