As Kazuya joined hands with Iris to the camp, he heard a noise.
"Is that it?"
I wonder if something happened. The Knights of the Second Kingsguard turn to Ba and Ba simultaneously, who noticed the sound when Kazuya and Illis went into the camp, thinking.
Suddenly gazed at by a large number, Kazuya gives a bewildered voice.
"Yi... Squirrel... Your Highness..."
Phyllis, whose face turned bright blue as time stopped, walked over to Yolo Yolo, Kazuya and Illis.
"It's good... Really good!! I was wondering what I would do if anything happened to Her Royal Highness Princess Iris......!!
...... hmm? Now what?
Phyllis kneeled and spoke in front of Illis, who was joining hands with Kazuya, with the expression on his face.
"Her Royal Highness Princess Illis, first of all, you are safe. But!! Where the hell have you been?!? - I told you not to leave our side so much. Yet..."
"Sorry I'm taking you in... Come on, can you explain the situation to me, too?
Phyllis' sermon lasted about five minutes, so when Kazuya blocks the conversation, Phyllis remembers the situation now with a hazy face.
"Oh, oh, sorry Kazuya. Just give me a minute. - Her Royal Highness Princess Illis, it's late at night, so I'll talk to you tomorrow. Hey, somebody take Her Royal Highness Princess Iris to the carriage."
When Phyllis spoke, the two maids who were on the side of the carriage hurried to come to Illis and spoke.
"Princess, please come this way"
"- I don't want to."
"" "Huh?
"I don't want to leave you brother!! I'm not going to the carriage!!
It was Phyllis, who had solidified with a flashing expression, but after a short time, he opened his mouth, letting his temples snap, to see if he finally understood the meaning of the words said by Illis.
"Her Royal Highness Princess Illis!! Such is my soul..."
"As it is, well, don't worry so much. I'll take you to the carriage."
"No, but..."
"Mm, mmm... if Kazuya says so"
When he blocks Phyllis' words, who tried to forget me again, Kazuya pulls his hand and heads to the carriage.
For a short time before he reached the carriage, Iris held Kazuya's hand to shrug.
"Got it. Here."
Kazuya urges Illis to go inside when he gets in front of the carriage.
But before entering the carriage, Illis dived into his voice and spoke so that he could not be heard by the two maids who would refrain on his side.
"(Brother, will you let me talk to you tomorrow?)"
"Hmm? If I had time."
"(Absolutely. It's a promise)"
"I can make a promise..."
"(No, it's a promise)"
"... a promise"
When Kazuya, pushed halfway by Illis, who made tears slightly in his eyes, made that promise, Illis finally moved away from Kazuya's side.
"... rest, brother"
And when the maid prompted Illis to enter the carriage, he smiled with a face that he accidentally decided to look back at Kazuya and then disappeared into the carriage.
Well, I need Phyllis to explain the situation.
Kazuya hurried to the tent where Phyllis was supposed to be waiting after sending Iris to the carriage.
"Well, what shall we talk from..."
I didn't see Kazuya, Phyllis, Beretta, until earlier in the tent, but when the four thousand years old who showed up began to surround the desk and talk.
"Captain, shouldn't I tell you everything more general than they know about Lord Iris?
"Um, right. - But Kazuya, Lord Chitose. What we're about to talk about is useless."
"Oh, okay."
"That makes it a little hard to understand, but let me blur the important part of state secrets"
"Oh, make sure you do, I wouldn't have enjoyed knowing the secrets of the country and getting killed by the mouth seal."
"Haha, yeah"
After Phyllis laughed a little when Kazuya said that in a joke mix, he started talking about making his face back serious.
"So first, suppose we talk about Her Royal Highness Princess Iris because the Kazuyas would be concerned too... It will be tomorrow to introduce you again, but Kazuya found me earlier, your sister, Her Royal Highness Princess Aria Verhelm, the princess witch and eldest daughter of my kingdom of Canaries. Your Royal Highness Princess Iris Verhelm. I didn't intend to see Her Royal Highness Princess Iris with the Kazuyas if I were you."
... I knew it. I had already guessed, but the princess of the kingdom of Canary... I don't know what to do. I saw the princess.
You're not guilty of disrespect or anything.
Kazuya prompts Phyllis to get ahead even as he sweats massively in his heart.
"Well, the next question Kazuya asked me after dinner: 'Why were you in that place?' Let's say I answer. The answer to this question is our purpose... and it was the travelers who were in that place - we were looking for someone with a different powers from this world."
Kazuya listened back to Phyllis, hearing words he could not hear.
"Don't you know the crossers? Well, good. As I was saying, you're the owner of the incompetence coming from different worlds. Sometimes in our world, humans with psychic powers show up, but this time around, we were exploring the area because of the princess's entrustment that a crossover had appeared."
"Hmm...... so why were the Phyllis and the others looking for crossers?
"That's right. Now the Kingdom of Canaries is hit by two national calamities: one is the unusual reproduction of demons and the other is the war against neighbouring Elsas magic empire. We need the help of travelers to survive these national disasters."
What a noisy reason......
"What is the abnormal breeding of demons?
"I think I've heard of Kazuya and the others."
No, it's your first ear?
Phyllis keeps talking, knowing what's inside Kazuya or not.
"There are two main places where demons are experiencing abnormal reproduction, and if we don't do something about it... the Kingdom of Canaries will be destroyed by demons as it is. The troublesome thing is we can't stop the unusual breeding of demons already with our warfare alone. But if we can hold the hand of a mighty migrator, we can stop it..."
"I see why. But I wonder why you have Her Royal Highness Princess Iris. If you're just looking for Phyllis, the Kingsguards, the regular knights, the soldiers will be enough."
Phyllis opened his mouth hard to say when Kazuya inquired that way.
"Her Royal Highness Princess Iris himself has not been told, but Her Royal Highness has been one of the consideration for the cooperation of the travellers"
"... is that a tribute?"
"... oh yeah"
"So, Phyllis and the others haven't been able to find a crossover, have they? How do we deal with the abnormal reproduction of demons?
"In the meantime, we're putting out an early horse and requesting a replacement search party. We are awaiting a return report to the King's Capital. If we wait two months and there are no reports of discovery... we are to use the immense magic His Highness Princess Illis possesses to attack the abnormal breeding of demons with massive ritual magic"
"Is there a way to stop it? Then let me use His Highness Princess Illis' magic from the beginning..."
"Massive ritual magic will use not only the magic of the user, but even the life force..."
In Phyllis' words the inside of the tent calmed down.
"... does that mean Her Royal Highness Princess Iris is a sacrifice?
Suddenly breaking the silence was a thousand years of silence until now.
"... oh yeah"
Once Phyllis affirms the thousand year old words, it becomes quiet in the tent again.
"Is there any other means?
"Unfortunately not. At this stage, the abnormal reproduction of demons can be stopped if all the forces of the Kingdom of Canary are put into action, but then the troops of the border must also be recalled. If we do that, the kingdom of Canary will be destroyed by the magical empire of Elzas during the war, even though it is in a state of well-being. If we do something about one, the kingdom will perish because of the other."
"Is that why you were looking for a crossover?"
"Oh, yeah. I also asked for reinforcements from other demonic nations that have alliances, demonic coalitions and beast nations, Belazillar, and other small nations... they can't send reinforcements either because they are preparing for the battle against the Elsas Magic Empire"
As Phyllis said, the Kingdom of Canaries borders the Elsas Magic Empire, the Demonic Union, Bellagiorar and many other countries.
Since the Elsas Magic Empire is the greatest power on this continent and also lists magical supremacy, human supremacy, etc., there has been a state of war from time immemorial to present with countries such as the demonic union governed by demons and beasts, and the kingdom of Canary where humans govern but aspire to live with demons and beasts.
"... Well, it's too late for the night. I'll see you tomorrow."
Kazuya also agreed that Phyllis would finish the conversation and the story was carried over the next day.