Mo Lin (Evil come)

Chapter 423, West Side, East Rain

This is a pleasure,

This is a kind of happiness,

This is a indulgence,

Yan Chu's battle, big Chu, lost;

What do you confute?

The country has been burned, Zhennan is made, Shanggu County is cut, Yan Jun ravs over your country, it is said that Pingxi Hou also created the official position of the gold school,

How to calculate, it is lost, and it is difficult to lose.


to be honest,

Big Chu up and down,

It's really no one dares to pick his annual leadership leadership;

Even the generals of Yanguo's eyes are higher than the top, and they will not laugh at him.

Because of his opponent,

It is a mirror.

A blezing of Yan Jin two, countless people, countless resources, and even overdrawn national strength, gathered the Jingnan King of Thai Semantio.

this one,

Still open the situation in the way of the decisset watermaster.

this one,

Annual or hundreds of thousands of Chu Royal Forbidden Army from Zhennanzhi.

Sometimes, a general is excellent, you need to set off;

For example, some will have a lot of people to sweep the peasant army, but this military work is really doped with too much moisture;

Its level, in fact, like the gap between the Jinshi of Da Yan and the mart of the country, it seems to be a scholar, but in terms of the Wenra, the gap is really a naked eye.

In the year, it is these years, the only one with the front of Jingnan Wang can also have a dense opponent, which is already proud.

Halling the game, let the old age are still induced, and this depressed, lasted for a whole year.

But he is unable to tell others, roar, go to roar:

Do you know how I came over this year!

He had to break the teeth and swallowed in the belly.

right now,

He brood eyebrows,

He finally got released.

The general of the year is very grateful, is a man, re-gave him a self-confidence of a commander, and let him find a long-lost happiness.

"Let's ..."

Boots, step on the blood.

Not unintentional, but deliberate.

Because this Qizhen City, I will not be able to spend the effort.

Half of the defenders, directly abandoned the city and escaped, and most of them have chosen surrender;

and so,

The general of the year wants to make your own boots, really look carefully.

After winning this city, Chu army did not burn a large scale, this is a rigorous manager of the general of the year;

Not only that, even the hills of the hills who have been tied to fight, they have not robbed, because those Chu army remind them with a Senui murder, here, who is here.

A group of people in front of the annual generals.

The generals did not hurry to call them, although Wang Shang's meaning, in the future, the mountains and people are also Chu, but the generals of the year is still difficult to see them.


The year of the general is a slave,



"It's you, ending, is you, this general knows, your gods have been unworthy, but now, they have to let them continue to hold.

See the clouds in the west,


There is a rich city in Zhenzhou City,

There is a more dense population in Zhenzhou City,

There is a bigger military power than Zangzhou City.

Wang Shang's will, you are also clear, the general meaning, you are also very clear.

Follow this general,

Continue to west,

Continue to win me

You yourself, you can enter the official, your son, you can enter the military army.

I have conquered your aristocrats, and now I have already decay it into a locust;


Will be your era.


To the weak man, take more land, more gold and silver, more people, more ......... glory! "

"During the king!"

"During the king!"

"It is dying for the general!"

"It is dying for the general!"


Chu army's offensive, very rapid.

Also explained that the defense of the dry person in the southeast direction is really quite weak.

A seat of a seat of the army, this is actually a secondary, because this kind of place, when the trend is not in you, you are hard to stay.

What really wants is,

Similar to the military town such as Qizhou City, in the next month, it was actually trapped in four.

In the end,

The army of the year has even broken down the county town of Nanyuan County.

The fall of a military town means that the collapse of a set of defensive systems constructed by this military town, and a county city is falling, meaning the collapse of a county's land defense system.

Local military village, county city is also a soldier and righteous army, even if you want to do something, you will face the unresserved situation, waiting for them, will be extremely simply autumn wind to sweep the leaves.

The whole battle,

After being taken in Nanyuan County, it stopped.

It's not that the general of the year is satisfied.

Instead, his pioneer is too fast, the middle school army is too towering, the back army has been caught up.


The speed of attacking the city has exceeded the velocity of march in the traditional sense.

This is very incredible,

But in the sanner, there is any incredible thing, and it seems to bring that some points should be taken.

if we assume,

The man wants to change the fighter in space.

It is inevitable.

Because if it is, the main force of the man is suddenly killed, and the aversion of the generals of the year will be packaged.

It is directly to eat, or the point of assistance can be extremely calm. After all, it is lost, and the people are all lost; if the departure is lost, people are all available.

At this time, the Chu army has made a taboo of the soldiers, which is to be completely scattered with his fists.

If the Chu army faces Yan Jun, don't have to be a horse in the north, and don't even have to be tricky. Zheng Hou Ye can decisively ordered the cavalry to carry the battlefield to cut the battlefield.

What is the problem is,

The general of the year is now facing the Dry Army.

Dealing with different opponents, sometimes you are too serious, that is, the "lion rabbit is also full", but it will play against the effect, such as delay the war.

It turns out that the approach of the annual general is incomparable.

After the Decoction of the Jungle, I came to the Southern County county, and the dried army had two soldiers and horses, and the two soldiers and horses did not attack, but only The cards are in the southwest and northwest sides of Nanyuan County, presenting a clamping.

After receiving this message from the whistle,

The general of the year laughed twice.

He is clear, the two junctions of the west, there is no merger, because they are waiting for the specific upper peaks;

The reason why they didn't attack immediately, because they were the soldiers and horses adjusted next to the two counties, they did not want to take them, and they did not want to take it, so they have chosen the most secure and the most negative response.

This situation,

When you play with Yan Jun, you can't appear at all!

After the Pingsea of ​​the Yanguo, after the excessive army burned Jingcheng, it was clear that it has already finished the big battle, but it is still in the land of Dagui, which is a posture!

Therefore, the generals of the year are very practical, this kind of practical, and when he grabs the chicks in one hand, I will not take the difference between the emperor.

Operate, the cave is watching,

For the itch of the people, it is here.

Therefore, the annual general will order the subsequent soldiers and horses in accordance with the day.

At the same time, the city has experienced a long-distance troops to take a break,

In addition,

Command your drum to heat the water for yourself.

His year general has to take a bath!




Mr. Xi Dao goes down the mountain, entering the official, the passbook is patrol, and the southwest.

All of this is all in line with the rules, because Mr. Xi Dao is a blossom, the book is a member of the Scholars' scholars, although I didn't enter the official, but the follow-up of the helmsman, let him enter the Junjun, there is A Danjan's home "God is returned", "God", "Shenxian", joined him.


People who know that Li Jun said really identity is not only Luo Mint.

The latter man in the spurs is reused, and the southwest of the south is again patrol.

The most important thing is that the patrol guard is not a big official, or even, it is a difference, similar to an imperial, and one side of the sky, so this position, let the officials have been picked out in this year. The charter, there is no different words.

Although everyone is clear, this difference can be very small, the trust of the whole, and since the official will let it go southwest, it will definitely give its greatest power, but as long as he really will have Gradually erosive southwest situations, with this credit, Jueguan entered the procurement, and it is not very good.

The day of seeing Mr. Hu Jing,

Not only there is three thousand prohibited army,

Salcal people in the capital are also happy.

The people can do not know that Mr. Xi is the remains of the hedity of the husband, and it is not clear that the patrol is the same as the obeys, they are coming to see the "fairy" of the sea.

and so,

Two sides of the team out of the city, putting a fragrant case, a lot of devout, the people have been prepared, only to pay attention to the "fairy".

This quarter is even more striking than welcoming the official.


Li Xu said no longer a white dress, but a set of red official clothes, houshan is the back mountain, the officialdom is the officialdom, one place, obeying the rules, which is natural.

Just, even if the official service is in the body, he still did not give the image of a traditional sense to practice, still appeared and dust.

It is really difficult to stand out the air in the world, stand out from the "clothing beast".

Outer, the banned army is ready, and the first member is a new monk, a new surname of Wang, will, to escort the patrol, so that the adult into the southwest, and after they arrive, listen to it.

I have just passed the will, saying that the official will go to the palace to send, which is a feet.

This is actually a kind of joining code. After Li Jun Road into the southwest, civil and military officials from all over the southwest, how to arrange the position of the patrol.

When the time is almost,

General Wang is preparing to go to the thoroughness.

When I went to the half road, I heard the footsteps came behind, look back, come on the waist, and the figure is slim, my eyes, but I like ice.


There have been people in white, and the official is welcoming, the whole city is sensational;

"See you ..."

General Wang is preparing for the ceremony, because this person has the official position of Prince Marties in front of him.

Baili swords were swayed directly, and the body was brushing and entered the house.

General Wang hesitated, or decided to wait another time to go.


"City, a big scene, you can't avoid it."

Baili sword looked at Li Xuan, who was standing in the house, said with a smile.

"I heard that you went to the South China Sea, I thought you can't come back."

"How can I, I have always been there."

"I came back early?"

"Yes, I have come back, but I will go to the door again."

Li Xuai heard the words, smiled and smiled: "It's really honest."

"The official will come out to send you."

"I know."

"The scene is too big, not good, I am a swordster, it is white, it is in the rivers and lakes into the temple, after a circle, no one knows, I am still in the rivers and lakes.

You are in the back of the mountain, I want to go out, it is difficult, and it is basically not available.

This big scene will be buried.


The spiers of the same year were failed to enter the Beijing, and the people were also happy.

Last? "

"The people want to see, is the fairy, the reason why the gods is the gods, because the people can't see it, when they see it, when they keep listening to what he is doing, the fairy is not a fairy. .

On this time, it doesn't matter.

Besides, hierarchical cultivation, so-called refining, nothing more than cultivation itself, with the sky, although thousands of people "

"This sounds, some harsh."

Baili sword reached out and touched his earlobe.

He and his sister have never been close to the killing of the next time.

However, there was a change in the middle, and Yan Jun cavalry rushed out.

He and his sister chose not a sword and turned back to the city.

This thing,

It became a stain that could not be erased;

Especially later, there is a Jinci Sword Snow Customs before the thousand rides to take the wilderness, after the first level of the record,

This stain of Baili brothers and sisters is lined up and more eye-catching.

Then, then

With the constant climbing of Zheng Fan, from the preparation to the general to the general soldier, the four young people who will lead to the four young generations will not be able to join them.

I didn't have to be determined to kill him.

The loss of this sale,

Also constantly enlarged,


That is a sealed,

Swant's, military power.

"Shou Mountain's lotus pool has some silt, you have to borrow your sword, go to Qingqing." Li Xu said.

"Okay." Baili sword promised.

Li Xuai turned and walked to the hundred miles, looked at the Bailijian, very seriously:

"Everyone has everyone's choice, you can listen, everyone has everyone's fate, this is the life I found."

"I can go with you, wait for me to clean up the lotus pool of the hills, I will go to Southwest to find you."

"I am not the Pingsea of ​​the Yan Guo, there is no qualification with the sword holy body."

"I have to do something, otherwise, I always feel that there is a feeling of being too much." Baili sword said.

"It seems that this is going to the South China Sea, harvesting a lot?"

"I don't want."

"Let go, both hands empty, the fact is also a harvest."

"These words should be with the southwestern of southwest, they probably be turned to you by you."

Speaking here,

Baili sword hore,


"After seeing some real scenery, I will find that all myself, it is really worth mentioning, and I will be won."

"Ha ha."

Li Jun Road pushed the door,

"I gotta go."

"Bon Voyage."

" ."


"If you give you a chance, when you go to the suburbs of the city, will you go to the surname, the sword?"

Even if you will face the enlarge of Yan Guo iron ride.

Baili swim shrugged,


"Live, isn't it good?"

Li Jun Road and asked: "People live in the world, hundreds of years, it is already high, but sleep, but you can thousands of years, so, you said, people are alive, what?"

"What do you say?"

Li Xun said with a smile and replied:

"People are alive, in order to find a suitable death method for yourself."

Baili sword lick his lips and said: "I thought that you should say that you should say that you will ask for a long life."

Li Dan said waving sleeve,

Sprinkle, go out,

Take a while;

"The master said to me before going to Yanjing, and I haven't mean to live for a long time."


Relight music,

The people are joyful,

The incense case has a burst of white fog with solemn.

Today's Shangkyo, is not like a member of the imperialism that is about to make the land, it is more like a family.

The people cheered sincerely, piously worship;

They are not clear, their own move, actually in the object of the object they are now in their knives.

The official rate rate is a civil and military person to send, and the courtesy is full.

A set of processes,





Li Xuai and followed and three thousand banned army, from the West Gate.

Many people, still out of the city, I want to look at the gods.

The officials, it is like the end of today's cumbersome, resting, some people are smiling, some people are shaking, have a big man in embarrassing, seemingly emotionally fate, seems to have seen some kind of reincarnation.

There is also the royal history that has already been written last night. It is ready to tell the royal, the land of the Wenhua, how can Wenhua's land, how can I be "virtually no " , Recover the prosperity of the three emperors, can you ask the ghosts?

Ok, the silver armored Silkwi, which took the hole in advance, pressed the royal history, did not wait for them to shout, and went to the front of the greece.

Under the atmosphere of today, the official is a bit tired, too lazy to take care of these fly.

of course,

This is also because after putting those old generations, the power of the official, the power of the official, has been in peace, no need to overreighted the beautiful reputation of the shunt.

The official is sitting in the driving, just faded in the lobe, inside, roast charcoal.

There are people outside, and the Baili sword requests.

"Let him come in."

Baili sword came in.

The official refers to the position of his body,


Xie Jiasque. "

The eunuch on tea,

The driving is starting to go back to the palace.

The official side of the tea cup,

This is a kind of etiquette. Before you say things, you will make it.

a long time,

Official opening: "Yu Ci Ming, gambling, was moved to Yanjing, be his Jin Wang; Situ Lei gambling lost, a good capital, turned into a prince;

Don't look at Yan Guo, he has been winning. He is actually gambling;

They are gambling,

Because they can't afford,



Seeking this to southwest, southwest, when you can calm, next ... "

Outside the driving, suddenly came:

"News! Eight hundred miles!"

The official is slightly frowned, and the road;

Xuan. "


A commander entry into the kneeling:

"General of the Chu State General, the army, the military, southeast, Zangzhou City has broken!"

The official put down the teacup in his hand.

Baili swords open the mouth;

"Officials, or I will come back now?"