That fact alone filled my mind that a thousand years old was alone with Kazuya in Kazuya's office, where only the crisp and pen moving sounds echoed.
It has been a long time since there have been any disturbers from other countries, and my men have been strictly instructed not to come into the room except in an emergency, so an irreplaceable time of tranquillity for a thousand years was slowly flowing.
... Oh, I'm happy.
Because of enjoying and relaxing the blissful time of being alone with Kazuya, the thousand years old, who are moving faster than usual, cleans up the paperwork one after the other at an unstoppable rate to his eyes.
"... Phew, it's finally over"
A little after I had finished cleaning up my paperwork, which was piled up like a mountain, Kazuya also put a pen on her desk that finished cleaning up her paperwork and held it deep in her chair.
"Good day, sir"
Thousands of years waiting like loyal dogs now or now for Kazuya to finish the job hang words of labor and offer drinks.
"Oh, thank you.... Phew, a thousand years old. What were your plans after this?
"There's nothing planned after this. That's it for today."
"That, was it... Let's go home then."
After finishing his work today, Kazuya spoke to the thousand years old and headed to the children's waiting house.
The children who arrived at our mansion and awaited Kazuya's return at the same time as the door was opened dared to storm what became the earliest routine.
Kazuya is knocked out by the tsunami of the children.
"Here you are!!
Thousands of years drink to help Kazuya, who was instantly swallowed away by the tsunami of the children, and try to leave the children hissing over Kazuya.
"" "Your mother got angry -!!
"" "Run!! They will punish me -!!
But the children slept their thousand-year-old demon hands and fled across the hallway in a bumpy, lively footsteps.
"Are you all right? Your husband."
"Oh, I don't know... Phew, I also had trouble being too energetic"
Kazuya is so blurry with an indescribable face when she sees the escaped children face off the corner of the hallway and laugh at Couscous as she peeps at this one.
"So, are you okay? Sir."
"Are you hurt?
As Kazuya, who stood up with the help of a thousand years old, was slamming her clothes, the female elves in maid clothes gathered at Walla Walla and Kazuya.
"Also, I'm sorry. I just told everyone about my husband's return..."
Kazuya gave way from Amira and became the caregivers of the children. Elves of the Salz clan turned away from being executed. Although they wore collars of slaves and became slaves, they were broken (compared to the common slaves of this world. very normal treatment in Parabellum) was given a privileged living environment.
But it ends with asking about Kazuya's complexion more than necessary for fear of losing it by buying Kazuya's unhappiness.
"Uh, okay, just get back to work."
"" Yes, I'm in awe ""
Relieved that the words that came out of Kazuya's mouth did not contain their own death sentences, the elves, who nodded without a word or two, scattered in trifles to complete the task entrusted to them.
... Hi, it's hard to do.
We know that we are not used to the environment yet and that the elves fear a lot about their position, but we were always freaking out and frightened. We couldn't help but notice each and every one of them with an anxious look and look at their complexion.
There are also a large number of educators' employees, so you'll get used to it.
"... go to your room for now"
Having interrupted thinking about the elves, Kazuya tried to take a thousand years old to her room.
Shortly afterwards, a black shadow dived into Kazuya, cleverly flying around the hallway of the mansion wondering if he had heard the bass and feathers.
"Your husband!?
Black shadow - Kreis, dewy of joy, jumps to Kazuya with momentum intact and pushes Kazuya down to the floor.
"Father, father, father!! Crais is...... I missed Crais!!
Crais repeatedly rubs his cheeks against Kazuya as he turns his eyes, creating a space where only two people can suffocate and cover Kazuya's head and his own with its pure, white, unclean wings, which were not received by the unintentional event and were forcefully struck on the floor.
"I can't wait any longer Father!! Go to my room!! And -"
"K ~ le ~ y ~ su? What are you doing to your husband!!
Thousands of years wave down the hammer of anger at Crais, who brought Kazuya into the room, still unable to move, connecting her body and mind and trying to become a family with both fame.
"Pi!? ~ ~ ~ ~ Huh!! Oh, Mother!! It's horrible to hit him for real!!
"Hum!! How many times have I told you this color mess is too early for you!!
Crais raises his protest with tears as he rubs the head that Cobb is made of with his hands.
"Itata... Now give me a break Crais..."
and Kazuya, who was finally able to move there, got up.
"Father!! Listen, if you mother, it's terrible!!
"Ah, okay, okay. If you want to talk about it, I'll hear it in my room."
I thought it was going to be a long story. Kazuya stopped Kreis from saying the next word.
"Mmm.... OK, then let's go. Father."
"Yes, yes, okay, so don't rush it like that."
When Kazuya stood up, she was Crace, who held Kazuya's hand in a lover's grip, but offered the other hand to a thousand years old with a face that she didn't eat.
"... n"
With a small, bug-squeaking voice, Crais urges a thousand years old to take his hand.
"... Phew"
Thousand years old look at the hand offered and laugh small, and gently take Crace's hand.
"... mmm"
Noticed a millennial little laugh, Crais raised his dissatisfied voice, but never held his millennial hand apart firmly.
of “these kids”... most importantly for your husband...
Make up your mind…….
Thousands of years old were uninhabited and ready as they walked down the hallway laughing like real families, even without blood connections, deciding to carry out a plan.
Parabellum is steadily preparing for the upcoming counter-attack operation.
One soldier is dawning in training, and another is indulging in a vacation that may be the last.
And in each factory, large numbers of employees, day and night, were sweating desperately to rotate the production line in a full 24-hour posture so that more force could be used in counter-attack operations.
"... mmm"
There were a large number of high-ranking Parabellan officials in an unusual and extremely quiet meeting room that was becoming increasingly noisy.
When... I have this stuff...
Kazuya stares at the top-secret documents given to him from a thousand years of age with a troubled look.
And take your gaze off the title of the top-secret plan in your hand, The Kingdom of Canaries and the Demonic United Nations annexation plan, and look at the five women sitting smiling and adulterously in the spare chair in the conference room.
"Muffled, muffled"
"... eheheh..."
I was laughing at Nico by the time Karen, Amira, Fine and Lene were creepy, headed by Illis.
And they all have the same top-secret plan that Kazuya has, and they look at certain pages with eternity and joy.
I mean... I thought this had to be well into perspective...
The page viewed by the five was branded as the final phase of the plan for the annexation of the Kingdom of Canary and the Demonic Union, and "marriage" between Kazuya and Iris, Karen, Amira, Fine and Lene was scheduled on that page.
"… Thousands of years old, please explain this plan in detail"
Thousand years old, who were asked to explain, began the conversation after handing Kazuya the materials that had been prepared in advance.
"Firstly, as the plan says, now the two countries are under the protection of Parabellum. The Demonic Union lost almost all of its total strength in the battle ahead and was instantly destroyed by the Empire without the refuge and assistance of our army, while the Kingdom of Canary retains some force, but all of its economy and goods are in our possession, and, just like the Demonic Union, is doomed to be destroyed by the Empire without the refuge of our army."
"... go on"
"Ha, in light of the above, we formally incorporated the two countries into our country, which can only be a foothold of what is on our side before waging the war against the Empire, to eradicate the spies, hostile forces and disturbing elements lurking inside both countries, to dispel the rear worries, and also to solve the problem of food self-sufficiency, etc. by merging, and to lubricate the counter-attack operation after making our country's national posture a complete thing..."
"I see why. But this marriage..."
"Oh, terrible. Kazuya doesn't want to marry me, does she? Was your body the only one looking for it?
Iris bites at the negative words against Kazuya's marriage, Karen laughs and hangs the words to tease Kazuya, and Amira and her daughters stare at Kazuya half-eyed.
"Oh, yes, no, that's not why......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
I realized there was a kazuya on the way to excuse myself in a hurry to the Iris and the others.
"... Yes... I'm sorry that whatever the reason may have taken the form of using your husband, but I think this is the best way to expedite the annexation plan and remove the seeds of your husband's worries (establishment of a self-sufficiency attitude independent of ability)... and since your husband didn't seem to vary... the most unexpected behavior of the Amiras... Huh!! Also, of course!! We were waiting for your husband to be able to scare these people to death whenever he revealed his sincere disgust!!
Though thinking about Kazuya and wanting to monopolize Kazuya for a long time, Thousand Years, who had worked out a plan for Kazuya with the thought of a severance, hastened to add words so that Kazuya would not misunderstand him.
Though I thought it was strange to be a thousand years old... because surely if the Iris and I got married, the crude obstacles to the annexation plan would be cleared up and the quickest...
Kazuya held Iris and Karen...... he nodded as he was finally convinced that he had left his side as Thousand Years had attempted when he was attacked.
"Don't worry, I don't think I have two hearts for a thousand years without adding those words. It's all about me, isn't it?
"Your husband..."
Thousands moisturize their eyes as they were thrilled by the words that put Kazuya's absolute trust in Thousand Years.
"But... are the Iris and the others good? Not colonization, but annexation. We're going to lose our country, right?
"I don't mind. Whatever happens to a country like that, if I could just be with your brother, so..."
Ilis replied lightly to Kazuya's inquiry that he just didn't care if his country was annexed to perish.
Most importantly, it is an unfounded story to say that we are patriotic towards our country, which has only been treated badly if we look at it from England, which has been persecuted as an abominable child.
"I'm a princess too...... no, I'm just like Iris. Better than my ex, I followed His Majesty in his care, but I don't remember swearing allegiance to the Kingdom of Canaries itself. Originally, we were lucky to walk independently."
Kazuya asked Amira and the others the same question he asked earlier when he took his gaze off of Iris and Karen.
"Next then. Is Amira good? You're going to lose your country..."
"Oh, I don't mind. We eat weak meat, and the strong become kings and rule the weak. That's like a country. Most importantly, we can't get rid of all the Empire shit anymore. Besides, Kazuya wouldn't be persecuting demons for annexing a demonic coalition, would he?... Well, it's an embarrassing fact that Kazuya has no other way to survive. Yeah, and I don't want you to get me wrong, but me and my daughters aren't marrying Kazuya for the sake of our country, because we're happy to do it ourselves."
"……………… yes, I understand"
Nodding cocklessly to agree with Amira's words, Kazuya replies to Amira, placing between looking at Fine and Lene.
There's no escape route as expected... or phew... I'd brace my belly too... but not five before I turned twenty, and I didn't think all of them would get a beautiful girl, a beautiful wife...
"Thousands of years old, there's one last thing I want to check on you, okay?
"Yes, what the hell"
Certification of the annexation plan - that is, a thousand years old answers Kazuya's words correctly, prepared for marriage to the Iris and the others.
"First of all, it's about the demonic union. There must always be opposition to Amira marrying me and agreeing to the annexation plan. How do we deal with that?
"Ha, I will deal with that in accordance with the demonic union country."
"Oppression by force? There are not many injured or dead people..."
"I'm afraid... a little different. We're going to keep the bloodshed that your husband fears to a minimum."
A thousand years old, who was spotting Kazuya's fear, replies with a little laugh.
"If the opposition comes out… No, it will come out 89 times a decade, but they will not use any live ammunition weapons capable of killing, they will not use any non-lethal weapons… It is also called low-lethal weapons, but we intend to deal with the gendarmerie that owns active dinial systems (directed energy weapons), tear gas, rubber bullets, stun grenades (flash emitters), taser guns, water discharge cannons, etc."
"The crying child also shuts up ghost gendarmerie......? Ha ha, I see you hit them and put them on."
Kazuya grinned and nodded that it was good for a thousand-year-old answer.
"Now, that's fine with the Demonic Union, but what about the Kingdom of Canaries? Queen Isabella is alive, and you have an Iris sister, right? If I marry Ilis, Ilis will come in his daughter-in-law, and even if I were in complete grip with the economy and logistics, I'd be puppeted at best, and in the end, sovereignty will remain in the kingdom of Canaries, right? And if it's a merger, it's bound to be an obstacle to Prime Minister Raben and his greedy nobles."
"Yes, then we will follow in order to answer your husband's questions. First of all, I have already obtained the consent of Queen Isabella of the Kingdom of Canada on this matter. The next thing I know about Aria Verhelm, she was just like me, so no problem. We have also obtained evidence of injustice and a connection behind the Empire regarding Prime Minister Raben, who was" Pie "and" Pie "looking down on your husband. We also have most of the evidence of injustice against the nobles, so we plan to be solemn."
... too many penetration points.
In his thousand-year-old reply, Kazuya slammed into the matter that bothered him most as he scratched his head.
"Thousands of years old...... well as for the consent of Queen Isabella already on the annexation plan and the solemnization of Prime Minister Raben...... But what does Aria Verhelm mean by 'like me'?
"Ha, Aria Verhelm herself was offered a condition instead of completely renouncing my right to inherit the throne when I went to root and endorsing the annexation of the Kingdom of Canada to Parabellum................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Anyway, the Hundred Hears is not at first sight, and the video is connected to the person, so please make sure your husband himself."
That said, when I turn on the LCD TV, where the thousand years old is in the conference room, I see Aria Verhelm, who is only a sister and looks very similar to Illis.
'Oh, you've seen it. Gohon, you've never talked like this, my lord.'
"Yeah, well, it's a pleasure to meet you... well, let me skip the preposition... but you can have your country, the kingdom of Canaries, gone, right?
"Yes, I hope Varg stays by my side."
... That's what sisters say about Illis.
"Right. I hope so... yeah, let me talk to that guy named Varg for a second?
'……………………………………………… OK. Just a little bit.'
Aria, who openly lurked her eyebrows in Kazuya's casual suggestion, disappears from the screen.
... Did I say something that bothered you?
Aria came back to the front of the screen with Varg and a bumpy handsome man to spare Kazuya wondering if she had made any mistakes about Aria's attitude.
"Say hello to His Excellency, Varg"
Things are not right...... what?
Kazuya twists her neck about something to Varg's inebriated appearance on the screen.
"... I don't think I'm feeling well, okay?
'Yes...... I'm fine. I'm from Aria. I live in Awa. "
"... well. If you need anything else, just let me know and I'll arrange it."
"What do you need?................................................................................................................................................................... '
"What? What now?
Varg whines with a mosquito-like voice at Kazuya's inquiry, gradually turning up his voice.
'... give me a tasquette... help me!! This, this life...'
The footage suddenly broke off with Butun in the middle of Varg's sad cry, and when the footage returned, Varg's figure had disappeared from the screen.
'Excuse me, my lord. I was still in the middle of “education," so I showed you an ugly scene.
"... No, I said I was helping you earlier."
Kazuya throws a question at Aria, who smiles like a flower blossoming and talks white.
'Oh, I shouldn't. It's such a time already... I'm sorry, Your Excellency, but I have to educate Varg now, so please excuse me.'
"Oh, well..."
"See you later, good day"
Aria deliberately said the errands as she remembered them and cut off the story with Kazuya without saying whether or not she was there, blocking the footage.
... How do I get into what?... Well, let's pray for the best.
Kazya prayed to the man imprisoned by Jandere - Varg, driving his earlier memories to the other side of oblivion.
"Yeah, well, as for hearing more about merging the kingdom of canary and the demonic union later... so last... but not least..."
Ahhh ~ already, at this time!! Say it!!
Kazuya, who carried the story forcefully at the end to forget about Aria and Varg, begins to talk with a grip, either inside or out, hesitating to say something.
"Um... what... a thousand years old... with me...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Kazuya, aware that if she missed this opportunity, she would not be able to say it from herself, turned bright red and looked down, spinning words in a whisper with Boso, but at the end of the day she told him with a bah and a face up and a stare into her thousand-year-old eyes.
"……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………!? Oh, oh, what!? Oh, come on, yeah, you know what? Huh? Yes, now... Oh, my God..."
To Kazuya's unexpected and sudden proposal, he turns bright red and hesitates to listen back when he understands what was said at first and what was said by the thousand years old.
"It's sloppy!!
"That's clever."
"... I want Kazuya's proposal too"
"Zuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!! Only one person" from Kazuya. "They're proposing. Uuuuu!! Lene wants to be proposed to Kazuya too. No, no, no!
The Iris voices dissatisfaction and protest at a proposal from Kazuya to the millennium voluntarily.
"Wah, ok!! Because I will propose properly to everyone later!!
Kazuya, who was put in a cross spear in a generation of confessions, rushes to forgive the Iris.
They were the Ilis who first called the air to Kazuya's words and shut up, but they were jiggling Kazuya with sharp eyes just that they had to forgive me if I didn't make the promises.
"Guzz... yes... welcome..."
The moment I stuck to the conference room where my worn-out, tearful, thousand-year-old reply was quiet, the blessing voices of the senior officials of Parabellum who were packing in the conference room exploded.
It was finally time for everyone to stop making noise, return to the original Canary Kingdom and the Demonic Union annexation plan, and the meeting was almost over.
"Your husband..."
"Hmm? What?
A thousand years old, still red-eyed, walked over to Kazuya.
"Um... it's hard to say at a time like this... well, could you spare me a while?
"Uh... oh, I don't mind if I'm on vacation... is there something?
Kazuya replied with a little confusion to the atmosphere of hesitation about something a thousand years old.
"Yes, in that… two weeks…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………"
Any sound in the meeting disappears into a thousand-year-old cumming out, and silence dominates the place so much that it hurts your ears.
"…………………………………………………………………… children?
Kazuya asks a thousand years old blindly with her eyes open to surprise.
"Yes, it's your husband's child. By the way, they say it's a girl."
With a pregnant woman, Kazuya manages to spin words as she blindly sees the slim tummy millennium in an unexpected style.
"The other day, I had a battle with Amira's soldier 500, and that's when I sustained a scratch, and when I went to the infirmary, a female military doctor realized that there should be no scratches in this body that would be loved by your husband."
... Oh, that's why you said it was your butt when you broke into the room?
Kazuya makes foggy thoughts work while thinking about irrelevant, irrelevant things to talk about.
Phew. You and I have different degrees of affection for your husband.
In the midst of Kazuya's still-boiling and frightening feelings about the proclamation of a thousand-year-old pregnancy, Chitose sends a proud grin to the Iris, who were sending a gaze that seemed to be overtaken and regretted.
The Iris could only groan small at the apparently superiority of a thousand years old Doya face.
I'll chase you right after him x5.
The only thing I can do is moan and regret my thousand-year-old pregnancy. The Iris say that if they get ahead of me, we should just chase them right away, and after this, they will intensify their approach to Kazuya.
... to me, kid? Am I gonna be the father?
"Thousands of years old!!
"Your husband!?
When the Iris and the others were simmering their opposition to the thousand years old, Kazuya hugged them to the thousand years old without a single two, and was happy with the news of her pregnancy, driven by an understanding that she was finally going to be a father.
"Your Excellency, please wait here."
"... mmm... ok"
Though Kazuya, who shook a thousand years old hand suffering from labor pain until earlier and was encouraging, entered the labor room with a thousand years old, she is thrown out of the labor room because she is interrupted by the nurses because she is too restless.
Ah shit...... restless...... Huh!!
After being kicked out of the delivery room, Kazuya was even more restless than she had been before, and walked around in front of the door of the delivery room without looking after her like a dog or cat who was having an episode.
"My lord, please calm down for a moment"
Ibuki calls out to Kazuya, who was worried about Chitose and Kazuya.
"I know!!... but... there's no way I can calm down at a time like this..."
Kazuya lowered her back, slowly losing her power, her butt shrugged, and finally, when she groaned small, she went to the bench nearby, although she answered Ibuki's words with a powerful voice at first.
"My lord... I know how you feel, but if you are the king of Parabellum and are in a position to bear the fate (life) of millions of people (soldiers), you must not lack calm..."
Ibuki complained after seeing Kazuya's lack of much calm.
Phew... Well, I can't help but say... He was just a boy in high school when he became known as His Excellency and led the army. It's only natural to be upset about the birth of your beloved......
It's a time like this that we have to stick together.
... but what happens if I tell him I'm 'pregnant' too in this state? ………………………………………………………………… You are going to pass out. Shall I say it after the Vice Führer's birth has settled?
With her elbows on her thighs as she sat in her long chair, her forehead on her gripping fist and her hips softly down to her side to reassure (calm) Kazuya, who gently rubbed Kazuya's back, secretly decided to stretch ahead to tell her the facts of her pregnancy, laughing small enough not to be noticed by Kazuya.
"... thanks. Ibuki calmed me down a little bit."
"Really, that's good"
That's how Ibuki was on his side, or when Kazuya finally regained her composure.
The screaming of the thousands of years of pain that had been heard from inside the delivery room stopped, and instead the cries of the baby stuck.
"Or, my lord!?
The moment I hear that baby cry, Kazuya, who can no longer be there, changes her blood phase and rolls into the delivery room.
Huh, not at all...... Parent Ba - You're sure to be a troubled parent.
What Ibuki saw, who followed Kazuya into the delivery room, was a figure of Kazuya caring for a thousand years old who finished giving birth with a baby wrapped in a white towel in her arms and tears.
And about a month later, when she gave birth to herself, Ibuki saw Kazuya crying in tears.