The earliest notices of its imminent existence were the three submarines of the 7th Submarine Squad, which were on sentry duty in waters 100 kilometres away from the Expeditionary Fleet exploring Gloria's offensive.
"Uhm...... I'm bored, I'm really bored. Lieutenant, do something."
On board the Virginia class nuclear submarine, No. 1 SSN-77 'Virginia', which is diving at a speed of 10 knots for a depth of 150 meters where sunlight is blocked by sea water and wrapped in pitch black.
He waved impotently at Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Maxwell, one of the many female captains present in the parabola at the command post, where there was no periscope to take a place because he employed a hotonic mast (a non-penetrating mast with no periscope penetrating from the top of the sail to the command post, like a conventional submarine because it was equipped with an optical electronic periscope), and where the steering device was joystick or the messy instrument was turned into various displays and consoles, where Lieutenant Colonel Fran Mayfield only rebelled his face from the captain's seat sitting behind him.
"I don't know... I'm on a mission right now, Captain."
With no emotions on his crisp, riddled face, he wants to unwittingly fall down on the doth's - he wraps an aura like a queen, only slightly distorts his eyebrows and shakes his head sideways to Captain Mayfield, who has done something vain with no expression.
"I know that but... ha... I'm free if nothing happens like this"
"Huh... please bear with me. Captain."
Lieutenant Maxwell vomits his euphemisms as he turns his face against Captain Mayfield, who flutters up his short, cut blonde hair, sappily reassembles the thin, long legs he was putting together on his knees, and fans with his hands to make the bluntly large, swollen chest look patchy.
"Huh... what's up? Why are you defying my face?
This guy!!
Despite his efforts to do so from himself, Captain Mayfield smiles delightfully ill-willed at Niyaniya, who instantly sees Deputy Maxwell's cheeks slightly reddened.
Besides, other officers and soldiers packing inside the command post to tune in to Captain Mayfield were laughing small with Couscous when they saw Deputy Maxwell's initial reaction.
Guru... think he's other human resources.
Even if he raised a protest to defend his little pride, Captain Mayfield had no choice but to silence himself with an itchy tooth, knowing as a practical experience that in some cases he would be further jerked off.
"It's not connected to silence, Deputy. Ha ha, you can't kill your time."
"... Huh. Captain, if you keep telling me that, something really happens, right? It's too much trouble."
It was when Deputy Maxwell said so in an attempt to prevent Captain Mayfield's mouth blow, which squeezes waste when he is free.
"- Huh!? Captain!! We have confirmed an object approaching rapidly at a speed of 10 knots towards the ship from 12 o'clock, distance 3000 and depth 800!!
Passive Sonar - Chief Sonar, who was on perimeter alert while hearing sounds in the ocean on an underwater listening device, suddenly raised his voice.
"Oh, don't look at me like that!! It's not my fault!! - Yea, all in one Class 1 combat placement!! Let it go!!
Captain Mayfield, flabbergasted by Zito's eyes, who had just said to Deputy Maxwell and his men at the command post, "Ahhh, it's the captain's fault," ordered a Class 1 combat placement in a panic.
"" "" Roger!!
Immediately after Deputy Maxwell's response, an alarm sounded to inform him of the battle placement, and the ship switched from normal lighting to red light, and soldiers rushed to their placement knowing that the first type of battle placement had been ordered.
As the soldiers followed the placement, Captain Mayfield and Deputy Maxwell also began gathering in front of the HLS-D console where they could display any tactical information, starting with a dynamic analysis of the target.
"So, what's the approaching object? Isn't that supposed to be an enemy submarine?
"Ha, you can hear water scratching with things like fins or tails, so it's probably like a sea demon."
"Sea demon... a demon living in the sea? Huh, I'm gonna have just the right amount of free time."
"Captain, wasting your time fighting..."
"Say what. The Sea Devil is coming this way. This falls within the scope of self-defense combat."
He was a captain of Mayfield who would describe himself before he was built, but he was clearly about to fight an approaching sea demon for the purpose of killing his spare time.
"Now, ask 'Mortar' and 'Viborg' for help, too, and we'll slap them all at once"
"Jesus, Mam"
Answering Captain Mayfield's orders with only a few shoulders down, Deputy Maxwell immediately contacted the gentle submarine continuing behind 'Virginia', vessel SS-596 'Mortar' and the modern refurbished kilotype submarine, vessel B-227 'Viborg', with underwater acoustic communications, to mount combat cooperation.
"1 to 4, torpedo loading on all torpedo launch tubes"
"Roger, torpedo loading on tubes 1 to 4!!
Ready to fire torpedoes one and two.
"Ready to fire torpedoes one and two!!
After confirming that "Viborg" floated toward the surface of the sea to report the situation to the Expeditionary Fleet in accordance with the predetermined procedure, and that "Mortar" deployed to the starboard side of "Virginia" and at a distance of 800, "Virginia" loads a 533-mm hydraulic torpedo firing tube with four MK48 large guided torpedoes each, and only opens the firing ports of tubes 1 and 2 to prepare an offensive posture.
Similar to "Virginia," which has been attacked, the 533mm torpedo launching tube, which also has six "walnuts," is loaded with Type 89 long torpedoes and opens the launching openings of the torpedo launching tubes Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4.
"Hit the pinger"
Copy that.
And the two ships pinger than the bow sonar array to make sure the exact location of the target before firing the torpedo - they fired a soundtrack.
"- This guy is... big, big... ugh!! The target's body length is estimated at 500 meters!! Distance from the ship is 2500!!
The sonar length, who knew the approximate size of the target by the echo of the active sonar fired, opens his eyes to surprise.
"Don't be a wolf, Lieutenant. He's gonna die soon anyway."
"Ha, I'm sorry. Captain."
I was surprised by Captain Sonar's report. Unlike Deputy Maxwell, who struck and changed, Captain Mayfield still knew how big the impending sea demon was. He couldn't afford it without changing his expression in any way.
"All right... torpedo number one, two fired"
"Torpedoes one and two fire!!
Two MK48 large induced torpedoes are released into the sea from torpedo tubes No. 1 and No. 2 at the same time that Captain Mayfield's orders have been repeated by the Mine Captain.
This was followed by four 89-style long torpedoes fired from the "Mortar".
"Target path unchanged. 12 o'clock direction, distance 2000, depth 300!!
"Thirty seconds left to hit the torpedo!!
A total of six torpedoes approach a giant sea demon with the guidance of an active passive sonar mounted on the torpedo body.
"Three, two, one, zero to hit."
A MK48 large induced torpedo and a Type 89 long torpedo as they progressed through the sea emitting sounds of probing hit a sea demon who was swimming straight to the point of stupidity without even showing a bare gesture to avoid.
A dazzling flash blinks only for a moment in the dim sea, and the shock waves of the explosion shake the perimeter.
"All bullets, hit target!!
"Hum, you didn't freak out. All hands, move to Class 2 alert."
When Captain Mayfield, who determined that a piece had been attached, tried to solve the Class 1 combat arrangement, the words were leaked small as Chief Sonar, who was concentrating his entire nerve on his ear, wrinkled between his brows.
"… Captain, just a moment"
"Yeah? What's up?
"... this is-... ugh!? The goal is alive!! Approaching ship, distance 1500, depth 200, speed 15 knots!!
Active Sonar, who was hitting a few seconds apart to confirm the annihilation of the target, captured what the target was still approaching.
"What!? Is he still alive?!? Damn, torpedo number three, four fire!!
"Torpedoes three and four fired!!
"Next bullet reload, hurry!!
Captain Mayfield and Deputy Maxwell's orders fly in arrows early to move the 'Virginia' crew to end the approaching sea demon.
"Two torpedoes have been fired from 'Mortar'!!
"Huh!! Confirm torpedo approaching faster than rear, fast!! Supposedly Sikvar fired by 'Viborg'!!
"Virginia" torpedo launches followed by "Mortar" also fires additional torpedoes.
Further finishing the status report to the Expeditionary Fleet, "Viborg", who participated in the battle, fired six VA-111 Shikvar shots at the Sea Demon to sew between "Virginia" and "Mortar".
Sikvar, both underwater missiles, was 50 knots shortly after being ejected from the launch tube, but the highest speed of 200 knots (roughly 370 km) was reached as soon as the liquid fuel rocket mounted immediately after the launch ignited.
This terrible lightning velocity is achieved because Shikvar creates a large number of small bubbles (supercavitations) around it as it progresses, greatly reducing its resistance.
Sikvar boasted the most fearsome lightning velocity, but after the earlier MK48 large induction torpedo and the 89-style long torpedo hit the Sea Devil, it still doesn't reach the point of defeating the Sea Devil, though it continued to hit him.
"Gee, the torpedo doesn't work...... so?...... badass......"
Captain, we need a temporary evacuation here.
"... guh, I can't help it. Maximum engine speed!! One rudder!!
Lieutenant Maxwell advanced his retreat when Captain Mayfield ran out of room for the fact that his weapon was ineffective.
Captain Mayfield listened to Deputy Maxwell and chose the path to retreat.
"Maximum engine speed!! One rudder!!
Two pilots sitting in front of the pilot console on Captain Mayfield's retreat order tilt the joystick to the right and turn back the hull.
"Whoa!? Danger!!"
As he gained speed and momentum to retreat, he backed Lieutenant Maxwell to hastily hug Captain Mayfield, who slipped on his feet at the inclined 'Virginia' issuing post.
"Huh, 'Mortar' and 'Viborg' Start looking back just like the ship!!
"Mortar" and "Viborg" also follow the decision to withdraw from "Virginia" and start looking back simultaneously.
In order to report the matter to the captain, Chief Sonar raised his voice as he grabbed onto the handrail inside the issuing station, which leaned gougly.
"Goal, even faster!! Fast 20 knots, distance 800, depth 150!! Increasing speed!! No, they will chase you!!
"Shit!! All hands, prepare for impact!!
Captain Mayfield screams as he is held tight by Deputy Maxwell.
"Hit the pinger with the maximum output toward the rear as much as you can on the brink of contact with the target!!
Deputy Maxwell ordered Captain Sonar to give a different order than Captain Mayfield's.
"Got it!! Distance between ship and target 700..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
The pinger was hit with the maximum output from 'Virginia' when the Sonar length countdown was ten.
And the next moment the countdown reaches zero, a tremendous impact strikes the hull of 'Virginia'.
"" "" Uhhhhhhhh!!
All the 'Virginia' sailors shouted screamingly, without exception, at the impact that the hull was likely to be shattered.
"Woo... Damage Report Hurry!!
Captain Mayfield crawls out of Deputy Maxwell's arms, who was falling with him, and looks out into the dim command post because he switches to emergency power.
"...... it appears that the target has come into contact with the rear of the hull!! Huge damage!!
"Flood in the seventh and eighth blocks of the rear!! Also in the engine room!!
"Looks like the screw has fallen off more than the hull, current thrust 0!!
"The ship's speed is currently four knots!! Faster drop, depth is 170!! Precipitating!!
"Mazui!! Flooding is imminent in the reactor!!
"Kuck, take the moment and destroy the back of the hull!! Close the bulkhead. Hurry!! Do whatever you can to prevent flooding the reactor!! That and main ballast tank blow!! Don't sink any more ships!!
"" Roger!!
Deputy Maxwell's driver was happy and approaching to crush 'Virginia', the sea demon slipped away slightly on the verge of a surprise collision at the sound of a pinger emitted at its maximum output.
Thanks to this, "Virginia" was spared from sinking and only had to be deeply decided on the rear of the hull, but the damage was large, the propulsion machine with shrouding was completely destroyed, the rear lightweight wide-aperture hydrophone array was also damaged and flooding began everywhere, and the hull was slowly sinking from the stern to the bottom of the sea.
"... discontinued communication with 'Mortar' and 'Viborg'"
"- … you can hear the noise of iron, and the sound of the air being emitted in large quantities"
"... shit"
The air in the issuing station sank further into the reports of the sinking of the de facto 'Mortar' and 'Viborg', and only Captain Mayfield's regrettable words echoed around.
"-... ugh, itete...... Is the captain safe?
Sheltering Captain Mayfield, Deputy Maxwell, who hits his head in the corner of the console and bleeds out of his forehead, finally regained consciousness.
"Have you noticed, Lieutenant? - Are you okay? Blood..."
"Yeah, I can handle it"
Captain Mayfield, who notices Deputy Maxwell's injury, rushes over to see how the injury is in person.
"Was the captain better than that?
"Oh, thanks to you. Thank you - muh."
The shock of Don ran on the hull as the two were exchanging words.
"I wore it to the bottom of the sea. Depth is 230."
It was' Virginia 'who drained sea water from the main ballast tank and instead attempted to surf by filling it with air, but the amount of flooding was too much to be framed to wear to the bottom of the sea.
"... wait till rescue arrives."
"... right"
"... or is the rescue coming?
"You should come to search more than you can contact anymore."
"Right... right"
"... but the question is whether we have oxygen until we are rescued."
"... I'll just have to pray like a mold."
Being incapable of combat, and losing power and inability to move, "Virginia" could only wait for rescue at a depth of 230 meters surrounded by darkness.