Mo Lin (Evil come)

Chapter 648, Gong Welcome to the Father

Three major camps outside Zhangzhou City have been prepared.

But as Pingxi Kings, the three major camps were exiled into the city, the three major battalions at this time, more like a "empty" shelf.

Without the existence of the main heart, it seems that the soldiers still have a lot, but it is really easy to take.

For the son of Zhangzhou City, Zhao Yuanhe and a Chinese general plan to use "please enter into the " to make this idea of ​​drilling himself.

Zheng Fan is a bit difficult to understand.

He let Xue San go to pass the letter, there is really nothing deep, just a few sons of cascades in the army, just like a stone, hit a water drift, look at the music, touch the pulse.

If you are in the face of the annual or in the face of other handles, everyone can play a few rounds of push hands, and then "put your heart", and even think about it, I don't hesitate to think about it, I can't stop it.

But you really have no way to dose the idea of ​​the Word of Fu Wang and Zhangzhou City.

the reason is simple,

It is difficult for you to pull your own military IQ to a level to get the "taste of the body".

But they are very self-designed to design layout as a fool.

Zheng Fan felt a sense of shame.

You either it, or just now,

The most feared is this,

It's clear, suddenly I feel very good for a time, I want to take a look,

It is easy to get a big problem.

The big bridge of Liang Lili did inspiring the heart of the man, the official army in Zhangzhou City and the prince, dared to eat fart.

After Chen Xianba, Liu Taihu and Zheng Dang three pass, and returned to Zheng Fan.

Three people have great yearning for fighting in battle,

Especially Zheng Dang and Liu Tiger;

Chen Xianba is slightly better, at least in the face calm.


The Western Direction has passed the news, the big camp is overturned.

Like the flock, the swallowman is in a wave of compression, forcing the dry people to collapse, abandoning the campsite that is clearly tied, and begins to escape;

Followed by,

The news in the east is also transmitted, like the west.

Rainy night, exacerbated panic emotions.

Yan Jun is like a trophy of the flock, "leads" them, "leads" them, from two directions, and the rest of them.

Pingxi Wang closed his eyes and took a deep breath;

Rainy days, water vapor, but he still smells a familiar taste, a single taste that is independent.

"How did this man don't fight this?" Zheng Dang said.

I used to hear it before, now, it is a person who see it. It is really not true.

Because people are getting accustomed to an environment, it is easy to form a specific thinking belonging to this environment, so Zheng Ban is sigh.

"Mailing Chen Yang, Fan Li, no need to pursue it, immediately turn back.

Ordered to order the whole army, in the spot, and collect the people in the vicinity of the people, and create a siege system. "



Chen Xianba's three people led.

They are Dans, only need to communicate the next level, and then they will continue to be delivered.

When the three people pass the command to the Wangqi's back,

Liu Taihu couldn't help but ask:

"Which Wang Ye did not plan to attack the city outside Lanyang, but here, but to attack the city?"

Zheng Dang also revealed the curious look and looked at Chen Xianba.

Xu is a good time in this camper, Chen Xianba is very mood now, and willing to do a solution, open mouth:

"In Lanyang City, the military is a pause to attack the city, not only will provide my army sharp, and will provide adequate response to the entire country.

Nowadays, our army has already been deeply in-depth. This is like a bug. When you are in front of you, you can catch it, but when it drills into your belly, it seems to be closer to you, but in fact, you already Endless coming.


Wang Ye did not like to live in a soldier.

In the eyes, the soldiers outside the Cangzhou City were almost a pot, and the city was in the middle of the city, the military heart must be scattered.

Let's make a posture that creates a siege appliance.

I can't say this, I have to fall.

After all, Wang Ye has played in the past, didn't you have?

What is the opposite is that when Wang Ye did the same thing as Zhangzhou City and the same thing as Lanyang City, separated from food. "

"Oh, it turns out, this is the scared man?" Zheng Zi smiled happily.

Liu Dahu asked again: "Is that the other soldiers and horses?"

Chen Xianba replied: "The New Army, which has been invested in these years, should be able to play hard, but now in Liang Lizhi, I don't know that they have received our news, but there are left and right ways The army threatened that they didn't dare to go back to China.

On the three sides of the country, the homermaster took away the only one-established cavalry army of the United States, and the Zuandu of the ancestors of the ancestors also took a grand family elite.

The three-siented soldiers are much more, but it is based on the foundation. Once they pull out the field, they can have a few more colors, they can't say it.

And the big emperor and the generals of Li Liangshen are now in the border and the three sides of the border and the three sides of the country;

The three-sided military and horses of the three sides of the three sides, they have to prepare for my Yan Jun North and the southern south.

In the past, Jingnan Wang Ye was borrowed from the dry opening of the south gate, although this time, the three sides of the king of the country, but the three sides of the country did not dare to think so, he would think that my Yan Jun wants to pay In the past, Jingnan Wang opened the old things, lending Zhao Land, killing the three main power! "

When Jingnan Wang entered into the ground, the Jinde soldier horses were killed and the Yan Guo defended, and the result was hit by it and collapsed directly.

At the moment, what is similar.

Chen Xianba reached out, picking up the helmet, rubbing the rain on his face, continuing to say:

"As for the rest of the country and horse, wait until they transfer to the troops all over, this side is five thousand, there is 10,000, I can say that we can leave calmly, even if it is really right, he will do 50,000 local soldiers. Can you dare to compete with the 50,000 yolk rid of our pricard?

This is actually the Pingxi Wang Horse, who has said. "

Pingxi Wang Horse, this episode, according to the chat from Pingxi Wang himself and his first CHENG FAN Li, the original name is originally called Pingxi Housi.

"The good horse in the country is so bullied, but unfortunately, Tiger is a battle, I am bigger, this can be more calm."

A rainy night,

Do not,


It is half a night;

The Yan Jun only used less than half a night, and all three major battals outside Zhangzhou City were all removed.


Yan Jun began to open the town.

When the next morning, the defenders on the city wall and the people who were launched by the government to help defend the city, seeing the city wall, is a bleak and ruined, because Yan Jun did not pursue last night, those were defeated Dry Army, did not dare to escape from the rain at the rain, almost instinct, and gathered back to Zhangzhou City;

Last night, Swantnam did not kill, after all, after all, I didn't have to hack people. Therefore, these collapse, the number of soldiers, the score of helmet, completely scattered, only to keep high to the city wall Shouting the gate to let them go in, or pray for them to give them some eating.

Not far away, there is Yan Junzhiyan cavalry to keep it here.


"Wang Ye, there is no way to open the city at this time."

"Why?" Zhao's first year clearly can't understand.

Although yesterday, the elite of the three battals was prepared in the city, but in order to obscure the eyes, the number of people in the city, it is not a lot.

Therefore, now the army in the city, with a total of total, can only force the four walls to stand up, so, have to launch the people in the city to help out.

Under this city wall, the Dry Army defeated, it is quite a lot.

"You can't pay in, and you will come in, the defenders in this city will also be unresolved."

Pastened emotions will be struggled to come in, then, then trigger more panic.

This group of strokes have been frightened last night. They not only dare not pick up the weapons, they will be flustered together.

"If you pay a part, can you?"

"Wang Ye, you have been staring here, it seems to be very far away, but once we opened the city gate, the chaset will inevitably pour, when we can't care, these The chaset will be willing to punch the door.

Yan Yu only needs to run the horse behind it, shoot a few arrows, urge to urge it, these ulcers can completely open the city gate. "

"It turns out that this king is dead."

"Wang Ye ..."

"General Wang, now, what is it?" Zhao Yuannian looked at this commander.

"Work, please ask the prince, then launch the people, add some rewards and wish, the end will believe that the Yan Yu is inserted, and it is afraid that it will not really take the kung fu."

"It is obvious that it is already in the siege equipment, and the prior to this king saw it in the whistle."

"At the end, it will be considered that it is Yan Yu vain! We now take the city wall, no day, the assistance will arrive, Zhangzhou City, can be invasive!"

"The general of hard work."

"The responsibility is, I don't dare to say hard!"

"This king is returned to the government, and some of the savings in the house will be called in the city, and we will donate the goods to reward the city."

"Wang Ye Gong Zhongzhong, the end will admire!"

"The words are heavy, and the words are heavy."

Zhao's first year of the city wall and sat in the carriage.

The carriage began to travel to the Wangfu.

"Wang Ye." At this time, the driver of the car, "the people of Ming Thousands, followed by the back."

Zhao's first year sighed, could not help but self-ridicule:

"I should not think that I really don't think it is."

Dafa's king, basically as pig hunt, on this basis, although some "talents", but this kind of talent may reflect in the city and to people.

Popularity, it will come.

But this kind of person seems to be very good in weekdays, giving a very powerful feeling, but when I really see the true chapter, I have nothing.

Zhao Yuan was frightened by Zheng Fan, and it was already mature too much;

But I really can't force the king of the military camp, even the army camp, and I know that I am taking a battle overnight.

If you bring an elite, don't say that the Jindong Town North Army Jingnan Army Jin Dongjun is kind of iron ride, even if it is the border army of the three sides, it may be better, the problem is that the county of the country is fighting No, the fault tolerant rate is very low, and then the rookie trader fingertips ...

Instead, you can win the knife stick sticks in your hands.

It is better to look forward to the opposite Pingxi King by a stream to shoot more reliable.

However, the latter is also quite difficult. What kind of flow can pass through the military block, then pass through the sword to stop the A Ming resistance and the block of the magic pills.

At last,

The Xuanjia wearing in Pingxi Wang is also a set of Baojia.

Zhao's first year picked up a Pat, wiped his hand, his hand, is already sweating.

He is clear, things, has already slide into an unbeatable abyss.

Even, there is no significance of it in the city of Zhangzhou City.

And even, if you really hold, you may say that yourself, but it is a bad thing.

I said that the defenders said that Pingxi Wang sent people to contact themselves, they planned to megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload.

There is not enough soldiers, purely relying on the people, if the swallow is not doing, it is really good to build a siege equipment, a sharp to the wall, can you keep it?

And for the court, for the official, they are often not your heart history, but the result.

I am afraid that Zhao Yuannian knows clearly, this time is the side of the country, I want to deal with the Pingxi King, but in the eyes of others, it is the eyes of the Ming Thousand.

Do you not have a person who is deliberate to the defenders in the Heping West King?

What is my heart?

Zhangzhou City is going to be told, waiting for yourself, will it be?

Moreover, the previous Yan Jun broke over Zhangzhou City, the Fuwangfu and Wen family compared to the addition, it should be extra points. After all, he defeated the bottom line, but this time, the impossible, it is likely to let go of the last time The reason why Wangfu is preserved, because it has been in secret, and the knees have surrendered the swallow, surrendering the Pingxi King.

After the war,

For the face of the face, the court is unlikely to ask the emperor to ask the Queen House;

But let yourself "die", don't you make it easy?

In this kind of thing, this is that I would rather kill one thousand and don't let one.

Zhao's first year reached out, grabbed his hair, it was very ridiculous, it was really ridiculous, how did things become this?

The carriage has entered the Wangfu.

When Zhao's first year, Zhao walked into the back house. When I walked into my mother's room, I saw my mother was sitting on the chair. Today's mother, no longer a piece of cloth, but wear some beautiful, and also ripped makeup.

The news that the big sequence outside last night was already in the government.

Zhao Yuannian sighed,

Squat down;

The Fuwang has a smile on his face.


"what's happenin?"

"The son was defeated."

"No, you have not yet lost, because you haven't died yet, as long as people are still alive, there is a chance to turn over.


You still have a mother. "

"Mother, my son is useless."

"Ok, my child, get up."

Zhao's first year stood up and tears in his eyes.

Fu Wang got up, left, went to his son, reached out, wiper the tears of his son,


"Silly children, what?"

"The son is useless, so that the mother is wronged."

"When the mother can do anything for her son, where is the grievance?"

See your son is still crying,

Fu Wang, but laugh,


"How can I be wronged, I really have to count, my mother is so cheap?

That one, and the young mother, it is a military commander, the body is good, the status is high, the prestige is heavy, people are mighty;

The girl is still too late, how can I be wronged? "


When the year of Zhao was crying while smiling.

"Yes, I am clear that the mother is cheap, the mother is still afraid, I am afraid that these years have passed, the mother is old, he can't look at the mother, then you can tears my child. "


Zhao's first breath, deep breath,


"Mother, my son didn't look back."

"Then don't look back."

"Yes, yeah, you can son, surname Zhao."

"Zhao, is the official Zhao, is not a Fuwangfu's Zhao, and how long the court has always taken the king, you will see your father know.

Besides, your father has died for the court, you don't owe anything.

Niang did not work,

I can't say anything,

But the mother is only thinking, I have to live, live well, this is the big wish in my heart, the biggest wish. "

"Yes, mother."

At this time,

There is a person who came to the hand:

"Wang Ye, Ming people entered the Wangfu, I have to see Wang Ye."

"Ok, I know."

Zhao's first year wiped tears, turned, and walked out of the hall.

Ming thousand households standing in the front yard, behind, follow more than ten silver armor.

Zhao Yuannian came here,


Stop the footsteps.


The pupil of the Ming thousand is a contract.

Zhao's first arms together,

Arrow, the arrow is shot, and then the top of the roof is located in the flower bed, and the guardian guards will kill.

"Zhao first year, you dare!"

"I dare!"

Zhao Yuan shouted.


At the morning, Pingxi Wang was in building a good account, and she prescribed.

I slept until afternoon;

After waking up, lick your eyes and stretched a lazy waist.


As long as it is on the outside, this sleep is well.

Chen Xianba is sitting in the handsome account to batch the abduction, Zheng Dai and Liu Dahu are looking at the view, and the batch map is very serious, and it is also very serious.

The handsome account is a pattern of two, and there is a big curtain occasion in the middle.

The first half is also the area where Chen Xianba is located, it is to take the military account, followed, is the bed of Wang Ye himself.

just woke up,

Zheng Fan feels some thirst,

Reach the tea cup and cool.

The habits of the birth, as long as the conditions are allowed, Pingxi King woke up every time, he will drink a cup of hot tea first to ensure the next spirit.

I have been too serious, I didn't hear the movement of Wang Ye.

Zheng Fan's opening:

"Water, water, open!"

The horses in the compartment lift their heads.

At this time,

The outer command is shouting:

"News !!!!!!! Wang Ye, Zhangzhou City City gate opened, defending the army down!"

One time,

Chen Xianba, Liu Tihu and Zheng Dang, the eyes are directly very big, and the heart is full of shock!


It is my own prince.


Is it a goddess of Da Yan?


Yan Jun entered the city,

Pingxi Wang put on Xuanjia, riding, and playing Wang Ban, and I have also entered Zhangzhou City.

In the city, it is Fu Wang, Fu Wang led the guards of Wangfu, holding the guard, ordered the defenders to open the city gate to surrender.

This is the unlucky army who has made a very low army who has made the army who has made a very low morale, and it is more like a struggle, but it is more like a relief;

City gate, this is opened.

First of all, it was the dried army and poured into the city, and the Yan Jun was following the city.

If you are not clear, you have not communicated with the "son" to this step, you may even have a confusion, this Zhao first year, is it really a big filial son?


Maybe this is the logarithm.

Also very good,

I think that I have seen a battlefield in the rainy night before, I can get a meat mud in the rainy night.

Zheng Fan thinks,

This is the old man who compensates for himself for yourself.


This king accepts.

Three layers of three layers of the Yanjun Knights, guarding their own princes in the wide county street,


The team came to the gate of the Fuwangfu.

Zhao Yuannian, a formal supra,

Standing early in the steps early.

After seeing Zheng Fan's figure,

Zhao Yuan is soaked down,


"Congratulations on the father of the Father!"


Hey, there are 15 votes to the ninth place, then ask for a monthly ticket, hold you!