A few days before Kazuya and the others arrived in the King's capital.
In the past, aircraft that dropped 140,000 to 170,000 tons of bombs on Japan and transformed all of Japan into burning fields flew slowly through the skies of different worlds.
Its fuselage is the Super Fortress - the strategic bomber B-29, known as the 'Fortress of the Super Sky'.
"Nevertheless, the Captain General is in trouble,"
"What is it, Major LeMay?
On board the B-29, where the powerful engine noise played by a total of four 2200 horsepower engines on both wings at an altitude of 4,000 meters echoes with the goose.
A subordinate who was taking a break with Major Curtis Lemay when he whines about the potpourri, not telling anyone, also replies to discipline.
"No, the SS guys attached to the captain secretly told me during regular contact that the captain was connected to the princess of the Kingdom of Canaries who ran into him on the road. Oh, yeah, yeah. Besides, this operation is supposed to raise the level of the Captain General and boost his strength, but he's really going to do it because it's going to help that princess."
"Heh. Really? But why didn't the Captain General tell the truth, too? If the captain commands us, we'll do whatever it takes."
"Well, I guess there's a lot going on, too, Captain General."
"Is that so?"
"Oh, and there was another interesting story"
"What is it?
"Because the princess of the kingdom of Canary is stuck at the side of the commander-in-chief, as I said, a training ground sometimes occurs between Lieutenant Colonel Chitose and his princess."
"Oh, that's tough"
"" Commander Chitose's opponent. ""
Major LeMay and the others laugh at each other when they say so.
"Kukukukuku, Lieutenant Colonel Chitose is a follower of the captain in chief among us. Wouldn't that princess be stabbed if the Captain General didn't take care of Commander Thousand?
"Right, well, let's hope the Commander-in-Chief is good, controls the Childhood Commander, and the Princess won't be stabbed by the Childhood Commander."
That's how the captain's voice came from a speaker on board when Major LeMay was laughing and talking.
Fifteen minutes to target airspace. Place everyone in position.
Major Lemay broke up with his men when he heard about it.
Then, when the modifications are made and the radios are moved and placed inside the aircraft, which are tightly packed with communications equipment, electronics and additional fuel tanks rather than bombs, they begin to take control of the radios and give orders to each flight formation.
By the way, there are supposed to be 35 B-29s and a total of 55 P-51s of 20 escorts in this air strike operation.
In carrying out this operation, all aircraft, including escorts, have been detonated. (Exceptionally, five B-29 aircraft have been modified and one aircraft has been loaded with communications equipment, electronics, and an increased fuel tank. The other four aircraft have two Boforth 40mm combined machine guns and one 91-style 10-gun howitzer. They are forced to load the shell to the left from the neck of the aircraft, but they are not blasted)
The B-29 is also divided into three formations, each equipped with a wide variety of bombs by mission. (Ids_pjsd006_type_97_60_bomb_98_type_25_land_bomb_250_bomb_80_land_bomb_800_bomb_e46_cluster_incendiary_bomb_tallboy_etc)
Other times, the escort's P-51 is loaded with either rocket rounds or bomb number three to detonate.
With the information that there are two abnormal breeding grounds for demons, 800 kilometres from the outpost and 290 kilometres from the forest, the first target, 800 kilometres away, was to have an aerial bombardment using an aircraft, 290 kilometres away, and the second target, with improved hitting accuracy and improved destructive power, was to be attacked with V2 modifications.
Here's the air strike operation. First, take the escort's P-51 and take the E46 cluster incendiary bomb to the perimeter so that the B-29, loaded with up to 9100 kilometers of maximum bomb load, surrounds the first target mountain. Bring the demon to the mountain by burning the E46 cluster incendiary bomb and sprinkling the forest.
Next, carpet bombardment will be carried out against demons whose fuselages, equipped with large numbers of small to medium-sized bombs, will be gathered in the mountains after losing their escape.
At the end of the day, there could also be demons in the basement of caves, etc. in the mountains, so he drops a big bomb tallboy and burns down the basement as well.
Also, the demon that leaked the shot is a four-step operation that the B-29 ground support aircraft type will handle.
It should be noted that a pre-conducted power reconnaissance by a type II ship confirms an interception by a flying demon, which is why it is scheduled to be dealt with by P-51 mounted bomb number three and aerial explosive rocket rounds.
"Each aircraft reaches its target airspace from an air control aircraft. All units, follow the details of the operation and start the operation."
When Major Lemay's orders are given, the B-29 of First Regiment descends to an altitude of 1500 meters and opens the bombing depot.
Inside the open bombing warehouse, the E46 cluster incendiary shell was standing alongside the slack and waiting to be dropped now or now.
However, communications were sent to all aircraft from the P-51 of the escort just before the bombing began.
This is Second Escort Flight Platoon One, confirm enemy at low altitude and initiate interception.
The P-51 of the escort begins to plummet, one after the other, finishing the warning communication.
The P-51 turned the kinetic energy of the steep descent into speed, gunning and increasing velocity, approaching a herd of demons, including dragons rising from the ground to the sky one after the other.
The moment P-51 of the second escort flight platoon packed a distance from the demon with a solid formation in the air.
Polo disconnect the two No. 3 bombs that were mounted at the hard point at the bottom of the fuselage.
"We're going down like this!!
"" Copy that. ""
And as it is, it slips through the demon gap as it showers the demons with bullets fired from a total of six M2 heavy machine guns on both wings.
As soon as the demon looked back to change direction in an attempt to chase the rubbed P-51, the delayed tube of bomb number three was activated and detonated.
Numerous bullets built into the interior of bomb number three - child bombs were ejected from the interior of the bomb.
While the bullet burned, it scattered extensively and when hit by many demons, it had a burning effect. The demons burned with wings and wings were unable to be feathered and fell towards the ground.
There were some lucky individuals whose wings and wings were safe, but all of them suffered numerous burns, large and small, somewhere in their bodies, which made them incapable of fighting and had to go down to the ground.
"Enemy, I'm coming even more!!
The P-51's pre-emptive attack killed many demons, but the demons are still rising from the ground to the sky.
As a result, at low altitudes, P-51 was engaged in dogfights with demons coming up into the sky one after the other to protect the B-29's bombing path.
Thanks to this, the B-29 slowly enters the bombing course without being attacked by demons, and begins to drop the E46 cluster incendiary shells one by one from the bombing depot towards the ground.
The E46 cluster incendiary projectiles dropped from the B-29 separated at an altitude of about 700 metres, and the 38 built-in M69 incendiary projectiles, 8 cm in diameter, 50 cm in length and weighing 2.4 kg, were smashed into the sky.
The M69 incendiary bomb was fitted with a ribbon of interest that kept the posture vertical to increase penetration, but was ignited and burned on this ribbon by gunpowder used during separation from the E46 cluster incendiary bomb over it, so it was seen from the ground as if it were raining fire.
The unleashed M69 incendiary bomb pours down simultaneously on the demons that were in the sky and on the ground, piercing the bodies of the demons and on the ground sprinkles around the chemicals that are inside, and begins to burn the demons' bodies and woods with goose.
In the woods where the fire began to burn, a large number of demons ran toward the mountains behind them in an attempt to keep them away from the flames.
But B-29 changes the course of the bombing to continue the bombardment so as not to miss the demons that began to flee, circling around the mountains.
In the air, unluckily, the M69 incendiary bullet hits your body, or a stabbed demon falls to the ground while you get drugged by Moro and left on fire.
With the nasal cry that began to occur under his eyes as much as originally assumed, the B-29 of the first formation finished spraying tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of E46 cluster incendiary rounds like surrounding the target mountain.
That was when I tried to evacuate from above my target.
A soldier who was in the upper machine gun seat screams.
"Enemy in the air!! I'm going in!!
Soon there was a bloody dragon over the 1st formation that seemed to have been attacked by a P-51 machine gun, but the dragon was already in a steep descent when soldiers in the upper machine gun seat noticed its presence.
In a hurry, the fire lines of the machine guns mounted from each fuselage are stretched, but the time is already slow.
Even as some bullets hit the body of the dragon, the dragon dared to hit the right wing of the fuselage that was flying straight through the far end of the formation.
"First formation, right wing, number three, hit!! I will fall!!
A voice that informs someone of the damage sounds on board through the microphone.
The targeted airframe was attacked by the Dragon's body. The right wing broke pockingly from the roots and immediately fell unmaneuverable, spinning glue and falling to the ground.
From the radio there was a crashing B-29 crew interrupter, but when the fuselage was slammed to the ground and inflamed and exploded, the voice was also deafened.
"Chi!! Be on full alert!!
Major LeMay gave orders to each aircraft not to inflict any further damage, but there were no enemy attacks that would cause damage during the operation since then.
"... what did you see who escaped from the fuselage?
"... not here. I was wondering if I had time to get out of the plane because of centrifugal force if it spinning and crashing like that. Besides... The earth is full of demons. I wonder if it's impossible to live even if we can escape in a parachute."
"... right"
Subsequently, a subsequent formation bombarded and blew up a large group of demons who were gathering to seek refuge in the mountains as they operated, reaching their target airspace.
One bomb after another was dropped on the ground, and the demon left no flesh pieces, and the demon that escaped into the basement was also dropped. Eighty land bombs (800 km bombs), Tolboy's nearby rounds, direct bullets, and all the ground were dusted with wood.
Leaked demons were also captured by ground-supported aircraft types swirling glued over the sky, showered with concentrated fire from 40mm combined machine guns and 91-style 10-howitzer guns, or were left with ammunition after an aerial battle, showered with P-51 machine gun blasts, killing them one after another.
Mission accomplished.
When the operation was over and the bombs and shells mounted on each aircraft were gone, the air strike units were to be dropped back at the base.
Under his eyes was a mountain in which hundreds of thousands of bombs and shells were fired into it, leaving no single grass tree behind and burning wilderness.
Until just a few hours ago, the shadows of the mountains where the blue trees grew and innumerable demons lived were gone, and now they are mountains that blow up black smoke and expose massive amounts of demon wreckage from all the way to our bombardment.
"This is Air Control to Command. Air strike operations are a success. It's a big battle. Just confirmed many shooting leaks. Requirements for a second attack. I'm going home now. There is also one plane that was shot down in this operation. Above."
With the tragedy on the ground on his ass, Major Lemay contacted the command, then formed a formation with 54 residual aircraft and threw his way back to the outpost.