Elsas Magic Empire with a harsh climate of burning by day and extreme cold by night in barren lands where every third of the territory (around the Empire and the Three Seas) spreads wilderness and desert.
However, by benefiting from the immense inland waters of the Three Seas (the Zeuro Sea, the Kilows Sea and the Tail Sea), which are shaped like three dumplings stabbed on a skewer, with the abundant waters of the Great River Nauru and its Nauru River flowing through its territory, and by relying on magic, the Empire was able to expand and prosper its territory while living on barren land.
But it is precisely now that dark clouds have begun to enter the Three Seas, which can be described as a lifeline that supports the prosperity of such an empire.
"... what are we going to do? It was three days ago that the enemy's large fleet crossed the Philip Strait. If we don't hit anything like this, the enemy will cross the Knai Strait into the Kilows Sea."
Within the Three Seas, a large group of blue-faced aristocrats (admirals) gathered in Ernest, the harbour town with the third headquarters of the Imperial Navy responsible for the defence of the Zeuro Sea with the only strait connected to the outer ocean, to discuss future responses.
"But... that being said, it's a tricky move to find and attack enemies in this vast Zeuro Sea."
"Oh, you're right.... so far I have assembled a fleet around the Knai Strait and here in the military harbour to prepare for enemy raids... whether or not I can win"
"Only new armoured ships and surface-based, airborne demon-guided weapons are required."
"If we lose here..."
"Waiting for... Solemn Qing... or..."
The Imperial nobles, who have received direct orders from the Emperor to destroy the enemy fleet in the Zeuro Sea, were worried about how they could defeat the Great Fleet of Parabellum.
"Whereas the largest and most powerful fleet in our country - the Invincible Fleet - is in charge of defending the imperial capital facing the Tail Sea?
"That's impossible. You don't know that, do you? The Invincible Fleet is the direct fleet of His Majesty the Emperor. … If the Invincible Fleet were to come to the Zeuro Sea, it would be after we were already dead"
The aristocrats, who know that the power of hand alone will never beat the great fleet of Parabellum, renew the perception they know, silencing it with a glance.
"But... I don't know how much this enemy fleet is, but can you give us a little more power?"
"I guess that's... impossible. Large enemy units marching from land - we must crush our fate before anything else, and fortunately we have not suffered any damage around the Three Seas, but we have heard that in other places the damage caused by enemy ambushes has become serious. Therefore, if we make any further requests for reinforcements, we will be explored in a cowardly manner by the court nobles of the Imperial capital. If that happens, there will be a lot of trouble..."
"Oh... I do want to avoid the Tanuki intervention that nests in the Imperial City."
A week early from the start of Operation Vermillion.
Originally, the Empire would have begun another invasion of the Kingdom of Canaries and the demonic coalition without it now, but it was not a situation where the invasion could have been carried out due to the damage suffered in the Parabellan ambush attack, and the reconstruction of the damage had been delayed and forceful conscription had been carried out everywhere in an effort to beat the Parabellan army that was attacking first.
However, the spearhead of the forces the Empire was gathering was not an expedition fleet looking to attack the sub-city of Gloria and the Imperial Capital, but proceeded smoothly by road and was directed at the ground invasion forces that were occupying several cities.
Yes, the Empire is eating on the troops as Parabellum sees it.
"-... what is this noise?
It was at a time when the nobles were spending their ruthless time that meetings to discuss countermeasures never progressed and only time flowed ruthlessly.
Approaching as objects flying through sea level sleuths emitting a tall, deafening sound toward Imperial Navy headquarters 3, made of brick and white stone, on a scenic hill overlooking the Zeuro Sea.
"Yeah? Shut up. What's that noise?
"I'm deaf..."
All the noblemen who were packing in the conference room of the third headquarters to the ever-louder and more deafening sounds frowned upon uniformly.
"... outside"
And the moment the nobleman sitting at the window rolled the curtain that was blocking the sun and peered outside to see what caused the sound.
"- Huh!!
An elongated cylindrical object is reflected in a cup of noble sight peering out.
And at a subsonic speed, a cruising missile that gutted through the window and peered out the head of the nobleman, entering the conference room of Imperial Navy Headquarters III - the BGM-109 Tomahawk burst inside the conference room and bombed all the nobles that were packing it indoors.
The second and third shooting Tomahawks that followed completely collapsed the third headquarters building.
Soldiers were heard in the CIC of Ise, an air battleship that fired Tomahawk from an armoured box launcher mounted by modernization renovation.
"Tomahawk, hit target. Confirm Destruction of Target!!
"End of dimension input, ready to fire next bullet"
"... Hmm, no sign of an enemy counterattack? Yeah, Tomahawk's next bullet launch is aborted. The remaining target of attack shall be the air force's practice bench. Hurry up the ship's launch."
"" "Roger!!
The commander of the first independent guerrilla fleet, Major General Jin Sato, who was ordered to expose the unit with countless transport vessels, switched quickly to stopping the attack on Ernest's military port by a sub-bomb-mounted Tomahawk and switching to an air strike by a ship's aircraft in order to gain some practical experience for the onboard pilots with no real experience.
If this disrupts the enemy's chain of command at all, it would be profitable.
Major General Sato of the First Independent guerrilla fleet launched an ambush attack on the third headquarters in an attempt to disrupt the chain of command of the enemy navy following the exposures of the main unit sailing far rearward, but he never dreamed that the attack by Tomahawk earlier was having the great effect of killing most of the nobles in charge of the defence of the Zero Sea.
"We've got an order to go!! Hurry up and let the ship depart sequentially from the ready fuselage!!
"Copy that!!
"Electromagnetic catapult ready!!
The flight deck at the rear of the hull of Ise and Hitachi is equipped with an AIM-9X sidewinder for the outermost pylons, one at a time in Weapon Bay and three at the left and right. Note that when STOVL-type (short-range take-off and vertical landing) F-35B lightning II loaded and blasted with Mk82, Mk83, Mk84 (normal bomb), CBU-103, CBU-105 cluster bombs, etc. on a GAU-22/A 25mm machine gun pod with stealth, which is one of the outboard mounting options, is pulled out of the hangar by the hands of a deck crew (deck member) commonly known as "Rainbow Gang" wearing clothes indicating his role, it is immediately launched into the sky by an electromagnetic catapult.
"... will you also train to fire?"
Major General Sato groans as he ascends into the sky, forming a formation over the fleet and flying away towards Ernesto, fifty kilometers away, watching F-35B.
Thus, the first independent guerrilla fleet, which dropped off an attacking squad consisting of F-35B and 30 aircraft departing from "Ise" and "Hitachi" on the initiative of the fleet commander Major General Sato, increased the fleet speed and directed the path towards Ernesto all the way.
"But now he can also act as an air battleship."
"Yeah, sure. He ended his life with nothing to do with history."
Major General Sato was exchanging words with his staff standing beside him on the bridge of 'Ise' as he sailed for Ernesto.
The fleet formation of the first independent guerrilla fleet, which proceeded once after the White Wave, was based on the flagship "Ise" of the air battleship, the "Hitachi" of the sister ship, the "Aoba" and "Clothes" of the Aoba heavy cruiser, the "Fifty Bells" of the Nagara light cruiser, and the "Kongo" and "Kishima" of the Kongo escort (missile frigate with the Aegis system), as well as a total of 15 destroyers and three supply ships.
"Commander!! Hundreds of warships have been captured by Eagle Eye flying for reconnaissance for Ernest leaving the military port!!
"Right.... Wait, hundreds of ships?
Major General Sato nodded small reflexively after hearing his men's report, but he looked back to his men not knowing what the report was about.
"Take this one."
Major General Sato exclaims when he sees the startling footage sent by the earlier Eagle Eye for reconnaissance at the first independent guerrilla fleet, which was sending out the offensive team and then forming a single formation and proceeding at a speed of 22 knots towards Ernesto.
That's an amazing number...... this is a lot of behavior again.
The footage captured by Eagle Eye of a Tiltrotor-type unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with high convenience and long navigation distances that can be operated even by small installations and capable of high-speed travel and vertical take-off and landing certainly shows a flock of warships departing one after the other from Ernest's military port.
But you're in trouble.
Major General Sato looks at that footage sent by Eagle Eye, as troubled, but somewhere delightful.
"Confirm many armoured ships seen moving in steam engines besides enemy fleets, wooden sailboat battleships!!
"Attack squad arrives over Ernest. - Commander, the assault team is saying that the bomb on board is not intended for anti-ship use, so the bombing will begin against Ernest's port facility, which is the original target of the operation."
"... ok. Copy that."
... Well, can we just sink in when all this ujauja is around?
"Hmm. Looks like we've stuck a hive. Commander, we'd better request reinforcements from the main unit."
"Please wait. Whatever the number, the enemy ships will only be able to deal with them as much as we can with a battleship of wooden sailboats loaded with artillery with a range of only a few hundred meters at most and armoured ships wrapped in thin armor like paper."
"Exactly. I share the opinion of the Artillery Staff. There's no way to miss this perfect opportunity."
An aviation staff member expressed his opinion to Major General Sato, who was worried about sending support for the aircraft from the aircraft carrier in the main unit with his hand on his chin, and the artillery staff and the minefield staff waited for him.
"... right. If we sink reliably in an outrageous attack, we'll be fine alone. And if you have to, you can send an attack team from the main unit's air carrier."
"Hmm, so is that."
"" So, what?
"Um, the opponent is a little underserved... but it's a fleet showdown"
"" Ohh!!
Since Kazuya summoned me, I have never had a place to play, and when I got a great chance where I was smoking, the Artillery and Torpedo staff had a childish grin.
And with that word of Major General Sato, the policy of the first independent guerrilla fleet was decided, moving to the annihilation of the enemy fleet that left Ernest's military port.
"Enemy fleet, heading west towards the Kunai Strait."
Sitting dignified over the enemy fleet, Eagle Eye, who continues his reconnaissance, was constantly sending footage of the enemy fleet to the First Independent guerrilla fleet.
"West or... don't be a chase"
"Yep... but the enemy ship has legs-!!... Was that an airship too"
When Major General Sato and the others were looking at the footage sent by Eagle Eye, he thought that the ship that was supposed to have sailed over the sea until earlier had spread something like a big wing from the side of the boat, and against gravity, it began to rise fuzzily from the sea level to the sky.
It was about every third minute of the enemy fleet that went up from the sea to the sky.
Are the other ships not equipped with the necessary magic furnaces to fly? They are desperately drawing waves and sailing through the sea.
"The attack team called. Requesting permission to attack enemy aircrafts."
"Allow the attack. But tell him to come back as soon as he's finished shooting sidewinders and machine guns. In some cases, we have to get them to re-launch."
"Ha, roger that."
As soon as it is communicated that permission has been granted to the attacking squad that is getting lighter after the bombing, a flock of F-35B will launch an attack against the enemy ships flying in the air.
And when the F-35B attack was launched, the Eagle Eye reconnaissance cameras showed a side winder released into the sky piercing an armored ship flying through the sky, and then a red lotus flame erupted from its hull, as well as a battleship that was misfired with machine guns and penetrated countless holes in its hull.
"Don't be a battle."
"Not at all. This one just seems to be a weak one."
Compared to normal ships that can act only on the sea, both sea and sky ships were able to travel about twice as fast as when sailing on the sea by going up in the sky, but it was no substitute for being a great duck at just about twice as fast if we tried to make it exactly the F-35B that we are now attacking.
As a result, none of the poor ducks flying in the sky could escape, and they were slapped down by F-35B into the sea with a bump.
"Enemy fleet, look!!
A watchman, who was peeking into a large binocular telescope, shouts out.
Hours after the enemy fleet left Ernest's military port, the first independent guerrilla fleet finally sighted the enemy fleet.
"Well... prepare for a thunderstorm battle"
"Prepare for Thunder Strike!!
Though the enemy fleet had been captured within range for a long time, the first independent guerrilla fleet, which had solidified its policy of destroying the enemy with artillery fire by using expensive and high-performance missiles (essentially no-cost because of what it had summoned using Kazuya's abilities), simultaneously unraveled the fleet formation and started fighting on each side.
Firstly, the light cruiser "Fifty Bells" and five destroyers accompanying the first independent guerrilla fleet, the Autumn Destroyer "Autumn Moon", "Light Moon", "Cool Moon", "First Moon" and "New Moon" rush to the enemy fleet at a glance like a hound freed from its collar while shelling flourishes.
And then the defeat and heavy cruiser Aoyagi and Garments follow.
"Enemy fleet, 12 o'clock direction. Distance 10,000."
"... target, enemy battleship. Bullet type, triple bullet. Prepare to fire main cannon."
The captain of Ise flies quietly when he can target the enemy fleet at some distance.
"Prepare the main shooting method!!
"Shoot him!!
Watching three supply ships left behind in case and eight other warships besides the "Kongo" and "Kirima" of their escorts pack the distance from the enemy fleet at once, "Ise" and "Hitachi" wrap around the style of the sea king, the Battleship, in grandeur, while the Battleship begins a synchronization of the main cannons of a large caliber, the origin of the sea king.
When two 35.6cm combined guns and four gates in the front of the hull erupt with the roar, a huge spark opens at the tip of the cannon mouth, followed by a black-black explosion of smoke engulfing the entire ship.
It was a sister ship of "Ise" and "Hitachi" wrapped in mowdy blast smoke, but soon left behind the blast smoke covering the hull to reveal its majesty.
"Hurry up the next bullet load. I'll put a piece on it all at once."
"" "Got it!!
Zero normal ammunition loading into the main gun is also rushed while the triple ammunition is flying through the sky.
"Launch first- and second-high-angle artillery attack."
Eight 35.6cm artillery shells fly toward the enemy fleet, followed one after another by 12.7cm artillery artillery with combined elevated angles that were able to obtain angles of fire.
"Five, four, three, two, one to landing. Landing, now!!
Twenty-five battleships and armoured ships have been sunk by shelling below the heavy patrol that has already begun the assault, 20 in flames and 30 in some way damaged. The 'Ise' and 'Hitachi' main shells, which also explode in the air so as to block the escape route of the Imperial Fleet, where the triple shells for ground attacks escape.
Countless bullets burning at ultra-high temperatures strike the Imperial fleet.
"And take a rudder!! Hurry!!"
"No, I can't make it!! Drop the ship!!
As soon as the bright red fireballs descend from the sky like meteors into battleships and armoured ships, they begin to burn parts of the ship, and at once envelop the ship into the fire.
Especially the combustible wooden sailboat battleships, etc. once lit, everything was already too late.
"Open all guns doors, prepare to fire each shot."
"Prepare to fire each way!!
Unlike allied ships that are breaking up and attacking each of the four ships to both sides of the enemy fleet, "Ise" and "Hitachi" thrust at maximum battle speed, breaking into the middle of the fleet without avoiding the enemy fleet.
Enemy ships will also be silenced using the original (improved) 25mm 3-mounted machine guns and additional CIWS mounted, as well as 2-mounted and single-mounted M2 machine guns mounted on both sides and bridges, anti-tank missiles for the Marines pulled out of the arsenal, and FGM-148 javelin.
And as anti-aircraft firearms emit muzzle flashes the more I mistakenly see the ship burning from the edge, every now and then, just don't tell me to forget my presence, 35.6cm combined guns roar, and the zero type normal ammunition released lands at close range of the target battleship.
The battleship turned upside down when it rose with the water column rising high in the sky due to the impact of the landing of the bullet, although it was not the hit, and sank quietly.
"You're done."
"Hmmm... that's lame"
After 'Ise' and 'Hitachi', scattered with iron storms like typhoons, broke through the center of the enemy fleet, the wreckage of a ship drifted across the sea just waiting to burn and sink.
"... so let's go back to our original role"
Having sunk 179 enemy ships completely intact, the 1st Independent guerrilla fleet sailed south on its path back to its original mission, satisfied with the results obtained.