A bunch of demons covering up the sky as if it were a huge swarm of inago, and their best balls, Jizz, were approaching the Parabellan mainland.
"Target group, pass right up the first fleet. Still approaching the mainland!!
The demons and jizz, who completely ignored the first fleet, continue to move forward as they continue to be subjected to fierce anti-aircraft fire.
"Target group, we have breached Parabellan airspace!!
Reports coming into the Operations Command Office were inclined to be as bad as a moment and a bad.
"Chiyoda...... what do you say?
"Huh... I'm sorry. Master, I wonder if the enemy's mainland landing is inevitable."
Chiyoda, who has complete control of all of Parabellum's defense systems and thus remotely operates all of the stationary turrets and missile launchers installed on the mainland and other islands, maritime fortresses, and anti-aircraft firearms (limited to fully automatic objects) installed like needles on the high beam turrets, calculates the current rate of fire and invasion by anti-aircraft fire and tells Kazuya that he is sorry that the enemy's mainland landing is inevitable.
"... ugh."
Chiyoda eats up his teeth when he sees Kazuya leaking that word with a bitter look.
All... all... all!! You disgraced me at the minute of the bug, and besides... you invaded the sacred kingdom of the Master...?
Get ready, you fucking beetles, let none of them escape.
I'm gonna kill you like a garbage scum and send you to hell!!
The bottom of Chiyoda's belly was boiling back like a magma, even though it was unable to show Kazuya what was good for him, and was unable to prevent the enemy from landing on the mainland, even though it had cut its mark when it mastered the defense system itself and prevented all foreign enemies from entering.
"Thousands of years old, I entrust all command of the ground forces"
"Ha, got it."
Chitose, who was delegated command of the ground unit in Parabellum by Kazuya, descends to the command post in the middle of the Operations Command Office and begins to take direct command of the unit.
"Raina, Reina"
"" On your side ""
"Not necessarily in case anything happens. So you two stay with Kaori tomorrow."
Watching as Thousand Years was taking command of the ground troops, Kazuya ordered the maid who had refrained behind him - Rayna and Rhina to be attached to the side of her own daughter, Tomorrow Incense.
"Yes, sir."
"Yes, sir."
The two men who received Kazuya's life flew out of the ops command room, shaking the skirt of the maid's clothes, taking the demons' men who were waiting outside the room to Tomorrow Incense, who was supposed to be in the basement shelter at command headquarters.
Why don't you come and see me?
Kazuya stands up quietly when he confirms that Raina and Reina have left the Operations Command Room.
"Master Kazuya? Which way are you going?
"Master, where are you going?
"Your Excellency?"
When I saw it, Celisia, Chiyoda and Ibuki spoke to Kazuya with a strange face.
"No, just in the bathroom."
"... the bad habits of the master..."
"Phew, is that the" bathroom ”? Then I'll be with you on the way."
"... Your Excellency, I don't care what the vice president tells you later."
... I'm finding out.
It was Kazuya, who said it was the bathroom and took his seat, but he had a light spot on what he was going to do to everyone on the spot.
"I'll be right back with a piece."
"Okay. But please come back soon."
"I'll do escorts and other arrangements here. - Good luck."
"... sorry for the hard work"
I won't hold back Kazuya, who wouldn't listen to me even if I said it, but rather better than being moved at will where I don't know. Chiyoda and Ibuki determined that they were thorough in supporting Kazuya.
"So, Master Kazuya"
"Oh, let's go"
That's how Kazuya, who was dropped off by his understandable men, took Celisia and left the ops command room unnoticed by a thousand years old.
"Communication interrupted with the seventeenth sea fort!!
"Marine Defense Ship 180, Boom!!
"Request reinforcements from the Beauty Island defense team!!
"We also received a request for reinforcements from Shimae Island, next door to it!!
As soon as he breaks into Parabellan territory, the demon herd will do everything in its power to destroy everything he sees before he grows up.
In contrast, small ships such as frigates and missile ships, which are deployed in the interior waters of the islands' defenses and parabolas, are pushed to their disadvantages by the overwhelming amount of objects that fight demons with all their spirits.
"... Musikela, don't get on with it."
Thousands of years old threw up like that in a horrible voice crawling through the earth, and the tail of the sacrifice was cut off and completely flattened as they saw the destruction of the kingdom made by Kazuya.
and there comes a report pouring nitro into the wrath of a thousand years old.
"-... hey, what!? You're lying!! Isn't that a mistake!?... Ah. Oh, okay. It's tough, Madam Vice President!! It turns out that almost all the crew of the three Shizong Dawang-class destroyers, Shizong Dawang, Kuriya Li Yi, and Xi and Yao Chenglong have abandoned their fighting and fled after undergoing a complete and massive renovation and finally being able to move properly!!
"Kill them as soon as you find them."
"... what?
"Don't make me say the same thing over and over again. Kill any deserters you find in front of the enemy."
"Ha... ha, got it!!
Thousands of years of age in a state of blitzkrieg returned to the command of ground troops who were continuing to fight when they gave solemn instructions like casual things.
"Target group, breaking over the mainland!!
"Confirm the activation of the close-range interception system installed in the high-impact turret and fortress group!!
"The 16th, 112th Infantry Regiment and the 2nd and 5th Tank Battalions, plus the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Radio Squadrons, are engaged!!
Two infantry regiments, two tank battalions, and three high-altitude squadrons deployed in military ports and fortresses on the eastern side of the Parabellan mainland began fighting as the enemy approached.
It developed into the worst case scenario, with war extending all the way here to mainland Parabellan.
"Ku...... if this happens, it's total force battle. Whatever you can use, you can use your enemies... whatever you want to kill the bugs!! Don't pollute your husband's country any more!!
"" "" Roger!!
When the battle begins on the mainland, the first M51 75mm anti-aircraft guns and 35mm2 combined anti-aircraft guns L-90, VADS-1 modified, Auto Melara 76mm, 127mm single-armed guns, Faranx, goalkeepers, RAM, Iron Dome, etc. installed in the anti-aircraft turrets and fortresses will attack the demons.
Next, a self-propelled anti-aircraft missile avenger system responsible for the mid-axis of three high-impact squadrons, a short-range surface-to-air guided missile such as 93, and a short-range surface-to-air missile such as 9K35 are fired, plus self-propelled anti-aircraft guns such as 2K22 Tunguska in Russia, 87 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns in Japan, and Vilbervint in Germany fire up the fire line.
Also, even portable anti-aircraft missile systems such as FIM-92 stingers, starbursts, 91-portable surface-to-air guided missiles, and 9K38 igras held by naive anti-aircraft gunfire and infantry by the main guns of two tank battalions organized in M1 Abrams and T-90 were driven out into anti-aircraft combat, and infantry intercepted demons with heavy weapons for what was still insufficient.
"Over 89 percent loss rate for target group!! Almost there!!
"Fucking yummy!! Part of the target group pokes a gap in anti-aircraft fire and invades District 9 in downtown!!
"Then there are enemies breaking into the 8th and 12th districts too!!
"Communication interrupted with 1st High Fire Squadron!! Seems to be wiped out!!
"We have an enemy attached to the 42nd high beam turret!! As it is, the non-combatants who evacuated inside the turret are in danger!!
By the harsh anti-aircraft fire that mobilized all kinds of weapons, I wonder if the number of demons has finally decreased and the light of hope has come to pass.
One nightmarish report after another broke into the ops command room.
Though, Chitose smiles faintly at the mouth of the wolf when he hears the report.
"... the bugs lick us too much"
Millennials smiled violently at the display showing demons breaking down the sturdy doors of the 42nd high beam turret and breaking thick concrete walls into the inside of the turret sheltered by non-combatants as they sickled.
"A number to this extent can push it off. - Expel all Musikellas!!
"" "" Roger!!
The number of demons has decreased, and the Parabellan army, which can afford to turn from one situation to the other, has launched an offensive throughout the region.
But surprisingly, the first to turn to counter-attacks were non-combatants living in mainland Parabellan, not regular soldiers of the Parabellan army, etc.
The demons who slept in Jizz's belly were now awakening, hungry and seeking prey to help or gradually destroy the interior of the 42nd high beam turret.
Because we know that in many generations, if we destroy a robustly protected nest (building), there are fragile prey that do not have the power to fight inside.
But unfortunately for the demons, the humans in Parabellum were not fragile prey that did not have the power to be imprinted on the instincts of the demons.
You thought the last wall protecting the shelter where non-combatants were fleeing would be torn apart with dokadoka and placed in prey when the hole penetrated. The demon joyfully slams his jaw into his face as he rattles.
But what the demon with his face stuck saw was not the figure of a fragile prey shrinking in fear, but the figure of an old and young man willing to lay arms and kill him.
And at the next moment, the demon who stuck his face inside the shelter was exposed to a storm of bullets, holes in his body and desperate.
"Hun, there is no reason why all the people can beat us musikelas as soldiers"
Thousands of years old watched proudly as non-combatants struck out of the 42nd high-impact turret and drove out demons while still maintaining discipline like an army while carrying powerful small firearms and raging like thugs.
In the meantime, other angry non-combatants and regular soldiers of the Parabellan army, as if inspired by them, turn to full counter-attacks everywhere and the demons are driven away with tremendous momentum.
Sub-machine guns like the P-90 and MP-7 that the kids grip stop the demons, assault rifles erected by men, women, and old men, and bullets of old-fashioned small guns punch holes in the demon's stiff exoskeleton, choosing to stop them from stabbing.
From the edge, an unusual sight became common in some parts of the parabellum.
Before the marvellous counter-attack by the people of Parabellum, the hordes of demons lost their strength. They were banished and the masses decided.
"... later"
Only that big fat ass.
Though it caused less damage to the entire parabellum, a thousand years old was only a little relieved that the rest of the enemy had become jizz alone.
"Are the aviation units and the first fleet doing well?
Now that the various anti-aircraft guns that have destroyed their targets have finished their roles and the anti-aircraft fire is weakening, it is the first fleet that has returned to the inland waters of Parabellum, inverted with the air force that had temporarily left the battlefield.
Thousands of years old, concerned about its air power and first fleet trends, asked the operator who was nearby.
"Ha, although all air units are launching corrugated attacks on jizz, and the first fleet continues to attack with anti-ship missiles, cruise missiles, main artillery, etc., it appears that they have not been able to give effective ammunition to jizz."
"So... what's going on with Jizz right now?
"Fighter units have successfully stopped in an airspace 20 kilometers from the mainland because they're distracting Jizz."
"Well... what can I do for you, sir - ugh!?
Thousands of years turned back to seek Kazuya's judgment on what to do with Jizz, and were stunned. Because the chair dedicated to the Führer, where Kazuya should be, was emptied.
"Dear Sir...
I can't see Kazuya, and again I feel bad running behind my thousand-year-old brain watching Ibuki and Chiyoda turn away sassy.
"Hmm? -... ugh!? Ze, the door to the No. 0 hanger is going to open!!
And the bad feeling of a thousand years old hits me firmly.
"That's F-23 for the Führer only!? I'm in a marching position!!
Just knowing who was in the cockpit, it became noisy inside the ops room when the F-23 came up to the ground in a lift from the basement after the No. 0 hanger and proceeded to the runway.
"Connect with that F-23!! Come on!!"
"Ri, Roger!!
At the instruction of a thousand years old, the operator slammed the console in a great hurry, and the display in the Operations Command Room showed Kazuya wearing a JHMCS (Integrated Helmet-Mounted Target Designation System) and wrapped around the pilot suit.
".................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Found out?
"Found out? Not, my lord!! What are you trying to do!!
Thousand-year-old lightning struck when communications were connected.
'No, I don't have enough fighting power, and I thought it was just right for me to take his data in action. Plus, you're gonna need a "he” to get rid of that thing. "
Kazuya, emphasizing “Koitsu” all over again, points to the stuff mounted on the F-23's underwing hard point.
"I'll let the others do that!! Just get off the fuselage and come right back here!!
"................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. I hear voices...... that ~ ~?
Putun and I were cut off from communication at the end of the day for words like that we fell in love with.
"... ohhhhhhhhhhhh!
A thousand-year-old voice staring at the display, whose communication line was cut and darkened, sounded vain in the Operations Command Room.
"Grr... why didn't you stop your husband!!
Shortly after his communication with Kazuya ran out, Chitoshi stuffed Ibuki and Chiyoda in an eight-hitting mood.
"Madam Vice-President. Just calm down, please."
"Calm down, you say? Can this calm down!! Your husband is on his way to battlefield alone!?
"I was wondering if you were okay on that point. I've got ten F-22s, F-35s and T-50s attached to my escort. And if you have to, we have a program on the F-23 system that forces you to return to your base."
"Plus the variable fighter that my split is on board is also attached to the Master's escort"
"What? No way... you guys..."
"Yes, as the vice president thought, I decided it would be better to be moved within our sight and control than to be moved at will by the vice president without his knowledge."
Thousands of years of silence showed a uniform understanding of Ibuki's judgment.
But at the next moment, Ibuki and Chiyoda will lose their liver to the actions taken by Chiyo.
"... I understand what you're saying. But we need to put a piece on that big fat ass as soon as we can before we know what kind of power he's hiding."
Thousands of years old reached out to the phone while saying so contact a certain place.
- Prl.
- Gacha.
"This is the 1st Dock!! Who is it, when this shit is busy!! We're busy confirming the damage that was done with the demons!!
"A thousand years old."
"…………………………………………………………………………………? Phew, phew, phew, deputy... are you the Führer?
The first dock employee who answered the thousand year old phone didn't think the call would come directly from number two in Parabellum, etc., and framed him from the bottom of his heart for regretting having answered the phone using abusive language and dashing cold sweat.
"Oh, yeah. Ask straight in on an emergency. Which ships can be moved on ships 111 or 797 or 798 or 799? Oh, Iowa, Montana, South Dakota, N3, G3, Lion, H- yeah, is there a ship in the fictional battleship your husband was summoned to anyway that can finish renovating and shooting the main guns!?
'Ha, yes!! If it is the 111th ship, the test mounting of the demon conductor furnace for those whose renovation work has not yet been completed will be completed, and only the 1st and 2nd turrets can be used!! It should be noted that other ships are not even able to move because they are not yet refurbished!!
Good, then move ship 111 immediately.
'Ha, ha... yes? Yes, right now?
"Immediately." That's what I said.
'But we haven't even commissioned the magic conductor yet, and we don't have the personnel we need to move it'
"Get the personnel together somehow. All right? We need to get ship 111 to the position this way in half an hour."
The employee who answered the phone to a thousand-year-old unscrupulous order can't spin words.
Either "yes," or “yes," choose who you like.
'Ri... Got it. Immediately...... and I'll get to it!!
But he was forced to make a choice with a temperamental caged voice and no choice, and the employee answered with a damned sense of understanding.
"That's it. And then..."
What shall I do to your husband when he returns?
"" "" Hih!!
Millennials who pushed the impossible into the workforce quietly floated a walai that shook up everyone in the ops command room.
"F-23, Unit 1 Spider. Out!!"
Not knowing what was waiting for him in the ops command room or after his return, Kazuya ran over the runway and rose to the sky when he said so intentionally.
Hmm? Is that... Celisia?
On his way to Jizz, which took off and was his target, Kazuya accidentally noticed Celisia waving her hands toward us loud as soon as she allotted or killed the demon that had come out of Jizz's belly with magic and summoned demons, replied with a left and right tilting bank with a unique fuselage of only two tails on the main wing of the F-23 rhombus.
'Master, please slow down. The escort won't chase you.'
After Kazuya answered Celisia, it was Chiyoda's handicap (spare biological terminal) aboard the prototype variable fighter YF-24 Ardberk, which fused F-23 No. 2 with a flying demonic weapon, who ignited the afterburner and advanced to connect emergency communications to the F-23 flying at high thrust to slow down speed.
"Chiyoda!? Why are you here -... oh, you're a different person. But you ride that fuselage a lot, it must have been quite a horse..."
"I, the artificial AI, can manage to get on with it. Not like the most master, though. '
Chiyoda replied somewhere with a proud voice when he leaked a voice like Kazuya was impressed with Chiyoda, who was steering a YF-24 that even stumbled on Kazuya with the ability to use his weapon.
"Well... the escort has been chased, and let's get rid of that monster and get back to it."
"Ha, I thought that would be wise.... because my sister was angry '
"... don't say"
You're getting scared to go home...
I remembered that the angry thousand years were waiting for me, and now I was scared of what happened after I returned.
"... are they all ready?
'Of course it is. Master. "
"This is okay, too."
"You can always do it"
"I'm Ready"
"All right, then let's go!!
Kazuya, who hung up on the pilots under her temper to shake off the nightmares she would be waiting for on her return, again ignited the afterburner she had hung up.
Up high altitude all at once while forming.
"Altitude 4,000... 6,000... 8,000... 10,000!!
When Kazuya reaches the target altitude while confirming that the altimeter needle shown on the large color LCD MFD is rotating with glue and tremendous momentum, he returns the fuselage horizontally and forms at an altitude of 10,000 meters.
"Target confirmed. All planes, follow me!! Retain in one blow and go home!!
"Jesus, My Master"
"" "" Roger!!
Having confirmed the current position of the target and everyone's readiness to attack, Kazuya issues an assault order.
"All planes start descending!!
Thirty-one fighters making a steep descent, the opposite of the earlier surge, and a prototype variable fighter that follows slightly away from it.
While being pulled by gravity, he instantly crosses the speed of sound and instantly descends toward the ground because he is igniting the afterburner.
"All planes, timing it!!
"" "" Roger!!
At the end of Kazuyas' gaze, who set the descent angle to 50 degrees and entered the offensive posture at an ultra-fast speed of Mach 2.5, there was a figure of jizz chasing around the fighter planes.
Thirty-one fighters target the giant Jizz obsessed with pursuing the fighters of the Xu.
"……………………… - Oh!!
As the ray axis overlaps the jizz and the fuselage crashes into the body of the jizz, Kazuya and the others drop bombs simultaneously.
Go through the jizz body sleigh and leave downward as you go.
Meanwhile, nearly 100-pound laser-guided underground penetrating bombs dropped from a group of Kazuya escorts, six Durandal bombs suspended at hard points under the wing on the assumption of compromising the stealth performance of GBU-28 bunker busters and F-23 - a special bomb for runway destruction hits and pierces the center of Jizz's body with momentum intact.
A bunker buster that penetrates the hard exoskeleton into the body of the jizz and a solid rocket motor ignites and bursts deeper into Durandal at once.
Jizz's body swells up bumpy all at once due to the impact of the explosion, and eventually the exoskeleton, unable to withstand the impact of the explosion, bounces off into a gutter with blood and meat. Fly.
A jizz that snaps your body in two and exhales true purple blood while shouting like an extinct demon.
But the attack on Jizz was not yet over.
"Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh! Raaaaaaaa!!"
During the descent of Chiyoda, which followed slightly away from the Kazuyas, he deforms the YF-24 fuselage, which is larger than the original F-23 fuselage, and attacks the cutting surface of Jizz's body in a human-shaped form.
When the body, which was in mackerel fold, unfolded and dew, grabbed the two 88mm heavy machine guns attached to the hard point under the wing, pulled the trigger, and shot the M261 Hydra 70 rocket bullet out of the rocket pod that was being erected everywhere, deciding and blowing the guts of the jizz.
"He's an asshole!!
Shooting up all 88mm armored grenades and rocket rounds in an instant, Chiyoda fires a thermobaric warhead equipped Panzer Faust, which he keeps.
Chiyoda returned the aircraft to its fighter form and left the scene when the hit warhead burst and confirmed that a wild flame burned through Jizz's body.
"Is this a paragraph?
Kazuya leaks his words as he watches Jizz slowly drop altitude and fall, having his body turned into two pieces and his guts torn off by Chiyoda.
But things didn't go away that easily.
"Huh!? Seriously!!
I wondered if the single and double eyed light of the lost jizz of light had lit up the black creepy light, and I rushed towards Kazuya's manipulative F-23.
Moreover, because of the loss of more than half of the body and the lightening, the speed of flight and rotation are greatly improved.
"Damn it!!
Why are you alive!! Cockroach or Cockroach!!
And fast!!
"'My lord!!
In an unexpected event, Kazuya stepped aggressively into the foot pedal, knocking down the joystick and swirling to the left to avoid the jizz.
However, I was struck by a gap in the aggressive evasion behavior of the good things that dodged my body, and the jizz took a gutter behind me and framed me for chase.
"Master, I'll cover you!! Please leave!!
"Please!! got stuck in the back!? - shake it off like this!!
It was when Kazuya grabbed the throttle lever as Chiyoda's YF-24 and a group of escort fighters shot in short-range missiles AIM-9M/X and R-73M1 against the jizz, winging the remaining four pairs of feathers and shaking off the jizz as he opened his big mouth and chased them abruptly.
An urgent line of communication opens and a thousand-year-old voice pounds over Kazuya's ear from a JHMCS speaker.
"Thousands!? I'm sorry, but now I have time to talk."
'Keep going, keep going through the side of the accumulated cloud 4,000 meters to the right!! Altitude at 450 meters, please!!
"Huh!? Roger!!"
Kazuya, who devours the surface only for a moment on the instructions of a thousand years old, honestly follows the instructions and drops altitude to 450, taking Jizz with him to the designated cloud.
"Is this good for altitude and direction!?
'Yes, it's perfect. Master. "
"What the hell are you doing, a thousand years old? - Oh, so dangerous!!
"I will crush that big fat ass perfectly"
Thousand years old said that with a serious face when Kazuya asked Hilari about the jizz that had been carrying out the bite attack.
"Totally? How the hell are we not gonna be able to use the same hands we did earlier?
"I have hands."
"How do you get to the jizz that flies at this fucking speed - ugh!? Seriously..."
'As long as the timing is right… it is possible'
Kazuya was stunned when he saw an object lurking in the shadow of a cloud, a moment that slipped through the side of a cloud designated as a thousand years old.
And the moment Jizz's double-eyed attempt to slip through the side of the accumulated cloud after Kazuya captured the appearance of a "battleship" floating in the sky, six 46cm ninety-one sets of armoured rounds were fired with a roar.
From just a few dozen meters away, which is not going to be avoided or removed - Jizz showers himself with a ninety-one set of armored rounds with no reaction whatsoever to the shelling from super close range.
The ninety-one set of armored bullets released by the timing were jizzy's head - especially after penetrating the exoskeleton of the stiff head as easily as a paperworker and scratching the clogged brain miso into a gutter, the time line was activated.
A massively packed explosive causes a huge explosion and blows the head off the jizz by the time it's completely skinless.
"Ship 111... you've been able to bring this stuff up a lot"
Kazuya watched as Kazuya fell in love with an aerial battleship that was tragic with massive pieces of Jizz flesh and true purple blood - although it would be started as the fourth ship of a Yamato battleship in historical fact, it had followed the tragic path of demolition and disposal with the deterioration of the battlefield.
"Do you want to go home now... yeah? What, this radio... it's transmitting for all frequencies......................................................................................................... Chiyoda, go and do it"
"May I?
"You have no reason to be abandoned."
The battle is over and the radio at the source of Kazuya, who is taking a breath, enters unilaterally.
After hearing and sighing about the radio communication, Kazuya decided to send Chiyoda there.
'Got it. Master. "
Kazuya, who dropped off Chiyoda's YF-24 as he flew away following orders, points the aircraft's neck at an enclave on the mainland of Parabellum.
".................. I'm going somewhere like this (running away)... can't it be translated? I still have work to do."
He was Kazuya, who landed safely and wanted to escape unexpectedly to his thousand-year-old appearance of greeting Jen-royalty with a nickel laugh at the F-23 back in the hanger.