The shells roared and flew in and landed as they cleaved through the night sky.
Dozens of demons are blown up in explosions and instantly swept away.
And the demons, blown up like dead leaves, ran out of breath as they scattered their flesh.
"Telecommuter!! Contact Command!! Howitzers, cannons are bearing 2-7-0, concentrated fire at range 3200!! Tell them to fire rocket cannons into the perimeter of the fort!!
"Roger!! This is 1st Platoon to Command. Howitzers, cannons bearing 2-7-0, concentrated fire at distance 3200, rocket cannons shell the area around the fort!! Repeat, howitzers, cannons bearing 2-7-0, concentrate fire at distance 3200, rocket cannons fire around the perimeter of the fort!!
It's been quite a while since the battle began, but the demon's march hasn't stopped.
Kazuya and the others continued to barrage and desperately shoot and kill demons.
Damn, no matter how much I kill, I don't feel like I've lost count!!
Kazuya was sprinkling depending on becoming the gunman for the M2 heavy machine gun installed above the main gate to allowance for bullets and blossoming grotesque red flowers on the demons.
"Captain, I'm coming from the right!!
"Roger!! Eat this!!
The demon, who received a large number of highly powerful 12.7mm bullets that were fatally injured even after just one shot, was so gutsy that he didn't know what the original organism was.
"Chi, too many!!
"Don't make weak noises!! Look, this is all the shelling we've got, it's okay!! I can handle it!!
Another soldier braves a soldier who has become weak before the demons that attack him with an overwhelming amount of material.
Many of the demons attacking the fort were blown up by artillery bombardments of M4A3 Kalliope, BM-13 Katusha, M115 203mm Howitzer, Ids_pjsb005_kannon_96, and the demons diving through the artillery bombardment were also fired from the fort before the overwhelming firepower of guns such as StG44, MG42, Ids_pjsb009, Panzerfaust, Ids_12_mortar, Ids_pjsb009, Ids_pjsb007, and M2_machine guns, all of which had been shot and killed before reaching the fort.
"Hey!! What's the matter? We're losing momentum on the shelling!!
Noticing a decrease in the number of shells landing around the fort, Kazuya asked aloud a correspondent who was shooting StG44 next door.
"Currently, M4A3 Kalliope, BM-13 Kathusha is reloading rocket ammo!! M115 203mm Howitzer, Ids_pjsd015_kanon_is slowing down shelling because the cannon is heating up!!
Shit, I can't help it!! Until we're done reloading, we'll have to do something about the shelling with these Ids_pjsd002_mortars and Ids_pjsd009_heavy_projectiles.
But both are low on remnants, they don't save. They'll be gone soon.
Kazuya turns his mind when he hears the correspondent's report.
"Ibuki!! How many hours till sunrise?
"It's roughly an hour!!
Lieutenant Ibuki, who was sniping a large troll using a Type 97 automatic gun next to Kazuya, answered aloud.
You still have an hour... How can I hold up?
While Kazuya was thinking of countermeasures, the demons gained momentum and pushed to the fort because of the support shelling that went down in flames.
That's when one soldier gives a sad voice.
"Huh!? Residual 0!! Somebody, somebody give me a bullet!!
Chi, is it time to run out of ammo!!
A double punch strikes the Kazuyas as support shelling goes down and more ammunition in their hand begins to run out of bottom where they are in distress.
How many demons do we have left?
That's how Kazuya opens the menu screen.
[God's Trial - First]
Survive the demons attack!!
Total Enemy
2354 bodies
I would have killed quite a few...... are there still so many.
"Oh, I'm out of ammo!!
"Me too!!
"This way too!!
Soldiers continue to run out of ammo one after the other while Kazuya watches the menu screen.
"Chickshaw, still eat this!!
"Ready, throw!!
The soldiers who ran out of ammunition started killing demons using the Walther P38 and type 24 patterned grenades they had.
That's when a soldier in a position away from Kazuya shouts a screaming noise.
"Troll approaching!!
When Kazuya turned her face in the direction in which the soldier was heard, there was a troll there using a large stick instead of a shield, coming towards the fort with the sound of Zushin, Zushin.
Kuck!! I can't help it. Last one though!!
Kazuya, who decided to use the last one, Panzer Faust, against a troll that prevents sporadically fired bullets with such a stick, set up and fired the last Panzer Faust, which had run from the impending troll to the fortress wall nearest to it.
Bosch!! The warhead shot out with the firing sound of it flew straight towards the troll, and when it hit this stick, it blew the head of every troll on this stick into the wood dust.
Troll, who lost his head in the explosion, falls as-is and crushes the cobolts and goblins that were at his feet.
"All right!!
As far as I could confirm, I defeated the last troll and the crisis looked as if it had left, but things weren't that sweet.
The demons attached to the fort were starting to break the gates because the barrage was thinner due to the lack of ammunition.
... the gates don't hold anymore.
All hands, redistribute the remnants.
As soon as Kazuya, who was looking at the gradually breaking gate, ordered him to do so, the soldiers moved and began to divide the remaining few bullets.
"Redistribution complete"
"All right, grab a weapon you can use and assemble in front of the main entrance!!
Kazuya gives orders to the soldiers on the radio, descends the fence and hurries in front of the main gate.
Everybody, don't be here.
When Kazya arrived in front of the main gate, all the soldiers who had already fought elsewhere had gathered.
Everyone had their faces dirty and black with nitrous smoke, but only their eyes were gleaming like beasts.
"We will have a White Soldier War than this!! That's the last of it. You will survive at all costs!!
"" "" Roger!!
The Kazuyas put an M2 machine gun in front of the gate and wait for the demons to come in.
The gates are already torn everywhere, and the ugly faces of goblins and oaks outside the gates are seen flickering.
"All men sword!!
At Kazuya's behest, everyone mounted the sword on their hips to the StG44.
At the same time, the morning sun plugs into the fort.
And the massive backup shelling by rocket cannons, which had been reloaded as if it had signaled it, resumed.
All right, the millennials should be here soon. If we hold out until then, we win!!
When Kazuya is swelling his chest in hope, the sound of breaking the gate becomes louder and the gate is finally broken.
The demons came avalanche inside the fort with a deafening scream, but the first thing that greeted it was the barrage of M2 heavy machine guns.
"Hello and goodbye!!
The 12.7mm bullet that is fired thrusts through the body of the demon that runs the lead, mincing one after the other until the subsequent demon.
But it's also a matter of decades of events, finally losing the M2 machine gun bullet.
"50... 40... 30... 20... 10... 0!! No remnants!!
Shortly after he heard 0 of the soldier's remnants count, who was shooting an M2 heavy machine gun, Kazuya gave an assault order.
"All Assault Wee!!
At the same time as the order, they set up a StG 44 with a sword on it, and everyone ran out and started a bloody white soldier battle inside the fort.
The number of demons had been reduced to about 200 by artillery bombardments just before they entered the fort, but anger and screaming were echoing in the fort as intense white soldier warfare broke out, creating a look of being killed and killed.
Did one soldier lose his StG44? He smacks Kobolt in the head with a scoop, and another soldier crosses into a goblin with a strong life force that can hardly die and punches the sword in his heart over and over again.
"They're behind us!!
"Huh!? Holy shit!! - That helped!!
In that context, Kazuya also set up a Walther P38 and shot as soon as allowances were available, helping soldiers who were in a disadvantage.
But the moment Walther P38's bullet drained out the run-off magazine, the goblin shook up a rusty knife and jumped on Kazuya.
It's bad!! It kills me!!
He had a Walther P38 with no bullets in his right hand, and his left hand was spinning to his hips to retrieve the spare magazine, and he was in utter defenselessness. Kazuya was ready to die.
But a bullet suddenly flew from the side to the point where a goblin knife was about to pierce Kazuya, making the goblin a hive.
Happily, when Kazuya saw the bullet flying in, he must have come running at full speed so far. A thousand years old, breathing on his shoulders with Zeze, stood StG 44.
From that gunpoint stands every bit of nitrous smoke shaking in the wind.
... Great, thanks. Thousands of them made it.
Reinforcements arrived in time at a critical location.
Thereafter, no demons were swept away by the thousands who had led a platoon.
"Huh, no more standing..."
Kazuya sits on the ground with cheats when she sees a thousand years old and the thread of tension is plumped.
There, a thousand years old runs up and touches his body with a stick and asks Kazuya to see if there are any injuries.
"Master!! Are you okay, no injuries!?
"Oh... my body is fine. That's better than that, millennial."
"No, because it is our - my raison d 'être - to protect your husband."
In the millennium of smiling with a tender look to say so, Kazuya decided to do post-war processing when she stood up with her hand.
"This is Hide..."
The meadows around the fort, where the battle was over, had been burned wilderness by shelling and grass growing, had been dug back with spills.
There are massive piles of demonic bodies inside and outside the fort, full of smells of demons burning and gunpowder.
"Master, leave the rest of this here to the soldiers I've brought in. Let's go back to command first. We have to take care of the wounded."
"... right"
Taking in the thousand-year-old prophecy, Kazuya entrusted the disposal of the bodies, etc. rolling around the fort to a reinforcement platoon, and the Kazuya men who had been fighting returned to command.
Upon his return to command, Kazya ordered the soldiers who had returned with him from the fort to rest and disband him for two days.
But I don't have time to breathe. I read the damage report from a thousand years old.
"There were 35 minor injuries and 10 serious injuries... there were 0 in the results because I cured them. - So five dead... It's a miracle that five people died in all those fights.... but losing a soldier doesn't feel right."
"... Yes"
Kazuya shrugged like she was talking to herself as she watched the body bag being transported to the field hospital with a thousand years old.
"-... Now, do you want me to just refill the ammo before you rest"
"Your husband, your husband should be tired of a battle he's unfamiliar with, so please rest now"
Thousands of years next door said to rest in a hurry when Kazuya, who switched heads, tried to replenish ammunition and weapons worn in battle before resting.
"No, I'm not going to sleep because I'm feeling high after my first fight."
"But...... Ok. Then be sure to rest when you're done refilling etc."
"Oh, okay."
Kazuya quietly began replenishing ammunition and weapons when he nodded back to his thousand-year-old words.
I was a thousand years old looking worried about Kazuya's hindsight from afar, but I just laugh niggly when I come up with something good.
And he summoned the other female officers who were nearby and whispered to them with a small voice.
"Hey, you guys."
"Ha, what is it?
"Give me your ears... Gonyo Gonyo"
"-!? That's a good idea!!
The female officers who heard the thousand-year-old proposal turned out surprised for a moment, but then laughed niggly, as did the thousand-year-old.
If Kazuya had seen the invincible laughter of thousands of years old and female officers at this time, he could have avoided the later events... I don't know.
"That, where did Thousand Years go?
After the replenishment work and feeling somewhat calm, Kazuya wanted to go back to her command room and rest, but before that she was looking for a thousand years old to give her orders while she was asleep.
"Oh, there you are. Hey, thousand years old."
Kazuya approached with a loud voice when she spotted a thousand years old talking to the female officers in the shadows with a serious face.
"" "Huh!?
"Huh!? Your husband!? What have you done?
Thousands of years old and female officers suddenly shook their spines.
What? You're too surprised.
Kazuya cut to the point, wondering how the millennials, who for some reason were upset, were just being called out.
"No, I was going to ask you to do something while I was resting."
"Oh, did I? Take your time off. Your husband won't let anyone near you while you're off."
"Well, I asked for it."
In a light mood, Leftover Kazuya headed to her bedroom bed in the Command's private room.
But behind it.
"Kussssssssss...... No matter what happens, I won't let anyone near you... never."
Kazuya didn't realize that a thousand years old was Waratte.
...... hmm? Someone... come in... are you here?
Kazuya noticed that someone came into her bedroom as she lay in bed in her bedroom and slept.
Something wrong again? I thought Kazuya couldn't move her body for some reason when she tried to get out of bed.
I was surprised at that. Soon when Kazuya opened his eyes, Kazuya's hands and feet were tied with rope.
And five female officers stood, including Thousand Years Old and Lieutenant Ibuki, to surround the bed.
...... hmm? What's the situation? What's this?
Kazuya asked a thousand years old, not knowing why he was tied up, although he was first relieved that he had a thousand years old, Lieutenant Ibuki, and his men's female officers.
"Um ~. Chi, a thousand years old? Why am I tied up?
"That's right, my lord..."
"Is that...?
"Your husband said you were in a mood, so I thought you'd use our bodies to help us feel better."
".............................. Huh?
"Simply put, your husband's son is going to be in a very painful state, so I thought I'd help you handle that."
Chitose said so before the building, posing as the wind of nothing, but the faces of the Chitose were stained with lust.
"Oh, I won't..."
"No, there's no need for your husband to shy away or anything. Use our bodies as you wish."
"No, hey..."
"I will do my best to please your husband."
That said, with some luscious grin, the millennials approach the bed where Kazuya lies.
"Ma, wait!! Calm down!! Listen to me!!
"I'll listen to you later… now… with instinct…"
Thousands of years old come closer as they take off their clothes to slowly show off one and another.
Kazuya, who realized that he could no longer speak to the thousand years old, asked the other soldiers for help.
"So someone -!! Please help me!!
"It's no use, sir. I told you, no one needs to be near you during the holidays..."
Hear thousand-year-old words. A lot of sweat begins to flow from Kazuya's forehead.
But the thousand years didn't even care how Kazuya looked, and they came on top of the bed all at once just saying they couldn't stand it anymore.
"So... Enjoy us."
"Yes, no ahhhh!!!
Hands on her bedtime clothes, Kazuya shouted like a girl.
Later, from one of the command rooms, gasps and calls for help sounded vain.
Two days later, Kazuya, who looked slightly thin, fluttered out of her bedroom.
and squeezed.
After that, I thought the other female soldiers in the squadron would come in and die...
You'd be dead if it weren't for the physical strengthening (strength) that God gave me and the incest of his ability to take it away.
It's been two days since they attacked me at some point...
From the gap in the door that was slightly open when Kazuya turned her gaze to the back bedroom with that in mind, she saw the thousands of sleeping freshly with Suyasuya with a delightful look on her body with a massive amount of soggy liquid.
Kazuya turned to the command room, taking her gaze off from those thousand years old and exiting her room and sighing.
When Kazuya entered the command room, for some reason, the male soldiers were in line.
- Bisci!!
... What's this?
And when he saluted Kazuya in unison, he went back to Shizusa and the military.
... I don't know what that means.
Kazuya did not understand the meaning of the actions of the male soldiers, but answered the salute well.