While he was about to be strangled by a masked man, Kazuya's emotions were daunted by the crisis in Fine, who was about to be stabbed with an enemy sword to help himself.
And that audacious emotion became a fire, and it went wild in my heart.
"Over!! Kazuya Nagato!! You die here!!
Phee...... Neh!!
While my life is in danger, only Fine wants to help. Occupied even with that thought, the Fire evokes a miracle that removes this predicament.
[Summoning Ability Unlimited]
· It is now possible to summon weapon weapons in 'In Combat'.
Some of the restrictions that were hanging on his abilities were reacted to and lifted from Kazuya's thoughts.
In his fading consciousness, Kazuya realized that a chance to fight back had come. Kazuya exercised his summoning abilities with admiration.
And a presence I was accustomed to treating in my right hand, which was thrown on the ground snugly with no more power to resist due to lack of acid - the moment I perceived that there was a snug, heavy and dependable entity of M1911 Colt Govern, I was relying solely on the inquiry to selflessly obsess and pull the trigger.
"- Huh?"
"Mon...... Tana?
Shortly after a punch of one dry gunshot echoed around, after an illusion that time might have frozen, a voice full of surprises leaked from the masked man and his subordinate, Montana.
"Team... Chief..."
Montana, who was twitching and staring at the bloodstain spreading across her chest, turned a glance at the masked man, then spit a large amount of blood out of her mouth, slowly breaking her knees and collapsing to the ground.
The bullet Kazuya unleashed - it hit Montana's back trying to stab Fine, not the man in the mask.
He was gently penetrating the light armor Montana was wearing and wearing his heart as he ripped the flesh and plundered his spine.
"Montana aaaaaaa!!
The masked man rushes to Montana at a glance, as if he had just fogged up the hatred and killing intentions that had been rising all over his body until earlier, or even forgotten about Kazuya, who had obsessed so much.
With the color of deep regret seeping into the face hidden beneath the mask.
"Gehoggyhoggy!! I thought I was going to die..."
Successfully rescuing Fine's crisis and consequently escaping the masked man, Kazuya watched with a complex glance the masked man lifting Montana up desperately, taking a deep, deep breath in tears.
"Captain? Why... hurry... the man... the captain's... grief..."
"Stop talking!! I'll heal now!!
Kazuya rushes to Fine and Anise, even as he lays his hands on Montana's perforated chest and alerts the masked man who is doing something.
"Fine, are you okay?
"Uh, yeah. You summoned me before you got to the front. I saved your life because of this."
That's what Fine said. Roll up the jacket he was wearing.
Then, a bulletproof, blade-proof chock made of Kevlar fiber, which was perfectly useful and miserably cleaved, and Fine's soft skin, which remained only thinly slashed, were reflected in Kazuya's vision.
"If it weren't for this, you'd be dead."
"Huh... don't imitate me like that anymore, okay?
Mindful of the masked man's trends, Kazuya, who leaked a sigh of relief, told him to plead while healing Fine's wounds with his ability to fully heal.
"Well, what do you say? Because it moved aggressively then. If the same thing happens again, it could move."
"Give me a break"
It's like someone else. And Kazuya was twisted by the words of Fine, which followed.
"... Reordering"
"No, it's your loss"
Does this masked bastard also have the ability to heal?
That also gives me the ability to be close to my full healing ability...
A bullet should have worn near his heart, but he's pimping, that dark elf.
Kazuya was confronting the masked man again after healing Fine's wounds and also finishing the recovery of Anise, who was falling with blood from his head.
However, the circumstances surrounding each other were very different.
"Report!! Many dead and wounded!! Troop Destruction!! Captain, give me your orders!!
"Master!! Are you safe!!
The men of both sides, who had decided to win or lose the collective battle, had assembled under their respective lords.
Also on Kazuya's side were not only his men, but also Amazones, as well as the fairies who played an important role in determining the female males in this battle, headed by Rouge.
"Apparently... you do"
The masked man, who glanced at the amount of amazonas in the maids' and armed maids' sophistication, and at the men who exposed themselves to the power of spiritual magic, which only the fairies could handle, admitted to losing lightly and honestly.
"You're rather honest, aren't you?
"I am not willing to ask about the opportunity to regenerate death in this situation. Besides, I still have a chance to kill you."
Hi, this guy's obsession sounds nasty.
Or I didn't expect you to resent me so much... what the hell did I do to this guy?
It was the word of a masked man who could be taken as a tribulation, but Kazuya heightens his guard even more against strangely confident narratives.
"I'll kill you for sure next time"
But when the masked man broke the bill-like thing he had taken out of his nose, he was wrapped in white light and disappeared from the front of the Kazuyas in an instant with his men.
"Have you broken your daughter's curse?
"Yes. After the fight, I went to my room to see how things were going and I was feeling better for some reason..."
After the withdrawal of the masked man and his subordinate, the Imperial Army unit, Kazuya, who was helping with ex-post handling of the wounded and the removal of the mourning debris of the dead, leaned his neck to Rouge's words, which came with stills.
"... for once, may I see your daughter?
"Yeah, I don't mind. Please, come here."
While confused, Rouge had not been able to hide his joy at his daughter's improved condition, while Kazuya, who had applied for an interview with Lux, followed the two of them with Raina and Rhina, who were not trying to leave the side as escorts.
"Lux, are you coming in?... Oh? Are you there?"
"... princess? Princess!? Where are you!!
Rouge and Still, who entered the desired room first, begin to panic that they do not see Lux at the moment.
"The window..."
You got out of here?
Kazuya, who followed the two of them into the room, peered out of a window that looked open to see if Lux had gone somewhere.
"- What, what, what, what!!
"" Your husband!?
Moment after moment, under a small shadow storm that jumped in from outside the window, Kazuya was pushed down to the floor of the room.
"What is this!! Just the first thing I see!! Hey, hey, what's this? What do you use it for?
"Itte...... what happened?
"Lux!! Get away from that one!!
"Huh!! Ha ~ i......"
Lux, who was horseback riding on Kazuya's body turning his attention to the sudden events and curious about his gear, pulled himself off the top of Kazuya, reluctantly, as he freaked himself out over a drink of Rouge.
"Looks like you're feeling better already."
"also, sorry......"
Standing up with the help of Raina and Rhina, who fly cancer caged in anger at Lux, Kazuya smiled back at Rouge's apology.
Kazuya? I need to ask you something.
"Not at all!! Who's your girl!!
"No, no, no, no, no."
"... what is this... what is the situation? Kazuya."
"No, that's..."
In response to Fine's query, which came fluttering, Kazuya talks about the potpourri and the matter, after the word clouds as the bat scratches his head looking bad somewhere.
"Was that princess making a way out of the junction?
Fine gave a frightened look after hearing what was told from Kazuya's mouth.
"Oh, they broke the curse as soon as the enemy pulled it off, so I thought this might have something to do with it and hung the cam..."
"You had a princess drilling a hole in the breakdown of the junction to see the outside world, and you were out from time to time. So this time, the princess made a way out of the junction."
"That's the thing. Besides, he used to meet a masked man. So, this is - this crystal is who the curse is. They make the owner suffer from symptoms similar to the disease, but it's a temporary thing, and if it cracks like this, it loses its potency."
"Then the curse that was hanging on the princess..."
"Looks like the masked man set it up. To kill me."
Kazuya and Fine saw Lux crying heavily after receiving Rouge's sermon as a chill before exhaling in a deep sigh.
"We apologize for all the inconvenience caused by my daughter's actions this time. Fight for Nagato and Fine."
"" Huh?
Kazuya and Fine accidentally leaked their voices to the words that Rouge uttered while he was deeply bowing his head and apologizing for cutting up his sermon to Lux on the way.
"Weight? Me?
"Yep. Oh... didn't you notice?
"It's... it's true, isn't it?
Only Fine asks Rouge with an impatient face as everyone is surrounded by surprises.
"Yes, it's true. Because your body has two magical reactions. It belongs to you and your children. You may still be too weak to understand, but I'm sure you'll feel it in a little while."
Rouge nodded gently smiling at Fine's confirmation words.
"... Kazuya"
"Oh, good for you. Fine."
While stroking Fine's head, which came with him as he was impressed, Kazuya smiled back at the look of blessing sent by Rouge.
"... Kazuya, what are you going to do? If we stay here any longer, Chiyoda, who's waiting for us in the city, of course, will punch us all the way to Chiyo and Karen, who's on the mainland, right?
Less than a week had already passed since visiting the fairy, and for some reason the Kazuyas were still staying in the fairy, even though the original purpose of treating Lux had been fulfilled in a disintegrating manner.
"I don't know... what to do..."
The reason for this was for the Amazonas, who prevented Kazuya from returning.
"Dear Chieftain!! What is that outfit!! Are you kidding me, let's get out of here again!?
"Are you going to abandon us!?
Kazuya exhaled a deep sigh before interfering with the Amazonas for the fifth time when he said he would only pass through the village of Amazonas after finishing his return schedule.
"So I'm not a chief..."
"Follow us and fight through that battle. If you are not the chief, who is the chief!!
Something's gotten into trouble...
Even though it was to deal with the emergency, it was now Kazuya's neck that he fought to force Amazonas and the others.
Alexandra's here.
"He is a coward who cowered on the battlefield!! Such a person is said to be a sheikh and so on!!
"... Hey, Kazuya. Isn't this the only way you're gonna have to drink that condition anymore?
In addition to the discussion following the parallel lines everywhere, Fine gave Kazuya a small ear punch as he watched the Amazonas gradually heating up.
"Is that the one where you tell me to take my confession if I'm leaving?
"Yes, I am."
"I don't know... Fine because I found out about the pregnancy. Take Amazones back here and see what I can do to Karen..."
"... well, if you say so, you did. I totally forgot."
In the first place, I forgot that this incident was one that energized Fine, who had gone ahead and been depressed by her mother and sister, and that Kazuya was authorized by Karen, who turned into Shura, to keep her distance. Fine deflects her gaze from Kazuya's words.
"Think of it as other personnel. And if you take a confession, you'll admit your position as a chief."
"... but then you don't have any other means? What are you gonna do?
"Right. Ha... I can't help but decide to be ready"
"In the end... it will, won't it? So, who are you taking?
"You can have him."
If I could, I could only rely on the means I didn't want to take. Kazuya decides what to do.
"Alexandra aaa!!
"- Yes, no!!
Alexandra shows up in a hurry as Kazuya screams as she rides on Anise's back.
Alexandra, who grinned so humbly as to ask about this complexion, didn't really think she was the same person who had come from above to fight with her gaze when she first met her.
"Wow, what can I do for you?
"Ask him to follow me as my witness."
The luxurious clothing and majestic attitude disappear, and Kazuya, who forced the perfect Alexandra onto Anise's back with the word the end of the disempowered, speaks out to the Amazonas who block the way.
"You guys aren't complaining about this, are you?
"For Alexandra? There is a better offering than that!! What about shrimp, etc.? I am intoxicated about my combat abilities. I was wondering if it would necessarily help the chief."
"Can you take those naked people!!
"Then Suri and the like..."
"I don't want it. All units, forward!! I'll vote back than this!!
"" "Understood" "
Kazuya, who forcefully broke off the conversation with Amazones and the others, was finally on his way home with Phinee and the escorts, as well as the extra Omake.