Mobile Fortress Saratoga ~Silvery Sword Princess Became My Servant.

Episode 123: I love my dad -. And the waking beast.

Manoeuvre Castle Fort Pericles.

It is an alien manoeuvre castle fort.

Whatever the slight differences, including Saratoga, every manoeuvred castle fort has a square shape with four corners.

But Pericles isn't.

Hammer (rinse) in front and circle in rear.

A motorized castle fort with a strange shape, such as teardrop, is unmatched.

Tear-shaped running north of the desert at maximum speed.

The shadows of the capital gradually rose from beyond the horizon in the eyes of Malane, who looked to the front at the bridge.

Nanashi has already left the scene and is running to do what he needs to do.

Then Malane, as one of his fiancées, will do all she can.

No more spare time.

"Move to Maneuver Castle Fort Pericles, Dueling Trooper Clothing (Battle Mode)"

The moment Malane muttered so much about Bosoli.

Bridge crew members look towards Marlene.

As soon as we saw the path Malane had shown us, we were halfway predicting it, but we had to unseal the legend. When I have to, I also butt in.

"Ki, Maneuver Castle Fort Pericles, move to Showdown Trooper Clothing (Battle Mode)!

A little late, one of the bridge crew recited.

In a rush to Russia, the crews begin to move, and sweat begins to seep into their foreheads.

"Certification mechanism manoeuvre! Voiceprint authentication, please!

When one of the occupants (crew) shouts so in the face of tension, the bridge (bridge) becomes quiet as if it had struck water.

As the bridge (bridge) crew watched breathlessly, Malene shrugged in disgrace.

"... no... no"

"Voiceprint authentication error! Dear Maraine, please speak louder."

"Wow, I know!

Maraine uncommonly disturbs her, turning her face bright red.

"Certification Mechanism Re-Modeling! Voiceprint authentication, please!

Breathe in louder, and Maraine screams in a damned mood.

"Pa (...) Pa (...), it's (...) - (...) Good (...) Ki (...) No!"

Previously, the release key was "ordered in the name of a Demon Spear hero," but when Malane turned four, that idiot father (Uncle Pericles) changed the release key over the course of a year, first with a manual written in ancient language.

"Verification Code, Accept (Accept)!"

Maraine shivering her pulls and shoulders as she leaned down.

"Then we move on to authenticating the startup code! Voiceprint authentication, please!

"Big (...) Ki (...) Ku (...) Na (...) Ra (...), Pa (...) Pa (...) 's (...) O (...) daughter-in-law (...) to (...) Na (...) Ru (...) - (...)!"

"Startup Code, Accept (Accept)!"


When you raise your voice briefly, maraine starts punching your forehead on the console in front of you with a vain eye.

Apparently embarrassment and anger at his father broke through the tolerances.

It was fortunate that Malane didn't know her own stupid father was on Rhoda. If you look at the state of Malane today, you can do as much as dare to hit your body with Pericles.

A loud alarm sounded, and dazzling light began to overflow in the front of the bridge, outside the window, and Pericles' giant began to tremble into small pieces.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

A crack runs into a lightning shaped form, making a dry sound called a pisci pisci.

Interceptor armor (Intruder) that is unable to stay in space, makes a high noise with Karan Karan and falls to the cobblestone.

Probably none of 'Prosperity (Gedayen)' is operable.

Of the six steel plates of "Peace (Frieden)", two remain in space spicidly to the extent that they are slightly cracked.

In those two steel plates, you can't play back Princess Sword's "Ravaged Snowstorm" Bufera di Nave "anymore.

"Uncle Merclius, surrender. Unlike you, we don't take life."

"Surrender? Who the hell are you talking to? Even Themé looks like he's standing."

There is no such thing as Krull (more).

In fact, the wound the sword princess suffered on her leg is deep. It seems difficult to even walk.

Ten Zar's distance in between, once again the two stare at each other, and lay down the weapons in their hands.

I heard a sweet tongueless voice from behind the sword princess on my ass as a vile kill flies between them.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Lord Schmelvi!

Schmelvi frowns at the tragedy as he walks over to Hertrude, where he is stuck in depression.

The burnt flank is especially terrible, peeking through a rip in the dress.

Kneel right beside you and press your palms against Hertrude's back.

"Play (Linashente)!"

The wound, which was so terrible when the warm tri-colored light poured into the body into Hertrude, returns to its original state.


I guess I thought this was a bad idea for a boulder.

Krull swings wide and throws a cross spear at Schmelvi.

The sword princess plunges her love sword onto its ray and flies it. Making a tall sound called Kin, the cross spear jumped straight up and fell under the walls as it circled in circles.

Phew...... Unexpectedly exhaling sword princess.

But the next moment, I distort my face in amazement. In front of me. Krull's face at close range, that's the nit laugh. Shortly after he threw the cross spear, he gathered the two remaining steel plates overhead and jumped, instantly packing a distance of ten zars.

A black dagger of disastrous shape flashes in the right hand of the Krull.

The sword princess opens her eyes wide.

That's crazy!

I don't know why I thought so. It's just that Princess Sword's inquiry tells the biggest crisis.

I don't mind the sword princess, and don't mind the mess of her skirt. Roll back and manage to take that blow.

"Ooh, there's a lot of haste right now. You know what a substitute this guy is."


The sword princess put up a good look.

It is one of adult virtues to say that you do not know what you do not know, but this is only a rush.

Krull snorts in self-derision.

"Well, I guess I'm the weak one now that I've lost my interception armor (Intruder). Then I'll show him the cowardly, cunning, shitty way to fight as a weak man."

Krull drops his hips and sets his dagger in front of him.

That kind of thing, that kind of thing, that spare attitude.

It is good to see that that black dagger is an exorcism that has been granted paralysis, poison, curse, and some such (tattered) disastrous special effect.

"Come on!

As the Krull continues to fly, the moment he bends his knee, the alarm of a shitty long blast rings throughout Pericles.

"Hey, what?!

Vikri and his body tremble and look around, Krull.

At the next moment, a violent vibration struck over the walls, jumping like a beast awakened by Pericles' giant.