Mo Lin (Evil come)

Chapter 66 Zhuge Zhengfan

Ming Su City;

The original government;

Nowadays, it is the general of the year.

At this time,

I held a melon in my hand, thinking about thinking, and finally gotting it on the threshold.

Look down, look at melon, then look at the threshold;

I took a sigh of relief, I walked over, but when I want to sit down, my body began to tremble slightly;

He was already brought, but it couldn't be disabled to even a squat.

You know, when the Emperor Yan Guo, Wei Zhong, the Wei Zhonghe can all beside the emperor.

He is afraid,

He wants to sit down, but he is afraid to sit down.

I still stand straight, I will take a deep breath again, and forcibly put the emotions in my eyes to "swallow".

He in that year,

But I really like to eat on the threshold.

The nose of the year is moving, with the back of the hand, rubbing, the third deep breathable, finally, closed eyes,

Sit down!

Call ... call ... call ...

I heard the movement of my heartbeat, it was clear and strong.

He slowly opened his eyes.

According to the scarce,

The sight in front of the eyes seems to be blurred;

He saw that in front of himself, he sat near hundreds of generals in the Chu army's armor, and everyone held a melon in his hands and learned himself, and took a spoon and took it.

They are all proud, including many big aristors, but in front of themselves from this slave, they are temporary.


The illusory disappears in front of me.

Years low,

See your legs and closer.

In the memory, he used to like the most, sitting on the threshold, forked the thigh, sitting on the rice.

He started trying to slow down the legs,

It can be followed, it is an inexplicable shy emotion, and it is constantly attacking him.

Years, put the melons in your hand on the ground, double punches, continue to try to separate the thighs.

But this leg, just stalking, but there is no way to open.

Annual waving fists,

Double boxing on the threshold side of the body,

at this time,

He really wants to make a shout, it is shouting ... Implementing only this, in order to put his heart to his own anger, the anger of the past, to the past anger.

Mouth is big,


But I can't shout.

Finally, I can only bite my arm and send out the sound of "".


Melon, I haven't eaten yet, but I can be wet by sweat.

He is tired,

He gave up,

He moved his butt from the threshold and sat down the knee.

He no longer went to see the threshold, as if the threshold is not existed.

The melon around him, he took it again, opened, sent to his mouth, starting to eat, the juice is not splashing, but he still eats and faster.

After half a melon, he stopped, lazy to wipe his face and on his body, put the remaining half of the melon in the ground, and the hands were supported after it.

It is a person,

Probably this feeling.

I am no longer myself, not the general of the Chu Guigui who can play with the field.

I have a little down on my head.

at this time,

The intensive footsteps and the sound of the rubber friction;

Years raised the beginning, the eyes were again deep, the whole person's breath, also returned to the majesty of the previous one, as if all the previous behaviors, all did nothing to do.


Several military will lead a team of squadrons.

"Year of the year!"

I want to get up,

However, the opposite did not want to complete this process, but directly read the will:

".......... Take the next year, the military, look for the trial, the forbidden military matters," by Zhaohuan. "

This is directly under our wealth.

I can't see how many surprised expressions, even more emotions, because of his emotions, just being taken by the threshold behind him.

The soldiers are close to them.

I looked opposite,


"Zhao Han? Let him see me!"

Originally, Zhaoha is the book, which is scheduled to enter the Royal Guard, which is scheduled to be booked in Chu State, which is forcibly changed to the year because of the meaning of Yan Guo's regency.

Zhao Han people came in from the outside, and he seems to have been deliberately avoiding.

For him, the military power to take the year in the army is not too difficult, and he is not very willing to see the year in this case.

But people shouted themselves, he must have to come out.

"Is this really a will?" Asked the year.

"If a fake package is changed." Zhao Ho replied.


I nodded, I would like to understand myself.

Zhao Hao looked up and stopped the soldiers who were prepared to take the end of the year, and turned again:

"Please ask the generals, rest here."


Zhaowhan's eyes swept over the half of the earth,


"Since the generals love to eat melon, I give the big general."

"Don't have trouble."

Originally, the soldiers who have been escorted have been released, and they can bend down the waist, and the remaining half of the ground is re-picked up.


"It's enough, enough, what is tube, you will taste a fresh, it's enough, it's too much."

"Please ask the generals to rest, military affairs, don't worry."

Zhao Hao finished, turned to go abroad.

I suddenly shouted:

Zhao Han. "

Zhaowhan stopped.

"What do you do, your family, know?"

Chu is now clear, each of the aristocrats, before being pressed by Chu, from Germany, now, naturally began to take the initiative to hold the thigh in the sword, and hope to spend the future style;

Soli, Xie, is the case.

If it is not stupid, it should be like this.

", Only loyal to Your Majesty."

"Hehe, hahaha."

Laughing in the year,


"There is such a sharpness, but unfortunately, you are born, if you can do it earlier, you can't get it, you can also have a field.

I will ask you in the end,


Are you afraid?

You just lost it in his hand, now I have to face him again, you have left, a little twirls? "

"For the sake of Chu, Han, I am afraid."


I nodded,

Turned, ready to enter the house.

If you don't accidentally, I will take a long time, this room will be strictly closed and guarded;

When the feet have a threshold,

Holding half a melon,


"If you say that you are afraid, then I will respect you is the man."

"Oh ..."

The door was closed.

A team of soldiers, surrounded this house.

Zhao Hao waved, the remaining general chasing took here.

Years, in fact, standing behind the door, there is no walking.

He bite a melon in his hand.

Self-like self:

"Here with melon wine, I wish you a big Chu, board back to this key, against the sky to change the country!"

Followed by,

I bite a bite again.

Bian chewing edge:

"The slave is here with the wine, I wish the reincarnation, all the boy, Dasan Wan Ye."



Royal Palace,

Inner temple;

The emperor is alone, sitting in the center of the main hall, and folds all.

"That purpose, is you?"

The head of the emperor, the side, showing a smile,


"Yeah, it is me."

"You will die, I am big."

"What is it? The sacred desire is my unreasonable, but ... I will not watch it next to 'I'm.

Why don't you stop me?

You have to say you ... don't you wake up?


in fact,

After you wake up, I want to recover the sacred mission or make a monolith, it is ok.

What oral voice is in order to

What kind of heart-minded Jiangshan society,


Your Chu is a generation of emperors, how is it tube, this is not the strength of his face, it can be a pulse.

Don't pull what is big,

Actually, you are your own.

Can't afford! "

The emperor did not deny it, but said:

"It is Zheng Fan, there is no one in the might, too ... is anxious."

"Oh, I am afraid of being calm, it is you, I hope that people are in anxious, you are also you, horizontally, you have something to say, anyway, what you want to do, you can find reason and reasons.

This person is, it is more than the beast.

This hypocritical strength, the beast can learn. "

The emperor looked up and started slowly, ready to seal it.

"However, I hope that your Chu is, it can be revived. For the past ten years, I obviously I know that this is a big, really believe in fire, less and less.

This chiz, it has already been forgotten their totems, saying that it will not be more than a few years, people will pass, the first generation of Chuhou is not the Chu, but ... ride, not, is the beast.

You are an emperor, this is your loss. "

"What about you?" The emperor asked, "You have been doing again."


What do you want me to do,

I am just a big bit, and I will fly.

Although this time, the country is not known, and it is blessed, but also the so-called sky.

Oh, this is really a big jade.

The ancestors of the Chu people are the most happy warfare, and they can pray for the old days. It can be this rule. Now that the people don't have to be a matter, but it is a man, they use this exaggerated and confident. "

"You are already enough today."

The Chu emperor took his own chest position, his body trembled, and his eyes were restored.


Jinghai City;

Outside the military newspaper, a pass.

First, the military and horses of Han Lao, appeared in the south of Jinghai City, and Ming Su City, but it could not play a role of blocking, and even a bonfire did not rise.

Xie Yanyang, Tong Yancheng came to report, and there was a Dry military music;

In the early morning of the next day, the west of Jinghai City has a large military army. When I first take the sierse of the handsome flag, this is the army of Meng Yu.

This three-way soldiers, the scale is more expected, much is much larger, because the original Jiangnan garrison, fear of Yan Yan is like a tiger, do not dare to go to himself, but when they are elite, they began to gather, scene, suddenly Lively.

"At Zhong Tianlang, there is a big cavalry army with the greatest in the country. Well, this is not accidental, he should be in Jiangdong, responsible for the three towns, the three towns, and the three towns. Recycling. "

Wang Ye looked at the news of the military map according to the new year of the military.

I couldn't help but laughed:

"Hey, Ming Ming Ma Ma is a lot of times, but still cautiously, with the most stupid and stupid way to deal with me.


Old, I saw it,

This man,

It's really giving you a face! "

Liu Dabei stood again, reminded: "Wang Ye, Mr. North, still waiting for you to take my mind."

"Well, the lonely is ready."

Zheng Fan pointed to a pile of a pile on tea next to tea.


"Police, send this tip to all walks of garrison general."

"Yes, Wang Ye. However, Wang Ye, Ming Su City ..."

"The photo is incorrect, the Wujia Band, also give me."


Liu Taihu took all the kit, and he angers the quantity, and doubts:

"Wang Ye, it seems to be much more."

"Oh, there are more, nothing, give the Director of the country, and sent people to send a kit, and they will meet."

"Yes, it will understand."

Liu Taihu was ready to transfer people from the tunnel. At the time of the south of Jinghai City and the west, although the Dry Army was completed, the Dry Army has not completed the hero of the city. It is still very convenient.


In a while,

Liu Dab, who just went out, was holding the big pile of tips.


"Wang Ye, which is not marked in this tip, which is the next ..."

"You just send it, you are empty."

Liu Dahu was stunned.

However, I saw that my king was sitting there. Liu Tai Tiger was in the heart. Wang Ye is Wang Ye, everything is inevitably in the mastery of Wang.

Sitting next to him originally accompanying Zheng Wei to drink tea, watching his own silly son finally got out, asked:

"Air shower, what does it mean? Is it convenient?"

If there is any military secret, the sword can not know.

Zheng Fan shook his head and smiled:

"I am really not good."

"That just don't say it, it's okay."

"Hey." Zheng Fan stretched out the sleeves of the sword.

Swordsman is in a somewhat in the somewhere;

"It's really hard to say."

Jian Sheng said: "I know, I know, don't explain so much, just like the stage, it is not good, right?"

"Oh, huh, huh."

Zheng Fan laughed and went to the waist.

Can't live in a sway:

"No, not that means, send empty tips, because I don't know if this will give all the military and horses, what is the military, and since the man is divided into me in the most stupid way. The battlefield has been fixed, the soldiers have already dawn, the strategy of ghosts, and there is no use. "

"Why do you want to send? Isn't it more?" Jian Sheng asked.

"Different, different."

"Which is different?"

Wang Ye has a tea cup and has a tea,


"Don't have a miracle happened?


I will only be a round. "