Mo Lin (Evil come)

Chapter 570

Fengxin City is the largest city in Jindong, and it is no exaggeration to say that the entire Jin Dong's political, economic, cultural and other areas;

Every day, there will be a lot of things here;

But recently, there are two things, truly affect the life of the new city.

one thing,

It is Hou Ye ordered, in the west of New Town, built a temple.

This is definitely a broken head, these years, with the rise of Pingxi Hou Ye, have already attracted many people who come to go.

In the early days, this kind of people were sent to the hair;

After that, this kind of people have been packaged;

Packaged the snowworns.

Nowadays, Hou Ye ordered the construction of temples. To a certain extent, he also met the spiritual needs of Feng Xincheng people. Although it truly believes in Buddha, it is willing to worship in the festival, absolutely a lot.

This is a small matter;

The second thing is a big event, the rest of the wave, and even from the New Town as the starting point, it began to spread around and shook the entire Jindong.

Houfu ordered, starting pointing on the indicator.

It's all over the years, and it is also a matter of attention. What is the purpose? Everyone has a vague guesses.

The blind man has said that whether it is the previous Shengle City or the snow customs or now the new city, the change is the land, which is the title of the home, but the same, this camouflage A variety of fir-acts, essential, the military and civilian military group.

Pingsea Houfu is a matter of a war tribe in the appearance of the appearance of the Summer System.

The pavilion, workshop, school, medical center, various industries, and forestry, and all the industries, and the Houfu, it means that the people are also mastered together, and this mastery, or mutual.

After experiencing the people of the chaos, in the face of such a life, you will use your own eyes to see clearly, and use your own feet, firmly to vote.

A emerging and thriving military group, an external development of enterprising and plundering is a kind of instinct that has not yet lost.

In the past one year, everyone is still looking forward, and it is also thinking, it is more anxiously looking forward.

Now, I finally came.

The mobilization of the war has begun. After a year, I have experienced a year of hard and one year, I have to say a national war, it is impossible, but I have a large-scale control, all kinds of warehouses. The reserves are definitely sufficient.

Houfu is not fighting, it is preparing to lay a fight, this, in the way, let it ruin the people, live the peaceful days of the other places.

The role of war is still a person.

Not the people of the comparative household, began to explore the news, ask the deputies of the deputy, self-discourse, and have to get some military power, to with the home, turn to the advertises.

It is the owner of the comparable, the Ding is starting to follow the head, and ask, asked the first floor, and even finally alarmed the level of the general soldier.

It's not that this wind is going to fight?

Which military horse is used? Do you want to call?

Can't let others eat meat, we can't even drink soup?

This kind of war is happy, forcing the generals under the Houfu, and have to dispatch, and even, the palace and Gongsun Zhi are an excuse to worship his old age. Please come from the station to Fengxin City The government.

I don't think about fighting, I am looking forward to fighting, I have expected to deal with the horses and actual benefits.

The fight is to be the truth of the dead, everyone knows, but it is more than expected, it is worth fighting.

As for the problem that must be defeated ...


I really have to think about this, at least, for those who really need to fight against battlefield and their families, they have never thought of this possibility.

Field mirror teaches Zheng Fan, and is fundamental for the will of the people. It is not a child, and it is eligible to live, but there is such a confidence to take them to win.

This is also the reason why Jing Nan Wang is very bad in Jing Nan Wang even in the army, but the prestige is very high in the army, and Schien is under the lower and high pressure, that is the temple and the street trading talent will be keen. Things, Qiu Bi in the military camp only recognized that.


Feng Xin City, because of this, like the second year, it has become lively.

I didn't even ask the Pingxi Hou Ye who had a foreign affairs after returning home, I have to come up with a few wave of generals.


"Abet, you talk."

Zheng Hou Ye, who just met, gave a sign in Houfu, there is a big sand table in the room, not three children, now I am awake, but I haven't recovered, but I have brought out these years. Many people can survey the craftsmanship, they can make them out.

At this point, there are not many people in the signed room.

Zheng Hou Ye came in and took the first seat.

The beams of the sand table hold a push rod,

The blind and .

Chen Daole and He Chun have two digits act as secretary, next to it.

People, there are fewer, but it is also used for a generous combat plan, and there are many people, people, but will be misunderstood.

Furthermore, a beamy is a wild king, happiness, has spilled.

"On the main, the subordinates feel that this time, when the training is mainly."

This is directly determined a tone.

Zheng Houyi nodded, as a leader, supplemented nonsense: "But you have to be fully prepared."

"The Lord is impatched."

"Okay, open the door to see the mountain."

"Yes, I have personally visited Shanggu County, there, there is a horse, a horse, and the Houfu iron ride out of the Town southway, but it can be south from the south. After this, the block is the Weihe.

However, the Weihe River stretches, in fact, the Qi River defense line of the Chu people is the national war, which can play a critical role to split the troops, but in the face of small-scale single-point raids. Don't say a river, even if it is a big river, it will never be the so-called real .

Wangjiang is like a Weihe, is like it. "

Qimo left the mouth; "I heard that the main battle went to the Weihe side, frightened the Chu people, the official government of the Chu people's Weihe launched the ruins of the river to frozen after the winter. "

Everyone heard the words and laughed.

This is true;

The Tuen Mun in the departure of the county in the Weihe River, all arrange a new boy, which is to launch the people to go to the ice, to prevent Yan Jun from being directly south when the winter river is coming.

Zheng Houye drank her tea and said: "This is indeed the style of the year."

Become, is an obligation to the government to the government, and a burden of the people. If it is a repair road to repair the palace and fight, then it will be, at least, it can be actually something;

But this is ice, what is the meaning?

Military significance is yet, but for this, how much unscading is heard.

Nowadays, the teahouse says that the book likes to say two categories, and the two categories of listeners listening to, one is the rivers and lakes, one, is the ups and downs of Jin Ge Tiema.

Zheng Hou Ye was hit by the old opener, and it was a few times a few times. It was rated as the first person to use the world;

In the year, there is a nickname of "Years of the Year of the Eight".

"The intention of the subordinate, first, the soldiers and horses, quickly pass the Weihe River, into the Chu, try to south, don't ask for the battle, don't ask for a skeleton, just seek to go to Chu people as much as possible And let the straw snake.

Retire, from another direction, after entering the river, after the River, in the Weihe, west, still do not ask for war, do not ask for the head, do not seek to attack the city, only to contact the forces of the bendo Luo, and finally, In contact with the fan, open this line.

Finally, with the third military horse ......... "

Will n't suddenly open the mouth; "Three-way soldiers?"

This is a decline, what is the problem, naturally can be browsed directly, and it is not necessary to hide.

"Yes, this time, I plan to use the three-way soldiers, the first road, and I will lead myself, 20,000 rides."

This is the most dangerous way. After going deep into the hinterland in the south, as long as one is wrong, it may be doubled even ten times the Chu army surrounded.

"The second road is north, and it is also 20,000 rides. I suggest that it can be led by gold."

"This is 40,000 rides." .

"Yes, but these two roads will mobilize the vast majority of cavalry." Liang Cheng said.

"Then, the Zhennan Guan front, how many soldiers are you planning? Although the name is called Wang Ba, I don't think I know that it is not the national war, I know that Dawei did not make all the war mobilization, he Years will be willing to beat the head.

Wang Ba, also have temper, biting people hurt. "

Zheng Houye opened:

"Will n't be left, how do you think it is?"

"On the main, if I want to make a part of the troops to do something, chasing, stopping, stopping, can't stop can't catch up, there is no need to care about what is the capital of the year. What redevelopment, it has been there.

The most important thing is that the reason why the last priest is broken, because the main force of the Chu Guo's royal army is in Zhennan, because Jingnan king's rate is 100,000 iron rides to south, because the Chu people are fundamentally Unexpectedly, I haven't experienced it.

But again?

It is not that the Chu people will have a good policy, but it is impossible to be stolen again by you.

and so,

I will go to the river, all the way to the heart of Shanggu County, that is, the past, the top of Shanggu County, then, do not hit the Town south Guan, continue to do his own old bank, Xiucheng Jianzhai, make your own Wang Ba !

Since my Houfu tears and comes, he is not pressing, afterwards, afterwards, it can make a good time in the name of the lost land.

At the time of the national war, hundreds of thousands of iron ride south. In the end, they did not destroy the Chu State, the district 40,000 rides, how could it be?

In the year, it is to be able to pass the Year of the Tutang County, and the Chu State has been in the line of the Houfu, from the Weihe River to here, the situation is completely different.

The Weihe River is the best defense line of blocking the cavalry, but the river is too long, and the soldiers who need to be stationed are also very much. In fact, the generals are also said before, and will not be very good.

Big can't stop, small, can't stop.

If it is pushing the defense line, then the Chu people will not have to send the departure to the ice, and you can put down the burden on the river, Shanggu County, from the waist, one is divided into two, the city wall, Yuta Village.

The width of this defense will be greatly shortened, and the strength of defense will also be greatly enhanced.

Even, if it is calculated that the national power of the Chu State and the land of Jin Dong, who had just resumed the development of the development, it is no longer the case of the Houfu, and the Houfu has passed the road. Instead, it becomes a great potential to north, and suppress my Houfu.

The regent king of Chu is not a far-sighted master. On the contrary, he once dare to use my big sword to cut the big church, now, I dare to use the so-called district face, come to change the attacker Easy, at least, right. "

Liang Cheng looked away,


"You don't forget, not only Yan Guo did not do war mobilization, and did not have a national war preparation, his Chu State, no.

Therefore, the soldiers who can use the two sides are limited, and it is impossible to appear again that the two sides show millions of army confrontation.

and so,

He dared to swim in Shanggu County in Hebei. I dared to fight on the plain of Shanggu County, I dared to fight against the blushing battle! "

Mo Mo is detained by the center of Shanggu County on the hull.


"Although Houfu claims that 100,000 iron rides, the truly elite is also the town of 30,000, the Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry, and the town of Southern Guanguan, you told me that you have already sprinkled out 40,000 elite to the Chu country. went,

This is on Valley, what kind of military horses are going to be with his Chu national army? "

Beamuo asked;

"Who said, is it necessary to send an essential to the enemy?"

"........." Mo Mo.

Morrimprely point to the south of the Weihe River, the road: "Do not send else after deep enemies?"

Liang Cheng smiled:

"You all said, will not be intentional, do it, then why do I want to send an elite?

We have not lacked, the rider is not lacking, the auxiliary troops, the wild soldiers, and some of the sashimi bottoms will be protected. "

"You don't say to practice the soldiers? Which of the soldiers are this?"

"40,000 hybrid servants from the soldiers, after entering the enemy, in the Chu State, there is 40,000 pigs, and will not be the previous pig."


I am laughing,

Simply jumping on the sand table,

A slap is taken in Shanggu County,


"So, if it is the north of the year, in this Googh, it will face ..."

Liang Cheng nodded,


"Will face it in the mainstay, I will lead, I will be under the Pingxi Houfu, the most elite iron ride!"

Mo Mo is long and relieved,


"There will be risks, the gold can be the West, there is a success of Womdo Luo, and there is also the advice of the Fan. I only need to be bored, the problem, I will not be big, the way you lead, very Maybe there is a problem. "

"Dead is that the wild servant from the soldiers plus some hybrids, from the snowworns, come over, then call a batch from your town, they are dead, and there is no loss, but can take this opportunity to consume a wave of snow. The population of the wild. "

Mo Mo licks licking lips, he didn't be angry, even, deeply.


"Hey, huh, I think, that year, I can't think of dreaming, I have gone to Jingnan Wang, but in this Jin Dong, there is actually more than a Jingnan king."

What is said here is obviously not a Pingsea.

After the feelings of emotion, I found that I didn't seem to say the wrong words, but Zheng Hou Ye did not have a nothing.

"What is the resulting registration?" Zheng Fan asked.

"The two military and horses who are out, they are in the enemy, and the rest of the food and grass have been traveled to Zhennan. It is expected that the war will not fight for a long time, logistics, there should be no problem."

Blur open mouth.

Zheng Fan nodded and said: "The battlefield, what is unexpected, blind, to give the court to a weapon, Jiahoufu fire, secret is a small six son, know the little six sons, let him do Good mental preparation.

In addition,

Re-passing the soldiers and horses who are stationed in Jin Sheng, let them also do some preparations.

Yingdu's Xu Wenzu, it is also to pass.

Our intent is to play a short time, fast, and can be controlled, but it is also necessary to prepare the duck to be prepared.

The real play is getting off, it is big, then a national war, Yan Guo's affordable can not afford this, at least this, can't be admitted. "

The blind man smiled: "Xiaoxiao is estimated to see the pair of folds, he has to be a feet, saying that it is so good for two or three years?"

"Hehe, that is not him, then say, this is also the fine tradition of inheriting the previous generation, where there is a complete battle waiting for you to open, this black dragon's tradition is, I think I can make it, That is hit. "

Zheng Hou Ye put the teacup in his hand on the coffee table,

"His mother, last time I didn't see anything in the snow, these days were net in the whole wife and children's hot head, but it was really going out to slip."


Zheng Hou Ye, who just gave a view of the "wife child hot head",

After leaving the sign,

Just lying on the bed of the princess.

After the warming room is covered, it is actually equivalent to the floor heating, and the head is very warm.

The princess is lying there, looking at Zheng Hou Ye reached out to stroking his belly.

"Fu Jun today, it looks very spiritual."


"Fu Jun, I believe in the family, my mother has prepared some usage for the body. After the emperor, it is different, but the mother is still concerned about this."


In this regard, the Queen of Chu can have never passed, of course, this is also based on the Pingxi Houfu is willing to make a horses in the Pingxi Houfu.

Zheng Houye reached out and gently greeted the princess's belly.


"Hey, I heard it, your grandmother and you, give you a lot of delicious, come, let's thank you, thank you."

"Fu Jun, the child is still not born, how can you talk."

"Oh, it is, it doesn't matter, there are adults."

"Well, I will write back and say thank you later."

"No, let me come."

The princess smiled and looked at Zheng Hou Ye, curious:

"Do you want to write a letter to the emperor?"

Zheng Hou Ye shook his head and said:

"I have written too much, and I am too disappeared with my big brother. You think, my big brother is Japanese machine, where is there any free worker and quietly see what?"

"How is it ..."

"After the battlefield, I used it directly."
