"... ugh, hmm. I think I drank too much of what I did."
Drowned in kerosene and sleeping unknowingly, Karen woke her eyes with a bumpy and aching headache.
I wonder when you slept.
I don't remember anything.
Ha... the room sounds miserable, my head is bumpy, my throat is iggy... well, that and all of this is because it's not kazuya.
I sigh with a glance inside at how my chamber is rolling with liquor bottles here and there.
Karen no longer had feelings as she floated behind her head about Kazuya, the culprit of Yasuke, which was the cause of yesterday's memory.
"Maria, I'm sorry, but take the water... Maria? I wonder where she went."
Karen twists her neck at the fact that she can't see the loyalist who should be flying in as soon as she calls.
"You can't help it. Ugh... you look a lot worse..."
Standing up to get his own water if you're not there, Karen groans when she sees her outfit in the mirror.
Vertical roll - twin-drilled hair is messy, with drooling marks of covetousness on the mouth.
The black camisole I'm wearing is also wrinkled and creased with a sleeping minister.
Besides, if you look closely, the effect of kerosene was swelling all over her body.
"You don't look very good to Kazuya... last night was miserable too. You were right to tell Maria not to let anyone in."
Liquor habits aren't very good. and go on and skip yourself. Karen strokes one person down his chest.
For there was a maiden heart that such a terrible appearance could not be shown to her beloved.
"- What's wrong with me?
But Karen's maiden heart is torn apart by the voice of the person she most didn't want to be seen.
Slowly turning his neck giggly, Karen solidified when she saw Kazuya emerge from the door behind her.
Karen's face turning blue to white and finally bright red.
"Duh, what's up, Karen!? You don't feel well!?
Kazuya grabbed the trash can and rushed over to Karen, anxiously wondering if she had even held it nauseously, to Karen's complexion, which varied from corny to corny.
"Mi, look ahhhh!!
However, Kazuya was flat-handed and overwhelmed with her cheeks shortly after she rushed to Karen's place, because the action that led to Karen's body had unnecessarily stimulated Karen's shame.
"Kazuya, can I ask you a favor?
"Hmm? It's unusual for Amira to say that. So, what kind of favor is that?
After “making up” with Karen, Kazuya, who was in his own office, leaned his neck against Amira's words, who had brought in Thousand Years and Lene.
"I need you to go inside the fairy and help the sick."
"Inside the fairy?
"Yes. Inside the fairy. Anything seems to have caused the fairy king's daughter a strange illness. At first, it seems the Fairy King did everything he could to cure the disease himself, but it gets worse rather than better, while it gets out of hand. It is. So the Fairy King contacted me asking me to heal Kazuya, who has the power to heal me, no matter what kind of injury."
Amira was heartily grinning back-to-back with a serious look at the marks on Kazuya's cheek on her palm and the kiss mark left on her neck muscle deliberately to see the general situation.
"I don't mind healing, but wasn't the fairy once a demon coalition - cutting through the system of independent steps without even joining the demons' coalition and declining to engage with other races?
"Master, that's a little different. The fairy..."
"The fairies are not turning down their involvement with other races, they just had to cut off their involvement to keep the world tree they hold dear from the bad guys at all. Besides, fairies are not independent, but coexist with the Amazonas clan. A fairy gives Amazonas spiritual protection so that Amazonas protects the fairy and the world tree from external enemies. They have that kind of coexistence."
Lene, who interrupted the thousand-year-old word from the side, rushes over to Kazuya with Totetoth and sinks his body into Kazuya's arms.
Thousands of years old had a jealous glance at Lene, who had just been stripped of her line or did something really envious.
"Was it? Well, I got the story. So when did you get out?
"Uh, I'm sorry about the rush, but could you come out tonight?"
Amira told Kazuya as she scratched her cheeks as she stroked Lene, who slept slightly in her arms.
"That's again... sudden"
"It's a long way from the fairy."
"Can't you go inside a fairy with a helicopter?
"The inner part is tied so the outer enemies can't find us, so we really have to go by land at the end of the day. I can't go by the air and come back."
It was Kazuya who accepted Amira's request, but suddenly she gave me a bewildered look.
Well, it's to cure the sick and spare time...
But I was convinced that if it was for a sick man fighting for a moment, I wouldn't do it.
"So, my husband, it's about the personnel who will accompany you on this case. Because we've been told not to come to anyone but your husband, Chiyoda and the SS will wait in front of the fairies and accompany the maids of demons and beasts and their immediate armed maids as escorts."
Absolutely, what do you think we are? and a thousand years old indignant as he leaks his angry voice.
"You don't want anyone but me to come? Why are you doing that again?"
If you do poorly, an order for a fairy that could smash the story itself.
Questioning whether there was any reason to bother placing such an order, Kazuya threw the question as she alternated between Amira and her thousand-year-old face.
"Well, it was a long time ago when a human country craved a world tree and attacked the fairies. There's one thing like that, and now fairies don't like big people. You can't let humans in the fairies because of that."
"Nha... that's a terrible story - because even though it was humans who cut down the world tree that used to be so many as they wanted, they almost took it when they told me to drop by until the last one that the fairy had taken care of. Fairies can't live without world trees. Kazuya, stroke more ~"
"But a fairy like that invites a human kazuya inside to ask for something. I guess that's how the situation persists."
While listening to Amira, Kazuya strokes her head squeamishly in a way that responds to Lene's request.
Kazuya, on the other hand, was feeling things that would hook him up to this story.
It's a deep problem between fairies and human races...
Even so, usually this hand story turns a thousand years old opposite...... I don't disagree with you this time for some reason.
Besides, I'm not even gonna tell you I'm coming with you, and I'm not gonna leave a message because the other guy says he doesn't want you to come with someone other than me... Yeah, that's not true. Thousand years old.
Ma, I guess I'm actually busy preparing for the Teito strategy and the general firepower exercises I withheld just before the Teito strategy.
Or I just realized... Thousands of years old, aren't you in a mood?
No, this is... obstinate?
It was a kazuya that deepened suspicion about a different millennial response, but it would convince everything in a series of exchanges after this.
"Oh, yeah, yeah. I forgot to mention the most important thing. If it's true, I was going to accompany Kazuya, but unfortunately I couldn't make it."
"There!! Lene was going to follow me to Kazuya... and Lene couldn't go either. Ahaha...... haha, it was my chance to go out with Kazuya because of that"
No, I'm in trouble. and amyla laughing with karakara or leane looking sorry.
They were two people sinking into disillusionment that way, but for some reason the edge of their mouth was cordial with irrepressible joy against words and attitudes.
"He said he couldn't go anymore... did something happen to both of us?
"I mean, there was..."
Amira turns her profound gaze to Lene and asks for her consent, answering the Kazuya inquiry in a sobering manner, in the face that she listened.
"It's done..."
Lene nods cocklessly at Amira's consent as she takes Kazuya's hand, which is stroking her head, and directs her to her own abdomen in a natural motion.
And I mouthed the fact of the shock.
"Uh, Lene and your mother... we've got a Kazuya baby"
"... really?
Laughing happily, Kazuya answered Lene, looking up at this one, leaving a moment.
"I'm not joking. It looks like we both made it on the same day. It's the second month of pregnancy. Look, you're right here, right? Lene and Kazuya Baby"
That's what Lene tells Kazuya to touch her own stomach again.
"Right...... did you have a baby!!
Because the Chinese-style garment Lene wore was the type that boldly exposed the area around her stomach, Kazuya was boiling down to the joy of having her own new child with direct contact with Lene's skin.
I still didn't know that my life was sprouting from my quiet tummy, but there was heat in Kazuya's hand stroking Lene's tummy.
"Totally, I did what I had to do... but I really didn't expect such an increase in age to be conceived"
Amira's still young.
Kazuya puts a scratch against Amira, who seeps joy into the dazzling verses of words.
"Hung, in the common sense of the Auga tribe, I'm already an aunt. It's a good joke that you made your daughter and grandson at the same time."
"You can make the guy who wants to laugh laugh. Well, whoever laughed at me and Amira's kid would bust it."
Kazuya, a slightly weird tense with the joy my child had made, said so and laughed.
Oh, well.
Was Amira and Lene obstinate because they were pregnant?
Finally, Kazuya sends a chilling glance at the millennial age, having a slight understanding of the complex mood of the millennial age.
Thousands of years old noticed Kazuya's gaze, like toddlers, turn to her pussy.
...... hmm? Wait, just Amira and Lene?
While bitterly laughing at the nasty millennial attitude, Kazuya was floating in the good news, but finally realizes that there is.
And it reminds me of a fact.
That on the day Amira and Lene were supposedly pregnant, Fine should have spent the night with them.
"Well, that's why Fine will accompany Kazuya this time."
"Hey, Amira... isn't Fine pregnant? I'm sure Fine was there the day they got pregnant."
"Uh, yeah. Well... I don't think you could have done it."
"... right"
That doesn't taste good...
My mother and sister became pregnant at the same time, and I was pregnant on the day of my pregnancy, but I couldn't get pregnant.
A glimmer of sweat flowed from Kazuya's forehead thinking about Fine, who had been left alone like that.
"Ha... I would refuse to talk like this if it were meant to be. Oh, and I can't let anyone scatter disturbing air. Well, there are aspects of sympathy as a woman, and this one's just fine. Plus... three of your husbands - no, one's drawn in, so it's practically two, but two jealous, crazy opponents are tough, right? If you do it badly, you may find a fool to take this opportunity."
Thousands of years old reading Kazuya's thoughts, who are grasping the situation and sweating cold, expose the back of this story.
"Ah, is that what happened..."
Having understood the whole story, Kazuya is now convinced that this case will be a turbulent one.
I mean, the real purpose of this story is to get Fine in a good mood that she didn't get pregnant.
Besides, it looks like Fine is pretty rough to listen to a thousand years old.
So it's also a measure to get me away from Celsia and the others who are trying to hitch a ride to Karen and Karen, who will come knowing I'm late.
"... can you come home alive? No, after I get back, can I live?
From Kazuya's mouth, who was pessimistic about the near future, there was an unexpected grunt full of grief.