Katsun, Katsun and the footsteps for two walking slowly down the hallway towards their destination sound.
Leading the way is a thousand years old dyed red and black with kazuya blood his own skin and pink black military uniform.
This was followed by Chiyoda, who destroyed the useless biological terminal and switched to a spare biological terminal.
Those two arrived on a spectacular terrace above the main entrance to command headquarters.
Only a limited number of people can get in. From there, you can see the wide square that is spreading in front of command headquarters. At this time, the square was different.
Thousands of years old and Chiyoda, in the eyes of two people, are a crowd of people, people, people, people, a good number of people who are even ridiculous to count.
That's not just a person either. A crowd of soldiers in an orderly and orderly line, each dressed and armed in combat clothing.
More to the point, it is a horrible horde of murderous soldiers.
Thousands of years old open their heavy mouths in hopes of such countless soldiers beneath their eyes.
"-... I tell you, gentlemen of the generals gathered here, and all who are listening to this communication.
Take it from me, and take it from you gentlemen. The only irreplaceable master is tainted with his noble and noble soul by the vile and extreme hands of his enemies, and more!! He is severely ill, and has wandered the abyss of life and death.
-... what do you say? Can you forgive the evil roots and masterminds that created this tragedy? Can you forgive me for being inferior to pigs and animals, breathing and moving their hearts and singing raw?
- Say no and no!!
What do we need to do now?
It's - it's revenge!!
Avengers don't need reason!!
At this time, you will be a vengeful demon, swallowed by hatred that boils down in its belly!!
Burn a village called Enemy Village, destroy a city called City, and return the capital to ashes!!
And raise the toddler running away from the gunfire, the boy and girl, the man, the old man, the livestock, the soldiers, the nobleman, the citizen, the merchant, all the slaves into a blood festival!!
With a knife, a sword, a military knife, a grenade, an anti-personnel mine, an anti-tank mine, an automatic pistol, a revolving pistol, a machine gun, a short machine gun, an automatic small gun, a shotgun, a sniper gun, an objective sniper gun, a light machine gun, a general-purpose machine gun, a heavy machine gun, a flamethrower, an anti-tank guided missile, an anti-recoilless gun, a light mortar, a heavy mortar, a cannon, an infantry cannon, a fast-fire machine gun, an anti-tank cannon, a slippery cannon, a high artillery, a howitzer, a cannon, a cannon, a train cannon, a ship, an aircraft - killing all kinds of weapons with your enemies!
The massive military action to be carried out than this is vengeance and also jihad!!
Because this is a question of the mentions and pride of our nation and the significance of our presence following your husband!!
No need for pity!! Instinct, do all you can to destroy and ravage your enemies with hatred!!
Coming, soldiers!! Our elite!!
Peace to your husband, prosperity to Parabellum and absolute death to your enemies!!
Now is the time - the time for revenge!!
Teach them what they've done with no less foolish than animals!!
All troops out!! Eradicate the enemy!!
Shortly after the Thousand Years of Speech, leave for a moment and your voice explodes.
The roar of anger of the soldiers, who cut through the silence and shook the air, makes all the windows called the windows of the building around the square frizzy.
Thus the Parabellan army, driven by the sentiments of anger and resentment, exploded to improve morale, was to launch an offensive against the Empire with all its power.
As all armies, including reserves, solemnly prepared to attack, the interior of the Operations Command Office, which oversees it, was engulfed with a different fervour
We have two hours left to evacuate the Longgate Chamber of Commerce.
"Confirm the spraying of Villa bombs on all scheduled attack sites."
"Keraunos and intercontinental ballistics ready to fire, you can shoot anytime"
"Instant Army group, ready to deploy. Waiting for the decree."
Thousands of years old, who remained engulfed in Kazuya's blood as a commandment to themselves who could not keep the Lord in front of them, and who could not even put down a bad man, listened silently to the reports that came up one after the other, drifting swordswallowing auras, all the way through silence.
"Sister, take this"
Chiyoda, who cares about such a thousand years old, offers a towel, but Kanboro says no.
Absolutely... I'm so strong.
Chiyoda, who understands his sister's mood better than anyone else and has the same anger, never said anything more.
"Than that, Chiyoda, how is your current husband?
"Not really."
"Don't be cloudy, say it exactly."
"... we continue to be in a rather dangerous state. Now I've managed to hold out with the doctors' diligent treatment, but it still seems to have been heavily influenced by the magic runoff in England, and I won't allow predictions."
"Oh well..."
I want to be on Kazuya's side myself, like Karen and the others waiting in front of the O.R. praying for the surgery to be over, but a thousand years old had an itchy tooth just because I couldn't do that more than I was entrusted with my position as vice president and Kazuya's thoughts.
"Who's Crais?
Almost at the same time Kazuya was in a coma, a thousand years old worried about the condition of a righteous daughter who suddenly fell inside an underground shelter in her private residence.
"This one doesn't allow predictions either. Even so, doctors are worried about what to do with them because they have no idea what caused them to fall or why they are getting debilitated."
But what returned from Chiyoda was bad news that Kreis was in danger of his life, just like Kazuya.
"Ok...... damn, now I just have to do my duty while I wish your husband and Crais well"
While enjoying the urge to rush to the two of us right now, Chitoshi will continue to take command with perseverance in fulfilling the thoughts and responsibilities entrusted to him.
"Excuse me, Vice President. The slow dyeing of biological weapons and the disposal of the bodies of those alienated by the enemy has been completed. That and the deployment of all strategic bombers deployed on the mainland have been completed, and the later command has been delegated to Major General Curtis Lemay as planned."
"Oh, thank you for your hard work. Ibuki"
Ibuki, who was leading the field and coordinating with various departments on behalf of Thousand Years, who would take command of the entire army in the Operations Command Office, carries a large number of reports and comes into the Operations Command Office.
"No, that's all I can do... and that's surprising. I didn't expect the Vice Führer to prohibit the use of weapons of mass destruction, including MA rounds, altogether. I always thought the vice president would burn and kill his enemies with nuclear weapons and other centralized operations."
Ibuki, lined up next to a thousand years old, leaks that word with a disturbing grin as he sends his gaze to a display where the time remaining for the total offense to begin is engraved.
"Hung, I'm not going to use nuclear or anything to give the Empire guys the rest of death so easily. I don't care if you taste the pain of hell and kill me in despair and disappointment!!
"All this time I agree with the Vice Führer. Anyway, the Empire tried to make Master Kazuya a deceased... and everyone, including me, wants thorough retribution just like the vice president."
Even Ibuki, who plays the role of a millennial brake prone to rampage at number three in Parabellum, agrees with the millennial opinion.
In other words, there was no one in Parabellum who could stop a thousand years old.
As a result, the damage the Empire suffers as a result of Parabellum's merciless and harsh attacks becomes an astronomical thing, but that is what the Empire deserves when it purposefully bought grudges with shallow ideas.
"The Longgate Chamber of Commerce, which was based in Teito, and the evacuation of undercover detectives is complete. We have also been notified of the completion of evacuation from other planned attack sites. Now there is no obstacle to execution of the attack."
Confirm that the allies that were infiltrating the enemy lands have evacuated to the safety zone. When the display countdown is stamped 0, the lid of the total attack by the Parabellan forces is finally cut and dropped.
"... All right, then send word to all armies, ravage enemies, attack - go!!
It was Keraunos present on low orbit - the wand of God - that opened the end of the war at the same time as the decree of the thousand years was issued.
"Keraunos, move to final firing sequence"
"Unlock numbers one to four. Mass Bullet Separation from Keraunos"
"Mass ammo 1 to 4, rocket booster ignition"
"Error correction, left 0.3 degrees, top 0.2 degrees"
"No penetration angle and penetration speed abnormalities, all normal"
Target landing in 32 seconds.
Four mass munitions, separated from Keraunos and activated the rocket booster, slowly move out and gradually gain momentum.
Entering the atmosphere, burning bright red with friction with the atmosphere and turning it into a fireball, yet mass munitions fall straight into the empire of the magical empire of Elsas, the primary goal, into a super-populated area where millions live.
And he stripped his fangs so that the four mass munitions that reached Mach 10 would cause devastating damage to the Imperial City.
"Ten, nine, eight, seven left to land. - Huh!? Confirm a powerful magic barrier over the Empire!! Mass ammo not hit all bullets!! I repeat!! Mass ammo did not hit all bullets!!
But the four mass munitions that tried to blow up the Empire from land to land are prevented by a powerful magic barrier that covered the entire Empire.
"Chip, it's still not that easy...... no, is it convenient? - Change your attack target to second or third, keep attacking!!
"Roger!! Change attack target to second and third, continue attack!!
Thousands of years ago, when they realized that there was no point in continuing a reckless attack on the imperial capital, which had prevented the bombing of Keraunos, which boasted the power of a nuclear weapon, instructed Keraunos to divide his precious remnants into other targets of attack, while they felt black joy and rolled their vengeance at the opportunity to kill the masterminds who nest in the imperial capital with their own hands.
A week after the start of the total offensive, the results cited by Parabellum were remarkable.
Under the great nickname of retaliation, following a disturbing shooting that did not think ahead of Keraunos and intercontinental ballistics, the first to move was the Air Force - the aircraft deployed at each base and the strategic bombing squad that marched out of the mainland.
However, this time it was different from the last time, although we are about to carry out another massive bombing that we also carried out at the start of Operation Vermillion.
Because the last target was a military facility, and besides, precision bombardment of the target was fundamental, this time all cities, including downtown areas with civilians, were the target, plus non-discriminatory bombing using non-guided bombs from low altitudes.
For this reason, countless bombs were relentlessly scattered from aircraft flying over the city in an effort to increase damage anyway.
Such bombardment, which places more emphasis on precision than power, will burn down almost every city that exists in the empire.
In addition, infrastructure facilities that had not previously been targeted - bridges, major roads, etc. - were also targeted for destruction, so the Empire even had problems with army movement and logistics.
However, civilian damage was less to the scale of the air strikes because Chitose had told each city in the Billa bomb in advance that he would carry the resentment of the Imperial people to be created in his name instead of Kazuya, but a new hell was occurring because of it.
Yes, the fact that there was less damage meant that a good number of refugees occurred.
But there is no room in the empire today to save such refugees, and the refugees will be abandoned as troublemakers from the country.
Then those who burn their houses and lose their possessions take their weapons away from others in order to live.
Then those who have food also take their weapons so that they are not taken away.
Those backgrounds also make security in imperial territory worse at once, and in some places the allies start killing each other.
It was an empire that had become framed to play killings between allies, as a thousand years old covert thought, and even tougher to maintain its institutions as the earliest nation, but there was no way this was all going to end.
Following the bombing of the Air Force, a ground unit consisting of ready Army and Marines began the offensive.
It also gently crossed the pre-determined offensive limit point to the depths of the empire.
A transport truck filled with tanks, armoured vehicles and, at the end of the day, soldiers overflowed the streets to dominate the villages and cities on the road without question and to return everything to ashes if they were to resist.
There was no way the Imperial Army could prevent such a Parabellan offensive from weakening in bombardment and even starting to rub inside again, and the Imperial Army repeatedly lost everywhere.
That was how he played a one-sided ravaging play and was a Parabellan army attacking imperial territory with the momentum of a dashed bamboo, but among them were troops who jumped through and made fast progress.
That was an outsider force on the defensive mission of the album principality, which became the protectorate of Parabellum as a result of what it did.
They've had a thousand years of breakthroughs telling them to show their loyalty to Kazuya and get excited.
He continued his march as he chewed down the enemy defensive line without even a handful of old-fashioned gear, eventually making an overwhelming difference from the rest of the troops and devouring them deepest into imperial territory.
Incidentally, that merit is recognized and the soldiers of the foreign troops will be officially integrated into the Parabellan army, but that is a later story.
And the Air Force, the Army and the Marines were followed by the Navy, the last to start operations. It was an expedition fleet unfolding in the three seas of the Zeuro, Kilous and Tail seas, far from the mainland.
However, the fleet of expeditions, which had suffered less damage in the battle against Leviathan, was not able to enter into large-scale operations, so a number of manoeuvres, large and small, focusing on the intact aircraft carriers, were formed and a series of daily bombardments by ships were launched against the coasts of the Three Seas and against the cities inland.
Sometimes even ship artillery fire was carried out, plunging and ravaging cities in the vicinity of the Three Seas into the bottom of fear.
But in the middle of that. Zero water reconnaissance aircraft of the heavy cruiser Tsukuma, which was accompanied by the first mobile unit organized around "Red Castle," "Kaga," "Ao Long," "Fei Long," "Xiang Crane," and "Rui Crane," accidentally discovered one of the enemy's biggest berths.
An attack squad was immediately formed and moved to destroying enemy berths.
Most importantly, it was the first manoeuvre unit equipped with zero onboard fighter type 62, onboard bomber comets, and onboard attacker meteors, but its handles succeeded in destroying enemy berths with the number of attack teams and the extraordinary skill of the pilots.
However, the First Mobile Unit tried to leave the Second Attack Squad because it committed the malfunction of letting dozens of warships that were moored in the berth sink and escape, but the Hate Day falls into the night.
For this reason, three accompanying light cruisers, Kawauchi, Kantong, and Nako, were ordered to pursue a total of six of the 11th Expedition's "Snowstorm," "White Snow," "First Snow," and 12th Expedition's "Jungle Cloud," "East Cloud," and "White Cloud" ships.
As a result, he struck out the battle of sinking one enemy ship fleeing the berth in a night battle.
"Can't you find them yet!!
From all over, a thousand years old was in a hurry while such glorious battle reports came in like every day.
Because there is an approaching limit that will begin to increase enemy power due to God's trials that were not accomplished, and Marie's location, the bad guys who hurt Kazuya, was never grasped.
"Sister, take some time off. As it is, my sister's body..."
"I don't have time to sleep in this situation."
Today is the week since the total attack was launched.
It was when Chiyoda, who cared about his thousand-year-old health with a thick bear floating beneath his eyes because he had not taken various holidays, began a noisy idea of whether to mix it with sleeping pills in a drink or force him to sleep.
"Misty Island… Remote Door"
From behind, a voice crawling through a land of plunder is uttered and reached by two ears.
"Is that Celisia?
Chitoshi and Chiyoda, who looked back at Ba and Chiyoda, saw Celisia peeking a ghostly look from between her desolate hair on Bossa.
And they were Nagato-nuns who exposed themselves to such a resemblance or stopover with Celisia.
"Among the prisoners who escaped from prison island is a mix of Misty Island Yao Dou... Ugh... maybe he's with the Maidens..."
"" Dear Celisia!!
"" Cheer up!!
After the battle with the Seven Virgins that broke out on the prison island, Celisia was being detained and thrown into the hospital room because of oddity and confusion at the moment when she hurried to the mainland and was heard that Kazuya was in a coma and in danger of her life.
But three days after the confusion. Returning to me, from then on, even his own vitality, restless as he was possessed by something, continued to convert his healing magic into magic to kazuya, thus showing no less fatigue than a thousand years old.
"Where is Yodo Mishima's current location?!?
Thousands of years scream, betting on the possibilities offered by Celisia.
"- Catch the signal!! is, discovery!! Found it!! The location is the Zayn Mountains in imperial territory!!
"Start detecting heat sources by satellite!! Confirm numerous heat sources around Mishima Yaodu!! Supposedly enemy troops of the mainland raid!!
"I finally found it. - Chiyoda, let's go."
Finally, a thousand years old discovered his long-awaited resentment distorted his mouth into a three-day moon shape.