"Well, let's start by building a command and defensive position, and then we'll have you out scouting the perimeter."
Copy that, sir.
When Kazuya told the millennials that, he manipulated the menu screen and began summoning the necessary facilities and equipment.
First summon a robust concrete facility and communication facilities that will serve as a command.
Set up thick walls and barbed wire, trenches, torticas and surveillance towers made of steel and concrete to surround them.
He created a robust defensive position, and then also built a position for the artillery.
"All right, then you're a defensive weapon"
Defensive weapons were officially recruited by the U.S. military in 1933, and due to their high reliability and completeness, 10 M4 A3 Kalliopes (types with multi-mounted rocket launchers on the body of the M4 Sherman tank), 5 BM-13 Katyushas, 5 M115 203mm howitzers, 5 965 Cannon guns, and a variety of other large and small weapons were summoned and placed, beginning with the famous gun broning M2 heavy machine guns, which are still being produced and deployed in various countries around the world.
All right, we've got a defensive position, so why don't you go scout the perimeter?
"Gather all 1st Squadron!!
Kazuya summons a squadron member who was installing weapons and finishing the last detail with an engineering unit of rear support personnel.
Then a squadron of men gathered together in a footsteps with a flutter.
Kazuya begins to tell Squadron the mission when he confirms that everyone has assembled.
"Explain the reconnaissance mission now. According to the map, what we currently have is a demonic nest called The Forest Without Return, which is within the realm of the Kingdom of Canada. Except for the fact that there are many demons, there is no popularity (one person) and it can be said to be the perfect base for us to build a base. I'm going to build an outpost here if there's no problem. So I need you to make 12 detachments of 10 troops per squadron, reconnaissance 12 in the 1-12 o'clock direction, five kilometers from your current position. But if you go three kilometers to the east, it's the sea, so the detachment to the east can go to the sea. Also, if you discover a human or artifact during a reconnaissance, promptly report it and ask for instructions. In case of emergency, act at the discretion of each soldier."
"" "" Ha "" "
"The remaining soldiers will remain perimeter alert and ask for my escort. And regardless of whether you go for reconnaissance or not, I'll give the 1st Squadron additional weapons and the necessary equipment so you can receive them. After that, the detachment going to reconnaissance can take the rear support personnel with them, that's all."
"" "Understood." "
The soldiers of the commanded squadron respond with salute and voice.
Well, I summoned the soldier without setting his weapon, so I have to give him an extra weapon.
StG44 alone is short of firepower...... Machine guns are MG42, sniper guns are Type 99 sniper guns, and auxiliary weapons are Panzerfaust, I guess.
With all this, you can handle the whole thing.
When the twelve detachments going for reconnaissance were equipped with weapons and rear support personnel, and the artillery units were ready to support artillery fire at any time, the detachments set out for reconnaissance around the perimeter.
Phew. Just take a breath of this.
"What's wrong, sir?
A thousand years old has spoken out that Kazuya is pulling out her shoulders.
No, a thousand years old, you called me your husband...
Naturally, Kazuya, who has never been called by her husband, suggests a thousand years of age to change the way she calls it.
"Hey, can you manage to call me that husband?
"No, your husband is your husband. You can't change the way you call us because you're the only one who can give us orders. After that, you can call me a thousand years old. Call me a thousand years old."
"... well, from now on, I'll let you call me a thousand years old"
No, Kazuya, who roughed her nose and spoke of a hot valve, was pressured to death by a thousand years old to frame her for acknowledging the way she called her husband.
But the only absolute Lord, don't say things like Yandere. A thousand years old...
Yeah, can you see the status of a thousand years old or something?
When Kazuya checked the menu screen to try it out, there was "it”.
Chitoshi Kaiyama
Helmet Gloves, M43 Field Clothing, Back Bag, Military Boots
main uniform
StG 44
(6 box-shaped curved magazines containing 7.92x33mm ammo x 30 rounds)
accessory uniform
Walther P38
(2x Magazines with 9mm Parabellum Ammo x 8 rounds)
auxiliary uniform
2 x Grenades with Model 24 Pattern
Fantasy, Madness, Devotion, Dependence
.................................... bad.
My deputy's character sucks.
With a cold sweat, Kazuya took her eyes off the menu screen and slowly looked at the thousand-year-old.
There stands a thousand years old like a Yamatsuko dressed in military uniform with a slurring style, taking off her helmet and stretching her lustrous dark hair all the way around her waist.
But you're a terrible character, but you're a great beauty.
I don't know that Kazuya thinks that, but a thousand years old who doesn't even think about it doesn't know what it means to be included in the gaze directed from Kazuya, just smiling? He had Mark on his head and tilted his neck small.
I didn't think Kazuya when I saw such a thousand-year-old smile, and I was thrilled but decided in my heart to try not to get my hands on a thousand-year-old when it came to his personality.
For some time then, Kazuya had deepened his interaction by talking to the thousand years old and the remaining soldiers who had not gone on reconnaissance.
That's how Kazuya is killing time, little by little, but reports start coming in from each reconnaissance unit.
"This is Squad Six to Command. Reach the sea. I don't see any people or organisms. I'm returning because I finished scouting the area. Go ahead. '
This is Command. Roger that. Return.
A slight delay from the 6th Squad report led to reports that Squads 4-8 would also return because they had gone out to sea.
Reports came in from the 9th Squad saying they were still waiting for reports from other squadrons.
This is Squad 9, Command, respond.
This is Command.
"Discovering an artifact like a fort about three kilometers from the command, begging for instructions"
"Command, roger, I'm sending 10th Squad over there. Tenth Squad is joining us to explore the subject."
"Roger, 9th Squad, meet with 10th Squad to explore the subject."
Communicators communicate their orders to the 10th Squad as soon as they cut communication with the 9th Squad.
Command, Tenth Squad, come in.
This is 10th Squad.
"10th Squad immediately join 9th Squad and explore the artifacts discovered by 9th Squad."
"Copy that. 10th Squad will rendezvous with 9th Squad to explore the artifacts."
It was when the telecommuters finished communicating with the 10th Squad and took their hands off the radio.
- Dogawan!!!
All of a sudden, the sounds of an ear-busting explosion echoed around and the birds, surprised by the explosion, jumped into the sky simultaneously from the woods.
"What happened!!
"I dunno!! You are currently checking!!
The sudden explosion began to make more noise in command.
At that time, a soldier who was on perimeter alert outside jumps in as he opens the command door.
"Captain!! We have confirmed black smoke in the western direction!!
The soldier, whose nose rolled inside the command, went like that out loud.
"Ok!! - What's going on with the reports from the Western detachment?
"- Got it. The 11th and 12th Squads are currently scouting the area and are in a rush to a point where black smoke is occurring."
A commuter who was in contact with a western detachment while staring at the comms plane finishes the comms and reports that to Eri Kazuya.
"Okay. Thousands!!"
"Ha, what is it"
"Just in case, form a fully armed platoon and send them to cover the detachment heading to the blast point."
"Got it. I will organize my troops and send them out immediately!!
The thousand years old, who received the order, jumped outside to salute him.
Immediately thereafter, communications enter from the twelfth detachment.
"Captain, we have a message from the 12th division captain."
Kazuya asked the telecommuters to give him the radio and went out to communicate with the 12th division captain.
This is Nagato. Report the situation.
"This is 12th Squad, where we rushed to the blast point and found a blonde in his late teens and a brunette in his thirties engaged. We are currently monitoring two men with the eleventh detachment, who have joined the distances from the engaged positions of the two subjects, begging for instructions'
They're probably in the same situation as me, but they're engaged...
I don't know what to do to my people... I guess they won't be.
He'll almost certainly come to kill for perks and abilities, and I don't trust strangers even if it's not for perks.
Do you want to end this one now that you don't realize it exists?
Let's crush the anxiety element early. Then we'll get the privilege.
Ruthless, but reasonably, Kazuya, who so decides, orders the 12th division captain to kill the subject.
"Determine the two men under surveillance as enemies with the moment, and finish them off. We sent a fully armed platoon as reinforcements. Be sure to terminate this one without revealing its existence. Dispose of the body and return it. The operation is at your disposal. In the unlikely event you fail your mission again, call off the fight and return immediately. That's it."
"Twelfth Squad, roger. Squad of reinforcements meet up to initiate action -!? Report!! The battle between the two targets appears to have been won by a dark-haired man. Currently, the goal has begun to move. Start tracking '
Copy that.
Kazya gave orders to the other detachments to change the radio frequency to an open channel when he finished communicating with the 12th detachment.
"This is Nagato. Return immediately to command any detachment on reconnaissance duty at this time."
"" "" Roger, ""
Having finished giving orders to each detachment on the radio, Kazuya simply waited for the report.