After rescuing the Second Kingsguard Knights from a large group of bugs, they were the Kazuyas who started the journey, but the sun had set with 20 km left to the nearest city, forcing them to camp.
"You take care of Kazuya from what to what..."
Finish your meal, grab the after-dinner tea in a stainless steel cup, and leak the word as Phyllis bears a shadow and depresses.
"I'm really glad the Kazuyas are here"
Phyllis' Second Kingsguard Knights had destroyed and lost more than half of the military horses the knights were riding and all the wagons they used instead of shields to stop the bugs during the bug raids, and had naturally lost all kinds of supplies, starting with the food that was loaded on the wagons.
Moreover, Phyllis and the others were unable to replenish the food lost in the bug's raid because of the hassle of handling the bug's body (which was eventually burned down with the weapons of the Kazuyas) and the loss of many military horses, which had reduced the speed of movement of the Kingsguard knights and prevented them from reaching the city by sundown.
For that reason, Phyllis was concerned that the Second Kingsguard Knights had accommodated some of the food that Kazuya and the others had.
And that leads to what I said earlier.
"Never mind, we're each other when we're in trouble"
"It would help if you could say that. But Kazuya owes me one more."
Kazuya decided to change the subject in an effort to do something about Phyllis, who still emits a dark aura.
"More than that, did the rice fit your mouth?
"Hmm? Oh, I've never had food called that curry before, but it was delicious. Especially after the meal, I said that chocolate tasted sick."
"I wish it fit your mouth"
The food Kazuya divided into Phyllis and the others is curry and chocolate.
Both Phyllis and the others had never eaten. Curry was hesitant to eat it for the first time, but when they took a bite, they all scratched the curry in their mouths to compete.
And after the meal, I heard that the Phyllis and their Second Kingsguard Knights were organized solely by women, so I served chocolate for dessert, but this one was very pleased.
But then Beretta, vice president of the Second Kingsguard Knights, said, "Where did you get this food!?" There was an incident where I questioned Kazuya with excitement, but I didn't go to speak honestly about the route to get it, and Kazuya was dismayed and dropped her shoulder when she told me that she could not get it outside of us by clouding her words.
After some of those soothing acts or finishing the meal, the Second Kingsguard Knights of Kazuya and Phyllis were surrounded by a soothing atmosphere.
Kazuya was also close to Phyllis and Beretta and in this short time became friends with whom he would call by name. (For the record, when Phyllis and Beretta told Kazuya that it was okay to call him out, there was a chill running down his spine, and Kazuya looked next to him, and a thousand years old was staring at him with dark eyes.)
That's how Kazuya decided to ask Phyllis what he had always cared about as we surrounded the burning fire together.
Speaking of which, why were Phyllis and the others there? Besides, who's in that carriage?
Kazuya said so looking at the only carriage left.
"... I can't go into the details, but on a mission. The only thing I can teach you is that if you're in that carriage, you're noble."
"Phew, well... well, Phyllis and the others will have a lot of it"
Kazuya stopped prying in more detail because there seemed to be some kind of intrusive circumstance.
"Yes, Kazuya is the one. Why are you there? Kazuya and the others are on their way. What about the woods that don't go home that are a nest of demons?
"No, well, there's a lot going on"
No way, Kazuya clouds his words without returning to the forest, which is a demonic nest, and without pulling, he can't say that he built his own base within the kingdom of Canary.
"Well, that's what I've been up to at night, and I guess I'll go to bed."
Having secrets from each other, but thus interrupting the conversation, Kazuya decided to break up the conversation and go to sleep half of the time because of the unspeakable air.
"... oh yeah, shall we? Good night, Kazuya."
Good night, Lord Kazuya.
Having correctly spotted Kazuya's intentions, Phyllis and Beretta left behind their parting words.
"Well, I'm going to bed too."
"Yes, sir"
After I lost sight of Phyllis and Beretta, Kazuya and Thousand Years decided to go to sleep as well.
He was a cuz he got on the floor trying to rest his body, but his eyes blinded asexually and he couldn't sleep, so he decided to leave the tent and drink something.
"You're a little chilly...... hmm?
When Kazuya, out of the tent, casually looked at the carriage, a small shadow softly opened the carriage door and got off the carriage and went into the grass.
Who's that now...?
Suspicious of the little shadow, Kazuya pulled the Walther P38 out of her hip holster and decided to follow the shadow.
You sound like grass rubbing close, whoa... there he is.
Kazuya proceeds quietly through the grass for a few dozen meters or so, finding the identity of the shadow and calling out.
"Hey, wherever you're going, you're gonna be in danger if you don't call the lookout."
I got out of the carriage and wondered what he was doing, and Kazuya called out, but there she was, a girl still young, dressed like a white piece.
... but the timing of Kazuya's appearance was bad.
- Chorolo.
"Mi, don't look at me!!
"Wow, bad!!
"Uhhh... I won't stop..."
You've been patient in the carriage. There's been some noise for a while, and it never stopped.
... What am I supposed to do?
I wanted to leave the scene immediately, but no matter how much my men and Knights of Kingsguard crew patrolled around, I couldn't leave her just in case, and I turned my back on my body and waited for it to end.
And I felt it go on for a long time, but the sound disappears when it's finally over.
"Here, take this..."
Kazuya pulled out a couple of pocket tissues she had so she wouldn't look at the girl before handing them over.
The red-faced girl had silently received a tissue from the dreaded Kazuya and made a noise of gutter to end the story.
"... but you can turn around now"
When Kazuya slowly turned to the girl according to the words, what was there was a beautiful girl who dyed her face bright red.
"Also, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was TOO RE..."
"Yes, that's okay. I'm sorry I got off the carriage without speaking up too..."
The girl, whose face is still bright red, says so, looking at Kazuya as a flicker with green and blue-eyed odd eyes as if she were a jewel.
"It would help if you could say that."
After that, we remain silent with each other for a while.
How am I supposed to speak up when this is the case!?
Kazuya was in a state of panic while silence continued.
But you can't stand the long silence anymore. The girl opens her mouth first.
"Oh, um... are you... aren't you afraid of me?
"What, why?
"... because I am an abominable child"
"... I'm sorry, can you tell me more about that story?
Seeing the girl who said that with a sad face, Kazuya could not leave her alone and decided to hear more from the girl.
"I mean..."
To sum up what I heard from a girl, Oddeye is considered a symbol of obscenity in this country, and Oddeye people are born with a huge amount of magic inside them, but they can't use that magic and they can let the magic run wild, and they are abhorred and persecuted because of the damage they cause around the result.
"Huh, really?"
"I don't know..."
The girl told me why. The girl was eating the other way around when Kazuya was blatant.
"Hmm, Odd Eye doesn't come pinned when they say it's an obscene symbol or something...... I don't know how to persecute a pretty lady like you..."
"... you're the first person to say that."
For the first time in my life I was told she was cute......
The girl heard Kazuya's words, blushing and grinning at her cheeks in a different way than earlier.
"So, what's your name?
"Oh, excuse me for this. I'm Kazuya Nagato. He's captain of an adventurer's party called Parabellum."
"Nagato...... Kazuya? That's a rare name."
"Really? It's been quite a while since you've known, should we get back to the carriage? I haven't heard who's on it, but it could be a scene when the lady finds out you're gone."
I only heard of the noble lady in the carriage, Kazuya hits that it would be the noble lady of the lady Phyllis was talking about the girl in front of him who got out of the carriage.
"What? Me, Samurai -"
The girl held her mouth down haha trying to say something.
"Hmm? Did I say something?
"Yes, nothing. Than that. If you're in that carriage, it's okay because once you sleep, it's hard to wake up. So why don't we just stay out a little longer?
... Well, this samurai kid would have been in the carriage the whole time with someone in the carriage, and you can stay outside if you want a little change of mood.
That's how Kazuya decided to allow the girl to make an offer.
Kazuya and the girl changed places from earlier and moved to the side of a small lake a little further from the camp.
The lake's surface is filled with a fantastic atmosphere, reflecting a full moon of light in the night sky.
"... beautiful..."
The girl had her eyes shining in front of her as if it were one painting.
"Can I stay here?"
There were just two good stumps on the side of the lake so I decided to sit there.
"... Speaking of which, I didn't hear your name. What's your name?"
"Uh, uh, you know..."
"What's up?
When Kazuya asks the girl her name, for some reason the girl panics out.
"Wow, my name is...... (a) It's Illis. Call me Iris."
"Roger, Iris."
For some reason, Iris smiled as he was impressed when Kazuya called the girl's name yes, as she was taught.
"So let's talk about some mood swings."
Then when Kazuya made him read some fairy tales in the previous world to change the mood of Illis on the shore of the lake, Illis was obsessed with the story.
"That's an interesting story your brother tells you"
Iris laughs with a smile that thrills Kazuya unintentionally, even though she's supposed to be the girl.
"... then it's time to go back?
"Just a little more, shouldn't we be here?
"It's time for your body to get cold, right? You're gonna catch a cold any more."
"... then... this way you'll be fine"
That said, Illis sat down from the stump he was sitting on, daring to sit down a bit to hug each other on Kazuya's lap.
... I don't know what to say, you're too defenseless. This kid...
Kazuya, surprised by the sudden actions of Illis, was just stiff.
"Eh heh... warm..."
said Illis with a happy look as he pressed the grime and cheeks against Kazuya's chest.
"That was good. Lady."
The stiff unraveled Kazuya strokes the blonde hair of Sarah Sarah of Illis by saying so in a joke mix.
Then Iris was accepting it with a face that seemed delighted to narrow his eyes.
Hmm, you're strangely connected. Well, okay, let me do whatever you want.
As it is, calm time passes slowly
"... Time to go home"
"... Yes"
Using the lovely sneeze of Illis as a signal, Kazuya decided to return to the camp.